13:57:29 RRSAgent has joined #hcg 13:57:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/04/08-hcg-irc 13:57:29 burn has joined #hcg 13:57:31 RRSAgent, make logs member 13:57:31 Zakim has joined #hcg 13:57:33 Zakim, this will be HTML_CG 13:57:33 ok, trackbot, I see HTML_CG()10:00AM already started 13:57:34 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 13:57:34 Date: 08 April 2011 13:57:37 zakim, code? 13:57:37 the conference code is 4824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), kaz 13:57:43 zakim, I am Dan_Burnett 13:57:43 ok, burn, I now associate you with Dan_Burnett 13:57:49 ChrisL has joined #hcg 13:58:04 trackbot, start telcon 13:58:06 RRSAgent, make logs member 13:58:08 Zakim, this will be HTML_CG 13:58:08 ok, trackbot, I see HTML_CG()10:00AM already started 13:58:09 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 13:58:09 Date: 08 April 2011 13:58:16 rrsagent, make logs public 13:58:40 +Debbie_Dahl 13:58:43 -Dan_Burnett 13:58:44 +Dan_Burnett 13:58:47 +??P11 13:58:56 zakim, ??P11 is me 13:58:56 +kaz; got it 13:59:09 zakim, who is here? 13:59:09 On the phone I see Dan_Burnett, Debbie_Dahl, kaz 13:59:34 +ChrisL 14:00:06 +[IPcaller] 14:01:05 zakim, IPcaller is probably yosuke 14:01:05 +yosuke?; got it 14:03:22 paulc has joined #hcg 14:04:01 hi Paul 14:04:27 Bert has joined #hcg 14:04:28 janina has joined #hcg 14:04:31 Good morning - getting settled in an airport lounge office - will call in shortly 14:04:37 zakim, code? 14:04:37 the conference code is 4824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), janina 14:04:39 giuseppep has joined #hcg 14:04:49 +Bert 14:05:09 +??P15 14:05:17 zakim, ??P15 is janina 14:05:17 +janina; got it 14:06:19 Chair: ChrisL 14:06:43 + + 14:06:57 zakim, aaaa is Giuseppe_Pascale 14:06:57 +Giuseppe_Pascale; got it 14:07:00 +[Microsoft] 14:07:09 zakim, pick a victim 14:07:09 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose janina 14:07:11 zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc 14:07:11 +paulc; got it 14:07:31 zakim, yosuke? is Yosuke 14:07:31 +Yosuke; got it 14:07:40 scribe: janina 14:07:53 +Doug_Schepers 14:08:43 giuseppe from opera 14:09:13 Topic: Introductions 14:09:25 giuseppe, introduces himself 14:09:43 yosuke, introduces himself 14:09:51 I'm not catching the names ... 14:10:58 List of Coordination Group members http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=34315 14:11:01 Web TV intros continueDoug also introduces himself in this capacity 14:11:06 you can upload a photo, too 14:11:59 s/Web TV intros continueDoug/Dan/ 14:12:13 s/Dan/Dan Burnett/ 14:12:32 Topic: wiki 14:12:35 topic: hcg wiki 14:12:50 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/wiki/Main_Page 14:12:51 rrsagent, make log public 14:13:13 chris, plan is to use the hcg wiki for upcoming agendas 14:13:24 chris, world readable, but member writable only 14:14:01 chris, the hope is that this will expedite our work 14:14:20 s/member/coordination group member/ 14:14:30 debby: suggests tracking additional admin details there, scribe list, etc 14:15:05 topic: registries 14:15:31 debby: believe i first raised the question, different positions approaches 14:16:13 debby: emotion subgroup of multimedia wants to code 14:16:28 debby: decided not useful to put the coding in the spec 14:16:44 debby: rather wanted to point to a registry instead 14:17:00 debby: so issued a emotion vocabulary note 14:17:09 debby: should publish today 14:17:28 debby: regected iana because of lengthy pub time 14:18:07 doug: notes we've been discussing registries for over two years 14:18:28 chris: don't believe we have a consensus position nevertheless 14:19:31 q+ to clarify the essential point is not registries, but bottlenecks. 14:19:36 s/regected/rejected/ 14:20:36 dan burnett 14:20:38 q+ 14:20:39 ack bert 14:20:39 Bert, you wanted to clarify the essential point is not registries, but bottlenecks. 14:20:49 q+ 14:20:51 dan: likes iana because of maintanace process; 14:21:24 HTML WG issue on registry: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/27 14:21:27 Bert 14:21:32 bert bos 14:21:52 bert: concerned over single point of registry 14:22:04 s/registry/failure/ 14:22:09 WG decision published today: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2011Apr/0204.html 14:22:45 q? 14:22:55 dan: prefers to limit this kind of work to an organization that has demonstrated it knows how to manage it 14:22:59 ack paul 14:24:06 paul: issue-27 in html-wg relates to this issue, decided today and refutes whether iana has a good procedure 14:24:25 paul: html rejected both 14:25:25 paul: describing html decisioning process: starts with bugs, then elevated to issues, proposals and counter-proposals, surveys wg, and chairs attempt to identify the wg decision by looking for weakest objectionable position 14:25:51 doug: i expect to appeal this decision 14:25:57 paul: it's called a formal objection 14:26:08 chris: an interesting document 14:26:54 but as its 11 minutes old i hadn't read it before 14:27:09 paul: please note the bottom of our decision messages where we point to the process for reopening for reconsideration 14:27:39 paul: reads from the template 14:27:50 s/template/decision/ 14:28:24 ok so the issue can be re-opened with new evidence, or just blocked by a formal objection 14:29:03 [[ http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/policies.html#WGChairReopen The Chair MAY reopen a decision when presented with new information, including: 14:29:04 additional technical information, 14:29:04 comments by email from participants who were unable to attend a scheduled meeting, 14:29:04 comments by email from meeting attendees who chose not to speak out during a meeting (e.g., so they could confer later with colleagues or for cultural reasons). 14:29:04 ]] 14:29:05 paul: noting html wg trying to get to last call where a long process is expected 14:29:09 I stand corrected 14:29:27 paul: html chairs don't expect to work on objections until candidate cr status 14:29:35 q? 14:29:39 ack shepazu 14:30:37 doug: recognizes w3 has little experience, but also has heard of poor experience in iana 14:30:50 doug: surprised to hear some like iana 14:30:56 q+ 14:31:02 doug: calls out microformats specifically 14:31:03 q+ 14:31:16 ack paul 14:32:05 paul: suggests the evidence described here wasn't in the html survey, thus not considered 14:32:54 doug: understand this an html wg decision about a particular, single registry 14:33:01 paul: yes 14:34:01 doug: perhaps my new information would rather concern a different registry at w3c 14:34:11 paul: reads again from the decision 14:34:36 q? 14:35:10 ack burn 14:35:27 dan: notes this is one w3 decision from one w3 group 14:35:59 dan: only reason voice browser decision to go with iana hasn't moved further is that I have yet to do the work on it 14:36:34 dan: believes there are still strong disagreements on how to proceed aong wgs 14:36:35 + 14:36:37 q+ 14:36:56 debby: wonders if we even could have a unified process because of the need to also work with other organizations 14:37:36 dan: may well be possible for w3 to smooth the process for its specs at another organization 14:38:12 dan: ietf and iana continue discussion on smoothing process between them 14:38:54 q? 14:38:55 dan: this could happen even if w3c doesn't standardize 14:39:00 doug: agrees 14:39:03 ack shepazu 14:39:31 doug: however, suggests any org is a single point of failure locus 14:39:51 doug: rather we should look at shared registry with different ways to get into the registry 14:39:55 maybe the w3c should maintain a registry of registries 14:40:55 doug: we've previously discussed a registry process which isn't specifically located at any particular organization 14:41:18 doug: suggests we hold a conversation like that with the other organizations 14:41:42 doug: then, once a particular registry is stable, the other orgs mirror 14:41:55 q+ 14:42:20 q+ 14:42:55 chris: there appears to be the need to indicate that a particularly registry has been requested and is in process 14:43:19 chris: perhaps that's two queues, or two views of the queue 14:43:22 ack ChrisL 14:43:52 ack burn 14:43:53 doug: agrees 14:44:10 dan: like the idea esp for fault tolerance 14:44:28 dan: concerned how this raises a synchronization problem 14:44:35 q+ 14:44:43 dan: needs to be a normative and definitive point 14:44:54 dan: so, which registry to trust ultimately? 14:45:23 yosuke: Web and TV IG will not need any registry for now, but if we move on to the next step after the IG or during the IG, I mean, creating some standards related to TV, there is strong possibility that we need huge registry. 14:45:34 q? 14:45:38 ack shepazu 14:45:53 doug: correct, but we're not they 14:46:41 doug: suggest it's ok to let the market decide 14:48:15 it seems that a TV-related registy might involve working with a totally new organization, e.g. other than iana or Microformats 14:48:23 s/yosuke: /[ yosuke: / 14:48:36 s/huge registry./huge registry. ]/ 14:49:11 doug: suggests w3 serve the communities that want to be served by w3, and others go to the other orgs they want 14:49:24 q? 14:49:30 dan: understand, not sure it will work, but willing to consider 14:50:10 q+ 14:50:15 janina: we can easily mirror while saying which is authoritative, like in dns 14:50:30 q? 14:50:34 ack Bert 14:50:40 ack burn 14:50:48 dan: likes that 14:51:40 q+ 14:51:46 ack paulc 14:52:15 paul: has experience with a 'central' registry where some values are delegated to 'sub' registries 14:52:24 paul: odbc for instance 14:52:44 paul: supports additional fields that some wanted 14:52:59 q+ 14:53:36 q+ 14:54:10 s/discuss it for me/for me to discuss it/ 14:54:26 chris: noting unicode registry which supports a 'private' use area 14:54:47 chris: this works 14:55:03 computer graphics metafile 14:55:10 chris: did not work 14:55:33 chris: if one used an unusual line style, for instance, has no fallback and shows error 14:56:02 chris: registering didn't get one anywhere 14:56:10 chris: this is why svg took a different approach 14:56:14 q+ to talk about next steps, should we continue discussion or follow up on some of the suggestions that have been proposed? 14:56:31 ack ChrisL 14:56:35 ack burn 14:57:00 dan: iana has done this -- top level domains registered at iana, but nothing else 14:57:08 -ChrisL 14:57:23 dan: believe setting up a w3c tree at iana was one proposal 14:57:29 doug: would like to know more on that 14:57:47 +ChrisL 14:58:04 ack ddahl 14:58:04 ddahl, you wanted to talk about next steps, should we continue discussion or follow up on some of the suggestions that have been proposed? 14:58:21 doug: don't believe this solves single point of failure problem 14:58:39 debby: notes our time is waning, what next on this? 14:59:01 doug: happy to raise this in the team, esp in context of html decision 14:59:10 chris: suggests next time perhaps too soon 14:59:31 debby: next call will be may 6 15:00:52 -Giuseppe_Pascale 15:00:53 -kaz 15:00:54 -Doug_Schepers 15:00:54 -Dan_Burnett 15:00:55 -ChrisL 15:00:57 -Debbie_Dahl 15:00:57 zakim, bye 15:00:59 Zakim has left #hcg 15:01:06 rrsagent, make minutes 15:01:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/08-hcg-minutes.html janina 15:01:14 yosuke has left #hcg 15:01:21 giuseppep has left #hcg 15:01:36 zakim, list attendees 15:01:42 OK, will do 15:12:38 ddahl has left #hcg 15:13:23 ddahl has joined #hcg