17:02:52 RRSAgent has joined #hcls2 17:02:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/17-hcls2-irc 17:03:05 zakim, this is tmo 17:03:06 ok, michel; that matches SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM 17:03:26 + +1.518.276.aaaa 17:03:42 scribenick Bob 17:04:06 +??P27 17:04:24 zakim, ??P27 is michel 17:04:24 +michel; got it 17:04:32 I am trying to call hcls but getting the message "the conference is restricted at this time" 17:04:37 +pchampin 17:04:47 +??P35 17:04:51 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 17:05:01 Lena - try HCLS2 17:05:01 + +1.832.386.aabb 17:05:22 what is the #? 17:05:36 42572 17:05:53 epichler has joined #HCLS2 17:06:00 - +1.832.386.aabb 17:06:32 + +31.62.427.aacc 17:06:34 + +1.832.386.aadd 17:06:38 got it :) 17:07:11 yes 17:08:07 Joanne: pharmacogenomics, AMIA, AOB 17:08:42 agenda:1. AMIA presentation 17:09:38 ... Just got slides from students, can use as basis for TMO presentation 17:11:02 Michel: Susie will present on TMO too 17:11:44 personal genome project website - 10 genomes 17:11:55 http://www.personalgenomes.org/ 17:12:15 Joanne: Can we find APOE allele? 17:13:11 Michel: Looking at data now. 17:13:30 Joanne: 10 people, starting w. George Church. 17:13:57 e.g. http://www.personalgenomes.org/public/1.html 17:14:02 - +31.62.427.aacc 17:14:19 one example - https://my.personalgenomes.org/profile/huCF2688 17:14:23 + +31.62.427.aaee 17:14:30 Joanne has joined #hcls2 17:15:03 Matthias: Can also see microarray data here 17:15:07 Here are the slides https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0ARi7AC7gwFMMZGhja3J0NTRfMjgyaGM2Nnp3ZnE&hl=en&authkey=CPmgvdUG 17:16:53 Joanne: Gave the students the paper cold, so there's no bias 17:17:34 bbalsa has joined #HCLS2 17:18:15 bbalsa has joined #HCLS2 17:18:21 ... merge this w. Susie's presentation? 17:19:41 Michel: Let's use W3C templates if we can find them. 17:21:50 Scott: Been invited to Tokyo re HCLS; interested in Joanne and Susie's presentations 17:22:47 ... not quite doable to have a standard slide set 17:25:21 Michel: Pharmacogenomics; looked at some of the resources 17:25:36 ... start crafting a compelling use case for making data available 17:26:02 ... primarily interested in support of HC; but also re-usable for clincial and LS research 17:26:06 http://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLSIG/TranslationalMedicine/pharmacogenomics 17:26:32 this was probably captured earlier in the chat, but I suggest we utilise the data at http://www.personalgenomes.org/ 17:26:49 ... focussed on high-level resources 17:28:16 ... also try to identify papers for insight into clinical trials, freq of alleles etc. 17:28:43 Have to go now. Send me comments on the TMO/TMKB presentation as well as working in the google doc. THANKS! 17:29:18 scott, have a wonderful trip! 17:29:38 - +1.518.276.aaaa 17:29:55 ... also interested in support for recording in EHRs 17:30:58 ... Adrian Coulet SOPHARM shows how SNPs can be represented in OWL 17:31:22 ... SOPHARM loads a number of other ontologies; gets quite large 17:32:54 Bosse(?): Proprietary systems for gen. info 17:33:03 matthias - commercial systems should be incorporated in the survey 17:33:42 ... partners health care - center for personalized medicine - linked to harvard 17:33:43 http://pcpgm.partners.org/it-solutions/geneinsight 17:34:11 Matthias: Harvard, Center for Personalized Genetic Medicine 17:35:10 Scott: Susie mentioned biobanking in i2b2 17:35:31 BBMRI 17:35:55 ... Biobanking .. research infrastructure 17:36:43 ... there is consistent interest in i2b2; how to handle SNPs 17:37:14 ... microarray data heavy duty; we'd rather get patient centric SNP data 17:38:20 ... one of the key applications: kidney transplant unit, w SNPs for patients, use as biomarkers for successful transplant 17:38:31 ... plus tie in to chemo effectiveness 17:38:44 -michel 17:39:01 http://nlp.dbmi.pitt.edu/report_repository.html 17:39:15 +??P1 17:39:31 ... BluLab NLP repository 17:39:54 ... Richard Boyce at Pitt might have SNPs 17:40:23 i need to reconnected 17:40:36 ... look for gene expression biomarkers; interesting for IO Informatics w ontological framework for data 17:40:53 Michel: Pitt clinical report 17:41:15 Scott: Has gotten IRB approval for himself, but not for web 17:41:53 ... has given example reports in google doc; using as an example for info extract, text mining, for meaningful RDF 17:42:09 http://nlp.dbmi.pitt.edu/images/RAD.xml 17:42:15 ... radiology example sould be on the website 17:42:37 another example: http://nlp.dbmi.pitt.edu/images/HP.xml 17:42:52 ... engagement has been mostly w. LODD group 17:43:22 ... opportunity to tie Term, LODD, TM all together 17:44:20 ... maybe get IO Informatics data, already been freed-up and post-competitive 17:44:34 ... maybe put into Indivo pipeline 17:44:54 ... More of a reach: i2b2, starts w. Oracle. 17:45:21 ... getting IO data into Indivo, then get SNPs would be the approach 17:45:52 ... IO data not on web; but there are examples of patient RDF 17:48:23 ... IO interested in LODD and TM agenda 17:48:49 Michel: What datasources to consider? Availability? 17:49:54 Scott: Immediate gap is SNPs or any form of biomarker; we could do something w. gene expression data 17:50:33 ... Gene Atlas will present on re RDF; working to provide for restricted datasets 17:50:51 - +1.832.386.aadd 17:51:25 http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/ 17:51:32 + +1.832.386.aaff 17:52:16 James Malone will present about Gene Atlas RDF on Monday's BioRDF call. 17:52:16 Lena1 has joined #hcls2 17:53:28 Matthias: Want to focus on simple stuff like SNPs, or include more complicated gene expression, etc 17:53:50 ... would like to focus on pharmaco data that have relevance 17:54:38 Michel: SNP data should be the ones that have clinical significance 17:54:57 ... can identify trials w this? 17:55:16 Matthias: Yes, valuable to include clincial trials 17:56:04 Michel: Animals models, sometimes do have genetic variants homolog to human 17:56:23 Lena: Yes, animal models before clincial trials 17:56:40 ... sequences too 17:57:14 Lena: Sequences are concise, more so than RNA expression 17:57:39 Michel: OMIN has been RDF-ized? 17:58:18 (sequencing mRNA - rather than hybridizing it - is becoming increasingly relevant and car provide cues about the actual amount of mRNA on the cell) 17:59:48 Scott: Creating URIs for SNPs; dbSNP maybe create a semantic view of dbSNP or other relational DBs 18:00:10 e.g. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19949700 18:00:32 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/ 18:01:08 -??P35 18:01:10 - +1.832.386.aaff 18:01:11 - +31.62.427.aaee 18:01:12 -Bob_Powers 18:01:13 -??P1 18:01:13 -Christi 18:01:18 -pchampin 18:01:19 SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM has ended 18:01:21 Attendees were Bob_Powers, Christi, +1.518.276.aaaa, michel, pchampin, +1.832.386.aabb, +31.62.427.aacc, +1.832.386.aadd, +31.62.427.aaee, +1.832.386.aaff 18:02:46 another intersting source of data - http://web.mit.edu/sirna/ 18:03:04 RNA is the "new" DNA ;-) 18:03:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:03:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/17-hcls2-minutes.html matthias_samwald 18:03:32 rrsagent, make log world-visible 18:12:18 mscottm has joined #hcls2 19:31:33 Zakim has left #hcls2 19:42:40 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 19:44:47 matthias_samwald has left #hcls2