16:02:21 RRSAgent has joined #htmlspeech 16:02:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/06/09-htmlspeech-irc 16:02:40 Dan_Druta has joined #htmlspeech 16:02:49 me. apparently you can't hear me. i'll try again... 16:03:14 right, never heard you 16:03:25 rvid has joined #htmlspeech 16:05:35 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0024.html 16:05:36 Dan: received regrets from Bjorn and Olli 16:05:46 Chair: Dan Burnett 16:06:00 Scribe: Raj_Tumuluri 16:06:21 ScribeNick: Raj 16:06:41 ddahl has joined #htmlspeech 16:06:52 Meeting: HTML Speech Incubator Group Teleconference 16:07:09 Date: 9 June 2011 16:07:35 ddahl1 has joined #htmlspeech 16:08:29 people interested in API: Dan Druta, possibly Charles 16:09:32 Topic: F2F minutes, no comments from the participants 16:09:51 Topic: Updated Final Report Document 16:09:54 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/htmlspeech/live/NOTE-htmlspeech-20110609.html 16:10:56 Dan: Sent updated the document sent few days back with Michael Bodell's comments on use-cases, proposed solutions as well as updates from the last week's call..Any comments? 16:11:09 No comments from the group 16:11:36 Topic: Sub-group reports...start with the protocol group, Robert to start 16:12:12 Robert: Lot of people want to contribute, posted comments to the distribution list.. 16:12:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0002.html 16:13:11 Looking to finalize by August and give 2 weeks for comments 16:14:02 rvid has joined #htmlspeech 16:14:36 Robert: General design approach and gleaned requirements on protocols from the requirements docs..draft to be ready in June and refinements in July 16:15:21 Robert: No comments from the group 16:15:23 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/att-0008/speech-protocol-basic-approach-01.html 16:16:01 Robert: Overall design approach: use web-sockets transport, text msgs for signaling and binary for media, included the proposal link 16:16:29 Robert: Control msgs will be based on MRCP 16:16:49 Robert: In the coming weeks flesh this out.. 16:17:34 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0020.html 16:18:32 Robert: Next steps to refine the design : Next week, Milan is going to compile a sub-set of MRCP for HTML+Speech, and then identify any other control msgs, we may need, in parallel look at media translation 16:19:08 Robert: Will provide an update next week 16:19:55 Michael_: audio 16:20:43 Robert: Requirements list is another topic: 16:21:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/att-0011/protocol-reqs.html 16:21:54 Robert: Marc has sifted through this and slotted those for easy reading.. 16:22:23 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0019.html 16:22:35 those are my comments 16:22:35 Robert: Some of these requirements may be invalid, given our recent discussions, encourage others to go through 16:23:04 Dan: We are missing 2 of our browser vendors today, afraid we may not be able to make any design decisions today... 16:23:19 Dan: May be better to defer that for the next call when they are there... 16:24:22 Robet: OK with that..certainly comments I re-wrote were discussed at F2F and subsequently..since most of those are re-phrased, there may not be anything controversial 16:25:35 Michael_: DD35 may need to be reviewed 16:26:27 Dan: We will let people review and comment by next week..since it is only correction and not anything new.. 16:27:26 Dan: Some of the requirements are left in general section...need to review the grouping etc..based on the design-decisions we need to make on them 16:27:27 glen has joined #htmlspeech 16:28:02 Robert: If anybody has any observations, and identify changes, that will help in the prep of next draft 16:28:55 Robert: This is not the complete list, Marc has the protocol related list 16:30:04 rvid has joined #htmlspeech 16:30:04 Marc: It would not be right choice to move them all to protocol section...keep numbering intact...lot of legacy reqs..present..feel it needs to updated to reflect the latest position 16:30:48 Dan: Will schedule something in the comign weeks 16:31:15 Topic: Report from WebAPI group, Michael Bodell to present update 16:31:39 Michael's plan: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0021.html 16:32:31 mbodell: posted the update last night...most participants are not on the call..want to make sure that the list of participants updated as well.. 16:32:59 Dan: I am in both Protocol and WebAPI.. 16:34:46 mbodell: Bjorn, dan, dahl, olli, mbodell, danD, Charles 16:34:55 Raj: I will be in protocol group 16:35:35 Robert: We have many people, they may not have enough work to write..but can review 16:36:18 mbodell: Produce something similar to what Marc produced for Protocol for WebAPI, on design decisions and appraches 16:36:45 mbodell: identify and obtain concensus on parameters, events and naming.. 16:37:38 mbodell: markup bindings, associations, need to agree what we can agree and document what we cannot agree on that.. 16:38:29 mbodell: we may also consider having a group call a la protocol group...for now can do this through email.. 16:39:18 Dan: makes sense, I would object to adding another half hour to this call...should you really need we can accommodate that as part of the existing call itself..and allocated 30 minutes for that 16:39:25 mbodell: OK with that.. 16:40:16 mbodell: design decisions: other than markup bindings, there were no major decisions.. 16:40:53 Dan: IDL and boundaries decisions needed some review..any update on decisions 16:42:04 mbodell: we may say nBest number and create a prooperty describe that in text.. 16:42:32 mbodell: functions to do the recog., results and text to describe 16:43:22 Dan: Agreeing on basic design approach need not be today..but, I see mbodell expects to agree on the approach today and flesh out details in subgroup..any objections? 16:44:01 Robert: Only concern is that key people ( browser vendors) are not on call.( Olli and Bjorn) 16:44:27 Dan: Olli's concerns were around security and he may not have objections to approach 16:44:55 mbodell: if group doesn't agree completely, then we will document the objections/disagreements 16:45:32 Dan: Noted that there is general consensus, noting Google and Mozilla may be orthogonal 16:45:58 mbodell: Javascript recognition result is the point of concern 16:46:42 mbodell: the objections Olli has may not affect the rest of the approach 16:47:01 Dan: if they affect the rest of the API, that can be resolved in sub-group 16:47:30 mbodell: yes, and if any new objections are found, they can be discussed in subgroup too 16:47:31 actually, point of concern is not JS reco result, but how you bind to HTML markup 16:48:21 Dan: Any other comments from anybody ? Since we are missing key browser vendors, am concerned about moving forward with design decisions 16:48:44 mbodell: reviewing the design requirements for APIs ( a la Marc's work on protocol) 16:49:14 mbodell: any volunteers 16:49:22 I volunteer for that 16:50:32 mbodell: another task that needs a volunteer is how to handle results from continuous reco, grammar conversation, IDL and text etc..we can do that in parallel 16:52:02 Dan_Druta: we discussed at F2F capabilities and that also needs to be fleshed ..and volunteer to do that.. 16:52:57 dahl: put skeleton document on what needs to be fleshed and assign people to sections 16:53:07 mobdell & Dan_Druita: agree 16:53:41 ddahl: want to look at the list and pick that are most interesting ;-) 16:54:04 mbodell: to prepare the list and circulate 16:54:38 Dan: prepared to postpone remaining items to next week..anything else to discuss today? 16:54:55 Dan: thanks group 16:55:12 ddahl1 has left #htmlspeech 16:55:23 zakim, bye? 16:55:23 I don't understand your question, burn. 16:55:26 zakim, bye 16:55:26 Zakim has left #htmlspeech 16:56:49 Present: Dan_Burnett, Raj_Tumuluri, Michael_Bodell, Paolo_Baggia, Patrick_Ehlen, Michael_Johnston, Marc_Schroeder, Milan_Young, Dan_Druta, Charles_Hemphill, Robert_Brown, Debbie_Dahl 16:57:08 Regrets: Bjorn_Bringert, Olli_Pettay 16:57:15 rrsagent, make log public 16:57:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:57:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/06/09-htmlspeech-minutes.html burn 17:01:50 rrsagent, bye 17:01:50 I see no action items