10:58:07 RRSAgent has joined #mediaann 10:58:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-mediaann-irc 11:00:32 zakim, this will be mawg 11:00:32 ok, wbailer; I see IA_MAWG()7:00AM scheduled to start now 11:01:31 IA_MAWG()7:00AM has now started 11:01:38 +wbailer 11:01:52 meeting: MAWG Telco 11:01:57 +??P0 11:02:30 zakim, who is here 11:02:30 tmichel, you need to end that query with '?' 11:02:50 +florian 11:04:47 zakim, who is here? 11:04:47 On the phone I see wbailer, ??P0, florian 11:04:48 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, wbailer, stegmai, tmichel, trackbot 11:06:45 topic: HTTP issue 11:06:52 latest email from Yves 11:06:54 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-annotation/2011Oct/0051.html 11:10:37 Yves seems to be focussing on the tunnelled in HTTP 200. 11:11:34 Werner wondering if we should not drop use of HHTP codes and use more specific codes 11:13:21 this introduces confusion using same scheme for ezrror codes 11:13:57 As it is not an HTTP response. 11:20:39 can you hear me ? 11:21:28 i will dial back ... 11:21:32 -??P0 11:22:04 +??P0 11:26:29 http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/drafts/API10/CR/Overview.html 11:26:43 http://dev.w3.org/2008/video/mediaann/mediaont-api-1.0/mediaont-api-1.0.html 11:31:47 add: these Status code are on the API level, and adressed for etheir client side or server side implementations 11:33:02 "applied to" instead of "adressed for". 11:33:17 and send an email to Yves explaining that these are on different layers 11:33:45 ACTION: Thierry to update the spec with new statement. 11:33:46 Created ACTION-450 - Update the spec with new statement. [on Thierry Michel - due 2011-10-25]. 11:34:54 Thierry to change the Note to: 11:35:07 "Later versions of this document may include additional status codes." 11:36:52 Thierry also to change the code table in the example column 11:37:11 400: syntactical error. 11:38:14 562: a subset of properties implemented 11:39:37 remove the HTTP reference. 11:46:42 topic: test suite 11:47:36 test suite will be finished in 1-2 weeks?.first draft already online at http://dimis.fim.uni-passau.de/~stegmai/MAWGTestSuite/testsuite.html 11:48:17 we get a new server side implementation from Tobias Kurz (Salzburg Research, Austria) 11:49:07 browser extension is ready and compliant to the spec 11:49:57 web service implementation is not compliant to the spec - will take about 2-3 weeks until finished 11:51:04 Action thierry to have the UC & Req update discussed during TPAC 11:51:04 Created ACTION-451 - Have the UC & Req update discussed during TPAC [on Thierry Michel - due 2011-10-25]. 11:51:16 ..as Wonsuk will be there 11:52:44 -florian 11:52:46 -wbailer 11:53:16 rrsagent, make logs public 11:53:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:53:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:53:32 thanks for publisheing the minutes ;-) 11:53:48 chair: thierry 11:54:01 present: thierry, florian, werner 11:54:13 regrets: mari carmen 11:54:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:54:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:54:30 Yes only 3 participants ;-((( 12:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, ??P0, in IA_MAWG()7:00AM 12:05:03 IA_MAWG()7:00AM has ended 12:05:03 Attendees were wbailer, florian 13:27:22 Zakim has left #mediaann