14:58:03 RRSAgent has joined #html-techs-tf 14:58:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/04/02-html-techs-tf-irc 14:59:17 zakim, this will be 9224 14:59:17 ok, Joshue108; I see WAI_HTML TT()11:30AM scheduled to start in 31 minutes 15:00:03 zakim, make log world 15:00:04 I don't understand 'make log world', Joshue108 15:00:16 rrsagent, make log world 15:00:32 Meeting: HTML Techniques Task Force 15:00:47 Chair: Josh 15:01:07 Agenda + Item 1: Review of submitted technique for Captions: 15:02:14 Agenda + Item 2: Request from PF to discuss and review the on-screen behavior of tab accessible hidden data. (HTML WG Issue 204) 15:12:26 MichaelC_ has joined #html-techs-tf 15:56:00 jamesn has joined #html-techs-tf 15:59:03 WAI_HTML TT()11:30AM has now started 15:59:10 +Ryladog 16:00:58 Loretta has joined #html-techs-tf 16:01:06 +David_MacDonald 16:01:29 zakim, code 16:01:29 I don't understand 'code', Joshue108 16:01:32 zakim, code? 16:01:32 the conference code is 9224 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), Joshue108 16:01:42 +James_Nurthen 16:01:53 +Cooper 16:02:07 +??P12 16:02:38 David has joined #html-techs-tf 16:02:39 jamesn has changed the topic to: 02-April-2012 (jamesn) 16:02:42 adam has joined #html-techs-tf 16:03:02 +Jeff 16:03:25 zakim, Jeff is Joshue_O_Connor 16:03:25 +Joshue_O_Connor; got it 16:03:33 zakim, ??P12 is Loretta_Guarino_Reid 16:03:33 +Loretta_Guarino_Reid; got it 16:03:47 +??P19 16:03:57 +Jon_Gunderson 16:04:12 zakim, P19 is adam_solomon 16:04:12 sorry, adam, I do not recognize a party named 'P19' 16:04:21 zakim, ??P19 is adam_solomon 16:04:21 +adam_solomon; got it 16:04:32 Ryladog has joined #html-techs-tf 16:06:49 scribe: jamesn 16:07:05 zakim, who is here? 16:07:05 On the phone I see Ryladog, David_MacDonald, James_Nurthen, Cooper, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Joshue_O_Connor, adam_solomon, Jon_Gunderson 16:07:07 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:07:08 On IRC I see Ryladog, adam, David, Loretta, jamesn, MichaelC, RRSAgent, Zakim, Joshue108, jongund 16:07:08 On the phone I see Ryladog, David_MacDonald, James_Nurthen, Cooper, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Joshue_O_Connor, adam_solomon, Jon_Gunderson 16:07:16 marcjohlic has joined #html-techs-tf 16:07:45 +Marc_Johlic 16:07:48 zakim, take up item 1 16:07:48 agendum 1. "Item 1: Review of submitted technique for Captions:" taken up [from Joshue108] 16:08:34 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20120319techs/ 16:08:58 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_the_track_element_to_provide_captions 16:12:03 q+ 16:13:09 ack me 16:13:16 q+ 16:13:42 q+ to say that if you have a technique you think is not ready then mention it when you mail it to us 16:13:47 ack me 16:13:47 jamesn, you wanted to say that if you have a technique you think is not ready then mention it when you mail it to us 16:14:38 q+ to mention that wikis are meant to be collaborative editing spaces... 16:14:52 ack me 16:15:53 MC: wikis are designed to be collaborative edit spaces. Ideally folks should just add to wiki pages 16:16:21 MC: if we get that really going with the group - the wiki has features so you can look at what is being worked on 16:16:35 MC: you can put a note in. Wikis also have talk page 16:16:47 MC: not sur ewe should do that - but it is there 16:17:28 q+ 16:17:35 notes it is "Discussion" on our wiki 16:17:56 LGR: hopes this is ready to go. Was revised based on previous comments 16:17:57 ack me 16:17:57 MichaelC, you wanted to mention that wikis are meant to be collaborative editing spaces... 16:18:09 TimBoland has joined #html-techs-tf 16:18:09 ack d 16:18:50 DM: notes doesn't think translation should be in description 16:19:15 LGR: lifted directly from html5 16:19:40 LGR: the test procedure notes that must be in the language of the video 16:19:55 LGR: the test procedure does not permit the kind of track this note discusses 16:20:19 LGR: moved dicussion into the note from before 16:20:47 LGR: concerned if we don't say this then it would be construed as not meeting the need 16:21:34 LGR: lots of confusion concerning caption and subtitle 16:23:01 LGR: used pretty interchangeably 16:23:11 LGR: in common usage 16:23:27 LGR: HTML5 is pretty clear. Carefully distinguished 16:24:25 LGR: important distinction is does it contain sound effect info etc. 16:26:45 JG: if there are both subtitles and captions is there a way for the user to select which is displayedx 16:27:08 JOC: support is pretty good in major browsers for html5 video controls 16:27:41 we can hear you, JOn. 16:28:59 +q 16:30:16 LGR: there may be a way to provide the language of the video 16:30:21 Could we add two bullets: Captions = dialogue+other audio sounds .... Subtitles= dialogue, usually in different language from the video 16:31:45 JN: concerned we are overthinking this 16:31:58 LGR: change the subtitle line to be a cpation line 16:32:48 LGR: add that this is an english video in the source code (whatever way that is shown) 16:33:11 JG: add an example 2 about multiple languages 16:34:05 LGR: we have stayed agnostic about the format of the cpation file 16:34:23 JOC: would be very useful to show someone how to get started in cpations 16:34:45 JOC: it is relatively straightforward but can be difficult to get started 16:34:57 LGR: i'D like there to be a resource we can poiint people to 16:35:35 LGR: if we document any format we open pandora's box 16:35:54 LGR: the techniques are showing how to associate them together in the technology 16:36:14 DM: I'm confused why we have different language cpations 16:38:46 LGR: In terms of WCAG if you are putting up a french video and have english subtitles there is no need in wcag to have english captions too 16:44:20 looks good to me now 16:46:07 LGR: has everyone reviewed the updated example 16:47:05 JOC: concerned about srt extension 16:48:12 JOC: lets leave it 16:48:22 LGR: happy to change to what we agree on 16:50:23 zakim, take up item 2 16:50:23 agendum 2. "Item 2: Request from PF to discuss and review the on-screen behavior of tab accessible hidden data. (HTML WG Issue 204)" taken up [from Joshue108] 16:50:52 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/204 16:51:52 JOC: basic idea is that a long description could be referenced by aria-describedby and pushed off screen 16:52:38 +q 16:52:55 q+ 16:53:25 JN: While we are doing HTML5 techs, I think this is a broader issue. 16:54:57 -q 16:55:33 ack me 16:55:34 ack Ryladog 16:56:10 +q 16:56:52 +1 16:57:10 -adam_solomon 16:57:41 q+ 16:57:44 -q 16:58:02 -Jon_Gunderson 16:58:08 I have another call 17:02:20 ack me 17:03:18 -Loretta_Guarino_Reid 17:03:44 -Marc_Johlic 17:03:54 Oops - skype just cut me off. Sorry! 17:04:56 no worries 17:17:34 -Ryladog 17:17:47 -Joshue_O_Connor 17:17:48 -Cooper 17:17:51 -James_Nurthen 17:17:52 -David_MacDonald 17:17:52 WAI_HTML TT()11:30AM has ended 17:17:52 Attendees were Ryladog, David_MacDonald, James_Nurthen, Cooper, Joshue_O_Connor, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Jon_Gunderson, adam_solomon, Marc_Johlic 17:18:02 rrsagent, make minutes 17:18:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/04/02-html-techs-tf-minutes.html jamesn