17:51:39 RRSAgent has joined #audio 17:51:39 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/03/12-audio-irc 17:51:44 zakim, this will be audio 17:51:44 ok, olivier; I see RWC_Audio()2:00PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 17:51:50 Meeting: Audio WG teleconference 17:52:05 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2012JanMar/0345.html 17:52:17 Agenda+ New WD publication for web audio API 17:52:24 Agenda+ Proposed use case: metronome (Thierry) 17:52:32 Agenda+ ISSUE-4: setting sample rates for individual JavaScriptProcessingNodes 17:55:07 RWC_Audio()2:00PM has now started 17:55:14 +[IPcaller] 17:56:49 zakim, IPcaller is Alistair 17:56:49 +Alistair; got it 17:59:07 +??P1 17:59:16 zakim, ??P1 is me 17:59:16 +olivier; got it 17:59:45 tmichel has joined #audio 18:01:02 +??P2 18:01:16 jernoble has joined #audio 18:01:43 +??P3 18:02:00 zakim, ??P2 is Thierry 18:02:00 +Thierry; got it 18:02:08 Zakim, ++P3 is jernoble 18:02:08 sorry, jernoble, I do not recognize a party named '++P3' 18:02:09 zakim, ??P2 is Jer 18:02:09 I already had ??P2 as Thierry, olivier 18:02:13 tmichel has left #audio 18:02:19 zakim, ??P3 is Jer 18:02:19 +Jer; got it 18:02:27 tmichel has joined #audio 18:02:30 zakim, who is here? 18:02:30 On the phone I see Alistair, olivier, Thierry, Jer 18:02:32 On IRC I see tmichel, jernoble, RRSAgent, Zakim, olivier, Alistair, smus, colinbdclark, kennyluck, F1LT3R, foolip, kinetik, trackbot, paul___irish, jussi 18:03:32 chris has joined #audio 18:04:38 + +1.650.253.aaaa 18:05:08 zakim, aaaa is CRogers 18:05:08 +CRogers; got it 18:06:29 Topic: WD publication of the web audio API 18:07:02 Thierry: we had a discussion after last call, Chris will be giving me his last draft and I'll make them pub compliant, put it back on the dev space 18:07:24 CRogers: almost all the changes commited, just one edit to commit - should be done 1h after the call 18:07:55 Thierry: if we go ahead with the publication, we need to update the umbrella doc 18:08:12 … which would need something from the spec differences doc 18:08:59 Olivier: Al and I discussed about it, were not sure whether we had enough material and had received enough feedback 18:09:18 Al: happy to put stuff in but would be happier if Chris and ROC reviewed what is there already 18:09:52 Thierry: not mandatory, as it's another doc 18:09:58 … we can update each doc at any time 18:10:09 … it's up to us when we update each doc 18:10:49 Olivier: agreed 18:11:39 Thierry: when should we publish? 18:13:07 Olivier: we have resolution to publish, so whenever the doc is ready I'd say go 18:13:31 Thierry: where do we stand with the dependency with the webRTC group and their requirements? 18:13:48 CRogers: the only one we don't yet have (I think) is the metering 18:14:03 … haven't put that in the spec yet, but that's all I can remember 18:14:18 Thierry: we should probably mention this 18:14:31 … either in SOTD or somewhere in the spec 18:15:52 Olivier: would it be better to just communicate with the groups (webrtc, html, webapps) and tell them which of their requirements we cover/don't cover? 18:16:09 Al: makes sense to have that missing node 18:16:23 … don't see anyone objecting 18:16:33 CRogers: agreed, just haven't put it in there yet 18:16:42 Thierry: could be just a placeholder 18:16:47 … "under development" 18:16:54 CRogers: OK 18:16:57 Olivier: good idea 18:17:52 Olivier: move to adjourn and let CRogers and Thierry work on the spec 18:20:31 RESOLVED: we will republish the Web Audio API spec a few days after the last batch of edits are done, and will republish the other docs at a later point, when the group feels they are ready 18:21:14 :) 18:21:23 bye 18:21:24 ADJOURNED 18:21:29 -Alistair 18:21:30 -CRogers 18:21:31 -olivier 18:21:32 -Thierry 18:21:40 -Jer 18:21:41 RWC_Audio()2:00PM has ended 18:21:41 Attendees were Alistair, olivier, Thierry, Jer, +1.650.253.aaaa, CRogers 18:21:47 Scribe: Olivier 18:21:48 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:21:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/12-audio-minutes.html tmichel 18:21:54 Chair: Al and Olivier 18:22:05 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:22:10 rrsagent, make minutes 18:22:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/12-audio-minutes.html olivier 19:01:57 gcardoso has joined #audio 19:25:26 automata has joined #audio 19:53:15 smaug_ has joined #audio 19:53:48 jussi: is there some website which can take an url of mp3 and decode and play that file 20:09:00 FILT3R has joined #audio 20:10:26 smaug_, jsmad.org ? 20:10:54 automata: it doesn't accept urls 20:10:56 it seems 20:10:59 only local files 20:11:12 (and couldn't get it to actually use the local files) 20:11:31 it is not working for local files either? 20:11:52 yeah, I'm trying here, it's not working, you're right 20:15:51 smaug_, well, I reported an issue https://github.com/nddrylliog/jsmad/issues/28 20:27:36 smaug_, FIY Jens Nockert from jsmad already answered: https://github.com/nddrylliog/jsmad/issues/29#issuecomment-4460864 20:28:32 looking 20:29:12 ah, ofc, CORS would be needed 20:29:14 silly me 20:47:35 smaug_, it's true, what browser are you using? Jens commented the local file uploading is working for him using FF 12.0a2 20:47:57 but it is not working for me using FF 7.0.1 (I'm upgrading now) 20:48:33 FF13 20:48:41 FF7 is ancient 20:49:01 There will be FF14 tomorrow ;) 20:49:28 yeah, silly me :-) 20:50:16 local files is not working on FF13? 21:17:45 smaug_, testing here with FF 10 and it is working 21:18:19 interesting 21:18:26 I should re-try 21:18:39 perhaps it was my network connection just being slow 21:19:43 maybe, the file loading is slow here too 21:54:04 FILT3R has joined #audio