13:58:04 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 13:58:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-irc 13:58:06 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:58:06 Zakim has joined #wcag2ict 13:58:08 Zakim, this will be 2428 13:58:08 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 13:58:09 Meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 13:58:09 Date: 31 August 2012 13:58:19 chair: Andi_Snow-Weaver 13:58:31 WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM has now started 13:58:34 scribe:Mary_Jo_Mueller 13:58:38 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 13:58:39 scribenick: MaryJo 13:58:49 regrets: Kiran_Kaja 13:59:52 +David_MacDonald 14:00:02 +Shadi 14:00:03 Loic has joined #wcag2ict 14:00:19 +MaryJo 14:00:29 zakim, mute me 14:00:29 Shadi should now be muted 14:00:33 +??P14 14:00:38 ack me 14:00:39 +[Microsoft] 14:00:49 David has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:04 alex_ has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:06 zakim, ??P14 is Loïc_Martínez_Normand 14:01:06 +Loïc_Martínez_Normand; got it 14:01:16 +Gregg_Vanderheiden 14:01:17 zakim, mute me 14:01:18 Shadi should now be muted 14:01:18 zakim, [Microsoft] has Alex_Li 14:01:18 +Alex_Li; got it 14:01:23 Mike has joined #wcag2ict 14:02:28 +[Oracle] 14:02:43 korn has joined #wcag2ict 14:02:45 zakim, [Oracle] has Peter_Korn 14:02:45 +Peter_Korn; got it 14:02:49 +Al_Hoffman 14:03:17 +??P3 14:03:33 zakim, ??P3 is Mike_Pluke 14:03:33 +Mike_Pluke; got it 14:03:49 +Judy 14:04:43 greggvanderheiden has joined #wcag2ict 14:04:50 topic: 2.4.5 Multiple Ways 14:04:51 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/AUG242012/results 14:05:24 +Pierce_Crowell 14:05:26 janina has joined #wcag2ict 14:05:26 minutes from Tuesday: www.w3.org/2012/08/28-wcag2ict-minutes.html 14:05:46 Pierce has joined #wcag2ict 14:05:59 +??P27 14:06:15 zakim, ??P27 is Janina_Sajka 14:06:15 +Janina_Sajka; got it 14:06:41 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/AUG242012/results 14:06:48 minutes from Tuesday: www.w3.org/2012/08/28-wcag2ict-minutes.html 14:07:50 +q 14:08:01 q+ 14:08:17 ack pierce 14:08:22 zakim, mute me 14:08:22 Shadi was already muted, shadi 14:08:26 q+ 14:08:39 Discussion on the definition of a set of documents. Note says one document should link to the other documents in the set. 14:09:48 Recommendation that we encourage having links between the documents in the set, but don't make it required. 14:10:43 ack gregg 14:10:43 q+ 14:11:12 q+ 14:11:12 +q 14:12:24 ack Mike 14:12:32 We could remove '3) that contain links in at least one member document to the other documents in the set.' 14:12:55 Especially since not all document technologies support links. 14:13:10 q+ 14:13:27 q+ 14:13:34 ack alex 14:13:38 q- 14:14:02 q+ 14:14:42 q+ Al_Hoffman 14:14:50 ack korn 14:15:19 ack Pierce 14:16:56 q+ 14:17:44 A 'set' is difficult to define. What does it mean 'published at the same time' really mean? This could be interpreted differently by different people. 14:17:52 ack gregg 14:18:51 q+ 14:20:03 q+ 14:20:40 We could modify the definition to say that this would be a self-declared set. So if you choose to declare the documents to be a set, then this SC would be applied. 14:20:54 +q 14:21:16 What we mean by 'at the same time' means when the documents are published together. 14:21:20 ack david 14:22:00 ack al 14:22:42 q+ 14:22:51 ack al 14:23:09 can I go out of turn? 14:23:37 The definition means that if you have links between the documents then it is considered a set. 14:24:07 ack Pierce 14:24:10 s/can I go out of turn?// 14:24:10 q+ 14:24:18 "Declared as a set"? 14:25:10 published together and labeled as a set within the documents 14:25:20 +1 to Gregg. 14:25:27 q+ 14:26:45 ack mike 14:26:51 ack andi 14:27:29 +1 14:27:36 proposal: "published together and labeled as a sest within the documents" 14:27:46 s/sest/set/ 14:29:45 ack gregg 14:30:13 ack alex 14:30:21 We don't want to pick up documents that are published over a span of years as a set of documents. 14:33:06 +q 14:33:28 proposal: "published together and labeled as a sest within one of the documents" 14:33:31 q- 14:34:14 s/sest/set/ 14:34:24 q+ 14:34:36 Alex - is there ANY example of documents that you see would be in the same set? 14:36:01 Proposal from Pierce coming: 14:36:16 This applies to documents directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above) replacing for "web pages" with "documents" and replacing "set of web pages" with "set of documents". A set of documents is a group of documents that are 1) published together; 2) published at the same time; 3) labeled as a set within at least one member document. Republishing 14:36:16 previously published documents as a collection does not constitute a set of documents. 14:36:32 NOTE: Authors should assume that the set is not broken apart, and that an infrastructure exists to allow a user to locate documents in the set by selecting links within a member document, browsing through the files that make up the set, and by searching the documents' contents or the names of the member documents. 14:37:03 q+ 14:37:09 q+ 14:37:14 ack pierce 14:37:16 ack korn 14:37:58 What Peter is talking about is called "master document" in Microsoft Office. 14:38:01 zakim, greggcvanderheiden is gregg 14:38:01 sorry, greggvanderheiden, I do not recognize a party named 'greggcvanderheiden' 14:38:22 ack judy 14:39:01 q+ 14:39:56 zakim, greggvanderheiden is gregg 14:39:56 +gregg; got it 14:40:58 +1 to Pierce's proposal 14:41:03 q+ 14:41:05 ack gregg 14:41:17 +q 14:42:08 q+ 14:42:11 q+ Al 14:43:12 +1 Andi 14:43:17 +1 14:43:20 ack andi 14:43:20 +1 Andi 14:43:35 and for almost any platform -- there are always two ways without requiring any links 14:43:52 +andrew 14:44:43 ack loic 14:45:04 With Pierce's proposal, the publisher would be the one to declare that this is a set and would then place this a requirement that when the set is tested, the requirements of this SC would have to be met. 14:46:14 q- 14:46:16 NOTE: Authors should assume that the set is not broken apart, and that an infrastructure exists to allow a user to locate documents in the set by selecting links within a member document, browsing through the files that make up the set, and by searching the documents' contents or the names of the member documents. 14:46:33 ack andi 14:46:47 q+ 14:47:47 maybe "published together at the same time" 14:48:25 NOTE: Authors should assume that the set is not broken apart, and that an infrastructure exists to allow a user to locate documents in the set; for example, by selecting links within a member document, browsing through the files that make up the set, or by searching the documents' contents or the names of the member documents. 14:48:29 q+ 14:48:34 ack pierce 14:48:36 and for almost any platform -- there are always two ways without requiring any links 14:50:02 +1 on published together as a set 14:50:29 This applies to documents directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above) replacing for "web pages" with "documents" and replacing "set of web pages" with "set of documents". A set of documents is a group of documents that are 1) published together 2) labeled as a set within at least one member document. Republishing previously published documents as 14:50:29 a collection does not constitute a set of documents. 14:50:37 ack Al 14:51:19 I have a proposal for an example: 14:51:20 NOTE: Authors should assume that the set is not broken apart, and that an infrastructure exists to allow a user to locate documents in the set; for example, by selecting links within a member document, browsing through the files that make up the set, or by searching the documents' contents or the names of the member documents. 14:51:40 +1 14:51:43 EXAMPLE: An example of a set of documents is the collection defined by a "master document", as a container for a set of separate files (or subdocuments). Master documents can be used to set up and manage a multipart document, such as a book with several chapters. 14:51:49 q- 14:52:12 ack gregg 14:52:12 ...with several chapters, each chapter in its own file. 14:52:29 q+ 14:52:57 q+ 14:54:29 Propose changing 'container' to 'reference'. 14:54:45 EXAMPLE: An example of a set of documents is the collection defined by a "master document", as a reference for a set of separate files (or subdocuments). Master documents can be used to set up and manage a multipart document, such as a book with several chapters. 14:54:48 ack alex 14:54:52 q- 14:54:58 The term 'master document' is used in Open Office. 14:55:34 We can add the example as a proposal next week after the group reviews. 14:55:37 This applies to documents directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above) replacing "web pages" with "documents" and replacing "set of web pages" with "set of documents". A set of documents is a group of documents that are 1) published together, and 2) labeled as a set within at least one member document. Republishing previously published documents as 14:55:37 a collection does not constitute a set of documents. 14:55:47 NOTE: Authors should assume that the set is not broken apart, and that an infrastructure exists to allow a user to locate documents in the set; for example, by selecting links within a member document, browsing through the files that make up the set, or by searching the documents' contents or the names of the member documents. 14:56:06 +1 14:56:09 +1 14:56:18 +1 14:56:57 RESOLUTION: Accept proposal #9 for Multiple Ways 2.4.5 as developed in the meeting. 14:57:38 topic: Survey Glossary of Terms - Part 3 14:57:40 https://sites.google.com/site/wcag2ict/home/2-operable/24-provide-ways-to-help-users-navigate-find-content-and-determine-where-they-are/245-multiple-ways 14:58:05 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/GLOSSARY3/results 14:58:37 -Al_Hoffman 14:58:39 AWK has joined #wcag2ict 14:59:07 relationships, relied upon (technologies that are), same relative order, sign language, sign language interpretation, specific sensory experience, synchronized media, text, used in an unusual or restricted way, video, video-only 14:59:10 q+ 15:00:05 q+ 15:00:28 ack loic 15:01:00 Concern is that specific sensory experience is not explanatory enough. Can we ask WCAG to improve the example? 15:01:42 This definition is normative, so can't be changed. We can ask for further explanation in the intent of the specific SC where this term is used. 15:03:11 This appears in 1.1.1 as example of specific examples of non-text content that doesn't need a text equivalent. 15:03:37 s/example of specific examples/specific example/ 15:03:52 action: Loïc to develop proposal for SC 1.1.1 WCAG 2.0 INTENT that addresses the concern with the example in the definition of "specific sensory experience" 15:03:52 Created ACTION-55 - Develop proposal for SC 1.1.1 WCAG 2.0 INTENT that addresses the concern with the example in the definition of "specific sensory experience" [on Loïc Martínez Normand - due 2012-09-07]. 15:04:10 relationships, relied upon (technologies that are), same relative order, sign language, sign language interpretation, specific sensory experience, synchronized media, text, used in an unusual or restricted way, video, video-only 15:04:41 RESOLUTION: Accept definitions for relationships, relied upon (technologies that are), same relative order, sign language, sign language interpretation, specific sensory experience, synchronized media, text, used in an unusual or restricted way, video, video-only 15:05:01 topic: user controllable 15:06:19 q+ 15:06:19 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/GLOSSARY3/results#xq12 15:06:48 Concern expressed about the term 'access' used in the definition. 15:07:08 q+ 15:08:31 For example, if a user is reading a newspaper, the content is not changeable by the user. 15:08:32 ack gregg 15:08:51 ack mike 15:08:56 ack korn 15:10:07 action: Gregg to propose text to add to SC 3.3.4 WCAG INTENT to cover the concern about the verb "access" in the definition of "user-controllable" 15:10:07 Created ACTION-56 - Propose text to add to SC 3.3.4 WCAG INTENT to cover the concern about the verb "access" in the definition of "user-controllable" [on Gregg Vanderheiden - due 2012-09-07]. 15:10:29 RESOLUTION: user controllable applies to non-web ICT as-is 15:10:40 topic: user interface component 15:10:48 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/GLOSSARY3/results#xq13 15:10:56 Q+ 15:11:31 q+ 15:12:10 "a part of the USER INTERFACE that is perceived..."; except if we make the one change, maybe we should also chagne "is perceived" at the same time. 15:12:50 q+ 15:12:54 q- 15:12:57 ack loic 15:13:01 Could say 'is defined by' instead of 'is perceived by' 15:13:05 q+ 15:14:07 q+ 15:14:11 Could say 'user interface coponent' means 'user interface element' which is a term non-Web software developers are more familiar with. 15:14:18 q+ 15:14:21 ack gregg 15:14:29 UI element in ISO 921-171: "entity of the user interface that is presented to the user by the software" 15:16:20 q? 15:18:05 ack andi 15:18:27 'content' is intended to cover both software and documents, as agreed upon before. However 'content' will be reopened to modify what we agreed to. Propose we defer this until we address 'content'. 15:18:41 q- 15:18:41 ack korn 15:18:54 q+ 15:18:58 ack mike 15:19:08 M376 has 'content' as one thing and 'software' is a separate entity. 15:19:32 ack gregg 15:21:31 q+ 15:21:54 In 4.1.2 we can make it clear. Should add a note that the user interface component is what the content author perceives as a UI component rather than what the user perceives. e.g. parts of a scrollbar vs. scrollbar as Peter commented in the survey. 15:22:37 q+ 15:23:06 re-posting this provided by Loic - UI element in ISO 921-171: "entity of the user interface that is presented to the user by the software" 15:23:10 ack loic 15:24:12 +1 to Loïc's proposal 15:24:33 My suggestion: to say that "user interface component" is to be interpreted as "user interface element" and then putting ISO 9241-171 definition. 15:25:49 q+ 15:26:21 +1 to Andi's interpretation on that suggestion 15:26:29 ack korn 15:27:13 -andrew 15:27:45 q+ 15:27:49 ack loic 15:28:15 was kicked off the call and now "conference is restricted at this time" 15:28:28 In M376, 'UI element' was the replacement for 'UI component'. 15:28:57 ok, np 15:29:38 ack loic 15:29:45 q+ 15:30:11 q+ 15:30:40 ack gregg 15:30:42 q+ 15:32:31 q- 15:33:06 q- 15:33:16 We need to have someone create an analysis page that shows the replacement of the terms where they are used. 15:33:20 action: Gregg to work with Loic to put together analysis of all SC where "UI Component" is used to see if the ISO definiiton will work 15:33:20 -Judy 15:33:20 Created ACTION-57 - Work with Loic to put together analysis of all SC where "UI Component" is used to see if the ISO definiiton will work [on Gregg Vanderheiden - due 2012-09-07]. 15:33:37 -[Microsoft] 15:33:40 -[Oracle] 15:33:41 -Pierce_Crowell 15:33:43 -David_MacDonald 15:33:44 -Janina_Sajka 15:33:44 -MaryJo 15:33:46 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 15:33:46 -Shadi 15:33:46 -gregg 15:33:47 -Loïc_Martínez_Normand 15:33:51 -Mike_Pluke 15:33:53 WAI_(WCAG2ICT)10:00AM has ended 15:33:53 Attendees were Andi_Snow_Weaver, David_MacDonald, Shadi, MaryJo, Loïc_Martínez_Normand, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Alex_Li, Peter_Korn, Al_Hoffman, Mike_Pluke, Judy, Pierce_Crowell, 15:33:56 ... Janina_Sajka, gregg, andrew 15:34:08 greggvanderheiden has left #wcag2ict 15:35:11 zakim, bye 15:35:11 Zakim has left #wcag2ict 15:35:17 rrsagent, make minutes 15:35:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 16:07:30 Judy has left #wcag2ict 16:09:13 korn has left #wcag2ict 16:15:51 regrets+ Bruce_Bailey 16:15:57 rrsagent, make minuts 16:15:57 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minuts', Andi. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:16:01 rrsagent, make minutes 16:16:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 18:58:57 s/gregg/Gregg_Vanderheiden/ 18:59:11 s/andrew/Andrew_Kirkpatrick/ 18:59:20 rrsagent, make minutes 18:59:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 19:43:18 s/was kicked off the call and now "conference is restricted at this time"// 19:43:32 s/ok, np// 19:43:50 rrsagent, make minutes 19:43:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-minutes.html Andi 20:35:03 janina has left #wcag2ict 21:33:15 trackbot, end meeting 21:33:15 Zakim, list attendees 21:33:23 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 21:33:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-minutes.html trackbot 21:33:24 RRSAgent, bye 21:33:24 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-actions.rdf : 21:33:24 ACTION: Loïc to develop proposal for SC 1.1.1 WCAG 2.0 INTENT that addresses the concern with the example in the definition of "specific sensory experience" [1] 21:33:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-irc#T15-03-52 21:33:24 ACTION: Gregg to propose text to add to SC 3.3.4 WCAG INTENT to cover the concern about the verb "access" in the definition of "user-controllable" [2] 21:33:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-irc#T15-10-07 21:33:24 ACTION: Gregg to work with Loic to put together analysis of all SC where "UI Component" is used to see if the ISO definiiton will work [3] 21:33:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/08/31-wcag2ict-irc#T15-33-20