17:00:50 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 17:00:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/01/23-wai-wcag-irc 17:00:52 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:00:52 Zakim has joined #wai-wcag 17:00:54 Zakim, this will be WAI_WCAG 17:00:55 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 17:00:55 Meeting: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 17:00:55 Date: 23 January 2012 17:01:03 zakim, this will be 9224 17:01:03 ok, MichaelC; I see Team_(wai-wcag)17:00Z scheduled to start now 17:01:35 zakim, this is 9224 17:01:35 ok, MichaelC; that matches Team_(wai-wcag)17:00Z 17:01:42 +Christophe_Strobbe 17:01:48 zakim, IPcaller is Joshue_O_Connor 17:01:48 +Joshue_O_Connor; got it 17:02:33 agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/4F184ED4.1040708@oracle.com 17:02:55 LeonieW has joined #wai-wcag 17:03:13 +chris.a 17:03:39 zakim, chris.a is Loretta_Guarino_Reid 17:03:39 +Loretta_Guarino_Reid; got it 17:03:50 Loretta has joined #WAI-WCAG 17:04:05 +??P10 17:04:30 zakim, ??P10 is Léonie_Watson 17:04:30 +Léonie_Watson; got it 17:04:32 +??P21 17:04:34 chair: James_Nurthen 17:04:37 zakim, ??P21 is jongund 17:04:37 +jongund; got it 17:04:53 scribe: Joshue 17:05:10 scribeNick: Joshue108 17:06:59 regrets: Bruce_Bailey, Tim_Boland 17:07:26 JN: This is a good time for Bruce and Tim, but they just cannot make this call. 17:07:52 MC: Discusses scribing list credits 17:08:16 JN: If in PF style we should get PF credit! 17:08:25 + +1.703.890.aaaa 17:08:34 DMcD: We should get both 17:08:48 zakim, aaaa is Katie_Haritos-Shea 17:08:48 +Katie_Haritos-Shea; got it 17:09:08 MC: We will work it off line 17:09:31 JN: I don't object to chairs scribing 17:10:01 JOC: +1 17:10:58 TOPIC: Which members can particpate 17:11:26 MC: You do have to a member of either WCAG or PF to contribute. 17:11:47 MC: If people who are interested are not in either, contact me and I will try to facilitate them 17:12:08 s/particpate/participate 17:12:24 zakim, mute me 17:12:24 Joshue_O_Connor should now be muted 17:12:38 MC: So is this acceptable? 17:12:57 JN: The WCAG outputs are in the public space, and PF is private. 17:13:11 JN: This should be in the public space 17:13:14 MC: Agreed 17:13:20 JN: Objections? 17:13:23 17:13:35 JN: Ok, anyone not here we can discuss on list. 17:13:44 JN: We can draft a proposed resolution. 17:13:59 MC: I'd write a resolution. 17:14:17 RESOLUTION: James and Josh to draft resolution 17:14:31 zakim, unmute me 17:14:31 Joshue_O_Connor should no longer be muted 17:14:32 s/RESOLUTION: James and Josh to draft resolution// 17:15:34 RESOLUTION: Work to take place in WCAG space, to particpate members will need to join WCAG. 17:15:48 RESOLUTION: All materials will be public 17:15:56 zakim, mute me 17:15:56 Joshue_O_Connor should now be muted 17:16:29 MC: Minutes and pointers will be sent to both WGs. 17:16:45 JN: Will we send stuff to Xtech? 17:16:52 KHS: What about a keyword? 17:17:15 s/particpate/participate/ 17:17:26 TOPIC: Times for meetings 17:17:44 JN: Does this time work for people on call? 17:17:47 17:18:05 JN: We will propose times, length etc. 17:18:28 zakim, unmute me 17:18:28 Joshue_O_Connor should no longer be muted 17:18:56 JN: The above is the suggested time 17:19:04 JN: Anyone else? Please let us know 17:19:11 zakim, mute me 17:19:11 Joshue_O_Connor should now be muted 17:19:34 < Discussion on best day and time> 17:19:35 proposed: Mondays 16:30 to 18:00 UTC (Standard Time) 17:19:56 LW: When is WCAG call? 17:20:08 JN: Thursday at 9pm GMT 17:20:28 JN: We'll put it on the survey 17:21:12 MC: These times aren't great for the Antipodes. 17:22:02 JN: I also think, every other week we could have varied meeting times. In order to make progress etc 17:22:08 JOC: +1 17:22:21 JG: It could be risky.. 17:22:30 JN: We need good calendaring! 17:22:33 zakim, unmute me 17:22:33 Joshue_O_Connor should no longer be muted 17:23:16 JOC: In principle, is yes - I'm up for that. 17:23:56 JN: It could be worth experimenting 17:24:06 s/JG: It/CS: It/ 17:24:07 LW: Consistency would be important 17:24:29 +q 17:24:45 q+ 17:25:14 JG: Its not really two sub groups but just one flexible big one with convenient times 17:25:38 JN: We can put it in the survey, similar to the time question. 17:25:39 q- 17:25:43 17:26:08 ack me 17:27:37 ACTION: Meeting logistics to be worked out offline by Josh and James 17:27:37 Sorry, couldn't find user - Meeting 17:28:06 TOPIC: Priorities of Work 17:28:25 JN: Should we look at ARIA side first? Or the HTML5 side? 17:29:22 q 17:29:25 JG: Some low hanging fruit would be ARIA, and HTML5 forms. So not an either or scenario. Devs will need guidance. 17:29:30 q+ 17:29:48 JG: Form a11y is number 1 prob on the web. 17:31:14 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Techniques/HTML5 17:31:15 ack me 17:31:15 L: I'm not sure if we should approach by technlogy or subject error. It's going to be a challenge. There will be scripting techniques that need to be written. 17:31:45 JN: In the WCAG WG, there is a list of HTML5 techniques available. 17:31:55 JN: Also ARIA techniques? 17:32:28 L: It would be nice to pubish ARIA techniques 17:33:01 JN: We need to have techqniues for content that needs to adhere to WCAG. 17:33:15 L: There is a desire to work on HTML5 a11y techs. 17:33:26 L: To avoid gaping holes. 17:34:13 JOC: on 1 level the HTML processes have been tough doing the work in the lion's den 17:34:37 JOC: At this stage they may even find the work we do useful - with gap analysis etc. 17:35:11 JOC: might be good to link in to some of those with influence within the HTML5 Ally task force 17:36:16 q+ 17:37:29 MC: Some housekeeping 17:37:44 adam has joined #wai-wcag 17:38:03 +[IPcaller] 17:38:30 zakim, IPcaller is adam_solomon 17:38:30 +adam_solomon; got it 17:39:14 JOC: There are some people who I can think of to take up different HTML5 and ARIA aspects. 17:39:28 JN: People should work on areas of interest. 17:40:01 q+ to talk about WG review process 17:40:33 JOC: rather than picking on HTML5 or ARIA pick on something like forms and look at how the 2 technologies wortk together on these areas 17:40:56 JOC: developers in general don't really care whether ARIA or HTML5 etc. - they just want to do something 17:41:40 MC: We will have to deal with getting review from the parent working groups. 17:42:03 MC: We need a strategy for working between the WG, how items are reviewed. 17:42:19 JOC: Good point Michael. 17:42:33 JN: Will our materials be reviewed by both groups? 17:42:52 MC: Yes, nominally. The PF will have a light hand. 17:43:05 L: We will have to look at making the content fit the WCAG form. 17:43:11 JN: We can discuss this later. 17:43:28 JN: Most of use will need some training on how to write techs. 17:43:37 ack me 17:43:37 MichaelC, you wanted to talk about WG review process 17:43:47 JN: A draft class, or creating templates. 17:44:21 -> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Techniques Techniques page on WCAG wiki, includes link to instructions and template 17:44:36 JN: We have been discussing whether we will want to modify existing techniques or write new ones. 17:44:50 q+ 17:45:30 JN: Discussion of possibilities 17:46:11 ack me 17:46:15 L: This is interesting in cases where HTML4 and 5 are identical. There are also situation where the approach is different. 17:46:26 JN: There are also techs that aren't valid anymore. 17:46:28 q+ 17:46:36 JN: We will need a mix and match IMO. 17:46:47 L: We need to avoid document bloat. 17:48:01 JN: What's feasible Michael in the Quick Ref? 17:48:27 MC: Stacking is harder but we have preference for that. 17:48:31 zakim, mute me 17:48:31 Joshue_O_Connor should now be muted 17:48:48 MC: We shouldn't restrict ourselves based on how it currently is. 17:49:05 zakim, who is noisy? 17:49:20 jamesn, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Christophe_Strobbe (29%) 17:49:24 zakim, mute me 17:49:24 sorry, cstrobbe, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 17:49:24 MC: The EAOG are discussing this at the moment and there may be a redesign. it is timely. 17:49:38 zakim, I am Christophe_Strobbe 17:49:38 ok, cstrobbe, I now associate you with Christophe_Strobbe 17:49:38 zakim, unmute me 17:49:39 Joshue_O_Connor should no longer be muted 17:50:04 -> http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-wcag2-checklist.html EO plans for update of How to Meet WCAG 2.0 17:50:13 zakim, mute me 17:50:13 Joshue_O_Connor should now be muted 17:50:21 JN: We need to check that. 17:50:24 JOC: Yup 17:50:48 zakim, unmute me 17:50:48 Joshue_O_Connor should no longer be muted 17:52:12 DMcD: We should do it in a couple of passes. 17:52:33 DMcD: Go fo the easy stuff first, and then make a pass at the applications. 17:53:12 JOC: Can we have a backchannel etc? 17:55:13 JOC: It could be a bin for ideas. 17:56:05 I have to go to another call 17:56:09 -jongund 17:56:33 JN: Is [html5-techs] good for mails to list etc? 17:56:38 -Léonie_Watson 17:56:47 ps Joshue... its DMacD (not McD) us Scottish background Canadians are sensitive about that stuff. :) 17:57:19 s/DMcD/DMacD 17:57:23 s/[html5-techs]/[html-techs]/ 17:58:06 JOC: Will we be meeting weekly or bi-weekly? 17:58:26 MC: Thats a question for the survey. 17:58:38 MC: We should meet weekly. 17:58:41 JN: Agreed 17:59:20 RESOLUTION: we will use #html-techs-tf channel and the [html5-techs] prefix for mails to mailing lists 17:59:34 s/[html5-techs]/[html-techs]/ 17:59:37 -adam_solomon 18:00:11 JN: Thats it, please be vocal 18:01:01 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 18:01:03 -Loretta_Guarino_Reid 18:01:03 -David_MacDonald 18:01:05 -James_Nurthen 18:01:12 -Marc_Johlic 18:01:14 -Christophe_Strobbe 18:01:42 rrsagent, make minutes 18:01:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/01/23-wai-wcag-minutes.html Joshue108 18:04:50 -Cooper 18:04:54 -Joshue_O_Connor 18:04:55 Team_(wai-wcag)17:00Z has ended 18:04:57 Attendees were David_MacDonald, James_Nurthen, Marc_Johlic, Cooper, Christophe_Strobbe, Joshue_O_Connor, chris, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Léonie_Watson, jongund, +1.703.890.aaaa, 18:05:00 ... Katie_Haritos-Shea, adam_solomon 18:05:10 trackbot, end meeting 18:05:10 Zakim, list attendees 18:05:10 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 18:05:13 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:05:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/01/23-wai-wcag-minutes.html trackbot 18:05:14 RRSAgent, bye 18:05:14 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2012/01/23-wai-wcag-actions.rdf : 18:05:14 ACTION: Meeting logistics to be worked out offline by Josh and James [1] 18:05:14 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2012/01/23-wai-wcag-irc#T17-27-37