20:03:49 RRSAgent has joined #html-aapi 20:03:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/05/08-html-aapi-irc 20:04:01 zakim, this will be aapi 20:04:01 Zakim has joined #html-aapi 20:04:01 rrsagent, make logs public 20:04:14 Scribe: cynthia shelly 20:04:21 ScribeNick: cyns 20:04:27 Meeting: AAPI 20:04:27 Chair: Cynthia Shelly 20:05:52 James: please note where things are differen than what is currently implemented 20:05:52 James: this doc is in the middle zone between web api and platform api. 20:05:52 James: need to document what is different so we can review those things more closely 20:05:52 James: difference between blank, not mapped and ? 20:05:52 Cynthia: ? and blank are not done yet. Not mapped is intentionally not mapped. 20:05:52 James: Heading mappings with outline algorithm. AX heading has a property of AXlevel, which should be added. 20:05:55 AXLevel (double-check that?) on AXHeading 20:05:57 either with h1-h6 or h1 in nested hgroup sections 20:05:59 james: will look at AXColorwell 20:06:01 James: will look at optgroup 20:06:04 Thanks. James, I was wondering if Apple has been keeping any more documentation about the AAPI that it might be open to sharing at this point? For example, there are the various landmark mappings used now that are nowhere publicly documented (that I can find), and I'm wondering if any other roles, subroles or attributes have been added. An updated guide as to what's available might help flesh out what some of the mappings should be for new elements an 20:06:09 Also, would you object to me sending you a list of specific proposed mappings for your input at some point? 20:06:12 James: aria mappings are so new their not documented yet 20:06:14 I think optgroup needs another property, too. maybe AXDisabled 20:06:16 scribe: cyns 20:06:18 James: ruby should not be AXUnknown. AXUnknown should not be exposed. 20:06:20 james: should probably be AXStaticText 20:06:22 James: AXStaticText is closest to DOM Text node (as opposed to element node). James will follow up with font and japanese language team about rt and rp. 20:06:26 James: ruby should not be AXUnknown. AXUnknown should not be exposed. 20:06:27 james: should probably be AXStaticText 20:06:29 James: AXStaticText is closest to DOM Text node (as opposed to element node). James will follow up with font and japanese language team about rt and rp. 20:06:32 james: tbody, thead, tfoot should be "not mapped" 20:06:34 james: one of differences between aria and html is that aria doesn't have different role for single or multiple line. are there similar things in HTML? 20:06:37 cynthia: input and type, menu and commands. Command is based on parent. Many elements become commnads inside menus. 20:06:40 Steve: anythign with an accesskey becomes a command 20:06:42 james:
is not mapped 20:06:44 james: col and colgroup not mapped 20:06:46 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-api-map/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#examples-sum 20:06:49 james: details and summary. 20:06:50 steve: implemented in webkit. will put in a bug to map to AX 20:06:52 james: progress should have it's values mapped. 20:06:55 progress element should expose AXValue 20:06:56 and AXValueDescription if there is an HTML5 equiv to aria-valuetext 20:06:58 james:
is not mapped 20:07:01 james: col and colgroup not mapped 20:07:02 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-api-map/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#examples-sum 20:07:04 james: details and summary. 20:07:06 steve: implemented in webkit. will put in a bug to map to AX 20:07:08 james: progress should have it's values mapped. 20:07:10 progress element should expose AXValue 20:07:12 and AXValueDescription if there is an HTML5 equiv to aria-valuetext 20:07:15 zakim, bye 20:07:15 Zakim has left #html-aapi 20:07:23 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:07:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/05/08-html-aapi-minutes.html cyns 20:07:30 rrsagent, bye 20:07:30 I see no action items