19:29:53 RRSAgent has joined #svg 19:29:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/01/26-svg-irc 19:29:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:29:55 Zakim has joined #svg 19:29:57 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 19:29:57 ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)2:30PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 19:29:58 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 19:29:58 Date: 26 January 2011 19:30:04 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)2:30PM has now started 19:30:11 +??P1 19:30:13 Zakim, ??P1 is me 19:30:13 +heycam; got it 19:30:25 +Doug_Schepers 19:31:06 + +39.537.7.aaaa 19:31:37 +??P0 19:31:45 Zakim, ??P0 is me 19:31:45 +ed; got it 19:33:44 Zakim, +39 is tbah 19:33:44 +tbah; got it 19:35:46 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2011JanMar/0074.html 19:36:26 adrianba has joined #svg 19:38:23 + +1.206.922.aabb 19:38:32 zakim, aabb is me 19:38:32 +adrianba; got it 19:38:55 Chair: Cameron 19:38:57 scribenick:adrianba 19:38:58 Scribe: Adrian 19:39:38 shepazu: people think we're not going to keep svg fonts in svg 19:39:45 ...i don't remember deciding this 19:39:53 heycam: i don't remember that either 19:40:04 ed: i think we talked about maybe moving to a separate specification 19:40:22 s/maybe// 19:41:13 Topic: 1.1 progress 19:41:28 heycam: don't think we need to spend too much time on this - haven't seen much progress on actions 19:41:35 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Full_11#Remaining_work_for_SVG1.1F2 19:41:37 agenda+ rechartering 19:42:03 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/publish/filters.html#FilterPrimitiveSubRegion 19:42:10 ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘width’ and ‘height’ act as a hard clip clipping rectangle on both the filter primitive's input image(s) and the filter primitive result. 19:42:13 ed: not a very big change 19:42:39 ...i think that's enough to satisfy the concern that was raised in the first place 19:42:53 ...the other change related to ISSUE-2334 was made in a separate commit 19:42:59 ...my action is done and in review 19:43:13 ...i think i need to send another e-mail about this 19:43:45 shepazu: what is blocking us moving forward with second edition 19:43:54 heycam: a couple of actions due for the spec itself 19:44:16 ...more work is for the implementation metrics and making sure we don't have tests that don't have 2 passing implementations 19:44:38 shepazu: the change i'm working on, we agreed that we weren't going to add any tests, that's not a blocking action right? 19:44:47 heycam: it's not blocking on conversations 19:45:12 shepazu: obviously it's blocking in that we have to do it before we publish the spec but it's not blocking anyone else, no tests that we need to do? 19:45:22 ...how long do we estimate that it will take do do everything? 19:45:40 ...i ask because the issue of rechartering came up and we need to have a real estimate of when we'll be done 19:45:42 anthony_work has joined #svg 19:45:51 ...i said one month but that might be optimistic 19:45:57 heycam: that sounds possible 19:46:00 ed: i think so too 19:46:05 heycam: that aligns with the f2f too 19:46:18 shepazu: okay, we said we didn't want to carry 1.1 work into new charter 19:46:31 heycam: there's not that much to do 19:46:38 shepazu: i'll do my action this week 19:46:49 ...at the end of the telcon i want to talk about rechartering 19:47:18 anthony has joined #svg 19:47:27 heycam: related to your action, i saw mail from tantek - can't remember the details - something to do with pointer events and css rules 19:47:42 ...seems to be exactly addressing this issue of pointer events 19:48:33 heycam: only other actions are on anthony and chris who aren't here 19:48:44 topic: pointer events 19:48:47 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2011Jan/0043.html 19:48:47 +??P10 19:49:20 Zakim, ??10 is me 19:49:20 sorry, anthony, I do not recognize a party named '??10' 19:49:28 Zakim, ??P10 is me 19:49:28 +anthony; got it 19:50:52 ISSUE-2364? 19:50:52 ISSUE-2364 -- Last Call Comment: SVG 1.1 may be ambiguous about the root element acting as a proximal event target -- raised 19:50:52 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2364 19:53:05 heycam: doug did you read through this mail? 19:53:15 shepazu: i skimmed it too, i see what he's saying 19:53:31 heycam: he wants to support both modes when the pointer is captured on the background 19:53:48 shepazu: i think we resolved to punt this in v1.1 and consider in svg integration spec and svg 2.0 19:54:06 ...there's a part i need to follow up but i don't think this is a blocking issue for v1.1 19:54:21 heycam: so this comment isn't going to block us? 19:55:25 ??: i was trying to do a button using svg with fallback to png and i couldn't get this to work 19:55:40 s/??/TB/ 19:55:40 is/??:/tav:/ 19:55:55 heycam: this might be a slightly different issue - this is if you click on a region that doesn't coincide with the image 19:56:03 ...like the transparent part 19:56:23 tav: okay, i thought i'd be able to use svg like a png but it didn't work 19:56:49 shepazu: good use case - think there are some issues to work out how html integrates with svg 19:57:07 ...once we do v1.1. and move on then there will be issues around integration we can deal with 19:57:29 ed: sounds like svg params 19:57:44 shepazu: not sure, think there will be lots of issues we need to handle 19:57:53 heycam: so this issue we can bring up in the task force 19:58:04 tav: okay, so for now i can't do what i wanted to do 19:58:16 heycam: i'd be surprised if it's not possible - maybe we can take offline 19:58:44 shepazu: think it would be a good idea to discuss at some point - let's finish up this topic as it affects finishing this spec 19:59:06 ...so we're not going to address the integration with html in v1.1 but we're going to address soon after 19:59:26 ...for the specific thing from tantek, that's a possible way forward and we'll need to decide upon the defaults 19:59:50 ...and the defaults are different in different UAs but if we're able to address all different use cases then it's less of an issue 19:59:58 ...we just need to decide which defaults are correct 20:00:12 ...my immediate issue is the paragraph about event propagation 20:00:20 ...partly conflates separate issues 20:01:09 ISSUE-2396? 20:01:09 ISSUE-2396 -- Distinguish between the rendering area of an element and its interaction area -- raised 20:01:09 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2396 20:01:46 shepazu: we basically don't talk about the rendering area and the interaction area but it is a concept implicit in svg 20:02:01 ...want to talk about whether introducing this concept for pointer events and hit testing 20:02:35 heycam: so in the definition of pointer events at the moment it talks about visible fills and the geometry - all of those regions you'd encapsulate in this? 20:02:51 shepazu: not in v1.1 - just explain that pointer events changes interaction area of a shape 20:03:04 heycam: you mean it's defined already and you want to give a name to it? 20:03:22 shepazu: yeah, i want to make sure implementers are happy it's a reasonable distinction to make 20:03:34 ...i guess i'll go ahead with it and you can decide if it's reasonable 20:03:39 heycam: as part of this action? 20:03:44 shepazu: yes 20:04:15 ...i'll be talking about event propagation and hit testing - the main question is does the svg root intercept pointer events and i believe that's what we decided to punt on in svg 1.1 20:04:30 ...should i say it will be addressed later or not mention it? 20:04:38 heycam: i think you should call it out 20:05:07 ...addressing the issue was about whether pointer events affect these elements and if the answer is we're not deciding yet then pointing that out is part of the action 20:05:17 topic: test suite 20:05:22 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/test/status/implementation_matrix.html 20:05:47 heycam: here's the implementation matric - we're down to 30 tests that don't have two implementations 20:05:54 ...better than before but not zero 20:06:36 heycam: we need to know whether we'll have other implementations in the report and if so which 20:06:54 ...because once we know what we have we can start analysing the failing tests to see what to do with them 20:07:14 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/errata/implementation-report.html 20:07:29 heycam: this is the previous implementation report for the last publication of the spec 20:08:00 shepazu: why don't we contact gpac 20:08:04 heycam: i can do that 20:08:22 action heycam to email cyril about gpac implementation results 20:08:22 Created ACTION-2931 - Email cyril about gpac implementation results [on Cameron McCormack - due 2011-02-02]. 20:08:45 heycam: even with gpac in there i suspect we won't get to zero 20:08:59 ...at next week's call we should discuss what to do with tests that don't have 2 passing implementations 20:09:15 heycam: issues in the agenda 20:09:18 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2011JanMar/0054.html 20:09:22 ...test-align analysis 20:09:47 ...this was the test that had chars from different scripts to different baselines and i said i'm not sure if the test is correct 20:10:11 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/test/png/text-align-07-t.png?rev=1.3&content-type=image/png 20:10:16 ...i did some more investigation - i think the test is okay; that it's reasonable for the characters to hang from different baselines 20:10:24 ...this is the reference image for the test at the moment 20:11:08 ...wasn't clear to me if the spec required this behaviour but i read through and compared to css3 linebox 20:11:17 -tbah 20:11:31 heycam: not sure if anyone read this mail but i point out some differences between svg and css baseline alignment 20:12:02 ...at least one property has changed name - not a good thing - something to discuss in fx task force 20:12:14 shepazu: so someone passed this? 20:12:34 + + 20:12:40 heycam: don't think anyone does 20:12:57 anthony: think abbra does 20:14:09 ...not sure if this is going to be in the css3 spec - might need to check 20:14:22 heycam: i think it will - at the moment what's there supports our test 20:14:58 ...we could possibly remove the test but it's the wrong way to go about things 20:15:11 shepazu: is the wrong thing but might be necessary to move forward 20:15:23 anthony: not very clear you need to go to the CSS spec 20:16:12 heycam: my analysis was that the test is okay, still a little bit of alignment to do between svg and css3 about the name of the property values but that doesn't affect the test 20:16:30 ...i assume this test is going to end up in the list of ones we don't know what to do 20:16:55 ...in IE i think this was listed as a pass but that was before the reference image was updated 20:17:12 ed: i think the latest IE snapshot shows the same as firefox 20:17:28 action adrianba to check with patrick about whether IE ran against the latest version of the test 20:17:28 Sorry, couldn't find user - adrianba 20:18:00 heycam: next is text selection tests 20:18:22 action adrian to check with patrick about whether IE ran against the latest version of the test 20:18:22 Created ACTION-2932 - Check with patrick about whether IE ran against the latest version of the test [on Adrian Bateman - due 2011-02-02]. 20:18:35 http://www.w3.org/mid/20110120035126.GP31087@wok.mcc.id.au 20:18:52 heycam: this is about text-tselect01 20:19:23 ...a test for text selection - firefox doesn't do text selection so we fail but as i was testing webkit in safari the test asserts that separate text elements shouldn't be selected together 20:19:40 ...but in safari any text element is part of all the text in the whole document 20:20:11 ed: what version of safari - the one i have does what the spec expects 20:20:38 ...cannot get multiple lines on top but can the bottom but that's expected 20:20:50 s/spec/test/ 20:21:04 heycam: same version - i can get it to select from the top all the way to the bottom 20:21:11 ed: not for me - strange 20:21:40 tav: in the test you see the text looks like a para - how do you know the order the text is supposed to be in 20:21:59 heycam: not defined in spec since it's not expected to be possible - suspect safari uses the document order 20:22:35 heycam: my feeling is that it's reasonable to allow selection across different elements so i would rather the test not fail implementations 20:22:46 ...in future versions we can define precise order 20:23:01 tav: that can lead to strange things if the order isn't specified 20:23:24 ...could be security issue if you paste into something else 20:23:39 heycam: can already make characters appear in different order 20:23:53 ...wonder what happens in adobe reader if text not laid out in order 20:24:12 ...would be hard to say the order is as displayed not document order 20:24:31 ed: testing webkit nightly and does select across blocks but not reliable 20:24:46 heycam: wanted to get feedback on whether the failure is reasonable or if we can remove part of the test 20:25:39 ed: i raised an issue a long time ago - we weren't doing 1.1 at the time - the discussions back then suggested no agreement on selecting across elements was a good idea 20:25:53 ...something we should consider - not sure changing the test here is a good idea at this point 20:26:01 ...might be a good thing to allow in the future 20:26:22 heycam: probably not a huge deal - don't think the webkit guys are going to remove this just because the test remains 20:26:32 ed: it's one of the old tests - in the suite for a long time 20:27:03 ed: could rewrite the selection to be like html 20:27:18 heycam: yeah, in html you can have the same issue with absolutely positioned elements 20:27:26 ...maybe not a common issue there 20:27:37 ed: what do people think - change the test or leave it? 20:27:52 heycam: if there aren't any other opinions i think leave it 20:27:59 tav: leave it and do in v1.1 20:28:09 s/1.1/2.0/ 20:28:34 http://www.w3.org/mid/20110120041158.GQ31087@wok.mcc.id.au 20:28:34 heycam: let's move on to next text-tselect02 - question not about text selection 20:28:42 q+ 20:28:51 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/test/harness/htmlObjectMiniApproved/text-tselect-02-f.html 20:28:59 heycam: again in safari, link to the test itself 20:29:34 ...think in safari the hebrew chars were shown as missing glyphs because of the font - want to know if it's okay to consider the test passed if it shows missing glyphs 20:29:52 ed: think it's better to add fallback with WOFF or system font 20:30:06 ...bad to not show the glyphs 20:30:20 ...we could say if you don't support bidi then skip it 20:30:30 heycam: did you raise a question about directionality? 20:30:35 ed: it was about baseline 20:31:08 plinss_ has joined #svg 20:31:17 heycam: sort of the same, directionality of the glyphs is going to be based on tables in the font - if you use the missing glyph characters should they be bidirectional and layout bidi or all do ltr 20:31:37 ed: i think missing glyph in this test doesn't make the test useful 20:31:52 heycam: how about i add some system font fallback and a woff font 20:32:03 ...that would address the issue here but it might still come up 20:32:10 ed: yes, this would make it less of an issue 20:32:21 action: heycam to add font fallbacks to text-tselect02 20:32:22 Created ACTION-2933 - Add font fallbacks to text-tselect02 [on Cameron McCormack - due 2011-02-02]. 20:32:47 heycam: next is struct-image-02 20:32:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2011JanMar/0061.html 20:35:06 heycam: this is a test firefox fails because we don't claim to support feature string 20:35:31 ...means support all the static things in the spec - there are a couple of things we don't support 20:35:57 ...maybe it's better to test a narrower feature string - it's odd to test the feature string in the test 20:36:11 ...we could fix the string to pass the test but we try to be conservative about this 20:36:43 shepazu: not for 1.1 but we talked about having discrete feature strings e.g. do you support text anchor on tspan - text.tspan.textanchor 20:36:55 ...we're doing this kind of thing in dom l3 events 20:37:01 ...think we should do this in svg 2.0 20:37:06 ...not in 1.1 timeframe 20:37:42 heycam: so question is whether we can change the test to more specific feature string - i.e. not one that means did you do all of svg 20:38:17 ed: okay with me - think we should avoid using the old old feature strings org.w3.* 20:39:18 heycam: it seems strange to test the feature string when the test actually tests if it the feature works 20:39:28 ACTION: heycam to change struct-image-02 to use a better feature string test 20:39:29 Created ACTION-2934 - Change struct-image-02 to use a better feature string test [on Cameron McCormack - due 2011-02-02]. 20:40:05 heycam: final one is animate-elem-81 - doesn't really require discussion - was hoping chris would be here so i could remind him to run the test 20:40:14 ...i made the changes here based on the discussion last week 20:40:29 ...just need chris to retest abbra to verify that it now fails which is what i expect the result to be 20:40:43 ...i'll send mail on that 20:41:18 topic: rechartering 20:41:20 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/charter/2010/ 20:41:37 shepazu: this is the current charter 20:41:59 ...there is a current trend in writing charters to leave out the milestones since they tend to get out of sync quickly 20:42:15 ...and for us to maintain more up-to-date milestones on the site or wiki 20:42:29 ...are you inclined to do this since we missed every milestone? 20:42:36 heycam: seems reasonable 20:43:05 shepazu: does mean more work for the chairs - team contacts could but... 20:43:14 heycam: yeah, i think that's fine for us to do this 20:43:27 shepazu: we could look at automating this but let's not get ahead of ourselves 20:43:41 ...just like a resolution on if we'll move the milestones into the wiki 20:44:04 ed: that means we can keep them more uptodate and more reasonable than the charter which goes out of date 20:45:04 shepazu: this is the current _draft_ charter 20:45:43 shepazu: many changes - need to emphasise the fx task force 20:45:55 heycam: need to mention the documents we're working on jointly in fx 20:46:13 shepazu: will split deliverables into joint and ones we're doing 20:46:20 ...will change telcon to once per week 20:46:38 ...change meetings to 2-3 per year 20:47:00 ...often have 4 20:47:06 ...will leave it at 3-4 20:47:14 heycam: will be fine if we choose to have fewer 20:47:41 shepazu: we're running out of charter at end of month - in order to get extension we need to show effort in trying to recharter 20:47:59 ...i'll make some changes and would welcome feedback in next couple of days if you can 20:48:32 heycam: concerned about some of the docs that are listed and don't have much work on them 20:48:45 ...does it make sense to have two lists - core and others 20:49:12 ...how does it reflect on us to keep listing documents that don't make progress 20:49:26 shepazu: mostly held up because more work was needed on 2.0 than expected 20:49:36 ...e.g. composites almost ready to go 20:49:50 anthony: yes, mostly, just haven't put aside the time to do more 20:50:14 shepazu: filters ready soon, colour management ready soon too, maybe we just need to have a couple of dedicated telcons on to get them done 20:50:33 ...would look good in 2011 to get more to Rec during the year, obviously after 1.1 20:50:44 ...unusual number of specs to have 20:51:04 ...now that people are paying more attention to svg that's both good and bad 20:51:18 heycam: lots there considering size of the group 20:51:55 ...can we divide them up? 20:52:05 adrianba: the css divides into high, medium, low priority 20:52:14 shepazu: i can look at what css does 20:52:24 heycam: i'd like to not say we're doing all of this 20:52:31 shepazu: i'll look at css and model on that 20:52:52 - + 20:53:24 shepazu: please review, see if i missed anything or anything needs to be added - otherwise i'll update and then we can discuss 20:53:40 +tbah 20:53:59 topic: f2f 20:54:11 http://www.w3.org/Style/2008/css-charter 20:54:15 heycam: hotel information available soon - also please send agenda requests 20:54:27 ...over the next week please send what you'd like to be discussed to the list 20:55:07 topic: stroke-linecap on zero-length subpaths 20:55:11 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2011JanMar/0041.html 20:55:56 heycam: sent this mail the other day - one of the changes we made in second edition was to make zero length subpaths take their stroke-linecap as a square if it is set to square 20:56:09 ...previously only if it was set to round would it draw a circle 20:56:34 ...we added square but some of the wording changes confused zero-length subpaths and zero length paths 20:56:52 M 10,10 h 0 h 0 20:56:56 ...i think we want to draw for zero length subpaths but not zero length path segements 20:56:59 stroke-linecap="square" 20:57:26 ...we don't want this to draw two line paths - it's a single subpath so you should only get linecap on the end 20:58:29 CM: i suggested one of two changes 20:58:39 CM: either fix that sentence to say zero length subpaths 20:58:49 CM: or to remove it altogether, since it's redundant with another part of the spec 20:59:01 CM: Erik said he preferred to keep and fix the sentence, so if there are no objections I'll do that 20:59:30 ED: yeah I sent an email saying I prefer to change the implnote.html sentence, because if you remove it you have quite a bit of wording to say what to do with zero length path segments and orientation, and spreading it out in the spec 20:59:35 ED: you could put a link instead... 20:59:47 CM: I think it's fine just to fix it up, it's the smaller change 20:59:56 ED: I agree, and I agree with the change itself 21:00:10 ACITON: Cameron to make the change for zero length subpath linecapping in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2011JanMar/0041.html 21:00:14 ACTION: Cameron to make the change for zero length subpath linecapping in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2011JanMar/0041.html 21:00:14 Created ACTION-2935 - Make the change for zero length subpath linecapping in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2011JanMar/0041.html [on Cameron McCormack - due 2011-02-02]. 21:00:39 http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webevents/raw-file/tip/touchevents.html 21:00:55 shepazu: off topic but want to note that the first draft of touch events is published 21:01:05 ...would be useful for people to review with an eye to svg 21:01:23 ed: we added some experiemental support for touch in svg in android opera 21:01:49 ...you can register for touch events in svg - not working great yet but is interesting and would be good to have touch in svg 21:02:16 shepazu: spec doesn't specify html or svg - want to make sure something you're aware of and can track 21:02:49 heycam: meeting adjorned - thanks everyone 21:02:59 rrsagent, make minutes 21:02:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/01/26-svg-minutes.html adrianba 21:03:17 rrsagent, make logs public 21:06:51 -ed 21:06:52 -Doug_Schepers 21:06:53 -adrianba 21:06:54 -tbah 21:06:55 -anthony 21:06:55 -heycam 21:06:56 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)2:30PM has ended 21:06:58 Attendees were heycam, Doug_Schepers, +39.537.7.aaaa, ed, tbah, +1.206.922.aabb, adrianba, anthony, + 22:50:18 homata_ has joined #svg 23:06:52 homata has joined #svg 23:19:01 homata_ has joined #svg 23:24:03 plinss_ has joined #svg