19:07:17 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 19:07:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/08/10-aapi-irc 19:07:26 Zakim has joined #aapi 19:07:35 zakim, this will be aapi 19:07:35 ok, Andi, I see WAI_PFWG(AAPI)3:00PM already started 19:07:44 rrsagent, make logs public 19:07:55 rrsagent, make log world 19:08:04 Scribe: Andi 19:08:11 Meeting: AAPI 19:08:25 Chair: Andi 19:13:34 topic: bug 13206 19:13:39 definition of managed states: A state that is relevant to accessibility APIs but whose value is read and set by the user agent. The application author does not always manage these states, but needs to be aware that the user agent will. In some cases the application author does manage these states as well. Common managed states include focus and selection. 19:14:11 cyns has joined #aapi 19:14:19 definition of managed states: A state that is relevant to accessibility APIs but whose value is read and set by the user agent. The application author does not always manage these states, but needs to be aware that the user agent will. In some cases the application author does manage these states as well. Common managed states include focus and selection. 19:19:00 CS: do we want to say these may or may not map to the WAI-ARIA states? 19:19:06 AS: that doesn't say much either 19:20:02 AS: a managed state is one that is managed by the user agent instead of the web application 19:20:52 CS: accessibility API state that is managed by the user agent instead of the web application. 19:21:42 AS: but what about the sentence "In some cases the application author does manage these states as well."? 19:23:00 CS: because WAI-ARIA is a one-way UI, if the user agent changes the states, the web application may or may not be notified 19:23:07 CS: there might be an event and there might not be one 19:23:27 CS: related WAI-ARIA state won't be updated and might get out of sync 19:24:57 CS: do we need to say that Web authors need to be aware that related WAI-ARIA states won't always be updated? 19:28:47 cyns has joined #aapi 19:29:44 managed state: Accessibility API state that is controlled by the user agent. Examples are focus and selection. Managed states often have corresponding CSS pseudo-classes (such as :focus and ::selection) to define style changes. In contrast, the states in this specification are typically controlled by the author and are called unmanaged states. Some states are managed by the user agent, such as aria-posinset and aria-setsize, but the author can override them if th 19:31:37 Some managed states can be overridden by the web application author, such as aria-posinset and aria-setsize. 19:32:17 managed state: Accessibility API state that is controlled by the user agent. Examples are focus and selection. Managed states often have corresponding CSS pseudo-classes (such as :focus and ::selection) to define style changes. In contrast, the states in this specification are typically controlled by the author and are called unmanaged states. Some managed states can be overridden by the web application author, such as aria-posinset and aria-setsize, but the auth 19:32:31 managed state: Accessibility API state that is controlled by the user agent. Examples are focus and selection. Managed states often have corresponding CSS pseudo-classes (such as :focus and ::selection) to define style changes. In contrast, the states in this specification are typically controlled by the author and are called unmanaged states. Some managed states can be overridden by the web application author, such as aria-posinset and aria-setsize. 19:32:41 Some managed states can be overridden by the web application author, such as aria-posinset and aria-setsize. 19:33:14 s/this specification/WAI-ARIA/ 19:33:26 Some managed states (such as aria-posinset and aria-setsize) can be overridden by the web application author. 19:40:25 topic: issues http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/products/10 19:46:45 cyns has joined #aapi 19:46:47 issue-458 and issue-459 19:46:53 text in UAIG: Note that aria-describedby may reference structured or interactive information where users would want to be able to navigate to different sections of content. User agents MAY provide a way for the user to navigate to structured information referenced by aria-describedby and assistive technology SHOULD provide such a method. 19:48:17 Cynthia comments at walkthrough: add URL example? 19:48:48 AS: maybe add the example of a user agent providing a link to the structured content referenced by aria-describedby 19:48:57 AS: how would the UA know when to do this 19:49:56 CS: UA could provide both a link to the structured information and put the text in the accessible description 20:01:31 -Andi_Snow-Weaver 20:01:33 -[Microsoft] 20:01:33 WAI_PFWG(AAPI)3:00PM has ended 20:01:35 Attendees were [Microsoft], Andi_Snow-Weaver 20:36:57 zakim, bye 20:36:57 Zakim has left #aapi 20:37:02 rrsagent, make minutes 20:37:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/08/10-aapi-minutes.html Andi 20:59:28 rrsagent, bye 20:59:28 I see no action items