00:03:01 silvia has joined #media 21:31:11 RRSAgent has joined #media 21:31:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/05/11-media-irc 21:31:18 trackbot start meeting 21:31:23 zakim, code? 21:31:23 sorry, silvia, I don't know what conference this is 21:31:37 zakim, room for 5 21:31:37 I don't understand 'room for 5', janina 21:31:38 silvia, Janina has to request a room first' 21:31:45 zakim, room for 5? 21:31:47 ok, janina; conference Team_(media)21:31Z scheduled with code 2119 (A11Y) for 60 minutes until 2231Z 21:32:05 OK. Our good old code 2119# 21:32:22 Team_(media)21:31Z has now started 21:32:28 +??P0 21:32:34 +JF 21:32:50 zakim, ??P0 is Janina 21:32:50 +Janina; got it 21:32:52 +silvia 21:33:37 rrsagent, make log public 21:33:45 rrsagent, make minutes 21:33:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/05/11-media-minutes.html janina 21:34:35 scribe: janina 21:34:51 silvia: worked some more, not enough, on the doc 21:34:58 silvia: tried to address concerns from yesterday 21:35:11 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/ChangeProposal/Issue194_SP 21:36:40 [looking at patterns in silvia's cp] 21:37:09 jf: Looking at the first pattern ... 21:38:22 silvia: putting track within div doesn't have a meaning at this time 21:38:43 silvia: an attrib on div would be background problem 21:38:53 21:38:53 21:38:53 21:38:53 21:38:53 21:38:54 s/background/legacy/ 21:39:21 jf: What's the discovery mechanism in that pattern? 21:39:23 s/an attrib/an element inside/ 21:39:24 silvia: @for 21:40:00 silvia: how the rendering happens needs discussion 21:40:05 chaals has joined #media 21:40:20 zakim, code? 21:40:20 the conference code is 2119 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), chaals 21:41:10 +??P3 21:41:19 silvia: rendering is going to be an issue regardless the underlying associating mechanism 21:41:25 zakim, ??p3 is me 21:41:25 +chaals; got it 21:41:40 Yo! 21:43:01 q+ 21:46:14 chls: no doubt we can meet all the use cases any number of ways 21:46:27 chls: still concerned mainly about authoring patterns 21:47:12 chls: Seems browsers learn to get this right faster than authors do 21:47:37 Q+ 21:47:41 ack j 21:47:46 ack j 21:47:48 q+ jf 21:47:50 Q+ 21:48:30 chls: authors too likely to break things 21:48:54 chls: if we expect them to get all the particulars correctly ligned up 21:48:56 ack j 21:49:08 jf: wants to speak to this as well ... 21:49:28 jf: looking at use case #2 ... 21:49:36 s/authors/something like the worst 50% of authors/ 21:49:39 21:49:40 21:49:40 Transcript for the video 21:49:40 21:49:48 s/too likely/more lkely than browsers/ 21:50:32 jf: That some percentage of authors will push the transcript away from the video element, even push it off screen 21:51:21 jf: we're seeing more and more of these problems today--we have so many different ways to hide content 21:51:55 q+ 21:51:57 jf: This is why I think we need to solidly keep transcript with video 21:52:31 ack s 21:53:08 silvia: so, before addressing this, what's today's preferred hiding mechanism 21:53:24 jf: most robust way today is off-screen 21:53:31 jf using css 21:53:59 jf: but focusable content in that off-screen creates problems for keyboard users 21:54:20 s/keyboard/sighted keyboard/ 21:54:30 q+ to respond... too 21:54:52 ack c 21:54:52 chaals, you wanted to respond... too 21:55:29 chls: so, sensible guidance says: "don't hide it." 21:55:44 chls: but then your customer says: "hide it somehow" 21:56:37 chls: it's the browser/at that makes things discoverable, e.g. jfw with longdesc 21:56:57 chls: the best people get it right, and more right than the browsers even 21:57:12 chls: average developer will likely get it wrong because all these techniques have issues 21:57:30 chls: so, what's suggested for browsers to do? 21:58:34 chls: many hiding techniques were for making pix of fonts a11y 21:58:48 Q+ 21:59:12 chls: of course, this handled only one area of a11y -- didn't handle high contrast need, for instance 22:00:19 chls: the solution that hides it until you tab to it is messy and definitely breaks page appearance 22:00:42 s/appearance/layout/ 22:01:30 jf: whatever mechanism we come up with needs to put a button in the controls 22:01:34 q+ 22:02:16 q+ 22:02:25 ack jf 22:03:41 silvia: back to the hiding problem .... 22:04:08 silvia: want to address the request to keep transcript with the video element ... 22:04:44 silvia: the transcript needs to be navigable 22:04:46 q+ to say I think we can make the buttons and text navigable in any model 22:04:49 Q+ to say that the activation mechanism for showing/hiding the transcript is what we need to deal with 22:06:49 silvia: think hiding is orthogonal 22:07:27 ack silvia 22:07:33 Q+ silvia 22:07:45 ack janina 22:07:55 q+ 22:09:29 janina: suggesting an omnibus "alternate renderings" button 22:09:46 janina: noting that users who need certain alt types will configure to auto select them 22:10:04 silvia: working on chrome buttons, we haven't found an optimum solution yet 22:10:43 silvia: regardless, how these are 'buttoned' is not for the spec to define, though guidance may be ok 22:12:00 Q? 22:12:05 ack chaals 22:12:05 chaals, you wanted to say I think we can make the buttons and text navigable in any model 22:12:06 chls: suspect we may never find an optimum solution for rendering availability -- buttons ... 22:12:20 chls: closest we get is workable solutions, and every browser's is different 22:12:51 chls: we shouldn't prescribe 22:13:57 q+ 22:14:55 chls: suggest we should be trying to provide a way for browsers to put some kind of button before the user rather than hardcoding a proximate on screen rendering 22:16:51 chls: relying on users needing to upgrade browsers in the short term may be worth it to get this right for the future 22:17:03 ack jf 22:17:03 JF, you wanted to say that the activation mechanism for showing/hiding the transcript is what we need to deal with 22:17:33 jf: agree that there may be an misunderstanding here 22:18:25 jf: want to go back to the downloadable transcript use case ... 22:18:41 jf: i'm concerned about what's the mechanism that allows the user to do that? 22:20:19 jf: the browsers that have taken the trouble to indicate longdesc is available have done a good job of this 22:20:51 silvia: want to avoid solutions that require js 22:21:57 silvia: agree not to rely on developers to render 22:22:42 q+ 22:22:49 ack silvia 22:23:13 silvia: i definitely want the browser to render, with sync if available 22:23:24 [Yeah, I think we're on the same page about wanting the browser to handle the rendering as far as possible] 22:23:30 q+ 22:24:02 q+ to say I'd take the job of teaching authors who have interactive transcripts over the job of teaching authors who have some kind of transcript... 22:25:01 ack JF 22:25:07 ack chaals 22:25:07 chaals, you wanted to say I'd take the job of teaching authors who have interactive transcripts over the job of teaching authors who have some kind of transcript... 22:25:55 Q+ to return to the authoring pattern 22:26:02 chls: noting web intents is relevant here -- to enable an ordinary web page to get the player for the media type to render 22:26:56 chls: the people who most need the noninteractive transcript will survive without video rendering 22:28:27 22:28:28 22:28:28 Transcript for the video 22:28:28 22:29:00 chls: we don't need the same quality solution for edge cases that we need for the naive case 22:29:30 22:29:32 22:29:33 Transcript for the video 22:29:35 22:30:02 q+ 22:30:43 jf: do I understand the transcript element is akin to aside or landmark? 22:30:45 silvia: yes 22:31:19 jf: so the association to video is performed by the transcript element ... 22:31:33 22:31:33 22:31:33 Transcript for the video 22:31:33 22:31:38 jf: still concerned about the client who wants me to hide it 22:32:23 Q? 22:32:27 ack JF 22:32:27 JF, you wanted to return to the authoring pattern 22:33:06 silvia: if hidden then only discoverable to screen reader users, but that's not useful to sighted users 22:33:25 silvia: to make it available for sighted users would need a button on video 22:33:47 silvia: what about a transcript attrib on video element? 22:34:23 silvia: sounds like you'd prefer attrib? would be ok by me 22:35:03 jf: would we be able to expose that in the controls? 22:35:10 jf: wcan we make it default behavior? 22:35:22 silvia: yes, either way, and we can recommend the behavior 22:35:26 jf: rfc2119 should? 22:35:32 silvia: that's all we can do with controls 22:35:55 chls: even if it's rfc2119 must we can't force browsers 22:36:05 silvia: rendering by browsers is beyond this spec 22:36:36 q+ 22:36:59 22:37:00 22:37:02 Transcript for the video 22:37:03 22:37:05 ack me 22:37:32 silvia: prefer not because might need a list of links 22:38:33 chls: so, three transcripts -- how to distinguish between them? 22:40:03 22:40:04 22:40:06 22:40:07 22:40:09 22:40:16 q+ 22:40:32 ack chaals 22:40:36 [JF: better to reuse hreflang here] 22:40:37 ack silvia 22:41:08 silvia: don't think the track will work 22:42:12 silvia: want to keep track semantics -- so don't want pdf, etc in track 22:42:58 silvia: the hidden tab problem is generic not specific to this 22:43:11 jf: but we shouldn't perpetuate the generic problem 22:43:37 q+ 22:44:02 q+ to say that the indirected link increases the surface of the problem, compared to something which does not rely on something that is by default hidden in the video element and handled by the UA 22:44:32 ack me 22:44:36 ack me 22:44:36 chaals, you wanted to say that the indirected link increases the surface of the problem, compared to something which does not rely on something that is by default hidden in the 22:44:39 ack chaals 22:44:40 ... video element and handled by the UA 22:45:07 zakim, whos' here? 22:45:07 I don't understand your question, JF. 22:45:17 zakim, who's here? 22:45:17 On the phone I see Janina, JF, silvia, chaals 22:45:18 On IRC I see chaals, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, JF, silvia 22:45:43 zakim, unmute chaals 22:45:43 chaals was not muted, JF 22:46:47 silvia: suggest avoiding the keyboard focus problem shouldn't prevent us from solving transcript in a uniform manner 22:47:28 silvia: anything else was requiring rendering inside the video element 22:48:02 jf: can't speak for the tf on this, but solving one problem by perpetuating another may not be acceptable 22:49:47 q+ 22:50:29 Bring on ARIA Landmarks! 22:50:46 give me back html 2.0! 22:50:50 22:50:51 22:51:22 [/me doesn't like using option - I'd rather put the links inside the transcript container and hide them a la object...] 22:51:39 [if we are getting the video player to pick up the links anyway] 22:52:19 [(option just seems a bit off to one side for me)] 22:52:22 aria-onlyAT 22:53:01