15:01:02 RRSAgent has joined #webid 15:01:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/07/11-webid-irc 15:01:04 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:01:06 Zakim, this will be WEBID 15:01:06 ok, trackbot, I see INC_WEBID(WEBID)11:00AM already started 15:01:07 Meeting: WebID Incubator Group Teleconference 15:01:07 Date: 11 July 2011 15:01:33 RRSAgent, generate minutes 15:01:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/11-webid-minutes.html MacTed 15:01:39 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:01:45 +[IPcaller] 15:01:52 +bergi 15:01:53 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 15:01:53 +MacTed; got it 15:01:55 Deiu has joined #WebID 15:02:05 Zakim, I am [IPcaller] 15:02:05 ok, domel, I now associate you with [IPcaller] 15:02:47 +??P2 15:02:48 Hello! Sorry for being late. I'm in a department meeting, keeping an eye on what's discussed here. (no audio too) 15:02:49 gaedke has joined #webid 15:02:58 Zakim, I am ??P2 15:02:58 +bblfish; got it 15:03:12 Please scribe as much as you can. :-) 15:03:16 Zakim, who is here? 15:03:16 On the phone I see MacTed, [IPcaller], bergi, bblfish 15:03:48 zakim, agenda? 15:03:48 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 15:03:48 melvster has joined #webid 15:03:49 8. "Spec improvements" [from bblfish] 15:03:56 Zakim, domel is IPcaller 15:03:56 sorry, domel, I do not recognize a party named 'domel' 15:04:01 +??P18 15:04:04 Zakim, domel is [IPcaller] 15:04:04 sorry, domel, I do not recognize a party named 'domel' 15:04:17 agenda drop 8 15:04:23 -[IPcaller] 15:04:24 zakim, +??P18 is me. 15:04:25 sorry, gaedke, I do not recognize a party named '+??P18' 15:04:27 zakim, drip agenda 8 15:04:27 I don't understand 'drip agenda 8', bblfish 15:04:29 agenda -8 15:04:39 zakim, P18 is me. 15:04:39 sorry, gaedke, I do not recognize a party named 'P18' 15:04:40 agenda +"Accept minutes of previous meeting" 15:04:46 agendum next 15:04:55 next agendum 15:05:02 Zakim, I am ??P18. 15:05:02 +gaedke; got it 15:05:07 zakim, pick a scribe 15:05:07 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose bergi 15:05:10 +??P24 15:05:24 zakim, mute me. 15:05:24 gaedke should now be muted 15:05:30 Zakim, I am ??P24 15:05:30 +domel; got it 15:05:30 zakim, pick a scribe 15:05:32 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose bblfish 15:05:42 zakim, bblfish is chair 15:05:42 +chair; got it 15:05:44 zakim, pick a scribe 15:05:44 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose domel 15:05:51 zakim, pick a scribe 15:05:51 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose chair 15:06:00 Zakim, who's here? 15:06:00 On the phone I see MacTed, bergi, chair, gaedke (muted), domel 15:06:23 http://www.w3.org/2011/07/04-webid-minutes.html 15:06:25 Zakim, chair is bblfish 15:06:25 +bblfish; got it 15:06:40 chair: bblfish 15:07:09 I can play botgames, but can't scribe (will be interrupted today) 15:07:44 chairnick: bblfish 15:08:25 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:08:25 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose bblfish 15:09:45 vote for that 15:09:46 +1 15:09:49 +1 15:10:02 +1 15:10:06 +0 (I was absent) 15:10:16 RESOLVED: Minutes approved 15:10:39 anyone one new here? 15:11:01 agendum +" Check Todos" 15:11:06 next adendum 15:11:11 next agendum 15:11:39 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/track/actions/open 15:12:37 Questions: 15:12:40 +??P8 15:12:42 hwo is public key encoded 15:12:54 can you have than one public key in ldap 15:13:13 how do you specify the web id? 15:13:17 Do you have to? 15:13:26 melvster1 has joined #webid 15:13:39 Are there any Ldap endpoint open on the internet? 15:13:59 -??P8 15:14:14 +??P8 15:14:25 zakim, ??P8 is me 15:14:25 +melvster1; got it 15:14:40 ive muted 15:16:01 Zakim, who is talking? 15:16:11 domel, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: bblfish (35%), MacTed (64%) 15:18:04 samuelm has joined #webid 15:19:09 -gaedke 15:19:45 hi, could not connect to conf call (maybe my fault, first time using W3C bridge), keep trying 15:20:57 hi samuelm 15:21:00 I am also off 15:21:17 Zakim, who's here? 15:21:17 On the phone I see MacTed, bergi, bblfish, domel, melvster1 15:21:23 Zakim, code? 15:21:23 the conference code is 93243 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), MacTed 15:21:41 are you using sip? 15:21:45 +??P1 15:21:57 if you use sip you need to type numbers very slowly 15:22:02 zakim, ??P1 is me 15:22:02 +gaedke; got it 15:22:17 zakim, mute me 15:22:17 gaedke should now be muted 15:22:18 no, plain old telephone 15:22:41 zakim, close ACTION-32 15:22:41 I don't understand 'close ACTION-32', bblfish 15:22:42 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/track/actions/32 15:22:43 samuelm: type in code webid then the pound key 15:22:48 close action-32 15:22:49 ACTION-32 Create apache issue on more flexible certificate access closed 15:22:57 FR refused the password 15:23:39 93243# 15:23:46 + +34.60.995.aaaa 15:23:50 you have to type very slowly 15:23:57 or at a reasonble rate 15:24:01 now i'm in, thx 15:24:05 Zakim, aaaa is samuelm 15:24:05 +samuelm; got it 15:24:30 agendum +"General topics" 15:24:35 next agendum 15:25:10 https://github.com/domel/webid-spec/ 15:25:28 is stephane here? 15:26:26 what other things should we be working on here? 15:27:49 yes 15:28:08 agenda? 15:28:34 agenda +"Spec improvements" 15:28:41 next agendum 15:28:59 what spec improvements do people feel we need? 15:29:15 http://webid.info/spec/ 15:29:46 domel to the diff for what you added in git? 15:30:15 https://github.com/domel/webid-spec/commit/825ab6c7e129b7b7ea295d8180213fa7c7fb74b7#spec/index-respec.html 15:30:31 thanks you 15:31:06 we for adding that to the spec 15:31:27 +1 for that change if it is correct rdf/xml 15:32:13 +1 15:32:13 ? 15:32:45 everyone else ok? 15:32:51 +1 15:33:14 RESOLVED: adding domels patch to the spec 15:33:39 todo bblfish add domel's patch 15:33:49 action bblfish add domel's patch 15:33:49 Created ACTION-34 - Add domel's patch [on Henry Story - due 2011-07-18]. 15:34:14 I suggest that we add the UML diagram http://bblfish.net/tmp/2011/04/26/ 15:34:17 to the spec 15:34:18 +1 15:34:30 +1 15:34:57 +1 15:35:03 +1 15:35:05 looking at it :-) 15:35:13 still looking 15:35:55 I suggest add description of classes and properties of cert and rsa onts. We can use specgen o do this. 15:35:57 -MacTed 15:36:20 besides descriptions what about FOAF 15:36:31 RESOLVED: add uml diagram to spec 15:36:43 ACTION bblfish to add UML diagram from http://bblfish.net/tmp/2011/04/26/ to spec 15:36:43 Created ACTION-35 - Add UML diagram from http://bblfish.net/tmp/2011/04/26/ to spec [on Henry Story - due 2011-07-18]. 15:36:57 -gaedke 15:38:18 it is better to link to the ontology and have it contain a uml diagram 15:38:43 +??P1 15:39:05 zakim, ??P1 is me 15:39:05 +gaedke; got it 15:39:26 is samulem on the phone? 15:39:28 -samuelm 15:39:41 sorry, i disconnected accidentally 15:39:58 just heard u 15:39:58 we just wanted to have you introduce yourself 15:40:22 wait 30 sec, I'm connecting back 15:40:28 agenda +"Test suite report" 15:40:33 agendum next 15:40:39 next agendum 15:40:58 any progress bergi? 15:41:19 or new issues? 15:41:42 having troubles again connecting 15:42:27 +samuelm 15:42:41 I would like to review ontologies (I will contact with Stéphane) 15:43:03 -bblfish 15:43:49 +bblfish 15:44:53 introducing samuelm 15:45:14 is working with Martin Gaedke on euripean project on privacy and Identity Management 15:45:26 especially interested on the use of identity claims 15:47:46 https://github.com/bblfish/foafssl-java 15:48:01 interested in potential java ee implementations 15:48:10 https://github.com/bblfish/keygenapp 15:49:23 http://bblfish.net/ 15:50:09 bergi will have an endpoint at the end of the week 15:50:23 then bergi will have holidays for three weeks 15:52:10 bergi is working harder on holidays 15:52:36 agendum +"other things people want to speak about" 15:52:40 next agendum 15:53:23 Zakim, who is talking? 15:53:40 domel, listening for 13 seconds I heard sound from the following: bblfish (65%) 15:53:54 -gaedke 15:54:56 +??P1 15:55:15 zakim, ??P1 is me 15:55:15 +gaedke; got it 15:55:18 Domel would like to talk on the ontolgoy 15:55:28 more readable version of classes and properties 15:57:18 action domel to htmlize the ontologies 15:57:18 Sorry, couldn't find user - domel 15:57:27 action: domel to htmlize the ontologies 15:57:27 Sorry, couldn't find user - domel 15:57:54 action: Tomaszukl to htmlize the ontologies 15:57:54 Sorry, couldn't find user - Tomaszukl 15:58:06 action: Dominik to htmlize the ontologies 15:58:06 Created ACTION-36 - Htmlize the ontologies [on Dominik Tomaszuk - due 2011-07-18]. 15:59:28 yes :) 15:59:38 concerning ping back ontology 16:00:52 -bblfish 16:01:02 oops 16:01:04 disconnected 16:01:12 so that's all for this week 16:01:22 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:01:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/11-webid-minutes.html bblfish 16:01:27 -domel 16:01:29 bye! 16:01:29 bye 16:01:30 RRSAgent, make minutes public 16:01:30 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', bblfish. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:01:32 -melvster1 16:01:34 -samuelm 16:01:36 -bergi 16:01:36 thanks all 16:01:37 Bye 16:01:41 RRSAgent, make minutes public 16:01:41 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', bblfish. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:02:06 ok, so next time I'll use skype. Looks like I lost contact half way throug the conf 16:02:44 bblfish, offtopic: would it be useful to setup a bug tracker for WebID related issues? 16:02:55 we have that 16:02:58 I know we can use the mailing list, but a tracker offers more functionality 16:03:12 the w3.org track isn't very friendly :) 16:03:22 it's here http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/track/ 16:03:27 ah what's wrong with it? 16:03:49 well, for one you can't add comments or patch fixes (I think) 16:04:05 yes, but you can point to diffs 16:04:10 you can add comments 16:04:44 for example http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/track/issues/1 16:04:54 there is an "edit this issue" in the right hand side 16:05:06 let me see 16:05:34 you can only edit notes 16:05:52 it looks like commenting is done through the mailing list 16:06:21 yes, that's a good way of making sure the discussion happens on the list 16:06:29 adds a mail if it matches the issue number in the title... 16:06:30 so that it does not get lost all over the web 16:06:36 disconnecting the lone participant, gaedke, in INC_WEBID(WEBID)11:00AM 16:06:37 yes 16:06:38 INC_WEBID(WEBID)11:00AM has ended 16:06:41 Attendees were [IPcaller], bergi, MacTed, gaedke, domel, bblfish, melvster1, +34.60.995.aaaa, samuelm 16:06:50 also adds issue-19 :) 16:07:06 or 16 16:07:27 hmmm 16:07:38 the issues in there are very general 16:08:02 I think there is one for the ontology 16:08:37 well there should be an issue for the ontology 16:08:45 making it html 16:08:52 but well we have an action instread 16:09:34 gah..I guess it would be complicated to export issues created by RSSAgent to other trackers. 16:10:10 yes. The advantage of this is that there is a guaratnee of these urls being very long lasting 16:11:06 I'm telling you this because I got contacted by someone wanting to use WebID (probably with a malformatted rdf file) who got some weird issues testing his WebID on your test endpoint and later on on mine 16:11:28 I had him email me a description of the steps he took and output he got 16:11:53 ah ok 16:11:54 So far I hadn't got around to checking it, but I plan to do it eventually 16:12:08 I can forward you his email if you want to take a look 16:12:10 well that could be an implementation issue 16:12:14 yeah 16:12:29 if one can boil it down to an issue with the spec, then it is an issue for the tracker 16:12:36 He managed to login to my demo site eventually...but not on yours 16:12:45 yeah, I agree 16:12:47 well foafssl.org is down right now 16:12:56 but an implementation tracker would be nice 16:13:00 or rather the certificate has expired 16:13:05 at least we get to share the same bug reports 16:13:18 there are going to be many implementations and so many trackers 16:13:50 I don't think the W3C can deal with following implemenations and tracking specific bugs 16:14:05 what it can do is have test suites and specs 16:14:07 true, but from a developer's point of view it would make sense to have it centralized 16:14:35 it's not really W3C's obligation anymore 16:14:38 well one can have a list of implementations 16:14:45 on the w3c 16:15:32 yeah I know..but managing upstream/downstream patches would be a nightmare :-) 16:15:53 (since we already share libs) 16:16:07 anyway, I think his problem is probably due to foafssl.org's certificate being expired 16:16:12 I am going to change that soon 16:16:27 ok 16:16:43 in fact I want to close the foafssl.org endpoing, because it is costing me a lot. It can be better done elsewhere 16:16:57 rather I want to close foafssl.org cloud server 16:17:05 so I'll do that in next few days 16:17:48 you could maybe have it either redirect to mine, or display a page telling people there's a similar endpoint they can use 16:18:08 so people can still play with WebID authentication 16:19:50 yes 16:19:53 will do that 16:20:24 I'll get it fixed this week. Perhaps just remove foafssl.org for the moment 16:22:05 Ok 16:22:48 btw, I'm going on a holiday for one month (traveling and wedding preparation) so I won't make it to the next teleconfs. 16:23:14 I will be back starting 15th august 16:23:40 I will be reachable by email though 16:30:16 ah ok 16:30:17 great 16:31:02 melvster1 has left #webid