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<trackbot> Date: 03 August 2012
<scribe> scribe: Andi_Snow-Weaver
<greggvanderheiden> that's me == gregg
<greggvanderheiden> zakin ??P16 is Gregg
<trackbot> ACTION-22 -- Gregg Vanderheiden to work with Pierce, Al, David, Loïc, Alex to draft proposal for 2.4.5 -- due 2012-07-06 -- OPEN
<greggvanderheiden> zaki ??P16 is Gregg
<Pierce> +q
ack ??P4
M376 found that in trying to map the conformance requirements to software and documents, they need a term substitution
<Kiran> Just for info, we say in Mandate 376 that 2.4.5 multiple ways doesn't apply
Issues raised about applicability even to documents due to ambiguity of determining what a "set of documents" is
<Zakim> BBailey, you wanted to say that our guidance should take advantage of "the result of, or a step in, a process"
exception seems to cover most of software
<BBailey> Also, this is one of few SC very directly oriented towards cognitive disabilities.
<Pierce> +q
in WCAG, we found that techniques were necessary but they are out of scope for this task force
techniques for non-web documents and software seem clearly out of scope for W3C work
discussion about documents - not always multiple files - presentation can have embedded audio and video files for example
suggestion that 2.4.5 seems to be very web centric and should just not apply to documents and software
TF scope is very narrow and we can't develop techniques but can we capture some of these examples to be used by others?
<Pierce> +q
collect the examples of problems and anallyze them
<Zakim> Andi, you wanted to give an example of software that might not qualify for the exception
<Zakim> BBailey, you wanted to ask Alex or Piece to suggest software scenario where single way to find location is *not* a step in a process
<alex> please join the 2.4.5 subgroup, bruce
<BBailey> Alex, I would love to be on 2.4.5 subgroup, not sure how I missed that one!
<trackbot> ACTION-25 -- Gregg Vanderheiden to work with Andi, Peter, Kiran to draft new proposal for 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 -- due 2012-07-10 -- OPEN
committee should take a look at proposal #5 for 3.1.2 just to see if there are any major problems before we survey them
suggestion to survey 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 to gather TF input
RESOLUTION: survey 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 for Tuesday
WCAG did not accept the idea of tieing 2.4.2 conformance to 4.1.2
WCAG issue was that meeting 4.1.2 might not ensure that the title is available to those who are not using AT (i.e. visible)
<BBailey> That is not how I would have paraphrased WCAG issue.
David notes that this is mostly used by blind users and offers to speak to others in the user community
<Zakim> BBailey, you wanted to say tat Loretta's issue was more about orienthation on mobile phones
<BBailey> I don't read 2.4.2 intent to require or imply that @title be visible.
blocking progress on most of the remaining SC
web page is the basis for WCAG conformance so we need to have a non-web equivalent for it
suggestion that for software, "software application" should be the scope of conformance
<greggvanderheiden> if software is the unit of conformance then software is the equiv of Web Page -- not sure that that works
<Mike> Current M376 approach, including conformance is at
<shadi> [[Deliverable D1]]
<Zakim> BBailey, you wanted to ask if diff marked version between EU m376 004 and 005?
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/41#// Succeeded: s/2.4.5 is very web centric and should just not apply to documents and software/suggestion that 2.4.5 seems to be very web centric and should just not apply to documents and software/ Succeeded: s/3.1.1 and// Succeeded: s/tat/that/ Succeeded: s/tat/that/ Succeeded: s/m376/EU m376/ No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: Andi Found Scribe: Andi_Snow-Weaver Default Present: Shadi, Peter_Korn, Janina, Gregg_Vanderheiden, David_MacDonald, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Judy, BBailey, Mike_Pluke, MaryJo, Kiran_Kaja, Pierce_Crowell, Alex_Li Present: Shadi Peter_Korn Janina Gregg_Vanderheiden David_MacDonald Andi_Snow_Weaver Judy BBailey Mike_Pluke MaryJo Kiran_Kaja Pierce_Crowell Alex_Li Regrets: Loïc_Martínez_Normand Kiran_Kaja Found Date: 03 Aug 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]