13:31:09 RRSAgent has joined #swcg 13:31:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/01/12-swcg-irc 13:31:15 Zakim has joined #swcg 13:31:21 zakim, this will be swcg 13:31:21 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, ivan 13:44:17 manu has joined #swcg 13:47:39 zakim, room for 15 for 90 minutes? 13:47:41 ok, ivan; conference Team_(swcg)13:47Z scheduled with code 26633 (CONF3) for 90 minutes until 1517Z 13:50:15 zakim, code? 13:50:15 the conference code is 7924 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), ivan 13:50:25 rrsagent, set log public 13:52:53 Meeting: SWCG Telco, 2011-01-12 13:52:58 Chair: Ivan 13:53:02 TomB has joined #swcg 13:53:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/01/12-swcg-minutes.html TomB 13:53:36 ivan has changed the topic to: SWCG Telco, 2011-01-12, agenda at http://www.w3.org/mid/297ED6A1-462E-48B8-BAA6-FC9B3990B9A2@w3.org 13:54:27 Regrets: Michael, Chris 13:55:12 -> http://www.w3.org/mid/297ED6A1-462E-48B8-BAA6-FC9B3990B9A2@w3.org Agenda call 13:57:41 zakim, dial ivan-voip 13:57:41 ok, ivan; the call is being made 13:57:42 Team_(swcg)13:47Z has now started 13:57:43 +Ivan 13:58:17 +manu 13:58:18 -manu 13:58:18 +manu 14:01:30 + +62427aaaa 14:02:52 mscottm has joined #swcg 14:02:56 +??P15 14:02:56 +??P12 14:02:58 zakim, who is on the call? 14:02:58 zakim, are you alive? 14:02:59 On the phone I see Ivan, manu, +62427aaaa, ??P15, ??P12 14:03:01 I don't understand your question, manu. 14:03:07 IanH has joined #SWCG 14:03:08 zakim, who is here? 14:03:09 On the phone I see Ivan, manu, +62427aaaa, ??P15, ??P12 14:03:15 On IRC I see IanH, mscottm, manu, Zakim, RRSAgent, danbri, ivan, sandro 14:03:15 TomB has joined #swcg 14:03:40 Zakim, +62427aaaa is mscottm 14:03:40 +mscottm; got it 14:03:51 zakim, ??P15 is Ian 14:03:51 +Ian; got it 14:04:01 zakim, ??P12 is Tom 14:04:01 +Tom; got it 14:04:10 zakim, who is here? 14:04:10 On the phone I see Ivan, manu, mscottm, Ian, Tom 14:04:11 On IRC I see TomB, IanH, mscottm, manu, Zakim, RRSAgent, danbri, ivan, sandro 14:05:37 +Ian_Davis 14:06:18 +??P9 14:07:46 +[IPcaller] 14:09:05 mscottm has joined #swcg 14:09:09 IanH has joined #SWCG 14:09:27 TomB has joined #swcg 14:09:32 scribenick: mscottm 14:09:32 scribe: Scott 14:09:32 Topic: Last meeting minutes 14:09:32 -> http://www.w3.org/2011/01/12-swcg-minutes.html Last meeting's minutes 14:09:32 danbri has joined #swcg 14:09:45 last meeting minutes are ok to be accepted 14:09:47 zakim, who is here? 14:09:47 On the phone I see Ivan, manu, mscottm, Ian, Tom, Ian_Davis, ??P9, [IPcaller] 14:09:49 Present+ dave, danbri 14:09:49 On IRC I see danbri, TomB, IanH, mscottm, Zakim, RRSAgent, ivan, sandro 14:09:51 Happy New Year to all 14:09:53 -> http://www.w3.org/2011/01/rdfa-wg-charter.html RDFa new charter 14:09:57 -> http://www.w3.org/2011/01/rdfa-wg-charter-diff.html RDFa diff 14:10:03 zakim, Ian_Davis is David 14:10:03 +David; got it 14:10:10 zakim, ??P9 is Paul 14:10:10 +Paul; got it 14:10:22 manu has joined #swcg 14:10:41 RDFa WG charter: http://www.w3.org/2011/01/rdfa-wg-charter.html 14:10:58 Continuing discussion from december: a need for javascript support in RDFa 14:11:38 pgroth has joined #swcg 14:11:39 RDF working group is continuing, RDFa working on RDFa API, extending the timeline a little bit 14:12:13 Would like feedback on 1) we would need another co-chair 14:13:14 14:13:38 so this is a general RDF API? or just .js? 14:13:54 good question, danbri - that's one of the things we need to discuss. 14:14:34 suggests that a name might be suggested in the coming week. 14:16:00 The other thing Ivan wants feedback on was mentioned by danbri above: general RDF API or just .js 14:16:10 q+ to discuss current design direction 14:17:57 One possibility is to influence several programming languages by creating RDF API's for each of them 14:17:59 q? 14:17:59 ack manu 14:18:01 manu, you wanted to discuss current design direction 14:18:08 vs. keep it in javascript 14:18:42 manu: it isn't much of an issue to implement in python and ruby, although C and C++ are trickier 14:22:48 -David 14:24:30 mscottm has joined #swcg 14:24:34 IanH has joined #SWCG 14:24:49 danbri has joined #swcg 14:24:58 would we expect Jena to take up the API? 14:25:02 we already have enough legacy support issues with vendors 14:25:04 TomB has joined #swcg 14:25:05 this all seems to indicate that we shouldn't try to make a generic API 14:25:11 please look at the current charter to see if that message comes through. 14:25:17 [somebody leaving] look at the provenance stuff 14:25:18 manu has joined #swcg 14:25:47 I'm hesitant to start the provenance because Luc Moreau isn't here yet but maybe he will join in a minute 14:25:53 (re APIs, draft text "There is scope for cross-language collaboration on APIs, eg. Python and Ruby are very similar environments. Rather than attempt a design-by-committee API to work identically in all languages, instead we will encourage community collaboration on adapting the Javascript API to the idioms and constraints of different languages.") 14:26:15 > http://www.w3.org/2011/01/prov-wg-charter-diff.html - Sorry, Not Found. 14:26:17 The URL path in your request doesn't match anything we have available. 14:26:25 +Nigel 14:26:31 Paul Groth [introduction]: work at the VU Amsterdam, intensively on provenance on the web in the incubator group 14:26:37 ivan has joined #swcg 14:27:20 But http://www.w3.org/2011/01/prov-wg-charter.html works...! 14:28:26 re fast/lite WG ... basically no WG launches without people saying "this one'll be quick and easy" 14:28:29 pgroth_ has joined #swcg 14:28:32 zakim, who is here? 14:28:32 On the phone I see Ivan, manu, mscottm, Ian, Tom, Paul, [IPcaller], Nigel 14:28:35 On IRC I see pgroth_, ivan, manu, TomB, danbri, IanH, mscottm, Zakim, RRSAgent, sandro 14:28:42 TomB_ has joined #swcg 14:29:40 Our company is dealing with provenance issues right now... we're using graph literals to talk provenance. 14:35:12 Luc has joined #SWCG 14:35:16 LeeF has joined #swcg 14:35:45 danbri has joined #swcg 14:35:51 mscottm has joined #swcg 14:35:58 IanH has joined #SWCG 14:36:19 pgroth has joined #swcg 14:36:27 manu has joined #swcg 14:36:33 Not necessarily on board with "Named Graphs" 14:36:35 What about Graph Literals? http://webr3.org/blog/semantic-web/rdf-named-graphs-vs-graph-literals/ 14:36:40 ivan has joined #swcg 14:36:42 TomB__ has joined #swcg 14:37:12 No, we shouldn't be talking about Quad stores. 14:37:19 q? 14:37:51 +??P19 14:37:56 We talk about Graph Literals in the RDF API: http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdf-api/ 14:37:58 +Sandro 14:38:00 zakim, ??P19 is me 14:38:00 +LeeF; got it 14:38:12 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdf-api/#graph-literals 14:38:26 (portions of the graph is another nameable graph?) 14:38:55 GraphLiterals should be allowed in RDF subject/object position ( end of rant :P ) 14:39:08 Luc: summarizes efforts leading up to the WG charter for provenance 14:39:12 Authors of Provenir, PML, etc. will likely all be part of working group 14:39:15 The provenance working group would not add anything to the RDF model - there is room for coordination between RDF and Provenance 14:39:18 Ivan: Only RDF issue that the XG identified as necessary is named graphs - correct? 14:39:22 Paul: Yes, we need named graphs as a way to point at things 14:39:25 Paul: You can do something with RDF as it stands now 14:39:44 ..but it would be nice to have something official 14:40:20 Scott: 14:41:16 Paul: named graphs are the parts of a graph that we want to describe, can do some things with quad stores but don't want to specify implementation 14:41:59 Luc: not sure about participating in the WG 14:42:56 ..There was an 'interest in having standards appear'. 14:43:26 Ivan: Tom, do you have industrial partners that might be interested? 14:44:14 Tom: Not unless you consider OCLC to be an industrial partner. 14:44:19 can we also add that NASA has expressed strong interest in the WG and will implement the standard in one of theirprojects 14:45:32 Scott: What level of NASA (Ames Research for example)? 14:45:38 Luc: Sandro? 14:45:53 Sandro: It's coming from the upper echelons. 14:46:06 ..NASA is in the process of joining. 14:47:03 Luc: You had some interest from Google? 14:49:15 Sandro and Ivan have some contacts there, might be interested. We'll see. 14:49:54 general question of where is the "bar" for WG going through: enough if we have OCLC, NASA, and IBM? 14:51:45 14:56:55 Have to go -- another meeting starting. 14:57:02 Bye. 14:57:06 Bye. 14:57:09 -Tom 14:59:58 questions: What now? How much further do we have to go? 15:00:37 Ivan: We send out for public comments. At some point, Sandro and Ivan take it to management, once approved, it goes to vote in approx. 4 weeks 15:01:41 ..We will look at whether we have to create a new mailing list. 15:04:17 Lee: SPARQL, looking to finish. A bit too much work. Some remaining notes to finish. 15:04:23 Manu: RDF, RDFa API 15:05:26 Ivan: notes that there will be a new draft from RDB2RDF 15:05:34 -Paul 15:05:56 Scott: HCLS IG is large. Lots of progress. A few publications just going out, a few more on the way. Expect to see about 2 more notes. 15:07:01 +??P53 15:08:09 -[IPcaller] 15:08:36 -manu 15:08:42 -Nigel 15:08:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:08:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/01/12-swcg-minutes.html ivan 15:08:44 -??P53 15:08:45 -Ian 15:10:07 -LeeF 15:12:09 -mscottm 15:14:47 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-semweb-comment/ 15:15:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/w3t-semweb-review 15:30:34 danbri has joined #swcg 15:30:54 LeeF has joined #swcg 15:35:49 -Sandro 15:35:51 -Ivan 15:35:51 Team_(swcg)13:47Z has ended 15:35:53 Attendees were Ivan, manu, mscottm, Ian, Tom, [IPcaller], David, Paul, Nigel, Sandro, LeeF 15:40:02 danbri has joined #swcg 15:41:31 LeeF has joined #swcg 15:51:00 danbri has joined #swcg 15:51:22 LeeF has joined #swcg 15:54:32 manu has joined #swcg 16:02:28 danbri has joined #swcg 16:03:14 manu has joined #swcg 16:03:46 LeeF has joined #swcg 16:14:38 danbri has joined #swcg 16:16:18 manu has joined #swcg 16:16:25 LeeF has joined #swcg 16:27:11 danbri has joined #swcg 16:27:18 manu has joined #swcg 16:28:49 LeeF has joined #swcg 16:39:39 danbri has joined #swcg 16:40:10 LeeF has joined #swcg 16:40:14 manu has joined #swcg 16:44:35 Zakim has left #swcg 16:47:16 manu has left #swcg 16:58:47 danbri has joined #swcg 16:59:00 LeeF has joined #swcg 17:17:34 LeeF has joined #swcg 17:17:34 danbri has joined #swcg 17:25:08 danbri has joined #swcg 17:25:31 LeeF has joined #swcg 17:36:11 danbri has joined #swcg 17:38:23 LeeF has joined #swcg 17:46:13 danbri has joined #swcg 17:49:20 LeeF has joined #swcg