17:06:07 RRSAgent has joined #html-techs-tf 17:06:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/02/06-html-techs-tf-irc 17:06:08 zakim, who is on the call? 17:06:08 On the phone I see Chris_Thatcher, Bruce_Bailey, Frank_Mixson, Joshue, adam_solomon, James_Nurthen, Alex_Qiang_Chen, Marc_Johlic, David_Todd, Cooper 17:06:13 rrsagent, make log world 17:07:12 Scribenick: Joshue 17:07:31 scribeNick: Joshue108 17:07:46 JN: I hope everyone has looked at the techniques doc. We hopefully won't have so many issues this time. 17:08:24 MC: The technique template is updatable. 17:08:43 CT: I will review the techniques doc and comment. 17:08:56 17:09:03 regrets+ Christophe Strobbe 17:09:37 regrets+ Léonie_Watson 17:09:46 MC: Gives some background on how to join etc. 17:10:24 Frank Nixon gives his background. Interested in HTML5, CSS and AJAX a11y. 17:10:48 Chris Thatcher web-dev, Library of Congress. 17:11:11 JN: Lets all introduce ourselves 17:12:26 17:17:31 scribeNick: David Todd 17:17:53 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Technique_Instructions 17:18:28 James: posted technique instructions above. 17:19:28 Group: Scribing will capture summary of comments. 17:20:28 Stepping through technique instructions... 17:21:10 Step 1: Check to make sure technique is not covered by another technique. 17:24:26 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5-diff/ 17:24:39 Chris: Is there a page for transitioning from html4 to html5 techniques? Not yet. 17:25:22 Above is a good link to look at differences between html5 & html4. 17:26:10 Step 2: Which WCAG guidelines the technique addresses. 17:29:45 Step 3: Add technology notes. Notes are common for a bunch of techniques May want to separate them out. 17:31:21 JN: Replicating information is problematic, so add this sort of information in a tech. note. 17:33:09 JN: For now, add technology note when particular technology is not well supported. 17:34:52 JN: Tech notes won't be updates once they are published . They are a snapshot. 17:35:05 JN: Covering the wiki system. 17:35:25 MC: Have to be a member of WCAG WG to edit the wiki 17:36:06 JN: Covering how to write the techniques. 17:36:25 JN: Need to avoid normative information in the techniques. 17:37:13 MC: Use "Ajax" when reference Ajax. 17:40:01 MC: Use "HTML5" to refer to "HTML5" techniques and HTML for general HTML techniques. 17:41:15 JN: No comments should be made about the technique being sufficient. 17:42:00 JN: Make sure you understand how the technique fits with other techniques. 17:44:10 JN: E.g., relationships between general techniques and technology specific technique. Be aware of this relationship. 17:51:33 JN: If questions about how to write a technique, bring to the group. 17:53:00 JN: Look again at the list of techniques to see if any progress has been made. 17:53:13 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Techniques/HTML5 17:55:53 JN: Alex volunteered to write a technique. 17:56:42 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Techniques/ARIA 17:57:17 Alex: Will look at proposed techniques and volunteer if comfortable with one or more. 17:57:27 -adam_solomon 18:00:52 chair: James_Nurthen 18:00:56 rrsagent, make minutes 18:00:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/06-html-techs-tf-minutes.html MichaelC 18:01:29 meeting: HTML Techniques TF 18:01:54 regrets- L�onie_Watson 18:01:59 regrets- Strobbe 18:02:04 regrets+ Léonie_Watson 18:02:13 zakim, list attendees 18:02:13 As of this point the attendees have been +1.202.340.aaaa, +1.202.272.aabb, +1.216.791.aacc, Joshue, James_Nurthen, adam_solomon, Alex_Qiang_Chen, Marc_Johlic, +1.720.663.aadd, 18:02:17 ... David_Todd, Chris_Thatcher, Bruce_Bailey, Cooper, Frank_Mixson 18:02:17 rrsgaent, make minutes 18:02:24 -Joshue 18:02:25 -Chris_Thatcher 18:02:25 rrsagent, make minutes 18:02:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/06-html-techs-tf-minutes.html MichaelC 18:02:26 -Frank_Mixson 18:02:26 -David_Todd 18:02:28 -Alex_Qiang_Chen 18:02:28 -Marc_Johlic 18:03:23 -Cooper 18:03:27 -James_Nurthen 18:03:35 -Bruce_Bailey 18:03:36 Team_(wai-wcag)16:30Z has ended 18:03:36 Attendees were +1.202.340.aaaa, +1.202.272.aabb, +1.216.791.aacc, Joshue, James_Nurthen, adam_solomon, Alex_Qiang_Chen, Marc_Johlic, +1.720.663.aadd, David_Todd, Chris_Thatcher, 18:03:36 ... Bruce_Bailey, Cooper, Frank_Mixson 18:11:40 zakim, bye 18:11:40 Zakim has left #html-techs-tf 18:11:42 rrsagent, ye 18:11:42 I'm logging. I don't understand 'ye', MichaelC. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:11:45 rrsagent, bye 18:11:45 I see no action items