20:57:57 RRSAgent has joined #au 20:57:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/28-au-irc 20:58:01 Zakim, this will be AUWG 20:58:01 ok, Jan; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start 58 minutes ago 20:58:06 Meeting: WAI AU 20:58:25 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2011JanMar/0060.html 20:58:39 Chair: Jan Richards 20:58:51 Regrets: Jutta Treviranus, Alex Li 20:59:30 jeanne has joined #au 21:00:47 Regrets: Jutta Treviranus, Alex Li, Alessandro M. 21:01:27 ARonksley has joined #au 21:01:47 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 21:01:54 +Jeanne 21:02:26 zakim, code? 21:02:26 the conference code is 2894 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), Jan 21:02:33 alastairc has joined #au 21:02:35 +??P7 21:02:46 zakim, ??P7 is really Jan 21:02:46 +Jan; got it 21:03:01 +??P11 21:03:34 +??P13 21:04:07 zakim, ??P11 is really Alastair 21:04:07 +Alastair; got it 21:04:13 zakim, ??P13 is really Andrew 21:04:13 +Andrew; got it 21:15:00 +Tim_Boland 21:16:56 + +1.561.200.aaaa 21:17:18 zakim, aaaa is really Sueann 21:17:18 +Sueann; got it 21:17:41 scribe: Alastair 21:18:09 +[Microsoft] 21:18:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2011JanMar/0060.html 21:18:25 zakim, [Microsoft] is really Cherie 21:18:25 +Cherie; got it 21:18:33 Topic: 1. Note on what "not applicable" means and how to use it 21:19:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2011JanMar/0052.html 21:22:48 The change (refinement) is making it clearer that a conformance claim should say when an SC is not applicable. 21:24:13 Resolution: All accept "not applicable" wording at: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2011JanMar/0052.html 21:24:45 Topic: 2. Updated proposals on ATAG2 defns of author and authoring tool 21:24:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2011JanMar/0053.html 21:24:58 Sueann has joined #au 21:25:20 -Cherie 21:25:22 -Tim_Boland 21:25:26 \me just got static now... 21:25:27 -Jeanne 21:25:36 ow! 21:26:12 +Tim_Boland 21:26:21 +[Microsoft] 21:26:26 zakim, [Microsoft] is really Cherie 21:26:26 +Cherie; got it 21:26:27 +Jeanne 21:27:25 Sueann has joined #au 21:29:25 +Greg 21:30:00 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2011JanMar/0053.html 21:30:50 -Greg 21:30:50 zakim, who's making noise? 21:31:01 Jan, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 7 (88%) 21:31:11 zakim, who's 7? 21:31:11 I don't understand your question, Jan. 21:31:25 -Jeanne 21:31:30 +Greg 21:31:33 good now 21:31:56 zakim, who is here? 21:31:56 On the phone I see Jan, Alastair, Andrew, Sueann, Tim_Boland, Cherie, Greg 21:31:58 On IRC I see Sueann, alastairc, ARonksley, jeanne, RRSAgent, Zakim, Jan, trackbot 21:32:32 +Jeanne 21:39:52 Q: Can we rule out lower level tools that can't be fixed later in the process? 21:42:28 Jan: Maybe needs another document? 21:43:16 E.g. Geographical systems that don't provide accessible input/output 21:45:04 Jan: Consideration about how to include 'author awareness' in some form. Will put this into a survey early this week. 21:45:29 Topic: 3. Series of long-waiting non-normative (and hopefully minor) edits marked with a single "@": 21:45:50 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2011/ED-IMPLEMENTING-ATAG20-20110228/ 21:48:04 Action: Alastair to look into other national standards links 21:48:04 Created ACTION-324 - Look into other national standards links [on Alastair Campbell - due 2011-03-07]. 21:49:05 -Tim_Boland 21:49:49 @There are two ways to meet this success criterion. For option (a), the authoring tool renders the alternatives in conjunction with the rendered time-based content. For example, a captioned video would have its captions displayed when it played. This approach is preferable, since it does not require authors to switch applications. For option (b), the authoring tool may instead provide... 21:49:51 ...authors with the option of rendering their content in a user agent that is able to render the alternatives. While this is not ideal from a usability perspective, it is necessary because alternatives are sometimes provided in different modalities that authoring tools are not equipped to render. For example, an audio editor might allow authors to edit the waveform of the audio file and... 21:49:52 ...render (i.e., play) the resulting audio files. However, the audio editor might not BE equipped to render video, so if an audio file includes an alternative that is a sign language file in video format, the audio editor will need assistance in rendering the file. 21:50:10 Resolution: All accept new Intent of Success Criterion A.2.1.2: 21:51:16 Resolution: All accept: Examples of Success Criterion A.2.1.2: 21:54:03 Resolution: All accept wording @Undo queue: An authoring tool saves author actions in a "last-in-last-out" queue. 21:55:22 Resolution: All accept: @The note acknowledges that there are automatic behaviors that may be specified by other parties, and that author actions may purposefully or inadvertently affect the accessibility of the content generated later. 21:57:42 Resolution: All accept: @Email archive: An automatic email archiving system automatically creates web pages from each email message that it receives. It has been designed to generate accessible markup, but if email messages contain accessibility problems, the archiving system is not able to rectify them. 21:58:22 @Social networking application: A social networking application collects some limited information from authors (e.g. name, gender, status updates, etc.) which it uses to personalize an automatically generated web application that meets the requirements of WCAG. 21:58:50 Resolution: All accept @Social networking application: A social networking application collects some limited information from authors (e.g. name, gender, status updates, etc.) which it uses to personalize an automatically generated web application that meets the requirements of WCAG. 22:02:53 -Alastair 22:03:21 JR: There is no judgement implied regarding the accessibility of formats? 22:03:45 -Cherie 22:03:46 -Andrew 22:03:46 -Greg 22:03:48 -Jan 22:03:49 -Sueann 22:03:58 alastairc has left #au 22:04:02 RRSAgent, make minutes 22:04:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/28-au-minutes.html Jan 22:04:08 RRSAgent, set logs public 22:04:09 -Jeanne 22:04:10 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has ended 22:04:12 Attendees were Jeanne, Jan, Alastair, Andrew, Tim_Boland, +1.561.200.aaaa, Sueann, Cherie, Greg 22:04:13 Zakim, bye 22:04:13 Zakim has left #au 22:04:20 RRSAgent, bye 22:04:20 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2011/02/28-au-actions.rdf : 22:04:20 ACTION: Alastair to look into other national standards links [1] 22:04:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2011/02/28-au-irc#T21-48-04