15:01:09 RRSAgent has joined #html-media 15:01:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/07/24-html-media-irc 15:01:11 RRSAgent, make logs 185 15:01:11 Zakim has joined #html-media 15:01:13 Zakim, this will be 63342 15:01:13 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start now 15:01:14 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 15:01:14 Date: 24 July 2012 15:01:25 duncanr has joined #html-media 15:01:47 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:01:47 HTML_WG()11:00AM has not yet started, Clarke 15:01:48 On IRC I see duncanr, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, Clarke, KevinStreeter, pladd, adrianba, suzie, ddorwin, BobLund, glenn, MikeSmith, trackbot 15:01:49 whitech has joined #html-media 15:01:58 zakim, this is html_wg 15:01:58 ok, glenn; that matches HTML_WG()11:00AM 15:02:13 -markw 15:02:14 zakim, list attendees 15:02:15 As of this point the attendees have been markw, suzie, pladd, +1.415.832.aaaa, [GVoice], [Microsoft] 15:02:18 zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc, adrianba 15:02:18 +paulc, adrianba; got it 15:02:30 +duncanr 15:02:35 +markw 15:02:36 zakim, aaaa is me 15:02:37 +KevinStreeter; got it 15:02:39 zakim, GVoice is me 15:02:39 +ddorwin; got it 15:02:43 +??P20 15:03:13 acolwell has joined #html-media 15:03:29 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:03:29 On the phone I see ??P2, suzie, pladd, ??P12, KevinStreeter, ddorwin, [Microsoft], duncanr, markw, ??P20 15:03:31 [Microsoft] has paulc, adrianba 15:03:45 +acolwell 15:03:49 MartinSoukup has joined #html-media 15:04:00 zakim, ??p20 is glenn 15:04:00 +glenn; got it 15:04:02 zakim, ??P2 is me 15:04:02 +Clarke; got it 15:04:54 zakim, list attendees 15:04:54 As of this point the attendees have been markw, suzie, pladd, +1.415.832.aaaa, paulc, adrianba, duncanr, KevinStreeter, ddorwin, acolwell, glenn, Clarke 15:05:23 zakim, aaaa is me 15:05:23 sorry, KevinStreeter, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:05:25 Zakim, who is on the phone 15:05:25 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', BobLund 15:05:33 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:05:33 On the phone I see Clarke, suzie, pladd, ??P12, KevinStreeter, ddorwin, [Microsoft], duncanr, markw, glenn, acolwell 15:05:35 [Microsoft] has paulc, adrianba 15:06:27 zakim, ??P12 is BobLund 15:06:28 +BobLund; got it 15:06:41 ScribeNick: adrianba 15:06:46 Scribe: Adrian Bateman 15:06:50 Chair: Paul Cotton 15:07:06 TOPIC: Roll call, introductions and selection of scribe 15:07:09 paulc: Done 15:07:15 TOPIC: Previous meeting minutes 15:07:20 http://www.w3.org/2012/07/10-html-media-minutes.html 15:07:39 paulc: No comments 15:07:45 TOPIC: Review of action items 15:08:00 paulc: One action item to implement proposal 2b 15:08:02 ACTION-1? 15:08:02 ACTION-1 -- David Dorwin to and editors to implement proposal 2b by revising EME specification -- due 2012-07-17 -- OPEN 15:08:02 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/actions/1 15:08:14 paulc: status report? 15:08:32 ddorwin: didn't get through all the changes necessary - made progress but not finished 15:08:47 mark has joined #html-media 15:09:11 paulc: we'll look at the due date later in the agenda 15:09:23 TOPIC: Baseline documents and Bugzilla information 15:09:31 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/encrypted-media/encrypted-media.html 15:09:45 http://tinyurl.com/7tfambo 15:10:30 ddorwin: editor's draft is updated - minor bugs updated and removed issue list since these are now in bugs 15:10:37 +Mark_Vickers 15:10:45 paulc: how do i see old versions? 15:11:18 ddorwin: list at the bottom of the document 15:11:21 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/ 15:11:33 ddorwin: This shows the files and the revisions 15:12:24 TOPIC: EME object-oriented API 15:12:33 paulc: two main bugs 16612 and 16613 15:12:39 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16612 15:12:43 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16613 15:13:00 paulc: in the last meeting we decided to adopt proposal 2b 15:13:22 paulc: is the short story that you're not done and that you need more time? 15:13:28 mark_vickers has joined #html-media 15:13:51 ddorwin: yes - it's a major effort to update everything because this affects all the algorithms 15:14:12 ... so what I'm proposing is to start making the changes and include a link in the top of the spec to the last stable version 15:14:18 paulc: can you do this in stages? 15:14:33 ddorwin: doing it in stages is one option to allow discussions to continue 15:14:45 ... i don't think i'll be able to do all before the next meeting 15:15:02 ... but we could include the API changes so that we can discuss those specifically 15:15:21 paulc: when will you be away? 15:15:38 ddorwin: next week and through the meeting the following meeting but i'll try to dial-in 15:15:54 s/following meeting/following week/ 15:16:08 paulc: so you're trying to do some this week? 15:16:11 ddorwin: correct 15:16:17 paulc: what can you get done this week? 15:16:43 ddorwin: updating section 2 and 2.1 and 3 15:16:52 ... section 4 would be commented out pending the next discussion 15:17:00 ... section 5 probably not done and some of the examples 15:17:23 paulc: there are three editors on the spec - are you doing most of the lifting here? 15:17:28 ddorwin: yes 15:17:46 paulc: is there a chance you and the other editors can work out a plan this week so they can continue while you are gone? 15:18:04 ... sorry to out this out loud but this seems like the obvious question 15:18:15 markw: normally i'd be happy with that but i'm also out 15:18:24 paulc: i guess this is taking longer than originally thought 15:18:52 ... we can do some work this week but that might not give us a document that will allow us to make progress 15:19:04 ... the meeting after the next one i will be away 15:19:12 ... i don't want to wait 6 weeks 15:19:31 ... should we cancel the aug 7 meeting and keep the aug 24 15:19:41 ddorwin: i think that's fine 15:19:44 adrianba: i agree 15:20:08 paulc: so the strawman is to move the action to be aug 17? 15:20:15 ... does that make senses? 15:20:19 ddorwin: yes 15:20:32 ACTION-1 due aug 17 15:20:32 ACTION-1 And editors to implement proposal 2b by revising EME specification due date now aug 17 15:20:53 paulc: this will give people one week to look at the spec so we can pick up from there 15:21:06 ... would be good for the editors to enumerate the changes on the list and ask for feedback 15:21:16 ... and if there are parts that weren't changed then not that 15:21:35 ... don't block on parts that you aren't sure how to change and be transparent on the list about where people should focus their efforts 15:21:53 ... is there a reason to look at agenda 5b on key release? 15:22:11 ddorwin: i think it's fine to continue to discuss this - it's not totally dependent on the O-O change 15:22:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Jul/0070.html 15:22:22 TOPIC: EME Key Release 15:22:56 ddorwin: key release is section 4 in the original proposal 15:23:06 ... and i was trying to get more discussion on what it should look like 15:23:16 ... object oriented seemed to solve most of that 15:23:27 ... there seemed to be some issues related to browser use that make this difficult 15:23:36 ... and i wanted to start a discussion on this 15:23:44 ... since it is independent of the API 15:23:55 markw: i think david is quite right in his mail 15:25:19 Mark's response: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Jul/0071.html 15:25:32 we need a synchronous method to fetch key release messages which could be used in onclose methofs 15:25:40 s/methofs/methods/ 15:25:45 paulc: do we just need more people to comment? 15:26:02 ddorwin: yes, especially on the sync API and whether that's a good idea and how it would work 15:26:16 TOPIC: New encrypted media extension bugs 15:26:16 but generally, these cases are handled by the CDM keeping the key release messages until it gets the ack from the server, even if this means keeping them hours or days 15:26:33 paulc: thought it might be useful to discuss the most recent bug 15:26:36 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17750 15:27:03 paulc: there hasn't been much progress on bugs 15:27:18 ... but i guess people are waiting for the principle bugs related to O-O 15:27:27 ... is it worth looking at this 15:27:42 ddorwin: this is a bug that escaped being filed previously 15:27:52 ... i added the bug as i removed it from the issues list in the spec 15:28:12 TOPIC: Existing EME bugs 15:28:37 paulc: which of these 5 bugs would it be useful to have some discussion on today? 15:28:47 ... it may be that these just need to be held in our queue 15:29:06 ddorwin: i think 17673 and 17682 might be interesting 15:29:30 paul: lets start with https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17673 15:29:40 Define Initialization Data for implementations that choose to support the ISO Base Media File Format 15:29:46 "Define Intialization Data" 15:30:17 paulc: is there a proposed solution 15:30:37 ddorwin: background - we need a common expectation of what initdata is for the different file formats 15:30:54 ... ISO and CENC is probably the most interesting since it is the most complex 15:31:04 ... there are options about which data to send 15:31:17 ... looking for people with more experience with ISO 15:31:17 q+ 15:31:31 paulc: you're looking for someone to take ownership? 15:31:43 ddorwin: yes, adrian or mark should do that 15:31:53 ack next 15:32:09 ack mark 15:32:09 markw: i'm happy to take this one 15:32:24 ... i think the initdata will contain all the information (first option) 15:32:38 ... unless the key system is already selected in which case UA could filter them down 15:32:54 paulc: can i give you an action item to propose a resolution by aug 17? 15:33:06 markw: i'll try to do it before i leave 15:33:20 ACTION: markw to propose a resolution to bug 17673 15:33:20 Sorry, couldn't find user - markw 15:33:36 ACTION: mark to propose a resolution to bug 17673 15:33:36 Created ACTION-2 - Propose a resolution to bug 17673 [on Mark Watson - due 2012-07-31]. 15:34:13 paulc: next https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17682 15:34:22 Clear Key: Document how keys and key IDs are associated 15:34:56 ddorwin: this relates to addkey with initdata which assumed that initdata was the key id but this doesn't work for ISO CENC 15:35:09 ... we need to figure out how we want to support ClearKey 15:35:25 ... for non-ClearKey there is a license format 15:35:39 ... we need to figure out if we concatenate things or set size limits 15:35:47 ... or maybe define ClearKey in a different way 15:35:59 ... so looking for feedback on how to proceed 15:36:23 ACTION: adrianba to propose resolution to bug 17682 15:36:23 Created ACTION-3 - Propose resolution to bug 17682 [on Adrian Bateman - due 2012-07-31]. 15:36:47 paulc: are there any other items in this agenda item people want to discuss 15:37:02 ddorwin: item b is the same as c but for WebM and I'll own that one 15:37:23 ACTION: ddorwin to propose a solution for bug 17672 15:37:23 Created ACTION-4 - Propose a solution for bug 17672 [on David Dorwin - due 2012-07-31]. 15:37:31 ACTION-2 due aug 17 15:37:31 ACTION-2 Propose a resolution to bug 17673 due date now aug 17 15:37:35 ACTION-3 due aug 17 15:37:35 ACTION-3 Propose resolution to bug 17682 due date now aug 17 15:37:40 ACTION-4 due aug 17 15:37:40 ACTION-4 Propose a solution for bug 17672 due date now aug 17 15:38:09 paulc: if we look back at item a (17658) which we discussed in the last meeting 15:38:17 ... this item hasn't received much additional discussion 15:38:31 ... propose to carry this forward in the agenda 15:38:40 http://www.w3.org/2012/07/10-html-media-minutes.html#action02 15:38:58 paulc: moving along - there is lots of work for the editors 15:39:03 TOPIC: Other Business 15:39:08 paulc: any other business? 15:39:18 TOPIC: Schedule for future meetings 15:39:21 Mark_Vickers has joined #html-media 15:39:26 paulc: we will cancel the Aug 7 meeting 15:39:31 Mark_Vickers has left #html-media 15:39:36 Mark_Vickers has joined #html-media 15:39:38 ... i will keep up the biweekly schedule 15:40:07 ... i'm unavailable for aug 21 - i will work with the editors and co-chairs and maybe the Team to find someone to stand in for me in that meeting 15:40:17 TOPIC: Adjournment 15:40:26 paulc: adjourn early today - have a bunch of actions 15:40:41 ... we should realise that in July/Aug some things slow down due to vacations 15:40:47 -Clarke 15:40:51 ... thanks to david for all the help on the call today 15:41:00 -Mark_Vickers 15:41:03 -pladd 15:41:04 -glenn 15:41:04 ... we're adjourned 15:41:04 -markw 15:41:05 -acolwell 15:41:05 -[Microsoft] 15:41:05 -suzie 15:41:06 -duncanr 15:41:09 -KevinStreeter 15:41:09 duncanr has left #html-media 15:41:11 rrsagent, make minutes 15:41:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/24-html-media-minutes.html adrianba 15:41:14 -ddorwin 15:41:16 rrsagent, make logs public 15:42:33 rrsagent, make logs public 15:47:17 s/ACTION: markw to propose a resolution to bug 17673// 15:47:21 rrsagent, make minutes 15:47:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/24-html-media-minutes.html adrianba 15:49:31 Mark_Vickers has left #html-media 15:50:25 adrianba has left #html-media 16:05:00 disconnecting the lone participant, BobLund, in HTML_WG()11:00AM 16:05:01 HTML_WG()11:00AM has ended 16:05:01 Attendees were markw, suzie, pladd, +1.415.832.aaaa, paulc, adrianba, duncanr, KevinStreeter, ddorwin, acolwell, glenn, Clarke, BobLund, Mark_Vickers 16:09:48 glenn has joined #html-media 16:31:05 glenn has joined #html-media 17:30:35 glenn has joined #html-media 17:32:31 Zakim has left #html-media 18:14:59 glenn has joined #html-media 19:00:11 glenn has joined #html-media