14:04:09 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 14:04:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/04/21-aapi-irc 14:04:16 rrsagent, off 14:11:46 topic: WAI-ARIA test suites 14:11:46 http://code.google.com/p/aria-user-agent-implementation-testing/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk 14:12:10 +Tim_Boland 14:12:40 JG: each test generates test HTML and JavaScript 14:13:17 JG: slider - include test code and mapping for role, properties, and states for that test 14:13:58 JG: also provides means to do different types of labeling for the control to test name calculation 14:14:26 JG: JS file is for the results - generates JS object - can edit file with results 14:15:29 JG: collect results in index.html page 14:16:16 JG: edit results file - 2 types of results 14:16:26 DB: edit source file or objects 14:16:42 JG: edit source file - check out/check in 14:16:59 JG: tests themselves aren't automated - somebody has to verify the results 14:17:16 DB: tricky to automate and have it be cross-browser 14:17:34 JG: if there was a way to automate - have to build an index for the tests 14:17:44 JG: files are generated with python scripts 14:18:03 JG: if new code needs to be added to all the tests, it's fairly easy to do 14:18:27 JG: using inspect tools on each platform 14:18:43 DB: don't use UISpy b/c don't support UIA on FF 14:18:57 CS: use Inspect (not the old one - in Windows 7 SDK) 14:19:23 CS: other tool is accchecker and it's on codeplex 14:20:07 JG: open test case in browser - use inspect tool to move focus 14:20:27 JG: test program automatically gives focus to one of the controls 14:21:04 JG: look at mapping and accessible name calculated in the inspect tool 14:21:31 TB: is it clear what a pass condition would be? 14:21:53 JG: if it's unclear - students will enter a "?" and then we can search for the "?"s 14:22:27 JG: for checkbox - mixed state - looks like it's unclear so we call that a failure 14:23:21 CS: did you consider writing a client that would compare the APIs to what they should be 14:23:38 JG: other part is generating the test cases 14:23:49 JG: if can automate the evaluation, that would be great 14:23:59 JG: easy to add meta information programmatically 14:24:20 DB: have been some efforts to automate - but not been maintained 14:24:36 DB: get people with right skills and find a way to keep it going 14:24:49 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHTd8c8jY8Y 14:24:52 CS: accchecker has some of these features - tells you what the values are supposed to be 14:25:18 CS: inspect just gives you what it finds but doesn't tell you what it should be 14:25:41 CS: accchecker is pretty scriptable too 14:25:56 JG: have more labor than programming skills 14:26:16 CS: MS guy who just joined OpenAjax alliance to see if there is anything we can do there 14:26:41 JG: continue focusing on creating the tests - an automated tool could still run them 14:26:56 JG: could generate design patterns for how to generate tests automatically 14:27:07 JG: not as straightforward as I thought it was going to be 14:27:28 JG: WAI-ARIA process needs some results fairly soon 14:27:49 DB: think there is value in what you're doing - can be used for human tests with screen reader too 14:28:43 DB: if we wanted to figure out how to resource getting talent to help students automate tests, Mozilla would be interested in matching it 14:29:07 CS: U. Washington has STEM students with disabilities that are available to do work and UW pays them 14:29:40 CS: you get to interview them before hiring them 14:30:20 CS: part of the DOIT program 14:36:10 JG: sounds like a useful thing would be to add machine readable result information 14:36:25 JG: basically copy table content - not consistent for the states 14:36:38 CS: we need the feedback on where it's inconsistent 14:37:00 s/it's/the UAIG is/ 14:37:54 JG: test 1.5 in checkbox directory - MSAA set SYSTEM-CHECKED state 14:38:17 JG: SYSTEM_CHECKED = "on"? 14:38:31 CS: after LC, we could make them more machine readable 14:39:11 JG: Mac values seem straightforward 14:39:34 JG: haven't done anything with ATK because none of the students use Unix - could build a box that uses Unix to do testing 14:39:59 JG: don't know if I'll teach the class in the fall again 14:40:56 JG: students like the course because they learn something about JS 14:41:05 -Tim_Boland 14:41:57 CS: if build a tool, would be using accessibility APIs - would teach them a lot of what they need to know to build an AT 14:46:27 JG: attending to the F2F remotely - can present this for test suite discussion 14:46:54 JG: JSON files - abandoned - converted everything to python objects - easier to deal with 14:47:20 JG: .py scripts provide the data that generates the files 14:48:02 JG: don't edit the html files - they are generated 14:48:06 JG: and the .js files 14:57:30 -Andi_Snow-Weaver 14:57:31 -[Mozilla] 14:57:31 -??P25 14:57:31 -Cynthia_Shelly 14:57:33 WAI_PFWG(AAPI)10:00AM has ended 14:57:34 Attendees were Andi_Snow-Weaver, David_Bolter, Cynthia_Shelly, Tim_Boland 15:05:51 zakim, bye 15:05:51 Zakim has left #aapi 15:06:11 present: Jon_Gunderson 15:06:21 topic: Bugs 15:06:42 CS: closed the one about exposing actions when an object is disabled 15:06:54 CS: no UAIG edits needed - implementation is inconsistent 15:07:12 DB: UA can decide what's appropriate to do when actions are exposed on disabled object 15:07:35 CS: almost finished with events table - have one outstanding question 15:08:01 AS: try to complete these by e-mail by the F2F meeting so that we are technically ready for LC even if we don't actually publish before then 15:08:24 topic: HTML mapping 15:08:38 CS: can we start using part of this call for HTML mapping with Steven Faulkner? 15:08:48 AS: next week, we'll allocate half the meeting 15:08:53 rrsagent, make minutes 15:08:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/21-aapi-minutes.html Andi 15:24:22 rrsagent, bye 15:24:22 I see no action items