10:45:36 RRSAgent has joined #mediaann 10:45:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/07/05-mediaann-irc 10:54:46 wbailer has joined #mediaann 10:56:10 Daniel has joined #mediaann 10:59:53 stegmai has joined #mediaann 11:00:31 wbailer has joined #mediaann 11:00:40 zakim, who is here? 11:00:44 sorry, tmichel, I don't know what conference this is 11:00:48 On IRC I see wbailer, stegmai, Daniel, RRSAgent, Zakim, tmichel, trackbot 11:01:26 martinh has joined #mediaann 11:02:32 scribenick: werner 11:02:38 meeting: mawg telco 11:02:45 topic: status of action items 11:02:55 rrsagent, make logs public 11:03:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:03:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/05-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:03:22 zakim, who is here? 11:03:22 sorry, wbailer, I don't know what conference this is 11:03:23 On IRC I see martinh, wbailer, stegmai, Daniel, RRSAgent, Zakim, tmichel, trackbot 11:03:29 zakim, this is mawg 11:03:29 ok, wbailer; that matches IA_MAWG()7:00AM 11:03:48 present: daniel, florian, thierry, werner, martin 11:04:12 action-360 is ongoing 11:04:34 regrets: wonsuk, mari-carmen, felix 11:04:43 action-406 pending 11:04:59 close action-425 11:05:00 ACTION-425 Check term method/operation in the web idl spec and update api doc accordingly closed 11:05:18 close action-426 11:05:18 ACTION-426 Add explaination to introduce mediaannotation object in sections 4.2 and 4.3 closed 11:05:41 close action-427 11:05:41 ACTION-427 Propose updates to api doc abstract closed 11:05:54 close action-428 11:05:54 ACTION-428 Delete noerrostatus block from 4.5 examples closed 11:05:59 zakim, who is here? 11:05:59 On the phone I see ??P13, +, wbailer, +43.316.876.aabb, florian 11:06:02 On IRC I see martinh, wbailer, stegmai, Daniel, RRSAgent, Zakim, tmichel, trackbot 11:06:12 close action-429 11:06:12 ACTION-429 Drop status codes 262 thru 264 and references to them closed 11:06:24 zakim, aabb is martinh 11:06:24 +martinh; got it 11:06:40 close action-430 11:06:40 ACTION-430 Draft text on criteria for test suite together with wonsuk and florian closed 11:07:00 action-431 pending 11:07:16 chair: daniel 11:07:25 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:07:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/05-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:07:48 action-432 done, need to send mail to list 11:08:19 i have another action, that is not listed 11:09:02 thierry: will be sent when sending guidelines for revision of examples 11:09:33 tmichel has joined #mediaann 11:09:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:09:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/05-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:10:22 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-annotation/2011Jul/0003.html 11:10:46 florian: action on formating of webidl 11:11:10 ... proposes to insert line breaks manually in html 11:11:29 thierry: will be easiest for 2nd lc 11:13:16 topic: 2nd lc for api document 11:13:57 resolution: the wg agrees to move the api doc to 2nd lc 11:14:08 tmichel has joined #mediaann 11:14:16 +1 11:14:22 +1 11:14:45 topic: Ontology CR enterance 11:15:27 thierry: we are moving to cr 11:15:33 .. doc to be published this thursday 11:15:54 ... will be advertised on w3c home page, call for implementations issued 11:16:07 ... we have test suite already, still some issues 11:16:30 ... director has asked to add implementations of ontology to exist criteria 11:16:45 ... ontology doc can only exit cr, after api doc enters c 11:16:53 s/c/cr/ 11:17:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:17:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/05-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 11:17:42 daniel: to check if implementation from etri is available 11:18:19 topic: Ontology example files: request for update 11:18:35 daniel: we have to request updates of ontology files 11:19:28 thierry: to add to mapping tables each of the properties used 11:20:24 martin reports on validating examples using protege and pellet reasoner 11:20:47 ... possible to infer superclasses, inverse property relations etc, to make checking easier 11:21:35 addition issues for guidelines 11:21:44 - add Import of mawg ontology 11:22:06 - double quotes -> are escaped by reasoner 11:22:20 - issues wrt validation to owl2 profiles 11:25:15 thierry: put link to a file that is a good example 11:26:18 thierry: who is checking files 11:26:36 asked editors to check, the double check 11:27:01 thierry: need to provide short how-to for validation 11:27:16 action: martin to draft short how-to for validating example files 11:27:17 Created ACTION-433 - Draft short how-to for validating example files [on Martin Höffernig - due 2011-07-12]. 11:29:02 action: werner to send guidelines and link to good example file to thierry 11:29:03 Created ACTION-434 - Send guidelines and link to good example file to thierry [on Werner Bailer - due 2011-07-12]. 11:29:16 action: thierry to draft mail to example file editors 11:29:16 Created ACTION-435 - Draft mail to example file editors [on Thierry Michel - due 2011-07-12]. 11:30:55 thierry: we should put deadline for revision of example files 11:31:23 ... proposes to put deadline in 1st week of august 11:35:03 topic: API document update for 2nd LC 11:35:27 thierry: document to be published next week 11:35:32 ... 3 week review period 11:37:43 [adjourned] 11:37:46 -stegmai 11:37:50 -martinh 11:37:51 - + 11:37:52 -wbailer 11:37:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:37:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/05-mediaann-minutes.html wbailer 12:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, ??P13, in IA_MAWG()7:00AM 12:05:04 IA_MAWG()7:00AM has ended 12:05:06 Attendees were +, wbailer, +43.316.876.aabb, stegmai, martinh 13:37:21 Zakim has left #mediaann