See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 26 June 2012
<MichaelC> chair: Andi_Snow-Weaver
<scribe> scribe: MaryJo
Headings and Labels (2.4.6)
Alex: The wording we have in this survey for the note is inconsistent with what the WCAG working group has.
AS: Took the wording from the resolution text.
<Pierce> +q
GV: Will go find the text the WCAG group that was agreed upon and we can circle back to this.
<Pierce> +q
<Pierce> -q
<Andi> ACTION: Gregg to check on what WCAG agreed to wrt 1.3.1 intent per Alex's comment on the survey ("follow 1.3.1" vs. "be programmatically determinable per 1.3.1" [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-16 - Check on what WCAG agreed to wrt 2.4.6 intent per Alex's comment on the survey ("follow 1.3.1" vs. "be programmatically determinable per 1.3.1" [on Gregg Vanderheiden - due 2012-07-03].
<Andi> ACTION: Gregg to clarify when WCAG 2.0 Understanding document is likely to be published with these updates [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-17 - Clarify when WCAG 2.0 Understanding document is likely to be published with these updates [on Gregg Vanderheiden - due 2012-07-03].
RESOLUTION: Accept proposal #T as written
<Pierce> +q
AS: Proposal for 2.4 and 2.4.1
Bypass Blocks
... We should work on resolving the issues on this offline.
<Pierce> +q
MP: Would like to have some example screen shots of mobile applications to look at when we discuss this.
<Andi> ACTION: Peter to work with Gregg, Alex, Loïc, Andi to resolve issues with 2.4/2.4.1 per the June 27th survey comments [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-18 - Work with Gregg, Alex, Loïc, Andi to resolve issues with 2.4/2.4.1 per the June 27th survey comments [on Peter Korn - due 2012-07-03].
<Mike> +1 For last comment
<janina> +1 to GV
<Andi> +1 to gregg
<Mike> +q
AS: 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
<Pierce> +q
Pierce: Wants to see the list of items that came from TEITAC and exist in the 508 ANPRM added in here (The 'such as' examples.)
Al: +1 to Pierce
<Pierce> +q
PK: Those lists will be included in 508 and M376, so don't think we need to add those details in our document.
<Pierce> +q
Alex: Agrees with the updated text from the June 22 meeting.
<Pierce> +q
<Kiran> +q
AS: Proposes that if we add a list of examples, we get it from ISO13066.
<Pierce> +q
AS: Perhaps we should have a short list of the most important examples.
Pierce: This is a good solution - give a couple of the most important examples.
<Pierce> +q
Al: Agrees a couple of examples if fine, but would also like to reference ISO13066.
<Andi> ACTION: Pierce to work with Al to come up with a couple of examples for 4.1.2 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-19 - Work with Al to come up with a couple of examples for 4.1.2 [on Pierce Crowell - due 2012-07-03].
AS: 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap
<janina> Regret that I need to leave now for another call.
<Andi> This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 with the phrase "standard platform navigation keys" substituted for "unmodified arrow or tab keys" (above).
<Andi> This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above). Standard exit methods may vary by platform. For example, on many desktop platforms, the Escape key is a standard method for exiting.
<Andi> This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above). Note: Standard exit methods may vary by platform. For example, on many desktop platforms, the Escape key is a standard method for exiting.
RESOLUTION: Accept text for 2.1.2 as amended: This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above). Note: Standard exit methods may vary by platform. For example, on many desktop platforms, the Escape key is a standard method for exiting.
AS: 2.2.1 Timing adjustable
<Pierce> +q
<Andi> This applies as directly written and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 above, replacing "content" with "software and interactive documents".
<Andi> Non-web Electronic Documents that have only text or text and hyperlinks (and no other interactivity, buttons etc) would automatically meet this Success Criterion since there are no time limits.
GV: Would like to have the wording 'interactive documents' rather than 'interactive content'.
RESOLUTION: Accept 2.2.1 as amended: This applies as directly written and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 above, replacing "content" with "software and interactive documents". Non-web Electronic Documents that have only text or text and hyperlinks (and no other interactivity, buttons etc) would automatically meet this Success Criterion since there are no time limits.
AS: 2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold
<Pierce> +q
<Andi> This applies as directly written and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 above, replacing "web page" with "software and interactive documents".
<Andi> This applies as directly written and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 above, replacing "web page" with "software and electronic documents".
<Pierce> -q
RESOLUTION: Accept 2.3.1 as amended: This applies as directly written and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 above, replacing "web page" with "software and electronic documents".
AS: 2.4.4 Link Purpose (in context)
<Pierce> +q
Al: In HTML submit buttons are sometimes links. If you have a scripted link on an image, it is given a WAI-ARIA role of button.
GV: If you construct it so it has a role of a button, it is a button.
<korn> For software, this applies directly as written and as described in INTENT from WCAG (above), replacing "web page" with "software and interactive content". In software, a “link” is any text string or image in the user interface outside a user interface control that behaves like a hypertext link. This does not include general user interface controls or buttons. (A submit button, for example, would not be a link.)
<Andi> For software, this applies directly as written and as described in INTENT from WCAG (above), replacing "web page" with "software and interactive content". In software, a “link” is any text string or image in the user interface outside a user interface control that behaves like a hypertext link. This does not include general user interface controls or buttons. (An OK button, for
<Andi> example, would not be a link.)
<Andi> For software, this applies directly as written and as described in INTENT from WCAG (above), replacing "web page" with "software and electronic documents". In software, a “link” is any text string or image in the user interface outside a user interface control that behaves like a hypertext link. This does not include general user interface controls or buttons. (An OK button, for
<Andi> example, would not be a link.)
<Andi> This applies directly as written and as described in INTENT from WCAG (above), replacing "web page" with "software and electronic documents". In software, a “link” is any text string or image in the user interface outside a user interface control that behaves like a hypertext link. This does not include general user interface controls or buttons. (An OK button, for example, would
<Andi> not be a link.)
AS: First sentence that singles out documents can be removed.
RESOLUTION: Accept 2.4.4 as amended: This applies directly as written and as described in INTENT from WCAG (above), replacing "web page" with "software and electronic documents". In software, a "link" is any text string or image in the user interface outside a user interface control that behaves like a hypertext link. This does not include general user interface controls or buttons. (An OK button, for example, would not be a link.)
<Andi> Pierce and Al propose "For example, event notifications and the identification of row, column, and headers"
<Pierce> +q
GV: Table markup is required by 1.3.1
Alex: Success criteria doesn't define everything you need to do, so you have to look to the techniques.
<greggvanderheiden> only thing I was going to say was
<greggvanderheiden> for pierce to reflect the language of the SC
<greggvanderheiden> and not create new requirement
<greggvanderheiden> something like
<Andi> ACTION: Pierce to work with Al to come up with addition to WCAG intent for 1.3.1 to cover table cells and row/column headers [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-20 - Work with Al to come up with addition to WCAG intent for 1.3.1 to cover table cells and row/column headers [on Pierce Crowell - due 2012-07-03].
<greggvanderheiden> For example if information is presented in tabular form with headers, the row, column and header information would have to be programatically determined or the row column and header relationships would need to be available in text
<Andi> controls or buttons. (An OK button, for example, would not be a link.)/
<Andi> s|controls or buttons. (An OK button, for example, would not be a link.)/||
<Andi> s/Check on what WCAG agreed to wrt 1.3.1 intent/Check on what WCAG agreed to wrt 2.4.6 intent/
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Testing, please ignore this message// Succeeded: s/AS: // Succeeded: s/don't forget to clean up the resolutions - thx// Succeeded: s/fell off// Succeeded: s/only thing I was going to say way/only thing I was going to say was/ Succeeded: s/Accept 2.4.4 as amended in the meeting./Accept 2.4.4 as amended: This applies directly as written and as described in INTENT from WCAG (above), replacing "web page" with "software and electronic documents". In software, a "link" is any text string or image in the user interface outside a user interface control that behaves like a hypertext link. This does not include general user interface/ Succeeded: s/This does not include general user interface/This does not include general user interface controls or buttons. (An OK button, for example, would not be a link.)/ Succeeded: s/Accept 2.3.1 as amended in the meeting./Accept 2.3.1 as amended: This applies as directly written and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 above, replacing "web page" with "software and electronic documents"./ Succeeded: s/Accept 2.2.1 as amended in the meeting./Accept 2.2.1 as amended: This applies as directly written and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 above, replacing "content" with "software and interactive documents". Non-web Electronic Documents that have only text or text and hyperlinks (and no other interactivity, buttons etc) would automatically meet this Success Criterion since/ Succeeded: s/that have only text or text and hyperlinks (and no other interactivity, buttons etc) would automatically meet this Success Criterion since/that have only text or text and hyperlinks (and no other interactivity, buttons etc) would automatically meet this Success Criterion since there are no time limits./ Succeeded: s/Accept text for 2.1.2 as amended in the meeting./Accept text for 2.1.2 as amended: This applies directly as written, and as described in INTENT from Understanding WCAG 2.0 (above). Note: Standard exit methods may vary by platform. For example, on many desktop platforms, the Escape key is a standard method for exiting./ FAILED: s|controls or buttons. (An OK button, for example, would not be a link.)/|| Succeeded: s|there are no time limits./|| Succeeded: s/Check on what WCAG agreed to wrt 1.3.1 intent/Check on what WCAG agreed to wrt 2.4.6 intent/ FAILED: s/Check on what WCAG agreed to wrt 1.3.1 intent/Check on what WCAG agreed to wrt 2.4.6 intent/ Found Scribe: MaryJo Inferring ScribeNick: MaryJo Default Present: Andi_Snow_Weaver, Kiran_Keja, Cooper, Al_Hoffman, Pierce_Crowell, Alex_Li, +1.608.514.aaaa, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Mary_Jo_Mueller, Mike_Pluke, Janina_Sajka, Peter_Korn, Bruce_Bailey, David_MacDonald Present: Andi_Snow_Weaver Kiran_Keja Cooper Al_Hoffman Pierce_Crowell Alex_Li +1.608.514.aaaa Gregg_Vanderheiden Mary_Jo_Mueller Mike_Pluke Janina_Sajka Peter_Korn Bruce_Bailey David_MacDonald Regrets: Shadi_Abou-Zahra Loïc_Martínez_Normand Agenda: Found Date: 26 Jun 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: gregg peter pierce WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]