16:58:09 RRSAgent has joined #rdb2rdf 16:58:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/03/01-rdb2rdf-irc 16:58:11 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:58:11 Zakim has joined #rdb2rdf 16:58:13 Zakim, this will be 7322733 16:58:13 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 16:58:14 Meeting: RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference 16:58:14 Date: 01 March 2011 16:58:21 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Mar/0000.html 16:58:25 Chair: Michael 16:58:37 regrets+ Percy 16:58:53 regrets+ Alexandre 16:59:03 regrets+ Nuno 16:59:05 iv_an_ru has joined #rdb2rdf 16:59:09 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:59:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/03/01-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 16:59:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:59:42 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has now started 16:59:49 +cygri 17:00:53 +juansequeda 17:01:01 boris has joined #rdb2rdf 17:01:10 Zakim, who's here? 17:01:10 On the phone I see cygri, juansequeda 17:01:11 On IRC I see boris, iv_an_ru, Zakim, RRSAgent, juansequeda, mhausenblas, ivan, cygri, MacTed, betehess, trackbot 17:01:45 Zakim, cygri really is mhausenblas 17:01:45 I don't understand 'cygri really is mhausenblas', mhausenblas 17:02:02 +boris 17:02:15 Zakim, mhausenblas is with cygri 17:02:15 +mhausenblas; got it 17:03:25 zakim, dial ivan-voip 17:03:26 ok, ivan; the call is being made 17:03:27 +Ivan 17:03:28 dmcneil has joined #RDB2RDF 17:03:43 Zakim, who' s here? 17:03:43 I don't understand your question, mhausenblas. 17:03:46 Zakim, who's here? 17:03:46 On the phone I see cygri, juansequeda, boris, Ivan 17:03:48 cygri has cygri, mhausenblas 17:03:49 On IRC I see dmcneil, boris, iv_an_ru, Zakim, RRSAgent, juansequeda, mhausenblas, ivan, cygri, MacTed, betehess, trackbot 17:04:08 Zakim, pick a victim 17:04:08 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose mhausenblas 17:04:10 + +1.636.544.aaaa 17:04:26 Zakim, aaaa is dmcneil 17:04:26 +dmcneil; got it 17:05:21 Zakim, pick a victim 17:05:21 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Ivan 17:05:46 I can try to do my best 17:05:48 today 17:05:51 ericP has joined #rdb2rdf 17:05:59 scribenick: boris 17:06:03 Zakim, please dial ericP-office 17:06:03 ok, ericP; the call is being made 17:06:05 +EricP 17:06:51 TOPIC ADMIN 17:06:55 +OpenLink_Software 17:07:04 PROPOSAL: Accept minutes 17:07:11 of last meeting 17:07:17 http://www.w3.org/2011/02/22-rdb2rdf-minutes.html 17:07:29 +1 17:07:50 RESOLUTION: Accepted minutes of last meeting 17:08:12 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 17:08:12 +MacTed; got it 17:08:14 michael: Mid march new publication 17:08:22 ...: drafts 17:08:26 soeren has joined #RDB2RDF 17:08:35 TOPIC: Direct Mapping 17:08:47 ACTION-98? 17:08:47 ACTION-98 -- Juan Sequeda to rename Issue 11 and fix it in the DM -- due 2011-02-08 -- CLOSED 17:08:47 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/98 17:08:53 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/directMapping/ 17:08:56 ACTION-99? 17:08:56 ACTION-99 -- Juan Sequeda to change ISSUE-13 to postponed and add ref from ISSUE-11 to ISSUE-13 -- due 2011-02-08 -- OPEN 17:08:56 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/99 17:09:12 close ACTION-99 17:09:12 ACTION-99 Change ISSUE-13 to postponed and add ref from ISSUE-11 to ISSUE-13 closed 17:09:19 ACTION-102? 17:09:19 ACTION-102 -- Ted Thibodeau to sum up the possibilities for generating reliable URIs for DM (to avoid bNodes) on the Wiki -- due 2011-02-15 -- OPEN 17:09:19 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/102 17:09:21 juan: action 99 close 17:09:37 michael: any news regarding this? 17:09:45 MacTed: nothing new 17:09:47 ISSUE 14? 17:09:51 ISSUE-14? 17:10:00 michael: ISSUE 14 ... ? 17:10:08 ISSUE-14? 17:10:08 ISSUE-14 -- Many-to-Many tables -- open 17:10:08 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/14 17:10:49 michael: anything related to this issue? 17:11:22 juan: let's hear richard opinion about this? ... many to many on direct mapping 17:11:56 juan: richard, you pointed out that d2r users were waiting for this 17:12:21 richard: what do we want to achieve with the DM? that the question 17:12:23 this will be tricky without resolve without ashok and richard on the same call 17:12:41 ...: useful thing of DM 17:12:46 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:12:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/03/01-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 17:13:01 ...: what people want to do with this default RDF 17:13:16 ...: sparql query for sure 17:13:36 ...: I would evaluate the DM by how easy is to do sparql query against it 17:13:56 ....: as M2M is hard to do a sparql query 17:14:21 ...: also there will be some theoretical cases ... 17:14:33 ...: these corner cases are not convincing 17:14:55 ...: any given tool for just pushing button for generating RDF triples 17:15:04 ...: not to generate an intermediate table 17:15:15 juan: how many people complain about this in d2r? 17:15:31 richard: no one has complaint about this 17:15:34 Stonebraker's counter example: CREATE TABLE Marriages (p1 INT, p2 INT, FOREIGN KEY (p1 REFERENCES Person(ID), FOREIGN KEY (p2 REFERENCES Person(ID))); 17:15:55 ...: since the current approach (get rid of the intermediate table) ... 5 years more or less 17:16:18 ...: no corner cases ... d2r has only one approach 17:16:47 ...: after we did the m2m, no more complains 17:16:55 noise 17:17:04 +dmcneil.a 17:17:10 -dmcneil 17:17:26 richard: cannot recall anything about the current approach 17:17:44 eric: it's nothing particular about this 17:17:44 q? 17:18:02 ...: for instance nothing to get the directionally 17:18:11 ...: main issue is the complexity 17:18:23 juan: I dont see the corner example 17:18:29 ...: person and married 17:18:55 richard: order of the columns by someone 17:19:12 ...: even arbitrarily 17:19:20 ...: we can say it is incorrect 17:19:34 eric: ?? modelling is feasible 17:19:48 ...: there are cases when is optimal 17:20:07 MacTed: any change, change the mapping 17:20:22 ...: then the mapping is different even if is a "bit" different 17:20:34 eric: if I made assertions to be tracked ... 17:20:48 ...: I don't need to visit my code 17:20:55 MacTEd: dependes in the code 17:21:06 richard: not true in SQL 17:21:18 eric: I meant other thing 17:21:30 MacTed: q: create two tables in RDB 17:21:42 ... join id equals identify columns 17:21:58 ...: you have sth not resolvable? 17:22:04 is far from norm 17:22:11 eric: look at different table 17:22:25 juan: keep it simple 17:22:48 zakim, mute me 17:22:48 Ivan should now be muted 17:22:56 ...: everyone is gona to complain 17:23:01 ... then we have to go back 17:23:16 ... the only way to "prove" this is richard experience 17:23:24 ... we have to learn from this 17:23:33 michael: kind of lost 17:23:50 ...: the group more or less agreed to do anything about m2m? 17:24:00 ...: are we able to come with a proposal? 17:24:06 juan: don't think so 17:24:09 ... yet 17:24:28 ... richard, do you want to inlclude it in the DM? 17:24:32 richard: yes 17:24:53 juan: include a binary table as a relationshiop 17:25:11 ... we don't keep it simple, keep it real 17:25:16 +q 17:25:22 michael: let's keep mid march ... 17:25:38 ack dmcneil 17:25:43 ...: either put some work to resolve it or came to a proposal 17:26:00 eric?: only binary table? 17:26:13 s/eric?/dmcneil 17:26:20 juan: two foering keys, compound columns ...binary relation 17:26:24 dmcneil: ok, thanks 17:26:36 juan: the proposal can be we need more feedback 17:26:42 s/eric?:/dmcneil:/ 17:26:57 juan? 17:27:12 thanks juan! 17:27:25 michael: would you please juan type the proposal 17:27:52 ...: we should try to get feedback on this ... 17:27:54 q+ 17:28:01 PROPOSAL: Many-to-Many table in direct mapping is still an open issue. Publish the Direct Mapping WD with this open issue and get feedback 17:28:04 ack cygri 17:28:53 richard: ...extra work to write those queries ... proposes to do an extra work on the editors 17:29:10 eric: DM foundation, is not the final product 17:29:24 ...: what do we have to do in R2RML 17:29:45 ...: nice mapping from SPARQL to SQL queries, how hard we make their lifes 17:29:55 michael:we have a concrete proposal 17:30:03 ...: we need more input 17:30:08 +1 Proposal as written 17:30:10 ...: as an open issue 17:30:17 +1 17:30:20 ...: any objections of the current proposal 17:30:54 richard: another option is to do both, put the table in the graph, and also the direct table in the graph 17:31:15 michael: good to include this in issue 14 17:31:19 eric: only subject? 17:31:24 michael: anywhere 17:31:33 ISSUE-14? 17:31:33 ISSUE-14 -- Many-to-Many tables -- open 17:31:33 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/14 17:31:45 Michael: if you mentioned ISSUE-14 in a mail tracker will pick it up 17:32:01 michael: no objections to this proposal 17:32:28 RESOLUTION: ROPOSAL: Many-to-Many table in direct mapping is still an open issue. Publish the Direct Mapping WD with this open issue and get feedback 17:32:36 sorry 17:32:53 SOLUTION: ROPOSAL accepted 17:33:09 SOLUTION: PROPOSAL accepted 17:33:27 RESOLUTION: Many-to-Many table in direct mapping is still an open issue. Publish the Direct Mapping WD with this open issue and get feedback 17:33:35 accepted 17:33:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:33:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/03/01-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 17:33:47 ISSUE-9? 17:33:47 ISSUE-9 -- Generate Blank Nodes for duplicate tuples -- open 17:33:47 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/9 17:33:56 michael: issue 9, blank node... status? 17:34:16 ... is there an action about that, yes ... 17:34:17 iv_an_ru has joined #rdb2rdf 17:34:22 ... any progress? 17:34:52 ... either we have sth there, or we can handle next week 17:35:08 ... it depends if we deliver sth there 17:35:24 ... please do not deliver an hour before the call 17:35:25 ISSUE-10? 17:35:25 ISSUE-10 -- Hash vs Slash -- open 17:35:25 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/10 17:35:31 michael: issue 10 17:35:34 ... status? 17:35:39 ... juan? 17:36:02 eric: several emails about it 17:36:12 ... hash with no fragment identifier 17:36:24 ... in html are identical 17:36:32 juan: no preferences about this 17:37:04 +1 cygri 17:37:04 michael: something that a user wants to provide as a configuration 17:37:11 #_ 17:37:13 richard: on the DM the closest approximation by default 17:37:39 base_uri/table = URI for a Table 17:37:55 base_uri/table/attribute = URI for a column 17:37:59 richard: argument not having _ ... because URIs looks nicer 17:38:01 q+ 17:38:19 ... not everyone wants to resolve these urls 17:38:24 base_uri/table/attribute=value#_ vs base_uri/table/attribute=value URI for a tuple 17:38:32 ... this is just for resolve on the web 17:38:43 michael: there is an option to write R2RML to modify it 17:38:55 ack ivan 17:39:13 ivan: two separate issues, use # or use #_ 17:39:31 ...: already pointed in the emails 17:39:49 ... if we don't use the "#" put an extra load on the server side 17:40:23 richard: assumes that the identities are non-information resources, ... 17:40:34 ivan: they identify in the table 17:40:42 ivan: they identify a row in the table 17:40:51 richard: this is information resource for me 17:41:05 ivan: you said that you can use R2RML to modify it 17:41:11 ... adding or removing 17:41:29 michael: LD deployment is important and we have to do it ... 17:41:53 what's the md5sum of ? 17:42:11 ... I don't see any strong reason for not doing that 17:42:13 or the md5sum of ? 17:42:46 ivan: agree, if we use a #, this works in most cases ... people may not like the # because is ugly .... 17:43:13 richard: sorry Ivan, the row in a table is an information resource 17:43:48 eric: ..... trying to separate IR to real 17:43:58 richard: you are confusing resource and representation 17:44:04 ... eric=you 17:44:15 ...: we have spent some much time on this 17:44:23 ...: no new things about this .. 17:45:09 ...: many cases it doesn't matter at all ... people only has to spaqrl 17:45:53 ivan: way more specific that the discussion about http 14 17:46:11 ...: the URI that identify that row is this 17:46:15 ...: agree with Richard 17:46:29 eric: things to look at it ... 17:46:45 ...: is sth in the DB that is an information resource 17:46:47 ? 17:46:59 ... according to richard, yes 17:47:10 MacTed: it is always an information resource 17:47:18 ...: description is a document 17:47:32 quoting AWWW: The distinguishing characteristic of these resources is that all of their essential characteristics can be conveyed in a message. We identify this set as “information resources.” 17:47:41 ...: information in the database is information resource 17:48:01 richard: definition of information resource 17:48:29 .... IR: The distinguishing characteristic of these resources is that all of their essential characteristics can be conveyed in a message. We identify this set as “information resources. 17:49:02 ...: what is the case in which we can have a problem? 17:49:19 ...: access via SPARQL, no problem 17:49:36 ... access via deferenable URI 17:49:38 no problem 17:50:09 ...: only if you are on these cases, 17:50:23 zakim, mute me 17:50:23 Ivan should now be muted 17:50:24 ....: not SPARQL, no dump 17:50:36 ...: not use R2RML 17:50:44 ...: only then you will have the case 17:51:05 eric: compatible with LD principles 17:51:21 zakim, unmute me 17:51:21 Ivan should no longer be muted 17:51:30 ... whether or not use SPARQL, we make sure to make resolvable 17:52:12 eric: again, db records are not information resources, 303, ... there is a community that think this is an issue 17:52:16 richard: who? 17:52:25 eric:. ... 17:52:36 Jonathan Reese (?) 17:52:40 eric: bunch of people from standford 17:52:56 eric: Jonathan Rees 17:53:00 ... for example 17:53:14 http://sharedname.org/ 17:53:26 michael: we won't be able to come up with sth, how important is this? 17:53:29 PROPOSAL: row identifiers should be base_uri/table/attribute=value without # or #_ at the end 17:53:29 http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-rdb2rdf-ucr-20100608/#intro-whyrdb2rdf 17:53:47 michael: let's see the UC document 17:54:06 q+ 17:54:10 ... based on that, we need to explain in the DM .... 17:54:36 ... I don't see why to emphasize one of them, 17:54:46 eric: do we have to eliminated ... 17:54:50 ack MacTed 17:55:01 MacTed: we are talking about the DM, not the optimal mapping 17:55:11 ... it is basic, it is the simplest 17:55:15 ... and it will work 17:55:22 eric: it works both ways 17:55:39 MacTed: it doesn't work in all cases 17:55:59 OPOSAL: row identifiers should be base_uri/table/attribute=value without # or #_ at the end 17:56:00 -1 17:56:03 +1 proposal as written 17:56:04 PROPOSAL: row identifiers should be base_uri/table/attribute=value without # or #_ at the end 17:56:07 +1 17:56:08 +1 17:56:11 +1 17:56:18 +1 17:56:19 +1 17:56:23 +1 from amrcelo too 17:56:40 0 17:57:17 eric: when people say these are not information resources .... 17:57:20 s/amrcelo/marcelo 17:57:48 ...: if they are, there are requirements for LD .... 17:58:01 q+ to ask if we are going to publish on March 15? 17:58:02 ...: hash space reduces the number of round trips 17:58:18 eric: there are people 17:58:43 michael: I don't see any strong reason 17:59:00 juan: we still on track of mid march deadline 17:59:12 q+ 17:59:21 michael: no very good reason 17:59:30 ack cygri 17:59:31 ...: if they are not happy ... 17:59:56 richard: regardless of the nature of the resources, the suggestion to do without the hash works 18:00:10 ...: because you can use R2RML to modify it 18:00:30 ...: even with the argument of they are not information resources 18:00:49 eric: three arguments, which one are you refering to? 18:00:53 richard: only one 18:00:58 richard: I hear only one 18:01:38 richard: even if they are not information resources, why to do this in the DM 18:02:04 eric: if they are information resources, I predict we will have much problem ... if we don't treat them as information resources 18:02:28 ...: if they aren't not information resources, we have some impact on the server, 303 18:02:41 MacTed: but we have R2RML 18:02:51 richard: 303 are compatible with LD 18:03:07 MacTed: your objection is gone the 18:03:08 n 18:03:37 eric: nonIF DM produces a graph that are both compatible to LD and efficient to access 18:03:47 +1 MacTed 18:03:49 MacTed: default is not always efficient 18:03:56 +1 MacTed 18:04:10 eric: ok 18:04:25 MacTed: so remove this objection? 18:04:42 eric: if we say that de direct graph considers 303 ... 18:04:51 s/de/the 18:05:04 MacTed: you can include it in your payload 18:05:18 eric: I can live with it, if we can do the rewrite 18:05:27 PROPOSAL: row identifiers should be base_uri/table/attribute=value without # or #_ at the end 18:05:36 PROPOSAL: row identifiers should be base_uri/table/attribute=value without # or #_ at the end 18:05:41 Michael: any objections? 18:05:58 RESOLUTION: row identifiers should be base_uri/table/attribute=value without # or #_ at the end 18:06:18 michael: so, we can close the issue right? 18:06:34 ... DM editors pls make sure to implement this on DM and close issue 10 18:06:50 ... do you need an action for that? 18:06:55 ... implemented the resolution 18:07:03 ... to implement the resolution 18:07:20 juan: I'll check it and do some clean as well 18:07:39 juan: hierarchical tables? 18:07:41 ACTION: Juan to implement decision re ISSUE-10 (remove hash) and close ISSUE-10 18:07:41 Created ACTION-104 - Implement decision re ISSUE-10 (remove hash) and close ISSUE-10 [on Juan Sequeda - due 2011-03-08]. 18:08:12 michael: DM issue: 10, 14 (postpone), 15 (open) 18:08:15 ...: 18:08:27 michael: next time focus on R2RML 18:08:51 michael: action 10 is closed 18:08:59 s/10,/10 (closed) 18:09:10 -juansequeda 18:09:10 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:09:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/03/01-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 18:09:11 -dmcneil.a 18:09:13 -EricP 18:09:13 -MacTed 18:09:15 -cygri 18:09:17 zakim, drop me 18:09:17 Ivan is being disconnected 18:09:18 -Ivan 18:09:24 -boris 18:09:25 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has ended 18:09:27 Attendees were cygri, juansequeda, boris, mhausenblas, Ivan, +1.636.544.aaaa, dmcneil, EricP, MacTed 18:09:44 michael I don't remember how to clean the minutes? 18:10:51 Zakim, who's here? 18:10:51 apparently SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has ended, mhausenblas 18:10:52 On IRC I see iv_an_ru, ericP, dmcneil, boris, Zakim, RRSAgent, mhausenblas, cygri, MacTed, betehess, trackbot 18:10:59 trackbot, end telecon 18:10:59 Zakim, list attendees 18:10:59 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 18:11:00 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:11:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/03/01-rdb2rdf-minutes.html trackbot 18:11:01 RRSAgent, bye 18:11:01 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/01-rdb2rdf-actions.rdf : 18:11:01 ACTION: Juan to implement decision re ISSUE-10 (remove hash) and close ISSUE-10 [1] 18:11:01 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/03/01-rdb2rdf-irc#T18-07-41