15:01:23 RRSAgent has joined #HCLS 15:01:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/05/14-HCLS-irc 15:01:49 michel has joined #hcls 15:04:13 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VrBWM133Pxxqe5jbjgg2IPiwv5JaHo98DDJdqOT1yh0/edit 15:04:47 http://www.w3.org/2012/05/07-HCLS-minutes.html 15:05:36 boycer has joined #hcls 15:05:58 loriy has joined #hcls 15:09:05 mlang has joined #hcls 15:10:06 joannne_luciano has joined #hcls 15:11:02 joanne just joined. 15:11:46 http://www.w3.org/2012/05/07-HCLS-minutes.html 15:11:51 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VrBWM133Pxxqe5jbjgg2IPiwv5JaHo98DDJdqOT1yh0/edit 15:14:05 Erich: How about HMDB? - the big metabolite database 15:15:38 mass spec data: http://www.peptideatlas.org/ (although there isn't much experimental context) 15:16:13 Discussion: directions and data sets of interest... 15:16:40 Joanne - what is the end product? Would it be interesting to look at patient stratification for personalized medicine? 15:17:04 Daniel has joined #hcls 15:17:16 Scott - rather than specific product - meta requirements for such a product... 15:17:31 What if we created a Minimum Information Standard for a EHR/PHR 15:17:40 (if it doesn't already exist) 15:17:47 Scott - example with discussion of EHR - doing an example would lay the groundwork for patient stratification 15:17:48 sorry, cannot join today... 15:18:09 Scott: "patient stratification implies an EHR" 15:19:19 Michael Miller (Insightful): involved in pre-term birth study...intended to make data public, along with EHR and nextgen sequencing data.... 15:19:23 Scott: Lot's of interest in data description for the purposes of federation: Kalpana Krishnaswami (Metaome), Paul Rigor, Richard Boyce, Biohackathon participants, etc. + interest in specific datasets (see above). 15:19:54 Biomarkers can pop out without the use of EHR 15:20:41 it's from last year, but this paper is coming to mind... http://www.selventa.com/attachments/publications/early-patient-stratification-is-critical-to-enable-effective-and-personalised-drug-discovery-and-development.pdf 15:21:06 Richard: looking at data such as microarray for biomarkers (without EHR) looks like where it's at, but you can only get so far with it. 15:21:20 Richard: Quality and provenance are very important 15:23:03 Scott: how to combine these things...if some of the named datasets are going to be used by members of the task force, then we should take that dataset along .... 15:23:35 Scott: gives us a better chance of engaging stakeholders needs... 15:24:29 Scott: a problem relevant to clinic and Pharmgx -- how can you assemble the various models (refs to ontologies) in a patient record so as to cover the fundamental needs of a clinic (i.e., genetic clinic) 15:25:28 Scott: geneology file might be linked to hospital system - how to declare privacy requirements 15:26:27 Scott: if talking about mutations, biomarkers, SNPS, etc...and have an unambiguous way to refer to them, 15:27:09 my line was dropped - calling in again 15:27:10 Scott: if you can integrate into HL7 what you would have, is a system that could be integrated into hospital system 15:28:55 Scott: Eric and Michael's work on HL7 might be relevant for providing traction w/ hospitals 15:31:15 Scott: what allot of clinical departments are missing, a way to carry information on genetic markers, geneology, w/ clinical data from one machine to another 15:32:11 Scott: clinical genetics - currently cannot look through patient or family history in an sharable, reusable, cross-platform way 15:32:23 Scott: silos of clinical genetics data 15:32:56 Scott: If I can get XML of that data, transform to RDF, now have a substrate for an exchange language for future platforms. 15:37:20 Richard: I know that personalized medicine requires information from several spaces, including molecular data, drugs, and other BioRDF areas of work. 15:37:50 Richard: Isn't TCGA centered on sequencing the tumors? and the clinical data is in their clinic 15:38:35 Michael: Yes - I'm looking at some right now. :) 15:40:16 MacTed has joined #hcls 15:40:19 is there a link for that dataset? 15:40:39 Michael: Yes, the personal "people" data is all private but there's sequence data, mRNA, and many types of related data that aren't protected. 15:42:07 Richard: The LODD cloud represents a network of chemical identity. 15:42:41 ..you can map the identities to the strings that are used to represent a drug. 15:43:33 ..Then quality of the network of chemical identity and its provenance become important. 15:44:42 matthias_samwald1 has joined #hcls 15:44:50 Michel: the network of chemical identity is of interest 15:45:00 G+ post about chem identity (from Egon): https://plus.google.com/u/0/103703750118158205464/posts/Ld2cwfJM8Kd 15:45:14 Michel: to his lab -- did some work in TMO 15:45:32 Michel: incorrect reference to semantic types a major problem 15:45:55 Michel: example, gene product vs gene identifier 15:46:08 Michel: source data contains semantic nonsense 15:46:27 Michel: does this get propogated from the source to the linked data 15:46:51 Michel: what responsibility does the linked data group have in identifying the limitations of the source? 15:47:09 Michel: initial work with TMO 15:47:50 I'm still here (that was pc2) 15:52:21 Rich: what work can this group do to contribute to improving quality of data? 15:52:43 Rich: what elements are source issues, linked data developer issues, and user issues? 15:52:51 Richard: Talked about the difficulty of provenance for drug interaction - different sources of selection, DrugBank 1 vs. 2 vs. 3 15:53:09 Michel: we need to clarify the relationship of linked data curators and the source data sets 15:53:34 Michel: where does the responsibility lie when there are known problems with the source data 15:55:19 Michel: provenance of relevance to linked data: where did the data come from, how did you get from the source to the linked data resource 15:55:42 Rich: also, how to share what has been done by the linked data curator -- community developed 15:55:43 Michel: In Bio2RDF, we created a github repository for the scripts 15:55:48 excellent meeting today! - apologies, but I need to sign out due to another upcoming meeting 15:55:59 tx Erich! 15:56:21 Michel: part of our mandate - make it possibly to branch linked data sets 15:56:27 i recommend looking at the conversion tools developed at RPI -- csv2rdf4lod for example 15:56:40 also datafaqs that i mentioned earlier 15:57:28 Scott: also a need in the clinic - how to relate DICOM represented scan to metadata 15:57:39 and the recent work coming out of the provenance working group 15:57:45 in our experience, it is never the case that you simply take data and naively convert it in order to generate high quality (e.g. well represented) data 15:58:22 it takes substantial parsing to generate structured data 15:58:39 agree michel - that's not what is being suggested/proposed. it;s to convert and add the appropriate metadata to make quality linked data, not junk rdf 15:59:15 Scott: Daniel Rubin working on links between EHR, DICOM, and genomic data 15:59:56 Scott: basic work - standard way of representing metadata in a DICOM file....proprietary issues 16:01:29 Michael: the framework for running an analysis would be desired 16:01:36 (what kind of analysis?) 16:02:14 Michael: making use of linked data that is available during analysis, how do you represent the analysis for a particular expression data? 16:03:29 e.g, what does it mean to tak RDF , run an analysis, and incorporate the end results.... 16:03:49 Michael: can you do that within the context of RDF 16:03:58 (need to go in 1 minute) 16:04:10 HyQue does just this: http://www.slideshare.net/micheldumontier/hyque-evaluating-scientific-hypotheses-using-semantic-web-technologies 16:05:33 See slide 29 16:05:33 Michel: on slide 29, you can see how results are linked together with the source 16:06:30 Michel: SADI implements the policies of making use of RDF to produce RDF 16:07:08 Thanks to everyone for the valuable input! 16:07:34 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:07:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/05/14-HCLS-minutes.html mscottm 16:07:51 RRSAgent, please make minutes world visible 16:07:51 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please make minutes world visible', mscottm. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:10:14 mscottm2 has joined #hcls 16:10:59 RRSAgent, please make log world visible 16:27:45 michael has left #hcls 16:46:02 mscottm has joined #hcls 17:18:30 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 17:45:35 mscottm has joined #hcls 18:56:27 mscottm has joined #hcls 19:14:52 Zakim has left #HCLS 19:20:08 mscottm has joined #hcls