15:57:37 RRSAgent has joined #audio 15:57:37 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/09/12-audio-irc 15:57:39 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:57:39 Zakim has joined #audio 15:57:41 Zakim, this will be 28346 15:57:42 Meeting: Audio Working Group Teleconference 15:57:42 Date: 12 September 2012 15:57:42 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:57:52 zakim, this will be audio 15:58:06 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, ot 15:58:08 jussi has joined #audio 15:58:12 wtf, zakim 15:59:28 tross has joined #audio 15:59:42 sigh 15:59:50 zakim, room for 8? 15:59:59 ok, ot; conference Team_(audio)15:59Z scheduled with code 26631 (CONF1) for 60 minutes until 1659Z; however, please note that capacity is now overbooked 16:00:21 Meeting: W3C Audio Working Group Meeting 16:00:28 Chair: ot 16:00:38 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2012JulSep/0740.html 16:00:38 Agenda+ Interface naming (update) 16:00:38 Agenda+ Loop start/stop points 16:00:38 Agenda+ Use Cases and Requirements review 16:00:38 Agenda+ Revisiting the circular graph issue 16:00:39 Agenda+ Administrativia 16:01:05 conference code? 16:01:18 chris: 26631 16:01:28 jussi: thanks 16:02:19 tmichel has joined #audio 16:02:38 Team_(audio)15:59Z has now started 16:02:45 + +1.510.334.aaaa 16:02:46 ot has changed the topic to: audio WG telcon - code this week is 36631# (ot) 16:02:50 +??P64 16:03:12 +[IPcaller] 16:03:21 zakim, IPcaller is me 16:03:34 +ot; got it 16:03:42 -??P64 16:03:54 +[Microsoft] 16:04:08 +??P64 16:04:10 zakim, Microsoft is me 16:04:20 +tross; got it 16:04:28 -> Agenda is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2012JulSep/0740.html 16:04:29 zakim, ??P64 is me 16:04:57 ChrisWilson has joined #audio 16:05:02 zakim, who is making noise? 16:05:07 zakim, mute me 16:05:11 +jussi; got it 16:05:28 zakim, who is here? 16:05:33 +??P83 16:05:37 "the conference is restricted at this time"?? 16:05:44 zakim, ??P83 is me 16:05:45 Chris, the code is 26631 16:05:47 jussi should now be muted 16:05:53 ot, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: jussi (14%) 16:05:59 zakim, who is making noise? 16:06:03 On the phone I see +1.510.334.aaaa, ot, tross, jussi (muted), ??P83 16:06:06 mute jussi 16:06:08 joe has joined #audio 16:06:09 +gcardoso; got it 16:06:15 + +1.650.214.aabb 16:06:15 rtoyg has joined #audio 16:06:16 I cannot connect 16:06:19 On IRC I see ChrisWilson, tmichel, tross, jussi, Zakim, RRSAgent, ot, chris, gcardoso, colinbdclark, foolip, paul___irish, rikrd, trackbot 16:06:27 joe, the code is 26631 today 16:06:30 ot, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ot (45%) 16:06:32 thx] 16:06:34 zakim, +1.650 is me 16:06:37 rikrd has left #audio 16:06:40 +??P92 16:06:46 zakim, aabb is me 16:07:04 +ChrisWilson; got it 16:07:12 sorry, ChrisWilson, I do not recognize a party named 'aabb' 16:07:19 zakim, who is here? 16:07:25 On the phone I see +1.510.334.aaaa, ot, tross, jussi (muted), gcardoso, ChrisWilson, ??P92 16:07:30 On IRC I see rtoyg, joe, ChrisWilson, tmichel, tross, jussi, Zakim, RRSAgent, ot, chris, gcardoso, colinbdclark, foolip, paul___irish, trackbot 16:07:34 sorry, now Zakim is not even answering the regular number 16:08:02 zakim, aaaa is crogers 16:08:02 +crogers; got it 16:08:35 zakim, room for 12? 16:08:37 ok, ot; conference Team_(audio)16:08Z scheduled with code 26632 (CONF2) for 60 minutes until 1708Z; however, please note that capacity is now overbooked 16:09:03 agenda? 16:09:41 zakim, take up agendum 1 16:09:45 agendum 1. "Interface naming (update)" taken up [from ot] 16:10:25 Olivier: should we rename notegrainon to startgrain? 16:10:28 Is there an alternate Zakim number, cannot reach 617 761 6200 16:10:37 cwilso: sounds consistent 16:10:44 crogers: we could overload start 16:10:49 … depending on number of arguments 16:10:55 … but the name would always be start 16:10:56 +1 16:11:02 cwilso: sounds better 16:11:02 +1 16:11:02 +1 16:11:06 +1 16:11:22 joe, did you manage to connect or are you on IRC only? 16:11:35 irc only, Zakim appears to be down to my phone 16:11:44 "non-working number" recording 16:11:48 sorry to hear, will be taking notes 16:11:59 np, let's go w irc 16:12:16 ACTION: ot to add overloading of start to bugzilla 16:12:16 Created ACTION-49 - Add overloading of start to bugzilla [on Olivier Thereaux - due 2012-09-19]. 16:12:44 Olivier: crogers, any idea when the changes could get into the spec 16:13:06 crogers: busy with implementation at the moment, but will try to get changes there in next week or two 16:14:02 Olivier: sounds good. 16:14:31 [skipping loop start/stop points for now] 16:14:46 zakim, take up agendum 4 16:14:46 agendum 4. "Revisiting the circular graph issue" taken up [from ot] 16:15:01 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17326 16:16:52 Olivier: do we need more knowledge/understanding to go forward? 16:17:01 crogers: think we have a good understanding 16:17:24 … problem is when you have a delay in a feedback loop and do block processing, the block size is the minimum delay 16:17:34 … we've defined that value to be 128 sample frames 16:17:48 … depending on sample rate, this value defines a time in seconds 16:18:06 … no restriction on delay time when handled in seconds 16:18:14 … think we've decided not to throw exception 16:18:24 … and silently clamp to the minimum 16:19:18 Olivier: what do people (here) think of the proposal? 16:19:26 [no objection] 16:19:30 it seems fine 16:19:35 thanks joe 16:20:12 + +1.617.600.aacc 16:20:28 Zakim, aacc is joe 16:20:28 +joe; got it 16:20:30 Olivier: does this need to be added to the spec? 16:20:42 crogers: I think so 16:21:02 crogers: ROC was also asking what if you have several such delay nodes 16:21:13 … may not need to all be clamped 16:21:40 … opinion that we should not require optimisation, each node would be taken separately and be clamped if they are in a feedback loop 16:22:34 Olivier: are there cases where it would be difficult to detect a feedback loop? 16:22:49 crogers: not a problem, seeing our implementation 16:23:09 … but I think Marcus was worried about question of minimum delay in samples or seconds 16:23:29 q 16:23:34 q+ 16:23:57 Proposed resolution: no exception if delay too low in feedback loop, clamp silently to minimum 16:24:18 crogers: the problem is solved if we define the minimum in terms of sample frames 16:24:25 … uniformly 128 sample frames 16:25:12 Olivier: seem to recall the indecision was because this would induce differences between devices with different sample rates 16:25:45 crogers: probably won't get to a conclusion without Marcus and Robert in the discussion 16:26:15 crogers: setting the limit in sample frames will make implementations easier 16:26:48 crogers: you will hear differences when you are running at different sample rates anyway 16:27:25 (joe, will ack you in a sec, write your question on IRC?) 16:27:55 Olivier: are there any precedent? 16:28:08 crogers: think most such systems do it by the sample block size 16:29:05 Olivier: would either make it easier to test? 16:29:07 (ot, I am on the call live now) 16:29:14 (joe, oh!) 16:29:34 crogers: not a problem if tests are run in a consistent environment 16:29:48 ack joe 16:30:26 joe: perhaps we could incorporate caveat on ability to perform certain tasks with feedback loops 16:30:29 -tross 16:31:26 joe: IOW, leave support for feedback loop out 16:31:43 crogers: seems important to have though, fairly basic feature of modular systems 16:31:57 … ok with not talking about hard limits 16:32:22 crogers: I think we can define it at least in terms of sample frames 16:32:30 … and browser can get equivalent implementations that way 16:33:23 Olivier: so proposal would be to keep the clamping, but implementations can choose their minimum 16:33:30 joe: essentially, yes 16:33:35 … for v1, seems wise 16:34:50 zakim, close agendum 16:34:50 I don't understand 'close agendum', ot 16:34:59 zakim, close agendum 4 16:34:59 agendum 4, Revisiting the circular graph issue, closed 16:35:00 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:35:00 1. Interface naming (update) [from ot] 16:35:04 zakim, close agendum 1 16:35:04 agendum 1, Interface naming (update), closed 16:35:05 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:35:05 2. Loop start/stop points [from ot] 16:36:01 zakim, take up agendum 3 16:36:01 agendum 3. "Use Cases and Requirements review" taken up [from ot] 16:36:17 Call for review -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2012JulSep/0665.html 16:37:28 any objection to publishing as a WD with view to be a Note? 16:37:37 crogers: sounds good to me 16:37:55 … important to get this out 16:38:55 Resolved: publish webaudio-usecases as WD 16:39:00 zakim, close agendum 3 16:39:00 agendum 3, Use Cases and Requirements review, closed 16:39:02 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:39:02 2. Loop start/stop points [from ot] 16:39:09 zakim, take up agendum 2 16:39:09 agendum 2. "Loop start/stop points" taken up [from ot] 16:39:53 -> Proposed: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17390#c6 16:40:16 joe: proposal is to augment current capability with loop mode enumeration 16:41:02 … additional behaviour would be to loop through range specified, until the stop time 16:41:10 … could have additional loop modes in the future 16:41:32 crogers: why can't we just have a loop start and end which, if 0, will loop the whole sample 16:41:37 joe: was the original proposal 16:42:18 … would be ok with it, but this proposal is a little cleaner and extensible 16:42:40 crogers: wondering if we could just overload start and end and add loop mode later - would that be dangerous 16:42:58 … if we are able to add loop mode at a later time, would that get rid of danger? 16:43:27 joe: think so. may end up with having to support an odd legacy behavior 16:43:56 … what if today someone uses start and end to specify a loop mode 16:44:09 … what happens when we add the loop mode parameter 16:44:23 crogers: we still have the loop attribute, right? 16:44:27 joe: yes 16:47:08 Olivier: would one proposal make it easier for the generic case of full loop 16:47:22 joe: both solutions would be quite simple for that case 16:47:44 crogers: what if we remove the mode of "loop entire sample" 16:47:57 … that's specified by having the parameters being the whole thing 16:48:07 joe: in which case we don't need the loop mode 16:48:21 crogers: yes, we could add loop modes (start/end and backwards) later 16:48:46 crogers: which is why I suggest having loop start and end be 0 16:48:49 maybe use infinite? 16:49:13 crogers: what if the loop end is beyond the size of the sample 16:49:24 joe: I have clamping in proposal 16:49:35 crogers: what if the new buffer is shorter 16:50:04 joe: if you set start and end points that are invalid, clamped values are used in the playback 16:50:25 … this clamping does not affect visible/readable values of loop start and end 16:51:03 crogers: edge case if both are invalid, what would it sound like 16:51:16 crogers: like starting simple 16:51:29 ack jussi 16:51:50 jussi: what if the loop end is at infinity? would that be better than 0? 16:52:04 crogers: unsigned long, so there is no infinity 16:52:23 … brings up next question of looping at sub-sample valies 16:52:27 s/valies/values/ 16:52:49 crogers: wondering if it's worth adding 16:52:57 joe: not sure it's worth it 16:53:09 crogers: probably not worth if the likes of soundfont do not do it 16:53:15 zakim, mute me 16:53:15 jussi should now be muted 16:53:36 crogers: it is possible, but not too fond of it 16:54:13 joe: would favor going to a float now if we suspect we may have sub-sample looping 16:54:22 crogers: then should we go with infinity? 16:54:28 nope 16:54:29 joe: would prefer 0 and 0 myself 16:54:39 crogers: do you feel strongly about infinity 16:54:42 jussi: no 16:55:06 Resolution: make loop start and end be floats, and 0 and 0 are default 16:55:15 crogers: rounded if fractional? 16:55:18 joe: yes 16:56:08 zakim, close agendum 2 16:56:08 agendum 2, Loop start/stop points, closed 16:56:09 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 16:56:09 5. Administrativia [from ot] 16:57:56 Thierry: the charter has been updated with small suggestions 16:58:07 … should be vetted soon 16:58:24 Thierry: registration for TPAC is ongoing, you have a few more weeks 16:59:02 This conference is in overtime; all ports must be freed 17:00:20 Cheers! 17:00:25 -ChrisWilson 17:00:26 -joe 17:00:27 -ot 17:00:28 -gcardoso 17:00:28 -crogers 17:00:30 -jussi 17:00:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:00:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/12-audio-minutes.html ot 17:00:34 -??P92 17:00:36 Team_(audio)15:59Z has ended 17:00:36 Attendees were +1.510.334.aaaa, ot, tross, jussi, gcardoso, +1.650.214.aabb, ChrisWilson, crogers, +1.617.600.aacc, joe 17:00:42 rrsagent, make logs public 17:00:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:00:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/12-audio-minutes.html ot 17:01:06 ot, I probably won't be able to make it to TPAC 17:01:13 rrsagent, bye 17:01:13 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/12-audio-actions.rdf : 17:01:13 ACTION: ot to add overloading of start to bugzilla [1] 17:01:13 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/09/12-audio-irc#T16-12-16