13:18:30 RRSAgent has joined #rdfa 13:18:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/04/26-rdfa-irc 13:18:32 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:18:32 Zakim has joined #rdfa 13:18:34 Zakim, this will be 7332 13:18:34 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFa()10:00AM scheduled to start in 42 minutes 13:18:35 Meeting: RDF Web Applications Working Group Teleconference 13:18:35 Date: 26 April 2012 13:40:25 MacTed has joined #rdfa 13:48:42 Steven_ has joined #rdfa 13:59:43 niklasl has joined #rdfa 14:00:05 SW_RDFa()10:00AM has now started 14:00:13 +??P5 14:00:20 zakim, I am ??P5 14:00:21 +gkellogg; got it 14:00:32 zakim, dial ivan-voip 14:00:41 ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:00:43 +Ivan 14:01:14 +??P11 14:01:16 zakim, I am ??P11 14:01:16 +??P15 14:01:16 zakim, I am ??P11 14:01:20 Steven_ has joined #rdfa 14:01:23 +niklasl; got it 14:01:24 sorry, manu1, I do not see a party named '??P11' 14:01:29 zakim, I am ??P15 14:01:38 +manu1; got it 14:01:54 +??P13 14:02:41 +OpenLink_Software 14:02:53 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 14:02:54 +MacTed; got it 14:02:56 Zakim, mute me 14:03:06 MacTed should now be muted 14:04:20 +McCarron 14:04:29 +??P26 14:04:45 zakim, I am ??P26 14:04:45 +Steven_; got it 14:06:16 ShaneM has joined #rdfa 14:06:35 zakim, who is here? 14:06:35 On the phone I see gkellogg, Ivan, niklasl, manu1, ??P13, MacTed (muted), McCarron, Steven_ 14:06:38 On IRC I see ShaneM, Steven_, niklasl, MacTed, Zakim, RRSAgent, trackbot, ivan, manu, manu1, gkellogg 14:06:44 zakim, McCarron is ShaneM 14:06:44 +ShaneM; got it 14:10:20 Zakim, unmute me 14:10:20 MacTed should no longer be muted 14:10:45 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2012Apr/0061.html 14:10:55 scribenick: ivan 14:11:01 scribe: ivan 14:11:45 +1 14:13:06 scor has joined #rdfa 14:13:37 Issue: fix regexp in the xsd:simpleType definition of CURIE (it's too lax, matching e.g. "pfx://abc") 14:13:37 Created ISSUE-138 - Fix regexp in the xsd:simpleType definition of CURIE (it's too lax, matching e.g. "pfx://abc") ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/138/edit . 14:13:56 Topic: High-level Overview of May and June re: RDFa 1.1 14:14:59 Steven has joined #rdfa 14:15:47 manu: we try to move to pr, as long as the issues for today do not create a problem 14:15:59 … we want to make an announcement in semtech on the rec publications 14:16:06 q+ 14:16:15 ack ivan 14:16:30 ivan: To make it very clear - this means that we have to publish the PR in a week. 14:17:16 ivan: procedural description - we have to have a transition call - I have already started to find a time to do it. We have to start the process of members voting - at the minimum, 4 weeks. 14:17:40 ivan: If we start the process formally, on Thursday, it will end on the Thursday before the conference. If there are no objections during the voting period, moving to REC becomes an automatic thing. 14:17:54 ivan: We can publish the REC the Tuesday after... very tight schedule. 14:18:21 Steven_ has joined #rdfa 14:18:28 ivan: We can shift a little bit because the conference ends on Thursday, we could formally announce on Thursday... but that's not ideal - let's try for Tuesday of the conference. 14:18:39 manu1: any question on the process? 14:18:41 .... 14:18:43 .... 14:18:45 …..... 14:18:46 ………….. 14:18:51 (none) 14:18:54 Topic: Exiting Candidate Recommendation Phase 14:19:19 manu1: we have some editorial issues and some open issues that we have 14:19:19 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/open 14:19:30 … deal first with what affects the rec document 14:19:38 issue-138? 14:19:38 ISSUE-138 -- Fix regexp in the xsd:simpleType definition of CURIE (it's too lax, matching e.g. "pfx://abc") -- open 14:19:38 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/138 14:20:14 manu1: niklas, do you have an alternative regex? 14:20:26 … what we could do is to resolve to fix the reges 14:20:30 s/reges/regex/ 14:20:59 Current CURIE simpleType pattern: (([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?[^\s]+ 14:21:06 ShaneM: i do not know whether the regex is wrong 14:21:12 q+ 14:21:15 ack ivan 14:21:22 Should not match curie://path 14:21:33 ivan: Where does this regex come from? Does it come from the xsd:simpleType definition? 14:22:00 shane: ivan. you are wrong! 14:22:31 ShaneM: it is the definition in 8.1, which is informative 14:22:38 … i.e., we can change it the way we want... 14:23:17 ShaneM: it is too lax right now, and what is the problem with that? 14:23:45 niklasl: this is not a correct one, we decided that curie-s should be different 14:24:04 PROPOSAL: Fix the regular expression for the definition of a CURIE in RDFa Core 1.1, Appendix A.1 to not allow "://" as a valid CURIE. 14:24:08 +1 14:24:08 +1 14:24:10 +1 14:24:11 +1 14:24:18 +1 14:24:18 +1 14:24:35 +1 14:24:39 +1 14:24:42 RESOLVED: Fix the regular expression for the definition of a CURIE in RDFa Core 1.1, Appendix A.1 to not allow "://" as a valid CURIE. 14:25:07 issue-136? 14:25:07 ISSUE-136 -- RDFa Lite 1.1 Conformance Section - host language attributes -- open 14:25:07 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/136 14:25:08 Next up: https://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/136 14:25:33 manu: alex brought it up, rdfa lite conformance 14:25:42 … we need to do some minor editorial changes 14:25:47 q+ 14:25:51 ack ivan 14:26:28 ivan: If you follow the thread, I have some text which is relatively obvious for adding a reference to @href and @src - there is the @rel/@rev issue. I'm not sure how to address that. 14:26:34 Proposed text from Ivan: It must not use any additional RDFa attributes other than vocab, typeof, property, resource, and prefix; it may also use href and src, in case the Host Language authorizes their usage. The usage of rel and rev, if authorized by the Host Language, should be restricted to non-RDFa usage patterns, as defined by the Host Language. 14:27:00 ivan: If somebody uses @rel with one of those attributes not meant for RDFa - they are conformant RDFa Lite. 14:27:57 Steven_ has joined #rdfa 14:31:23 "It must not use any additional RDFa attributes other than vocab, typeof, property, resource, and prefix; it may also use href and src, when the Host Language authorizes their usage. However, even if authorized by the Host Language, the usage of rel and rev should be restricted to non-RDFa usage patterns, as defined by the Host Language." 14:31:36 PROPOSAL: Update the RDFa Lite 1.1 specification to make it clear that authors must not use any additional RDFa attributes other than vocab, typeof, property, resource, and prefix; it may also use href and src, in case the Host Language authorizes their usage. The usage of rel and rev, if authorized by the Host Language, should be restricted to non-RDFa usage patterns, as defined by the Host... 14:31:37 ...Language. 14:31:53 Zakim, unmute me 14:31:53 MacTed was not muted, MacTed 14:33:09 PROPOSAL: Update the RDFa Lite 1.1 specification using something to the effect of: "It must not use any additional RDFa attributes other than vocab, typeof, property, resource, and prefix; it may also use href and src, when the Host Language authorizes their usage. However, even if authorized by the Host Language, the usage of rel and rev should be restricted to non-RDFa usage patterns, as... 14:33:10 ...defined by the Host Language." 14:33:22 +1 14:33:23 +1 14:33:23 +1 14:33:24 +1 14:33:26 +1 14:33:26 +1 14:33:39 +1 14:33:50 +1 14:33:54 RESOLVED: Update the RDFa Lite 1.1 specification using something to the effect of: "It must not use any additional RDFa attributes other than vocab, typeof, property, resource, and prefix; it may also use href and src, when the Host Language authorizes their usage. However, even if authorized by the Host Language, the usage of rel and rev should be restricted to non-RDFa usage patterns, as... 14:33:56 ...defined by the Host Language." 14:33:59 It seems these pure editorial changes were not made to RDFa Lite yet: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2012Mar/0002.html - we might not need to vote, but I want to double check… 14:34:21 issue-134? 14:34:21 ISSUE-134 -- Section 7.5, Step 11 Ambiguity in RDFa Core 1.1 -- open 14:34:21 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/134 14:34:37 We should discuss: https://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/134 14:35:40 q+ 14:35:50 manu1: we could say that 'why the wording may be more clear, we have four interoperable implementations already therefore we should not change it at this point' 14:35:51 q+ 14:35:54 ack scor 14:36:02 scor: these changes are not substantive 14:36:07 … why not make them 14:36:11 scor: These changes are not substantive. 14:36:32 manu: the danger is that we would make changes with bugs 14:37:07 ack ivan 14:37:32 ivan: If I want to be fair, your argumentation doesn't hold, Manu - all four implementations are from people in this WG. 14:37:36 q+ 14:38:27 ivan: Alex is the first person that implemented this w/o being a part of the discussion. You could refute the argument you're using that way. That being said, I am very worried about making wide changes. We could address Alex's issue at this point, but it becomes a bit scary to make this change at this point. 14:38:28 q+ 14:38:29 ack manu1 14:38:55 MacTed: Could we make this change as a note? 14:38:58 ivan: Not really. 14:39:30 manu1: one minor note: whenever I go through this stuff and implement it, then I really read it through the word 14:39:36 … it was not not 'not clear' 14:39:43 ack gkellogg 14:39:43 … but ivan is right we understand that stuff 14:39:57 gkellogg: I attempt to do same thing, i.e., reading the document 14:40:05 Steven_ has joined #rdfa 14:40:09 … i implemented 1.0 without being in the group 14:40:19 … the most important point was the test cases 14:40:20 +1 14:40:34 … and I would be worried to make any change that should ripple through the document 14:41:38 manu: we agree that it would be nice to make the processing steps a little bit more clear, but we are concerned about the ripple effects of this mainly when we already have implementations 14:42:01 niklasl: i was mainly driven by the test cases, and in case we had a problem i went back to the text 14:42:02 … "… "otherwise, if the @rel, @rev, and @content attributes are not present, as a resource obtained from one of the following:"" 14:42:30 q+ 14:42:46 niklasl: I can see Alex' point if he did not have a return statement in his text 14:42:56 … "otherwise, if the @rel, @rev, and @content attributes are not present, and a resource is obtained from one of the following:" 14:43:13 ack scor 14:43:13 niklas: we could change the text to the above 14:43:43 scor: grant mail says that we should not change this 14:43:51 scor: Grant recommends not to change the wording... he's agreeing with the general direction of the group. 14:44:18 scor: we could say the group agrees not to change 14:44:28 manu: i do not think we should make any change at this point 14:44:37 … alex would understand if we do not make the change 14:44:44 … the positive downside is very large 14:44:54 … and we do not really have a consensus that we really need the change 14:45:53 manu: i think we are talking this to death 14:46:06 Move on 14:46:07 … i have not heard anybody who really feels we have to make this change 14:47:49 While the text is not as clear as it might be, implications of a change are potentially more problematic than the present inclarity. 14:48:32 .. I believe that Core section " Chaining with @property and @typeof" wouldn't work with the wrong implementation of this step. Can anyone verify? 14:49:00 PROPOSAL: Regarding Section 7.5, Step 11, while the text is not as clear as it might be, making a change at this point could be more problematic than leaving the text as is. 14:49:10 PROPOSAL: Regarding Section 7.5, Step 11, while the text is not as clear as it should be, making a change at this point could be more problematic than leaving the text as is. 14:49:17 +1 14:49:19 +1 14:49:29 +1 14:49:40 +1 14:49:42 +1 14:49:52 +1 14:49:59 Additionally, the group believes that making a change right before REC is a bad idea, especially when the potential upside is vague. 14:50:08 +1 14:50:15 +1 14:50:17 RESOLVED: Regarding Section 7.5, Step 11, while the text is not as clear as it should be, making a change at this point could be more problematic than leaving the text as is. 14:51:16 q+ 14:51:34 ack niklasl 14:51:43 niklasl: issue 135, do we have to discuss it? 14:51:50 … it almost brought us to a halt... 14:52:03 manu: yes, but we have to finalize the rec versions 14:52:36 q+ 14:53:04 It seems these pure editorial changes were not made to RDFa Lite yet: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2012Mar/0002.html - we might not need to vote, but I want to double check 14:53:27 manu: i intend to merge those 14:53:32 … everything in there is editorial 14:53:36 … i will do what you say 14:55:09 PROPOSAL: The RDF Web Apps Working Group requests that the Director move RDFa Core 1.1, RDFa Lite 1.1, and XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to the Proposed Recommendation status modulo any changes that may be required before April 30th. The group requests that the documents are published on May 3rd 2012. 14:55:24 +1 14:55:25 +1 14:55:26 +1 14:55:26 +1 14:55:27 +1 14:55:27 +1 14:55:34 +1 14:55:46 +1 14:55:48 RESOLVED: The RDF Web Apps Working Group requests that the Director move RDFa Core 1.1, RDFa Lite 1.1, and XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to the Proposed Recommendation status modulo any changes that may be required before April 30th. The group requests that the documents are published on May 3rd 2012. 14:56:47 CURIE regex: (([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?(/[^\s/]|[^\s/])[^\s]* 14:57:22 ivan: Practicalities - Manu - you should send out an e-mail to the chairs requesting PR... it should go out on Monday (that's the 30th). Maybe sending it out before to Ralph, Thomas, Ivan would be good. We should have this on the record. There should be some sort of a report on what changes have happened on the document. 14:57:55 q+ 14:57:59 ack scor 14:58:06 ack gkellogg 14:58:21 gkellogg: the earl report, should it be a working group note? 14:58:23 http://rdfa.info/earl-reports/ 15:00:05 manu1: I will put the document on w3c space 15:00:23 … will send out the info to ralph, thomas, and an official mail with chairs to monday 15:00:40 topic: del value issue 15:00:45 Topic: ISSUE-135: RDFa Lite and non-RDFa @rel values 15:00:54 s/del val/rel val/ 15:00:58 -MacTed 15:01:50 q+ 15:02:26 ack shanem 15:02:34 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/135 15:03:55 bergie has joined #rdfa 15:04:55 q+ 15:05:06 q+ 15:05:22 q+ 15:06:02 ack niklasl 15:09:23 ack ivan 15:09:25 q+ 15:10:25 ack scor 15:14:31 ack 15:15:02 q+ 15:16:53 ack manu1 15:17:20 q+ 15:17:26 ack scor 15:21:28 ack ivan 15:23:00 q+ 15:23:43 q+ to ask about @vocab and @rel 15:23:51 ack scor 15:25:13 q+ for no changes to RDFa Core 15:25:20 ack shanem 15:25:20 ShaneM, you wanted to ask about @vocab and @rel 15:27:04 Steven_ has joined #rdfa 15:29:18 q+ 15:30:08 ack manu1 15:30:08 manu1, you wanted to discuss no changes to RDFa Core 15:30:31 +1 to that 15:30:41 +1 15:31:16 http://www.w3.org/TR/html-data-guide/#properties-within-links 15:31:17 ack scor 15:32:52 q+ to propose a way forward with this issue. 15:35:11 q+ 15:36:09 q+ 15:36:18 q+ 15:37:46 ack manu1 15:37:46 manu1, you wanted to propose a way forward with this issue. 15:39:01 ack scor 15:40:17 q- 15:42:11 bergie has joined #rdfa 15:44:15 ack shanem 15:44:27 What does the group favor? Straw poll: There are two options to address this issue: 1) In HTML5+RDFa - when using @vocab, authors MUST use CURIEs or IRIs in @rel (terms are ignored), and 2) In HTML5+RDFa, authors MUST use CURIEs or IRIs in @rel - no terms are allowed. 15:44:43 +1 +1 15:44:47 +1 for either 15:44:51 +0, +1 15:44:57 -1 +1 15:45:07 manu: -1 -1 (but if I had to pick), -1 +1 15:45:57 +0 +0 15:45:58 +0.75 +0.75 (I'd prefer opt. 2 + "only if @property is present in the same element") 15:48:25 -ShaneM 15:48:27 -Steven_ 15:48:27 -gkellogg 15:48:30 -manu1 15:48:32 -niklasl 15:48:33 -??P13 15:48:58 manu: the earl report is up to date, but the displayed version is not. Must be another site sync issue. 15:49:27 gkellogg: thanks, I'll git pull 15:52:23 -Ivan 15:52:24 SW_RDFa()10:00AM has ended 15:52:24 Attendees were gkellogg, Ivan, niklasl, manu1, MacTed, Steven_, ShaneM 16:07:34 To be clear, I'm sure that in option 2 we also mean "terms are ignored" (i.e. you may use non-curie names, they just are ignored). And we also in both cases imply that if all is ignored, the @rel *itself* is ignored (needed to avoid it's effect on processing when combined with @property - the heart of the issue) 16:31:41 niklasl: That was my read on it as well 16:31:59 Great. 16:38:37 niklasl has left #rdfa 17:48:02 Zakim has left #rdfa 18:32:38 bergie has joined #rdfa 20:51:54 ShaneM has joined #rdfa 21:46:40 ShaneM has joined #rdfa 21:49:04 ShaneM has left #rdfa