19:49:49 RRSAgent has joined #au 19:49:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/12/19-au-irc 19:49:55 Zakim, this will be AUWG 19:49:55 ok, Jan; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 19:50:01 Meeting: WAI AU 19:50:18 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2011OctDec/0101.html 19:50:31 Chair: Jutta Treviranus 19:50:47 Regrets: Tim B., Cherie E. 19:51:35 jeanne has joined #au 19:59:03 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 19:59:10 +??P2 19:59:15 AlastairC has joined #au 20:00:05 +Jeanne 20:01:28 +[IPcaller] 20:01:48 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Jan 20:01:48 +Jan; got it 20:03:37 +[IPcaller] 20:03:45 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Jutta 20:03:45 +Jutta; got it 20:04:03 + +1.571.765.aaaa 20:04:33 zakim, ??P2 is really Alastair 20:04:33 +Alastair; got it 20:04:54 zakim, aaaa is really Greg 20:04:54 +Greg; got it 20:05:08 Greg has joined #au 20:06:58 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2011OctDec/0101.html 20:07:00 + +1.561.582.aabb 20:07:21 zakim, aabb is really Sueann 20:07:21 +Sueann; got it 20:10:52 Topic: 1. SC A.1.2.1: Accessibility Guidelines 20:15:07 Resolution: SC A.1.2.1 Notes in SC and intent are approved 20:15:27 Topic: 2. SC A.1.2.2 Platform Accessibility Services 20:16:54 Resolution: SC A.1.2.2 Note in SC approved 20:17:16 Topic: 3. A.2.1.1 Text Alternatives for Rendered Non-Text Content 20:18:26 Resolution: All accept new example foe A2.1.1 20:18:37 Topic: 4. A.3.6.3 Apply Platform Settings 20:25:24 The authoring tool respects platform display and control settings, unless they conflict with authoring tool display and control settings made by authors. 20:29:00 unless they are overwritten by display and control settings selected by authors within the tool. 20:29:11 The authoring tool respects platform display and control settings, unless authors have made more specific display and control settings using the authoring tool. 20:30:45 The authoring tool respects platform display and control settings, unless authors select more specific display and control settings using the authoring tool. 20:31:24 Resolution: All accept: "The authoring tool respects platform display and control settings, unless authors select more specific display and control settings using the authoring tool." 20:31:48 Topic: 5. SC A.4.1.2 Settings Change Confirmation 20:33:43 @@The success criterion, therefore, requires that mechanisms for changing settings can also be used by authors to return the settings to their original values or, if the setting is not reversible with the same mechanism, the author will have had to confirm the setting. 20:35:08 @@The success criterion, therefore, requires that mechanisms for changing settings can also be used by authors to return the settings to their original values or, if the setting is not reversible with the same mechanism, the author will have had to confirm the setting. 20:35:24 Resolution: All accept: "The success criterion, therefore, requires that mechanisms for changing settings can also be used by authors to return the settings to their original values or, if the setting is not reversible with the same mechanism, the author will have had to confirm the setting." 20:35:34 Topic: 6. B.2.4.1 Accessible Template Options (WCAG) 20:38:03 AC: "Note: It is recommended that the accessible options be identified, but this is not required." could go at end of inetnet 20:38:15 JR: With pointers to later SCs that do require indicators 20:38:47 Resolution: All approve of removing note from B.2.4.1. 20:39:05 Resolution: All approve of adding it to the intent of B.2.4.1.. 20:39:21 Topic: 7. Glossary entry: Accessibility Information 20:41:52 Sueann has joined #au 20:48:59 Is this the link for the topic? 20:49:00 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2011/ED-ATAG20-20111202/#def-Accessibility-Information 20:49:53 Keep this "@@Programmatically determinable information that accessible authoring practices may add to web content in order to meet a WCAG 2.0 success criterion (Level A, AA or AAA). Examples include: programmatically associated alternative content (e.g., text alternatives for images), role and state information for widgets, relationships within complex tables). " for GL... 20:50:51 Longer bulleted list in Implementing document 20:51:07 Full table in Implementing doc 20:51:18 as an appendix 20:51:35 Topic: 8. Any objections to "tentative" Conformance section text added last week? 20:54:35 Topic: 9. Part A Conformance Applicability Notes: Unrecognizable content: 20:54:51 @@Unrecognizable content: When success criteria require authoring tools to treat web content according to semantic criteria, the success criteria do not apply when these semantics are missing (e.g., text that describes an image is only considered to be a text alternative if this role is encoded within markup). 20:55:53 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2011/ED-ATAG20-20111202/#part_a_applic_notes 21:00:01 Resolution: All accept: "Unrecognizable content: When success criteria require authoring tools to treat web content according to semantic criteria, the success criteria do not apply when these semantics are missing (e.g., text that describes an image is only considered to be a text alternative if this role is encoded within markup)." 21:00:44 Next call is Jan 9th, 2012 21:01:08 -Sueann 21:01:12 -Greg 21:01:14 -Alastair 21:01:18 AlastairC has left #au 21:04:23 -Jutta 21:05:21 RRSAgent, make minutes 21:05:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/12/19-au-minutes.html Jan 21:05:27 RRSAgent, set logs public 21:05:35 Zakim, bye 21:05:35 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Jeanne, Jan, Jutta, +1.571.765.aaaa, Alastair, Greg, +1.561.582.aabb, Sueann 21:05:35 Zakim has left #au 21:05:43 RRSAgent, bye 21:05:43 I see no action items