15:54:17 RRSAgent has joined #htmlspeech 15:54:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/04/14-htmlspeech-irc 15:54:23 Zakim has joined #htmlspeech 15:54:30 trackbot, start telcon 15:54:33 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:54:35 Zakim, this will be 15:54:35 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 15:54:36 Meeting: HTML Speech Incubator Group Teleconference 15:54:36 Date: 14 April 2011 15:54:39 zakim, this will be htmlspeech 15:54:39 ok, burn; I see INC_(HTMLSPEECH)12:00PM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 15:54:45 INC_(HTMLSPEECH)12:00PM has now started 15:54:52 +Michael_Bodell 15:55:21 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Apr/0017.html 15:55:25 Chair: Dan Burnett 15:55:29 zakim, code? 15:55:29 the conference code is 48657 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), burn 15:55:41 marc has joined #htmlspeech 15:55:58 +Dan_Burnett 15:55:58 mbodell has joined #htmlspeech 15:56:11 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:56:11 On the phone I see Michael_Bodell, Dan_Burnett 15:56:28 zakim, I am Dan_Burnett 15:56:28 ok, burn, I now associate you with Dan_Burnett 15:56:39 zakim, nick mbodell is Michael_Bodell 15:56:39 ok, burn, I now associate mbodell with Michael_Bodell 15:57:30 +[IPcaller] 15:57:52 zakim, [IPcaller] is Marc_Schroeder 15:57:52 +Marc_Schroeder; got it 15:58:23 +[Microsoft] 15:58:36 zakim, [Microsoft] is Robert_Brown 15:58:36 +Robert_Brown; got it 15:59:19 +??P29 15:59:38 + +1.425.391.aaaa 15:59:39 zakim, ??P29 is Rania_Elnaggar 15:59:39 +Rania_Elnaggar; got it 15:59:48 Robert has joined #htmlspeech 15:59:51 zakim, aaaa is Dan_Druta 15:59:51 +Dan_Druta; got it 16:00:06 +Leo 16:00:12 +Milan_Young 16:00:50 zakim, mute Leo 16:00:50 Leo should now be muted 16:00:51 Milan_Young has joined #htmlspeech 16:00:57 DanD has joined #htmlspeech 16:01:00 zakim, unmute Leo 16:01:00 Leo should no longer be muted 16:01:11 ddahl has joined #htmlspeech 16:01:35 zakim, Leo is Bjorn_Bringert 16:01:35 +Bjorn_Bringert; got it 16:01:45 zakim, nick bringert is Bjorn_Bringert 16:01:45 ok, burn, I now associate bringert with Bjorn_Bringert 16:01:49 +Debbie_Dahl 16:01:59 zakim, nick ddahl is Debbie_Dahl 16:01:59 ok, burn, I now associate ddahl with Debbie_Dahl 16:02:19 zakim, nick Milan_Young is Milan_Young 16:02:20 ok, burn, I now associate Milan_Young with Milan_Young 16:02:40 + +1.425.830.aabb 16:03:04 zakim, aabb is Charles_Hemphill 16:03:06 +Charles_Hemphill; got it 16:04:36 Scribe: Milan Young 16:04:41 ScribeNick: Milan_Young 16:04:57 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Apr/0017.html 16:05:19 Topic: F2F logistics 16:05:49 Bjorn: Has sent list to admin 16:06:15 ... If haven't filled out survey, need to let me know 16:06:29 Dan: Local transportation? 16:06:46 Bjorn: Details comming soon 16:07:48 Topic: Final report document produced by Dan 16:08:13 Dan: Purpose is to provide placeholders 16:08:47 ... Want to capture essentials about design that go beyond requirements 16:09:26 ... This document would survive if we decide not to recharter 16:10:03 ... first decision that has been made is in regards to the three "aspects" 16:10:51 ... questions on structure of document? 16:10:54 16:11:28 +Michael_Johnston 16:11:34 ... discuss Milan's recent email about document 16:11:55 Milan's email: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Apr/0018.html 16:12:50 Dan: Agree that we should not call them components, aspects is better 16:13:52 ... Second point was whether we had come to agreement on defining three aspects 16:14:47 Milan: I don't know enough about HTML to know if markup is always needed for Javascript API 16:16:09 Bjorn: aspects are OK, we can always change our mind 16:16:27 Dan: Purpose is to have something to iterate over 16:18:33 Marc: Aspects might be a good place to break down between v1 and v2 16:19:38 Dan: These are real agreements of the group 16:21:17 Bjorn: We agree that we need to address these points (in agreement section), and that this document must specify how they are handled 16:22:09 Dan: These agreements are similar to an IETF "archtiecture document" 16:22:34 ... Point is to capture concrete decisions about what we must do 16:23:56 The document we are discussing is at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Apr/att-0016/HTMLSpeech.html 16:25:32 DanD: Last call brought up point about preference and user consent 16:26:30 ... Also want to discuss my "archtiecture" email 16:26:45 ... Might be useful in framing discussion 16:27:23 Dan: Terminology is a great idea 16:27:42 Bjorn: Might add a glossary 16:29:11 Dan: Diagram can take a long time to come to agreement 16:29:52 DanD: Diagram will be what words will capture, not the other way around 16:30:15 Robert: Diagram is a distraction 16:30:36 ... Let's work on the list of terms first, and then build a diagram 16:31:22 DanD: That's fine, just wanted to start discussion 16:32:00 Bjorn: All proposals use a script API to control recognition 16:32:29 Dan: Not every feature is solved with script 16:33:12 Bjorn: All features of speech API must be accesible by ECMA 16:33:26 Dan: Accessible? 16:34:00 ... there are place where you might attach handlers, but still using the HTML structure 16:34:15 Bjron: HTML blurs line between markup and script 16:34:23 ... meant HTML5 16:36:04 Bjorn: ECMA is a complete API, markup may feed back into that 16:36:42 Michael: Hard to define where service fits into all of this 16:37:19 DanD: Maybe we need to define who script is targeted at 16:37:40 ... to whom the script is targeted :) 16:38:06 Bjorn: We all talking ECMA 16:39:28 MichaelJ: How to bring together graphical content with speech 16:39:43 Dan: That is more a statement about the purpose of the group 16:40:13 Bjorn: The entire API must be useable in Javascript 16:40:38 Dan: I'll put in some strawman language after the call 16:41:22 Charles: Would like a high-level statement 16:41:56 Milan: Already have misssion statement and requirements. 16:42:16 Charles: Not sure those agree. Where is the purpose? 16:43:14 Dan: Maybe we should add a summary which captures the design biases 16:43:30 ... Need more context 16:43:46 ... Could others suggest some text? 16:44:18 ... Looking for a rational 16:44:33 DanD: I'll take a cut 16:45:18 Dan: I gave a similar response last week on differences between VoiceXML 16:45:44 Bjorn: Notifications from user agent should be in the form of Javascript events 16:46:04 Robert: Bubling is unclear 16:46:22 Bjorn: That's markup not javascript 16:46:56 ... More agreement, 1) start input 2) stop input 3) cancel input 16:47:26 ... stop and cancel might be blured by Mozialla 16:48:33 MichaelJ: Need seperation between stop and cancel 16:50:26 Bjorn: Cancel stops speech input without a result 16:51:28 ... all propsals had an onspeechstart event 16:51:42 ... and all had an onspeechend 16:52:18 ... all had onerror. Unclear whether nomatch and noinput mapped to errros 16:52:56 ... and when recresult was availible 16:53:25 ... all can specify grammars 16:54:01 Dan: Regarding onspeechend, what does end of speech mean? 16:54:48 ... this is in regards to the endpointer 16:56:32 Bjorn: most useful is when endpointer finished 16:57:56 Milan: Need to consider dictation 16:58:33 Michael: Parameters would dictate meaning of of endofspeech event 16:59:19 Bjorn: Onspeechstart is also a function of endpointer 17:01:21 MichaelJ: Need to flag that implementations will vary around this point 17:01:43 Robert: On mobile, "cheap 17:01:55 ... endpointing on client may be necessary 17:02:16 Dan: Will add this as a topic for discussion 17:02:39 Michael: Play and pause for TTS 17:02:46 ... are also points of agreement 17:03:11 Dan: probably also have a stop 17:04:20 Bjorn: Google has a way to effective issue a stop, but no explicit method for it 17:05:25 DanD: Thought we had an agreement to allow web app to specify speech engine 17:05:42 Bjorn: Would suggest that it could be specified by URI 17:06:07 ... Ollie suggested that this be a v2 17:07:04 ... I'm OK in a v1 as long as they are lightwieght 17:07:17 ... as *mechanism* is lightweight 17:07:54 ... Disagreement that it should be referenced by URI? 17:08:15 Michael: That sounds sufficiently flexible 17:08:40 Dan: OK as long as we don't mean http: URL 17:08:54 ... W3C tends not to like URNs 17:09:42 Bjorn: We would need to restrict content of URIs so that solution could interoperate 17:10:25 Dan: Difference between configuration and accessibility 17:12:00 Bjorn: Might not work in open web model 17:13:06 Dan: General config of language tags to URIs 17:13:57 ... Selecting speech service implementation by URI 17:14:25 MichaelJ: Need ability to do this by URI 17:15:12 Dan: Speech services implementations must be referenceable by URI 17:16:26 Bjorn: Another agrement: Must be possible to refererence a gramamr by URI 17:17:19 ... also that could reference language by language tag 17:18:24 DanD_ has joined #htmlspeech 17:18:38 Dan: Might be useful to have a means of specifying a list of language tags 17:21:45 Michael: Should claify that you don't need to specify grammar 17:22:21 Dan: should clairify that behavior in such cases is not specified 17:23:42 Milan: Can we limit this list to a v1? 17:24:39 Micahel: This is all implicitly v1 17:25:09 Dan: This is a statement of how things should be done when they are done 17:28:10 ... Next step is to capture this in the document 17:28:17 ... can review over email 17:28:52 Michael: It would be useful to pull in use cases into that document 17:30:26 Dan: OK, Michael will take first 17:30:32 ... cut on that 17:30:40 -Michael_Bodell 17:30:41 -Marc_Schroeder 17:30:42 -Debbie_Dahl 17:30:42 -Rania_Elnaggar 17:30:44 -Dan_Druta 17:30:44 -Milan_Young 17:30:46 ddahl has left #htmlspeech 17:30:47 -Robert_Brown 17:30:49 -Bjorn_Bringert 17:30:53 -Charles_Hemphill 17:30:59 Regrets: Jerry Carter, Olli Pettay 17:31:04 marc has joined #htmlspeech 17:31:31 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:31:31 On the phone I see Dan_Burnett, Michael_Johnston 17:32:50 -Michael_Johnston 17:32:52 -Dan_Burnett 17:32:53 INC_(HTMLSPEECH)12:00PM has ended 17:32:55 Attendees were Michael_Bodell, Dan_Burnett, Marc_Schroeder, Robert_Brown, +1.425.391.aaaa, Rania_Elnaggar, Dan_Druta, Milan_Young, Bjorn_Bringert, Debbie_Dahl, +1.425.830.aabb, 17:32:58 ... Charles_Hemphill, Michael_Johnston 17:33:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:33:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/14-htmlspeech-minutes.html burn 17:55:37 rrsagent, make log public 17:56:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:56:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/14-htmlspeech-minutes.html burn 18:00:04 rrsagent, bye 18:00:04 I see no action items