15:59:00 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:59:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/07-hcls-irc 15:59:44 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has now started 15:59:45 + +20416aaaa 16:00:36 + +1.858.348.aabb 16:02:54 +??P46 16:02:56 -??P46 16:02:56 +??P46 16:06:25 +[IPcaller] 16:06:26 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 16:06:44 zakim, who is here? 16:06:44 On the phone I see +20416aaaa, +1.858.348.aabb, ??P46, [IPcaller] 16:06:45 On IRC I see matthias_samwald, RRSAgent, Zakim, mscottm, ericP 16:07:53 + +1.813.396.aacc 16:08:36 Ontoclust 16:09:35 + +1.832.386.aadd 16:09:52 http://connect.neuinfo.org/webinar does not work for me 16:10:18 now it does 16:10:44 Lena has joined #hcls 16:11:26 + +1.206.732.aaee 16:12:00 michael has joined #hcls 16:12:27 http://connect.neuinfo.org/webinar 16:12:27 rob_frost has joined #hcls 16:13:50 +??P1 16:14:44 http://connect.neuinfo.org/webinar 16:15:19 Philippe has joined #hcls 16:16:04 + +44.186.561.aaff 16:16:17 Maryann is PI of NIF. Prof at UCSD. 16:16:20 http://connect.neuinfo.org/webinar 16:16:57 NIF has two roles: 1) Accounting of electronic resources 2) a framework for access 16:18:01 Maryann is in NY about to start a sabbatical at the SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) foundation. 16:18:58 Anita is the curator of NIF. Working with DBCore to make sure that all the databases adequately described in NIF. 16:19:42 Susanna has joined #hcls 16:20:46 + +44.186.561.aagg 16:20:47 Index everything through Lucene. NIF provides modified views to all the resources. 16:20:52 http://connect.neuinfo.org/webinar 16:21:05 scribenick: mscottm 16:21:38 Also, keep in touch with Shared Names to provide stable URI's for our resources. 16:24:46 Looking at DRG (Drug Related Gene Database) example: PMID, Gene, ProbeID, Brain region, Exp vs. Control, Organism, Expression, Protocol Type, Treatment, Table 16:34:59 -??P46 16:48:51 + +1.619.886.aahh 16:48:54 http://biositemaps.ncbcs.org/ 16:51:14 -[IPcaller] 16:54:09 i noticed that the format for the Table entries are just the supplimental tables, eg PDF 16:54:41 biositemaps is one of the formats for NIF support. NIF system is called DISCO 16:57:15 +Karen_Skinner 16:58:40 +EricP 16:58:55 http://connect.neuinfo.org/webinar 16:59:46 - +44.186.561.aaff 17:00:02 i haven't added a postgres driver yet, but shouldn't be hard 17:00:27 ericP: are you there? we are once again praising your tool :D 17:00:30 i'll need a schmea and an idea of what it should look like in RDF 17:00:45 Lena, of course, i was drawn by your praise 17:04:36 or we can convert the postgres into a mySQL dump... but that would be a hack ;) 17:06:02 I think the idea here is that the RDF would look something like we are playing with in the W3C note 17:09:48 it just occurred to me, we could use ODBC already 17:10:15 so far, there are drivers for mysql and odbc 17:11:25 what would it be needed from the NIF side to support "plugging in"? 17:12:06 http://psqlodbc.projects.postgresql.org/ 17:12:22 - +44.186.561.aagg 17:13:14 michael has left #hcls 17:13:52 - +1.813.396.aacc 17:13:56 - +20416aaaa 17:13:57 - +1.832.386.aadd 17:13:58 -Karen_Skinner 17:13:58 - +1.858.348.aabb 17:14:00 - +1.619.886.aahh 17:14:01 - +1.206.732.aaee 17:14:04 -??P1 17:14:07 -EricP 17:14:07 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has ended 17:14:09 Attendees were +20416aaaa, +1.858.348.aabb, [IPcaller], +1.813.396.aacc, +1.832.386.aadd, +1.206.732.aaee, +44.186.561.aaff, +44.186.561.aagg, +1.619.886.aahh, Karen_Skinner, EricP 18:14:29 Zakim has left #hcls 18:27:14 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 22:07:03 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 22:07:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/07-hcls-irc 22:07:09 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 22:07:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/07-hcls-minutes.html ericP 22:07:18 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 22:07:21 RRSAgent, bye 22:07:21 I see no action items 22:08:05 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 22:08:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/02/07-hcls-irc 22:08:21 meeting: BioRDF Weekly Telecon 22:08:40 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 22:08:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/02/07-hcls-minutes.html ericP 22:08:55 RRSAgent, bye 22:08:56 tx 22:09:05 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 22:09:16 RRSAgent, bye 22:09:16 I see no action items