12:36:56 RRSAgent has joined #swcg 12:36:56 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/06/13-swcg-irc 12:36:58 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:36:58 Zakim has joined #swcg 12:37:00 Zakim, this will be 7924 12:37:00 ok, trackbot; I see SW_CG()9:00AM scheduled to start in 23 minutes 12:37:01 Meeting: Semantic Web Coordination Group Teleconference 12:37:01 Date: 13 June 2012 12:37:34 Chair: ivan 12:37:56 Regrets: Ian, Tom, Sandro, Michel, Luc, Lee 12:48:51 mhausenblas has joined #swcg 12:49:55 tbaker has joined #swcg 12:50:21 @ivan ? 12:50:29 hey tom 12:51:06 pgroth has joined #swcg 12:51:11 I just sent you mail - please feel free to give the group a heads-up on the publicatn of DCMI Metadata Terms in RDFa Lite 1.1 with content negotiation. 12:53:01 yep, just saw it 12:53:04 thx 12:55:27 zakim, dial ivan-voip 12:55:27 ok, ivan; the call is being made 12:55:28 SW_CG()9:00AM has now started 12:55:29 +Ivan 12:57:34 +??P12 12:57:48 Zakim, ??P12 is me 12:57:48 +pgroth; got it 12:59:55 +George_Thomas 13:00:09 bhyland has joined #swcg 13:00:09 George has joined #swcg 13:00:42 + +1.540.898.aaaa 13:01:01 zakim, aaaa is bernadette 13:01:01 +bernadette; got it 13:01:06 +David_Wood 13:02:08 + +3539149aabb 13:02:17 Zakim, aabb is me 13:02:17 +mhausenblas; got it 13:03:37 scribenick: bhyland 13:03:42 scribe: bernadette 13:03:47 chair: Ivan 13:04:00 Topic: admin 13:04:12 Propose to accept: http://www.w3.org/2012/05/16-swcg-minutes.html 13:04:28 +1 13:04:32 +1 13:04:34 accepted 13:04:41 Topic: next meeting 13:05:14 Discussed summer recess for SWCG meetings 13:05:31 I will be on vacation for the last two weeks of July. 13:05:36 Propose next meeting 1-Aug-2012 13:06:21 i'm on holiday in august 13:06:29 i live in europe now :-) 13:06:40 Confirmed next meeting 1-Aug acknowledging we'll miss a few people due to holidays 13:06:58 Topic: Congrats 13:07:00 RDFa is in Rec![2] 13:07:00 New version of the RDF Concepts published[3] 13:07:01 RDB2RDF 2nd Last Call[4] 13:07:07 Congratulations! 13:07:12 +10 13:07:16 congrats, indeed! :) 13:07:40 +11 13:08:39 [2] http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/2012/06/07/rdfa-core-1-1-rdfa-lite-1-1-and-xhtmlrdfa-1-1-are-w3c-recommendation/ 13:08:39 [3] http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/2012/06/05/new-rdf-1-1-concepts-and-abstract-syntax-draft-published/ 13:08:39 [4] http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/2012/05/30/rdb2rdf-2nd-lc/ 13:08:57 Guus has joined #swcg 13:09:15 Topic: SemTech 13:09:31 Attended who are on the call: Ivan, DavidW and PaulG 13:09:49 Discussed feedback & observations ... 13:10:07 I wasn't there 13:11:04 DavidW: SemTech SF Conference attendance lower, by about 30%. Almost no there from US Gov't due to budget restrictions, except a couple people from US DoD. 13:11:04 I would've been there, but it conflicted with the #healthdata palooza...bummer 13:11:31 IBM & Oracle put on a strong statement, lots of new semantic support. 13:12:20 @davidwood - haven't seen your slides yet - where? 13:12:22 Ivan's talk was well attended. Dave's talk on the RDF WG was we covered on Twitter. People were engaged. 13:12:59 Dave delivered a talk on behalf of GLD WG about the state of Gov Open Data Worldwide and very well attended, about 45 people. 13:13:47 Link to the Progress Report on on W3C GLD WG site & here http://www.slideshare.net/3roundstones/progress-update-on-government-linked-data-world 13:14:58 Bart van Leewelan gave a very strong keynote and was present at the GLD WG talk. 13:15:07 Progress Report on Government Linked Data Worldwide 13:15:07 by Bernadette Hyland (but presented by me) 13:15:07 http://www.slideshare.net/3roundstones/progress-update-on-government-linked-data-world 13:15:07 Updates to the RDF Core Standards 13:15:08 by David Wood 13:15:10 http://www.slideshare.net/3roundstones/rdf-wg-update-semtechbiz-2012 13:15:14 Panel: Linked Enterprise Data Patterns 13:15:15 s/Leewelan/Leeuwen/ 13:15:16 David Wood, Arnaud le Hors, Ashok Malhotra 13:15:18 http://www.slideshare.net/3roundstones/semtechbiz-2012-panel-on-linking-enterprise-data 13:15:25 George ^^ 13:15:33 thanks davidwood 13:16:08 Another active participant was Cray who held a dinner and announced a $100k challenge 13:16:54 we're hoping to apply UriKA to the LDA+PPO approach with CMS/ORNL 13:16:55 Ivan spoke with Pearson Publishing 13:17:58 Pearson is interested in setting up a W3C IG, with support from Christine Connors, to help share info on ontologies and LD patterns. 13:18:20 … this is not final, just discussed. 13:18:23 can anyone point to the Cray challenge info? 13:18:45 http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/yarcdata-announces-100000-big-data-graph-analytics-challenge-nasdaq-cray-1665268.htm 13:18:48 thanks much :) 13:19:32 … Ivan met with TopQuadrant and discussed RDF simple rules standards. Ivan to revisit after holiday. 13:20:17 Ivan's presentation on Tuesday went well. He also participated in panel on Schema.org which was very well attended. 13:20:43 SPIN used well in GLD related XBRL <-> DataCube works (Benedikt) - very interested in SPIN (r)evolutions in W3 13:21:23 On the schema.org panel: 13:21:24 javascript:openpopup('sessionPop.cfm?confid=65&proposalid=4799') Ivan Herman, World Wide Web Consortium 13:21:24 Alexander Shubin, Yandex 13:21:24 Dan Brickley, Schema.org at Google 13:21:24 Evan Sandhaus, New York Times Company 13:21:24 Jeffrey W. Preston, Disney Interactive Media Group 13:21:25 John Giannandrea, Google 13:21:27 Peter Mika, Yahoo! 13:21:29 R.V. Guha, Google 13:21:32 Steve Macbeth, Microsoft 13:22:25 Observations: some still concerned the process not as transparent as it could be. Others said there has been a lot of improvement. Everyone pleased they were talking about RDFa 1.1 and RDFa Light 13:22:49 … Concerns still around a handful of people driving it. 13:23:27 Danbri has been instrumental in bringing many people from large organizations together to discuss this at SemTech. 13:24:14 somebody please tell John Sowa about these :) 13:25:09 :-( 13:25:13 Ivan: Lots of hallway discussions around RDB2RDF 13:25:42 …and of course there was also this: 3 Round Stones has been named the “Top Semantic Technology Start-Up,” http://semanticweb.com/3-round-stones-named-%E2%80%9Ctop-semantic-technology-start-up%E2%80%9D-at-semantic-tech-business-conference_b29646 13:26:16 Good presentation about JSON-LD by Gregg Kellogg 13:26:58 Ivan gave a general intro on sem technologies to Oracle at Redwood CA headquarters 13:27:46 congrats again 3RS and thanks davidwood for doing the GLD update! 13:28:18 well deserved! 13:29:05 +q 13:29:06 RE: SemTech top startup award. The prize was recognition but also a small lexan statue that caused him trouble with the TSA. Dave enjoyed "special screening" by TSA officers that delayed him by 15 minutes ... 13:29:15 Thanks, Michael! 13:29:24 …and George 13:29:36 TSA Tweets: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/entertainment/2010/11/best-tweets-tsa-body-scanning-edition/22261/ 13:29:44 Reza B'far from Oracle gave a talk on Provenance 13:32:05 agenda+ Health Datapalooza in DC 13:33:52 Topic: RDFa + DCMI document will be published this week ... 13:34:29 http://www.hdiforum.org/ 13:34:38 Topic: Health Datapalooza in Washington DC 13:35:28 Lead by now Federal CTO Todd Park, formerly the CIO of US Health & Human Services who is very supportive of Open Government Data generally … George has been advising on more semantic technologies 13:37:10 Tech Talk series Health TechTalk, April 16, 2012, see http://www.hhs.gov/open/discussion/newhealthdataresource.html 13:37:10 Report by George Thomas, Chief Architect, Office of the CIO; David Forrest, Healthdata.gov Lead Project Manager; Todd Park, US Chief Technology Officer 13:38:43 7 announced, 2 open now - first 2; apply standard vocabs, impl WebID - http://www.healthdata.gov/developer-challenges-overview 13:42:44 Lift off is happening in the US because of emerging commercial interest and pioneering government executive managers supporting a 4 & 5 star LD approach … US Gov execs using words like "machine readable", "open data for reuse by others", and "APIs" … not actually saying "Linked Data" 13:43:22 Topic: Sem Tech Keynote by Steve Harris, now at Experian. Great, great keynote. 13:44:23 Dave: Health Datapalooza had 1,600+ attendees focused on healthcare & open gov't data vs. 800 people at SemTech which is focused on technologies 13:44:58 Ivan: Note, there is a series SemTech conferences now in London, Berlin, DC and SF ... 13:45:40 Michael: Just adding for sake of completeness … the first European Data Forum (some 150 people, very mixed - SME, PSI, academics) was last week http://data-forum.eu/ 13:47:39 @Michael, was that the event in Brussels? 13:48:13 Michael: The event was in Copenhagen, Denmark 13:48:49 http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/CorePresentations/Applications/Applications.pptx and http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/CorePresentations/Applications/Applications.pdf 13:48:54 http://www.w3.org/2012/06/pmod/ 13:50:02 Topic: European Data Forum per mhausenblas 13:50:19 Rufus Pollack & Nigel Shadbolt discussed LOD deployments in the UK 13:51:25 Lots of talks on NoSQL. Quite mixed discussions, applications and research. Preparing for follow up conference next year. 13:52:12 Meeting Adjourned. Thanks all! Happy holidays. 13:52:21 thanks all - talk in Aug, bye :) 13:52:25 -pgroth 13:52:26 bye 13:52:26 -mhausenblas 13:52:30 -George_Thomas 13:52:46 -bernadette 13:52:54 cya 13:53:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:53:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/13-swcg-minutes.html ivan 13:53:17 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 13:53:56 @ivan, are you handling publishing minutes or am I? 13:55:25 bhyland: yep, I will take care of that 13:55:35 ok, bye. thanks. 13:59:52 where do we meet? 14:00:02 [for rdf chairs] 14:00:20 Guus, I have sent you a Skype contact request and can call you if you accept it. 14:00:39 -Ivan 14:00:40 -David_Wood 14:00:41 SW_CG()9:00AM has ended 14:00:41 Attendees were Ivan, pgroth, George_Thomas, +1.540.898.aaaa, bernadette, David_Wood, +3539149aabb, mhausenblas 14:01:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:01:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/06/13-swcg-minutes.html ivan 14:01:04 david, done 14:01:05 ericP has joined #swcg 14:01:30 SW_CG()9:00AM has now started 14:01:31 +EricP 14:01:57 -EricP 14:01:57 SW_CG()9:00AM has ended 14:01:58 Attendees were EricP