14:01:33 RRSAgent has joined #poiwg 14:01:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/08/04-poiwg-irc 14:01:35 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:01:37 Zakim, this will be UW_POI 14:01:38 Meeting: Points of Interest Working Group Teleconference 14:01:38 Date: 04 August 2011 14:01:43 Zakim has joined #poiwg 14:01:52 zakim, dial matt-voip 14:02:10 sorry, matt, I don't know what conference this is 14:02:18 zakim, this will be POIWG 14:02:27 jens has joined #poiwg 14:02:35 ok, matt; I see UW_POI(POIWG)10:00AM scheduled to start 2 minutes ago 14:02:39 zakim, dial matt-voip 14:02:53 ok, matt; the call is being made 14:02:55 UW_POI(POIWG)10:00AM has now started 14:03:05 +Matt 14:03:25 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:03:55 On the phone I see Matt 14:04:31 +??P33 14:04:33 sorry...rebooting my phone 14:04:33 -??P33 14:04:47 karls has joined #poiwg 14:04:49 Ronald has joined #poiwg 14:05:25 + +1.312.894.aaaa 14:05:34 cperey has joined #poiwg 14:05:58 hi good morning, silence on the phone? 14:06:19 i'll dail in again 14:06:21 - +1.312.894.aaaa 14:06:23 zakim, drop me 14:06:23 Matt is being disconnected 14:06:24 UW_POI(POIWG)10:00AM has ended 14:06:26 Attendees were Matt, +1.312.894.aaaa 14:06:28 zakim, dial matt-voip 14:06:28 ok, matt; the call is being made 14:06:29 UW_POI(POIWG)10:00AM has now started 14:06:31 +Matt 14:06:47 + +1.312.894.aaaa 14:06:59 +Christine 14:07:55 +??P38 14:08:55 zakim, ??p38 is robman 14:08:55 +robman; got it 14:08:56 +??P39 14:09:15 zakim, ??P39 is me 14:09:15 +Ronald; got it 14:09:39 + +1.617.642.aabb 14:09:47 zakim, aabb is Raj 14:09:47 +Raj; got it 14:10:03 matt - have to step away for a minute or 2 14:13:13 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-poiwg/2011Aug/0000.html 14:13:15 perhaps we should begin with the end of the agenda? 14:13:25 F2F meeting stuff? 14:13:31 scribe: Matt 14:13:34 Topic: Next F2F 14:14:00 rsingh2 has joined #poiwg 14:14:04 the registration page works :-) 14:14:10 matt: Raj, do you have any additional information on the space? 14:14:32 ACTION: matt to create registration form 14:14:32 Created ACTION-94 - Create registration form [on Matt Womer - due 2011-08-11]. 14:14:38 ACTION: Andy to create F2F details page 14:14:38 Created ACTION-95 - Create F2F details page [on Andrew Braun - due 2011-08-11]. 14:14:57 registration page: v 14:15:00 https://portal.opengeospatial.org/public_ogc/register/110919poi.php 14:15:13 -robman 14:15:20 matt: The dates are 9/19-20-21 14:15:43 sorry...redialling 14:16:25 +??P38 14:16:29 matt: I'll copy this data into our system. 14:16:35 matt: Then pass it along to you Raj. 14:16:49 raj: This won't register you for the OGC meeting, if you want to attend, I can get you in. 14:17:01 cperey: The WG meetings there, some are closed, some are open, right? How will we know? 14:17:38 rsingh2: The link at the bottom of the reg page saying "more information", you can see a tentative agenda posted. 14:17:41 rsingh2: Anything that is marked a "DWG", you can likely attend. 14:17:54 -> http://www.opengeospatial.org/event/1109tcagenda Agenda page 14:17:59 matt: Any recommendations? 14:18:06 rsingh2: Mass market is the most relevant to web technologies. 14:18:18 cperey: ARML meeting? Is that within Mass market group? 14:18:38 rsingh2: There's an ad hoc for ARML. Monday at 1600. 14:18:51 cperey: I think everyone in POI would be interested. 14:19:08 matt: I think we should as part of our agenda go to that. 14:19:30 cperey: My opinion is that the mass market DWG on Wednesday from 1-3 we should go to as well. 14:19:54 rsingh2: Geosemantics is relevant, it's RDF stuff. 14:20:12 karls: We'll have critical mass, that's a great thing. 14:20:21 cperey: The 3d summit might be of interest. 14:20:28 rsingh2: The 3d summit has a separate registration. 14:20:55 -> http://www.opengeospatial.org/event/11093dim 3D Summit page 14:21:17 matt: We should probably follow their agenda building and see if we should attend. 14:21:45 rsingh2: There's the context work that is similar to what we're doing, building on Atom. 14:22:01 s/context work/Context SWG/ 14:22:09 karls: Can we get someone from that group to present to us? 14:22:14 rsingh2: That's a better idea. 14:22:24 ACTION: Raj to find someone from Context SWG to present to POI 14:22:24 Created ACTION-96 - Find someone from Context SWG to present to POI [on Raj Singh - due 2011-08-11]. 14:22:31 thank you for showing us the OGC meeting agenda, Raj, looks like a busy week! 14:23:11 for those who arrive early, I will be there 14:23:12 http://2011.foss4g.org/ 14:23:30 is that the Open Street Map? 14:23:32 matt: The week before is the FOSS4G meeting, open source geo stuff. 14:23:44 rsingh2: There will be about 800 geo fanatics around Denver the week before. 14:24:04 matt: Any other missing details for the F2F? 14:24:34 rsingh2: There's also the State of the Map, OSM conference. 14:24:39 http://stateofthemap.org/ 14:24:50 rsingh2: It is September 9-11 in Denver. 14:25:15 Topic: Next Draft 14:25:31 -> http://www.w3.org/2010/POI/documents/Core/core-20110804.html latest draft 14:26:05 -> http://www.w3.org/2010/POI/documents/Core/core-20110804.html#CRS CRS stuff 14:28:35 matt: I tried to introduce the CRS stuff a bit easier, and then refer back to that section within each primitive. 14:28:49 karls: We dropped center, but have navigation point and point. 14:30:06 matt: What's the difference between CRS and SRS? 14:30:13 rsingh2: I can't remember exactly. 14:30:31 that's spatial vs coordinate no? 14:30:31 rsingh2: Always use CRS, but for some reason the parameter is always called srsName. 14:31:19 rsingh2: SRS doesn't include some important concept, I can't remember which. 14:31:28 matt: What's the S stand for? spatial? spherical? 14:31:32 rsingh2: Spatial. 14:31:45 matt: Would it be okay to use CRS consistently? 14:32:07 ACTION: matt to make srsName into crs 14:32:07 Created ACTION-97 - Make srsName into crs [on Matt Womer - due 2011-08-11]. 14:32:48 matt: Will URNs always be used or should it be http URIs? 14:32:52 rsingh2: That's OGC policy now 14:33:33 -> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/geopriv/current/msg00941.html URN thread in Geopriv 14:34:44 -> http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Unambiguous+Communication+of+CRS 14:36:35 matt: And then I was confused about the CRS sub-element stuff. 14:37:07 matt: I suspected that the "geometry element" mention was meant to mean within a location primitive? 14:37:38 rsingh2: I think it means everything. 14:38:07 matt: Does that mean you can't do and have it default, and then you specify a location with a crs that you can't do that? 14:38:14 rsingh2: Interesting. I don't know. 14:38:55 matt: I could see people mixing within a POI, e.g. to have an envelop in 2d but a point in 3d. 14:39:04 rsingh2: A clean way to do this would be to not allow the specification at the top level. 14:39:17 rsingh2: Only specifying it at the top level isn't really clear either 14:39:52 rsingh2: If you're not just doing latitude and longitude, it's an edge case, and you should specify it at the POI level. 14:40:17 rsingh2: So, if you're just doing lat/lng you don't have to do anything, but each POI would have to specify the CRS if not lat/lng. 14:40:31 rsingh2: The only case I can see that being annoying for is for 3d coordinates. 14:41:00 matt: I can see people frequently wanting a 3d point. 14:41:07 rsingh2: How about no default at POIs level. 14:41:21 that would be very verbose 14:41:25 matt: So it's only at the POI level? 14:41:33 rsingh2: For collections in 3d they'd have to write it for every POI. 14:41:43 +1 to that being too verbose 14:41:45 a bit too verbose indeed 14:42:38 matt: I can see a use case of a 3d point, but maybe a 2d poly. 14:42:53 rsingh2: So, make it so that within a location object having only one CRS. 14:45:20 karls: Relationship is a primitive? 14:45:29 matt: No, it's a bug. Moved back to being a locationship type. 14:45:45 karls: Labels for terms, link for membership, category for type of description and relationships for spatial. 14:45:54 karls: So, hours of operation would be a link relationship? 14:46:02 links sound good to me 8) 14:47:02 ACTION: matt to work out example on representing hours using link and Good Relations. 14:47:02 Created ACTION-98 - Work out example on representing hours using link and Good Relations. [on Matt Womer - due 2011-08-11]. 14:47:16 be right back, boss calling 14:47:18 - +1.312.894.aaaa 14:48:34 ACTION: matt to remove whitespace/serialization from data model before publication 14:48:34 Created ACTION-99 - Remove whitespace/serialization from data model before publication [on Matt Womer - due 2011-08-11]. 14:49:11 ISSUE-43? 14:49:11 ISSUE-43 -- Do we want polygons to have complex topology with holes, etc -- raised 14:49:11 http://www.w3.org/2010/POI/track/issues/43 14:49:54 sorry, had to drop off 14:50:22 bye bye! 14:52:01 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-poiwg/2011Aug/0002 Rob's proposal 14:52:08 matt: I'd say, let's raise an issue and talk about it next week. 14:52:20 robman: I think it makes profiles easier, but doesn't have to go now that we're close. 14:52:33 + +1.312.894.aacc 14:52:40 am back 14:53:20 matt: So, I'd like to update the XML syntax over the next two days, then publish on Tuesday. Sound good? 14:53:23 [[yes] 14:54:47 matt: I'll also update label and link. 14:55:19 karls: I've got some folks geared up to write examples. I told them to pause for a bit, and talked to them last night. They're re-engineering their spec, and I'd love for them to comply. 14:55:39 karls: I'm trying to contemplate on when to pull the trigger on getting them to do this. 14:55:48 +1 to test implementations/usage 14:55:51 matt: I would say have them do it Tuesday. 14:56:36 -Raj 14:56:37 zakim, drop me 14:56:37 Matt is being disconnected 14:56:37 -Matt 14:56:42 - +1.312.894.aacc 14:57:01 robman has left #poiwg 14:57:02 -??P38 15:00:57 -Christine 15:03:05 ahill2 has joined #poiwg 15:05:03 jens has left #poiwg 15:35:00 disconnecting the lone participant, Ronald, in UW_POI(POIWG)10:00AM 15:35:02 UW_POI(POIWG)10:00AM has ended 15:35:05 Attendees were Matt, +1.312.894.aaaa, Christine, robman, Ronald, +1.617.642.aabb, Raj, +1.312.894.aacc 15:35:27 Present: Ronald, Karl, Raj, Christine, Jens, Matt 15:35:29 Chair: Matt 15:35:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:35:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/08/04-poiwg-minutes.html matt 16:30:22 danbri has joined #poiwg 17:06:52 Zakim has left #poiwg 18:54:34 danbri has joined #poiwg 20:09:14 danbri has joined #poiwg