14:59:54 RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y
14:59:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/07/05-html-a11y-irc
14:59:56 RRSAgent, make logs world
14:59:56 Zakim has joined #html-a11y
14:59:58 Zakim, this will be 2119
14:59:58 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM scheduled to start 59 minutes ago
14:59:59 Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
14:59:59 Date: 05 July 2012
15:00:18 -John_Foliot
15:00:19 +John_Foliot
15:00:21 +Cooper
15:00:26 zakim, call janina
15:00:42 ok, janina; the call is being made
15:00:43 +Janina
15:01:16 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2012Jul/0006.html
15:02:18 Zakim, call Mike
15:02:18 ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
15:02:19 +Mike
15:02:54 +Judy
15:03:22 Judy has joined #html-a11y
15:04:59 agenda+ issue 194 (transcript) status update
15:05:00 agenda+ issue 201 (canvas) status update
15:05:01 agenda+ issue 204 (ARIA attributes and hidden) status update
15:05:01 agenda+ issue 206 (meta generator): resolution to support CP?
15:07:22 agenda+ bug 13357 schedule discussion for next week? (and invite Bob Lund)
15:07:41 agenda+ text subteam report
15:07:42 agenda+ ARIA mappings subteam report
15:07:43 agenda+ bug-triage subteam report
15:07:44 agenda+ Other Business
15:07:45 agenda+ Actions Review http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/open
15:07:46 agenda+ Identify Scribe for the next TF teleconference http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List
15:07:48 +??P6
15:07:56 scribe: JF
15:08:07 zakim, take up item 1
15:08:07 agendum 1. "issue 194 (transcript) status update" taken up [from MikeSmith]
15:08:11 Stevef has joined #html-a11y
15:08:35 scribe: MikeSmith
15:08:52 JF: status is that we're at a point where we're in general agreement
15:09:03 ... there's an appetite for find a solution
15:09:15 ... comes down to a question of syntax
15:09:33 ... both schools of thoughts are that we would introduce a transcript attribute
15:09:46 ... Silvia proposes that it should take a URL
15:10:08 ... sort of looks and feels like a magic longdesc
15:10:11 +[Microsoft]
15:10:30 JF: The proposal for Ted and Eric is that it would take a list of IDREFs
15:10:46 ... which would allow you to link to multiple transcripts
15:11:28 paulc has joined #html-a11y
15:11:37 JF: I think at this point what needs to be communicated to he chairs is that there will be multiple change proposals
15:11:47 ... and we will need to have a WBS survey
15:11:49 q?
15:12:04 I have very intermittent Internet access and may drop off at any point.
15:12:35 JF: I think we are going to need some more time, maybe around middle of July
15:12:38 Both Silvia and Ted have said they will update their CPs by the end of this week.
15:12:46 janina: can you say more about the disagreement is?
15:13:00 JF: Apple feels the single URL solution is too limiting
15:13:53 JF: Either proposal satisfies our primary use case
15:14:19 janina: I wonder if we're worried about space-delimited sets being robust
15:14:26 RRSAgent, make minutes
15:14:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/05-html-a11y-minutes.html MikeSmith
15:14:48 chair: MikeSmith
15:15:08 janina: what happens when things don't work right?
15:15:23 JF: I think you'd get a 404
15:15:59 JF: it's an authoring error
15:16:19 JF: what happens now if I reference an ID that's not actually in the page?
15:16:29 q?
15:16:42 scribe: JF
15:16:59 MS: sounds like a survey for Issue 194 is inevitable
15:17:36 so the TF should start thinking about looking at the emergent proposals to determine which the TF could/should endorse
15:17:42 zakim, who's nlisy
15:17:42 I don't understand 'who's nlisy', JF
15:17:50 zakim, who's noisy?
15:18:00 JF, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: John_Foliot (13%)
15:19:06 zakim, mute me
15:19:06 Janina should now be muted
15:19:18 ?me contiune?
15:19:37 zakim, take up next item
15:19:37 agendum 2. "issue 201 (canvas) status update" taken up [from MikeSmith]
15:19:46 q+
15:19:47 MS: is Rich here?
15:20:10 Steve F: posted some questions to the list about the CP
15:20:34 have some serious reservation around the light-weight object stuff
15:20:41 richardschwerdtfe has joined #html-a11y
15:20:45 I've been asking about this, but have heard nothing to date
15:20:47 lurking
15:21:06 MS: looking at the next steps from WG side
15:21:13 don't believe there is a deadline
15:21:18 not sure what to do next
15:21:30 http://dev.w3.org/html5/status/issue-status.html#ISSUE-201
15:21:34 >John asked questions about current CP. Awaiting feedback from Frank/Ted.
15:21:37 zaim, unmute me
15:21:50 zakim, unmute me
15:21:50 Janina should no longer be muted
15:21:51 I believe we are waiting for answers to John's questions.
15:22:09 s/John/Steve/
15:22:39 MS: when did you pose those questions?
15:22:40 email to html working group on canvas http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Jun/0180.html
15:22:52 SF: asked here
15:23:21 MS: the HTML WG call has been cancelled this week
15:23:29 should bring it up there
15:23:53 JS: perhaps Steve can re-post the question and note that there has been no response to date.
15:24:18 PC: will send a note to Ted/Frank and ask if there is any progress, but note that US holiday was Wednesday
15:24:46 SF: Did also pose these questions after the F2F, so they are not new.
15:25:07 q?
15:25:09 quite happy if someone else can explain this, but with no response at all there remains some concerns
15:25:19 ack steve
15:25:22 q-
15:25:23 My Internet access is very bad so I am at risk of dropping off. Sorry.
15:25:28 zakim, take up next item
15:25:28 agendum 3. "issue 204 (ARIA attributes and hidden) status update" taken up [from MikeSmith]
15:25:53 MS: who is driving this issue?
15:26:09 JS: believe we are waiting for Ted/Jonas response
15:26:18 John F provided a revised CP on Tue Jun 26. Next step is to gather support for this within A11Y TF and with Ted/Jonas.
15:26:24 MS: Jonas is back from vacation now
15:26:33 Q+
15:28:20 ack JF
15:28:30 JF: latest CP is about as far as we can go w.r.t. tab focus issue
15:28:41 next step would be to seek TF backing
15:28:55 JS: need to hear back from Ted/Jonas to see what they think
15:29:06 q?
15:29:07 MS: perhaps another note out to Ted/Jonas?
15:29:13 PC: sending of that note now
15:29:19 zakim, take up next item
15:29:19 agendum 4. "issue 206 (meta generator): resolution to support CP?" taken up [from MikeSmith]
15:29:35 s/sending of/ sending off/
15:29:56 MS: this is a new issue from the Chairs, based on what we were calling Issue 31c
15:30:23 deadline for (Counter) Proposals is later this month (24? 27?)
15:30:40 it would be good to see if we have TF support for this CP
15:30:47 q+
15:31:00 MS: likely that there will be alternative CPs to try and address the same use case
15:31:10 but for now, the only CP is to drop this exception
15:31:14 ack judey
15:31:15 ack Judy
15:31:50 JB: it is specifically to drop the exception around whether or not there is alternative text, and not to drop the generator tag
15:31:59 q+
15:32:20 JS: Mike S are you suggesting that there may be other ways to avoid checking for missing alt
15:33:01 zakim, call janina
15:33:01 ok, janina; the call is being made
15:33:03 +Janina.a
15:33:07 MS: the issue is if the document is machine generated that requires alt text,but no human is involved and images are missing alt, then it shold be recognized as a machine generated page
15:33:20 Link to the re-updated re-open request, on which we're requesting TF support, to be followed by a request for PFWG support, and based on which the topic was re-opened: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/ChangeProposals/Issue31cMetaGeneratorUpdated
15:33:23 ack Stevef
15:33:29 believe that henri S believes this is a valid use-case
15:33:48 validator based on validator.nu provides means to filter out any errors not desired author http://validator.keegan.st/
15:33:56 SF: want to point out that a validator can be set to NOT check for anything
15:34:04 -Janina.a
15:34:17 -Janina
15:34:17 The question is what is required for validation
15:34:25 q+
15:34:34 zakim, who's here?
15:34:34 On the phone I see John_Foliot, Cooper, Mike, Judy, ??P6, [Microsoft]
15:34:35 On IRC I see richardschwerdtfe, paulc, Stevef, Judy, Zakim, RRSAgent, janina, JF, davidb, MichaelC, MikeSmith, trackbot, [tm]
15:34:36 +??P15
15:34:41 ack Judy
15:34:44 MS: what we want to do on TF side is to consider if we want to take a Resolution to Support from the TF
15:34:54 JB: missed a part of what was being said
15:35:20 +Rich_Schwerdtfeger
15:35:52 one thing discovered is that pages may be processed by multiple tools at multiple times. Very difficult to determine if a page is machine generated alone
15:36:12 not sure what may be coming forward
15:37:35 q+
15:37:42 MS: what Henri has argued in the past is that he does not want the Validator reporting errors if/when a tool is designed to generate pages that contain images (bulk photo uploads), that people who make those tools, and the validator generates errors
15:38:01 then the makers of those tools will respond by adding 'bogus alt content' to silence the validator
15:38:13 JB: this is not a new speculation
15:38:46 hope he provides evidence of that, else it sounds like a 2-layer speculation. Concerned that it will start a loop
15:39:03 ack Stevef
15:39:22 MS: would like to get consensus from Henri, but unsure if he will write another CP
15:39:39 SF: Understand the concern, but this is why we have
15:40:42 Authors/machines can put 'some' some differentiating text, that is clearly identified as a caption, and not an ALT
15:41:41 SF: these tools already are providing something so we prefer that they use the caption instead of a crummy alt text. never seen a tool that doesn't provide some text that could be used as the caption
15:42:27 MS: I need to discuss this further with Henri. Note that a document-wide switch is an anti-pattern.
15:42:40 JS: we also need some evidence. this seems to be based on speculation
15:42:56 dropping off
15:43:00 JB: still concerned that a partial solution still creates most of the same problems we were concerned about
15:43:02 -Rich_Schwerdtfeger
15:43:11 Q+
15:43:34 MS: this has been about validator behavior from the start
15:43:35 http://validator.keegan.st/
15:43:45 one is to look at the link that Steve posted
15:44:02 if handled correctly, i believe this can be "good"
15:44:26 q+
15:44:33 this does not allow / hide any error messages initially, but it also allows the author to go in and filter error messages
15:44:55 gives control over which error messages they have to "hear"
15:45:20 however even if it suppresses the error messages, it does not claim "validation" if there are still errors
15:45:33 MS: believe this is a smarter way to handle it
15:46:24 JB: so the person doing the validation would hve to be pro-active - to consciously choose to suppress error messages
15:46:34 JS: it's a filtered view
15:46:45 JB: perhaps the results would need to have a disclaimer?
15:46:54 that it is not giving a conformance indication
15:47:45 MS: believe that this site is existing proof that this can be done. What we don't want is people shopping around for a validator that doesn't tell them they have errors
15:48:07 so we likely want to try and accommodate the need here.
15:48:11 q?
15:48:15 ack JF
15:48:42 q+
15:49:01 ack Stevef
15:49:21 JF: an error is an error. We should be worried about end-users, and not Validator tools
15:49:44 if a page does not meet user-needs (images with no alt text) then it is an error
15:50:00 -??P15
15:50:24 SF: the filtering issue allows to have a non-wordy report, but still not generate a "Valid" result
15:50:29 +??P15
15:50:45 allowing the author/tester to set preferences with filters is a good tool choice
15:51:59 JB: speculation - if there are an annoying number of validation errors, then tools will insert bogus values. What if, instead we speculate that tool vendors will inprove their tools
15:52:08 s/inprove/improve/
15:52:41 tools are emerging that when people take photos they can tag them at that time
15:53:07 perhaps the error messages will drive innovation and solutions that actually address the problem
15:53:17 MS: agreed, it keeps the problem visible
15:53:27 JB: solves the right problem
15:53:38 q?
15:53:41 ack Judy
15:53:42 MS: think I can talk with henri and get metagenerator dropped
15:55:57 zakim, take up next item
15:55:57 agendum 5. "bug 13357 schedule discussion for next week? (and invite Bob Lund)" taken up [from MikeSmith]
15:55:59 s/and get metagenerator dropped/and see if we can get closer to agreement, and maybe metagenerator will end up being dropped without counter CPs/
15:56:20 will defer agenda item 5 to next week
15:56:28 zakim, take up item 6
15:56:28 agendum 6. "text subteam report" taken up [from MikeSmith]
15:56:49 JB: there was no meeting this week. still working on buggy alt guidance and buggy alt text
15:57:06 evolving discussion there,
15:57:34 JS: David MacDonald is back and able to assist
15:57:50 zakim, take up item 9
15:57:50 agendum 9. "Other Business" taken up [from MikeSmith]
15:58:00 MS: anything else?
15:58:17 JS: 1 point - what to do with bugs that we might want to revisit
15:59:07 lately discovered that the media elements should be directly focusable, and not explicitly rely on controls
16:00:00 JF: suggest that next week we have a generic "media bugs" topic
16:00:09 MS: should invite Bob to the call next week
16:00:34 JF to invite Bob to next weeks call
16:00:44 JS to work on Silvia's media focus bug
16:00:49 zakim, next item
16:00:49 agendum 5. "bug 13357 schedule discussion for next week? (and invite Bob Lund)" taken up [from MikeSmith]
16:00:59 zakim, take up item 10
16:00:59 agendum 10. "Actions Review http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/open" taken up [from MikeSmith]
16:01:14 zakim , item 11
16:01:26 zakim, take up item 11
16:01:26 agendum 11. "Identify Scribe for the next TF teleconference http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List" taken up [from MikeSmith]
16:02:02 -??P6
16:02:03 -Mike
16:02:04 -Judy
16:02:04 -Cooper
16:02:06 -??P15
16:02:33 -John_Foliot
16:02:35 janina has left #html-a11y
16:02:56 rrsagent, make logs public
16:03:07 rrsagent, draft minutes
16:03:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/07/05-html-a11y-minutes.html JF
16:03:08 quit
16:03:39 zakim, please part
16:03:39 leaving. As of this point the attendees were John_Foliot, Cooper, Janina, Mike, Judy, [Microsoft], Janina.a, Rich_Schwerdtfeger
16:03:39 Zakim has left #html-a11y
16:03:47 rrsagent, please part
16:03:47 I see no action items