12:02:14 RRSAgent has joined #swcg 12:02:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/03/21-swcg-irc 12:02:16 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:02:16 Zakim has joined #swcg 12:02:18 Zakim, this will be 7924 12:02:18 ok, trackbot; I see SW_CG()9:00AM scheduled to start in 58 minutes 12:02:19 Meeting: Semantic Web Coordination Group Teleconference 12:02:19 Date: 21 March 2012 12:02:22 Ivan, "The conference is restricted at this time" 12:02:28 Chair: Ivan 12:02:35 Regrets: Luc, Paul 12:02:42 ???? 12:02:50 the conference is in about an hour 12:03:15 Aren't we going to meet on the same line for the RDF chairs call? 12:03:29 yes, but after the CG call! 12:04:00 Err, you said in your email "I think we agreed that we would have a call before the WG call tomorrow. Are we all o.k. with it?" 12:04:11 I have a conflict after the CG call... 12:04:14 WG=Working Group 12:04:18 CG=Coordination Group 12:04:20 :-) 12:04:20 Ah 12:04:39 My mistake. Sorry. I'll see what I can do about the conflict. 12:52:00 fsasaki has joined #swcg 12:53:39 tbaker has joined #swcg 12:57:24 LeeF has joined #swcg 12:59:19 zakim, dial ivan-voip 12:59:19 ok, ivan; the call is being made 12:59:20 SW_CG()9:00AM has now started 12:59:21 +Ivan 12:59:50 +[IPcaller] 13:00:30 danbri has joined #swcg 13:00:33 +LeeF 13:00:48 +[IPcaller] 13:00:58 bhyland has joined #swcg 13:01:17 zakim, TomB is really tbaker 13:01:17 +tbaker; got it 13:01:24 -> http://www.w3.org/mid/FED403CF-5CE8-41C2-AC31-DDA82FC90170@w3.org Agenda call 13:01:27 +bhyland 13:02:01 scribenick: bhyland 13:02:06 Scribe: Bernadette 13:02:07 +George 13:02:08 Zakim, I am with bhyland 13:02:08 +davidwood; got it 13:02:21 George has joined #swcg 13:02:38 timezone's almost got me! dialing 13:02:41 s/'// 13:03:23 +??P14 13:03:27 zakim, ??P14 is danbri 13:03:27 +danbri; got it 13:05:25 true! 13:06:19 zakim, who is here? 13:06:19 On the phone I see Ivan, fsasaki (muted), LeeF, tbaker, bhyland, George, danbri 13:06:22 bhyland has davidwood 13:06:41 Quick intros before meeting start ... 13:08:34 (I chair SWIG aka www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/ ) 13:08:41 http://www.w3.org/2012/03/07-swcg-minutes.html -> last minutes 13:09:12 Lee Feigenbaum (SPARQL), Tom Baker (Library … please fill in Tom), Bernadette Hyland (Gov LD WG), Dave Wood (RDF WG), George Thomas (Gov LD WG) and Dan Brickley (SWIG) and Felix Sasaki (DSKI AI, co-chair Multilingual WG) 13:09:26 Accepted: Minutes from two weeks ago 13:09:46 http://www.w3.org/2012/03/07-swcg-minutes.html 13:09:50 S/DSKI AI/DFKI/ 13:09:51 tbaker, I was asked "RT @prototypo: Why does the #SchemaOrg site still fail to mention #RDFa positively after search engines agreed to support it? // CC: @danbri" 13:10:03 Tom Baker: co-chair Semantic Web Deployment WG, and Library Linked Data Incubator Group 13:10:18 s/co-chair/former co-chair/ 13:10:29 Congratulations to RDFa 1.1 is in CR, see blogpost on this http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/2012/03/13/rdfa-1-1-core-rdfa-lite-and-xhtmlrdfa-published-as-candidate-recommendations/ 13:11:32 Topic: I18N and SW 13:12:02 … Ivan and Felix recently at a EU workshop together and there are issues/work that Ivan wanted Felix to appraise the SWCG about 13:12:07 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-semweb-cg/2012Mar/0022.html 13:14:10 fsasaki: Described the diverse community & stakeholders in the multilingual efforts. More and more Linked Open Data being used, e.g., WordNet 13:14:51 … Language technology can be used to link lexicons, conceptual models. Helps to develop/widen reach of LOD. 13:15:39 … Can help to connect sem web vocabs. 13:15:45 … "The localization industry has more and more content to be translated in 13:15:45 more and more languages on the Web. Resources provided as LOD are seen as 13:15:45 key to make this happen." 13:16:40 How to make this concrete? 13:16:58 … Formation of the MultilingualWeb-LT working group 13:16:58 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/ 13:16:58 https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=53116&public=1 13:16:58 which encompasses participants from all above areas. The goal of this group 13:16:58 is very specific, see the charter 13:17:00 http://www.w3.org/2011/12/mlw-lt-charter 13:18:15 Goals include: defining metadata that helps language technology and localization of Web 13:18:15 content. "Web content" has a focus on HTML5 13:19:31 … Reaching across content types is key. "The group wants to reach out to other areas of content, like XML content from which HTML is generated" 13:20:09 -> http://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/ Ontolex community group 13:20:17 fsaski described: The Ontolex community group 13:20:17 http://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/ 13:20:17 Is working on a specific type of resource and its representation using 13:20:17 ontologies: lexica. 13:21:31 fsasaki described specific things we might do working with the W3C ... 13:21:42 1): discuss venues where the SW and the MLW community can meet 13:21:42 and work on the relation between SW and MLW. 13:22:16 Suggested: the MLW-LT workshop 13:22:16 11-13 June in Dublin. 13:22:45 2): Work on how to apply the MLW-LT metadata to RDF. 13:24:09 RDFa moving ahead very fast and fasaski would like to discuss how to bring metadata for MLW 13:24:42 Also related is provanance work … "work on whether the outcome of the provenance WG can be 13:24:42 used for what the localization industry needs." 13:25:11 … Automatic linked entity annotation 13:25:38 "work on relation between schema.org vocabulary and a to be 13:25:38 created vocabulary for automatic named entity annotation, see 13:25:38 https://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/track/issues/3 13:26:04 Concrete next step is to have involvement with Ontolex community group ... 13:26:19 q? 13:27:17 Discussion to support fsasaki's proposed work in support of multi-lingual Web community 13:27:34 Dave: Do you require any changes to RDF to make this work? 13:28:06 fasasaki: See details in my email subject: "MultilingualWeb community and Semantic Web (Re: Agenda for the meeting on 2012-03-21" 13:29:00 fsasaki made some suggestions. Davidwood acknowledged requests however said the group is not currently chartered to do some things fsasaki suggested ... 13:29:26 Davidwood: there are some things that are possible and still within charter … 13:30:03 ivan: Discussion within the RDF WG re: XML literals … 13:31:05 ivan: Suggested a path forward using XML literals and attributes to achieve some of the goals of the MLW community ... 13:31:34 ivan: We don't yet have consensus, but we have some ideas that may work ... 13:32:41 fsasaki: MLW people are also talking to people in the HTML5 community 13:33:53 ivan: suggested possible 'joint task force' with 3 people from each RDF WG & MLW community ... 13:35:00 davidwood: Before suggesting joint task force, it would be better to outline why the current standard doesn't work for MLW community … propose issues with XML literal and/or propose an HTML5 literal ... 13:35:57 q+ 13:36:26 fsasaki: We are developing a solution XML and HTML solution … what gets into RDF is less important (scribe questions if she caught that correctly...) 13:36:43 q? 13:37:55 davidwood: Described status of RDF WG vis a vis HTML5 literal. He requested fsasaki describe & submit a use case that may help motivate the RDF WG ... 13:38:20 ack ivan 13:38:27 davidwood: suggested an email thread to public RDF comments would be helpful. 13:39:05 ivan: One of the big issues with XML literals is namespace issues. In case of HTML5 literal, the namespace issue is moot. 13:40:16 Please send comments to public-rdf-comments@w3.org 13:41:05 ACTION for fsasaki: Please send comments to mailto:public-rdf-comments@w3.org to get use case and proposal on their radar for discussion. 13:41:05 Sorry, couldn't find user - for 13:41:29 s/their/RDF WG's 13:42:15 examples lupedia.ontotext.com http://www.opencalais.com/ http://www.zemanta.com/?f=1 http://incubator.apache.org/stanbol/ 13:42:49 https://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/track/issues/3 13:42:53 fsasaki: discussed work on relation between schema.org vocabulary and a to be 13:42:53 created vocabulary for automatic named entity annotation, see 13:42:53 https://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/track/issues/3 13:44:10 q+ 13:44:48 danbri: asked about examples of "entity" the way the MLW community thinks about it vs. schema.org 13:45:38 ack bhyland 13:46:06 see also http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/ --- very similar concerns there 13:46:35 @fsasaki - do you know about the work of Elena Montiel Ponsod from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid re: multi-lingual support for LOD 13:48:08 re Elena - see http://aksw.org/Projects/LIMES 13:48:18 tx! 13:48:50 actually - that's the wrong LIMES sorry - will correct shortly 13:49:25 q? 13:50:25 @fsasaki, thank you, wonderful work and very well organized. Thanks for sharing this with us today. I'll make email intro between you & Elena and her team. 13:51:07 great, thanks a lot, bhyland :) 13:51:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/21-swcg-minutes.html fsasaki 13:51:42 Topic: schema.org sychronization ... 13:51:44 q+ to ask whether schema.org's relationship can move closer to W3 as the WHAT WG did 13:52:04 @fsasaki - here's the right Elena LIMES link, it's a start anyway; http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/images/4/4a/MultilingualismGLD%28v4%29.pdf 13:52:58 danbri: Guha was a primary voice/force behind RDF and is the same force behind schema.org and it would be good to view this through that lens. 13:53:00 @fsasaki - and it's LEMON, not LIMES :) 13:53:23 thank you :) 13:54:34 danbri: Web developers are paying attention to SEO because they want to improve search results …. messiness is accepted by several of the big search engines ... 13:55:36 http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebSchemas 13:55:37 danbri: We're tracking schema.org issues, markup issues, etc in W3 list ... 13:55:52 http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebSchemas/ExternalEnumerations 13:56:04 Web Schemas is a http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-data-tf/ used by the http://schema.org/ project to collaborate with the wider community. 13:56:34 danbri: Don't want schema.org to be originator of lists of countries, weights & measures. 13:56:44 +sandro 13:56:55 … that is better done by other organizations. 13:57:20 danbri: there is a lot in schema.org that are points of interest, stuff that goes on maps for example. 13:58:01 danbri: focus is more at defining the top level intersection with wikipedia. 13:58:24 danbri: focus is more on defining top level intersection points ... 13:58:53 danbri: the ideal division of labor is for us to describe the structure but content by others ... 14:00:22 … collected promise, 'here is something we can work together on'. The big four (Yandex/Google/Bing/MS) each have their specific focus ... 14:01:04 WebSchemas proposals are listed here, see http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebSchemas/SchemaDotOrgProposals 14:01:56 … external enumerations are key issue ... 14:03:16 +Guus_Schreiber 14:03:17 … accepted levels of pluralism are being worked out. 14:03:39 ack davidwood 14:03:39 davidwood, you wanted to ask whether schema.org's relationship can move closer to W3 as the WHAT WG did 14:04:00 Guus has joined #swcg 14:04:33 danbri: How we work … 2-3 engineers from the four search companies meet each Friday. 14:05:29 … in the future the W3C telecon infrastructure will be used to do more work in the public to build trust & transparency. 14:06:14 davidwood: It would be good to give the community more clarity ... 14:07:37 danbri: There is no formal organization behind the project per se. 14:08:21 adjourned. + after chat: 14:09:41 -George 14:09:44 -tbaker 14:09:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:09:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/21-swcg-minutes.html ivan 14:09:52 -fsasaki 14:10:58 zakim, who is here? 14:10:58 On the phone I see Ivan, LeeF, bhyland, danbri, sandro, Guus_Schreiber 14:11:00 bhyland has davidwood 14:15:05 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/team-rdf-chairs/2012Mar/0014.html 14:20:33 { } 14:21:15 yes 14:21:30 zakim, who is on the call? 14:21:30 On the phone I see Ivan, LeeF, bhyland, danbri, sandro, Guus_Schreiber 14:21:31 bhyland has davidwood 14:21:34 ha! 14:22:25 Isn't the basis for the disagreement the relation of graphs to REST (or not)? 14:23:13 ...

.... 14:25:27 q+ 14:25:53 ack Guus 14:37:12 davidwood: "It's about a bunch of parties making claims" 14:41:40 sandro: n3 solves these problems; just not efficiently enough. 14:42:42 { .... } 14:43:21 http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/TF-Graphs-Designs#Graph_Objects 14:43:45 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quints 14:44:41 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quince 14:45:13 its'a graph about things, and some of those things are graphs 14:46:28 http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/TF-Graphs-Designs 14:49:02 Simple example: :ga rdf:type rdf:Graph. :sandro endorses :ga. :ga { :s1 :p1 :o1 } 14:51:15 -danbri 14:51:33 (skype just kicked me off; not sure why! thanks for letting me join...) 14:51:58 There is an isomorphism between solution 3 and solution 6. G type K. G {...} === G J { .... } where there is a 1-1 mapping between K and J. 14:57:46 eg:g2 owl:sameAs "eg:s2 eg:p2 eg:o2"^^rdf:turtle. 14:59:51 agreement to http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/TF-Graphs-Designs#Typed_Labels 15:00:05 This conference is in overtime; 4 ports must be freed 15:00:26 -bhyland 15:00:28 -sandro 15:00:29 -Guus_Schreiber 15:00:31 -Ivan 15:00:43 zakim, bye 15:00:43 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Ivan, fsasaki, LeeF, tbaker, bhyland, George, davidwood, danbri, sandro, Guus_Schreiber 15:00:43 Zakim has left #swcg 15:00:53 rrsagent, bye 15:00:53 I see no action items