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How to Join

From Government Linked Data (GLD) Working Group Wiki
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This Working Group is open to representatives of W3C member organizations and, in a few cases, Invited Experts (IEs). If an organization is in the process of deciding whether to join W3C, W3C management may grant temporary IE status (for 3-6 months) to enable you to learn more about the group and be a part of the early stages of this group's important work.

Once you are officially in the group, you will automatically receive group email and your w3.org login and password will work on this wiki. New members should create a user page on this wiki (like the blue links here) and send its URL to the mailing list to introduce themselves.

As a Member Representative

If you are affiliated with a W3C member organization (list of W3C members), here are the steps:

  1. Use the form for getting a W3C member account or recovering an old one
  2. Visit the form for joining this group. That form should allow you to join the group or to send a request to your organization's W3C liaison (your W3C Advisory Committee Representative, or "AC Rep", list of AC Reps) to have them add you to the group.

As a Potential Member Representative (Temporary IE)

If you are not affiliated with a member organization, please take a moment to think about whether W3C membership, including participation in this Working Group, would benefit your organization. See member benefits. The fee for membership depends on the size, location, and type of the organization see table. While the amount is substantial, in the context of the other costs of participating (staff time, travel), and the significant benefits of membership, many organizations (including government agencies) think it's a great deal. (See testimonials.)

If you are ready to join now, you may proceed to joining. If you are not yet sure, or the process will take a while, please use the "Invited Expert" (IE) process, and note on your application that your organization is in the process of deciding:

  1. Get a W3C Public Account, if you do not already have one. Use the public account request form.
  2. Fill out the Invited Expert Application.

Send any questions about this process to team-gld-chairs@w3.org. In most cases, someone from W3C business development will contact you and you may be granted temporary (3-6 month) IE status while we work together to figure out if W3C membership is a good fit for your organization.

As an Invited Expert

In certain cases, when someone has expertise or background which the chairs deem important to the group and their employer is not a good candidate for W3C membership, they may be granted long-term Invited Expert status.

To pursue this option:

  1. Get a W3C Public Account, if you do not already have one. Use the public account request form.
  2. Fill out the Invited Expert Application.

Send any questions about this process to team-gld-chairs@w3.org. (If you haven't heard anything in a week, a reminder is okay.)