graphic with four colored squares
Cover page images (keys)

RIF: Rules for the Semantic Web

Sandro Hawke (
SemTech 2010, 24 June 2010


What is a Rule?

A way of programming, and a way of not programming

Semantic Web Perspective

What does RIF do for the Semantic Web?

Business Rules Perspective

Thinking in terms of the business


Simplicity vs Research

Dream vs Reality

The Plan

Start with a common core

  1. Find out what rule systems have in common (60%)
  2. Standardize that ("RIF Core")
  3. Then work on extensions

Core must be truly extensible

More Details

Focus on translating to/from RIF

Extensions may be incompatible

"Rule Interchange Format", not "Semantic Web Rule Language"



RIF: XML Syntax for Rules

<!DOCTYPE Document [
  <!ENTITY ppl  "">
  <!ENTITY cpt  "">
  <!ENTITY dc   "">
  <!ENTITY rif  "">
  <!ENTITY func "">
  <!ENTITY pred "">
  <!ENTITY xs   "">

      <Const type="&rif;iri"></Const>
          <Const type="&rif;local">pd</Const>
        <slot ordered="yes">
          <Const type="&rif;iri">&dc;publisher</Const>
          <Const type="&rif;iri"></Const>
        <slot ordered="yes">
          <Const type="&rif;iri">&dc;date</Const>
          <Const type="&xs;date">2008-04-04</Const>
                   <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;perishable</Const></op>
                   <args ordered="yes"><Var>item</Var></args>
                   <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;delivered</Const></op>
                   <args ordered="yes">
                     <Const type="&rif;iri">&ppl;John</Const>
                   <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;scheduled</Const></op>
                   <args ordered="yes">
                           <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&func;subtract-dateTimes</Const></op>
                           <args ordered="yes">
                           <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&func;days-from-duration</Const></op>
                           <args ordered="yes">
                       <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&pred;numeric-greater-than</Const></op>
                       <args ordered="yes">
                         <Const type="&xs;integer">10</Const>
               <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;reject</Const></op>
               <args ordered="yes">
                 <Const type="&rif;iri">&ppl;John</Const>
               <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;unsolicited</Const></op>
               <args ordered="yes"><Var>item</Var></args>
               <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;reject</Const></op>
               <args ordered="yes">
                 <Const type="&rif;iri">&ppl;Fred</Const>

One of the Presentation Syntaxes

  Prefix(ppl  <>)
  Prefix(cpt  <>)
  Prefix(dc   <>)
  Prefix(rif  <>)
  Prefix(func <>)
  Prefix(pred <>)
  Prefix(xs   <>)
  (* ""^^rif:iri _:pd[dc:publisher -> ""^^rif:iri
                                      dc:date -> "2008-04-04"^^xs:date] *)
    Forall ?item ?deliverydate ?scheduledate ?diffduration ?diffdays (
        cpt:reject(ppl:John ?item) :-
                cpt:delivered(?item ?deliverydate ppl:John)
                cpt:scheduled(?item ?scheduledate)
                ?diffduration = External(func:subtract-dateTimes(?deliverydate ?scheduledate))
                ?diffdays = External(func:days-from-duration(?diffduration))
                External(pred:numeric-greater-than(?diffdays 10)))
    Forall ?item (
        cpt:reject(ppl:Fred ?item) :- cpt:unsolicited(?item)

Other Presentation Syntaxes

Nothing standard... room for experimentation

Prefix ppl <>
Prefix cpt  <>
Prefix dc   <>
Prefix rif  <>
Prefix func <>
Prefix pred <>
Prefix xs   <>
(* <> { _:pd dc:publisher lt;>;
                                dc:date "2008-04-04"^^xs:date] } *)
if cpt:perishable(?item) and
   cpt:delivered(?item ?deliverydate ppl:John) and
   cpt:scheduled(?item ?scheduledate) and
   func:days-from-duration(?deliverydate - ?scheduledate) > 10
then cpt:reject(ppl:John ?item).

if   cpt:unsolicited(?item)
then cpt:reject(ppl:Fred ?item).

Slippery slope to "real" rule languages.

A Family of Dialects


Not all engines implement the same features

Some features (retract and negation) are incompatible

Forward chaining, Backward chaining


Core: common subset

BLD: (basic logic dialect) common subset of Prolog-style languages

PRD: (production rule dialect) common subset of Production Rule languages

Rule Language Features

scattered names of rule language features

Rule Language Features - BLD

scattered names of rule language features, with one set grouped as BLD

Rule Language Features - PRD

scattered names of rule language features, with one set grouped as PRD

Rule Language Features - Core

scattered names of rule language features, grouped into PRD, BLD, Core

What if my feature is missing?

Double-check the specs

Check mailing list, Wiki

Check the Framework for Logic Dialects

Okay to define your own dialects

Extensions: Interoperability

When adding an extension, consider:

What should non-implementing systems do?

(controlling this is "extensibility")

If non-implementers should... Your extension should...
ignore it use RIF annotations (metadata)
stop define new XML elements
rewrite [not yet supported]

Extending the Syntax

Add XML Elements, in your own namespace

Non-implementing systems will reject document

Document it, share on

Possible Fallback Mechanism

Ideally, non-implementing systems could look up extension

Syntactic sugar -> perfect rewrites

Other rewrites have some "impact"

Proposed as XTAN, but not adopted in RIF

RIF Summary

Useful, yes. But "necessary"?

Use Case: Ad Hoc Reasoning

        if { ?p rdfs:range ?c.   
             ?x ?p ?y }
           { ?y rdf:type ?c }

See OWL 2 RL in RIF

Use Case: Vocabulary Migration

In the January 2010 version, FOAF changed foaf:family_name to foaf:familyName. How many apps did this break?

Let's use this rule:

      if   { ?person foaf:family_name ?fam }
      then { ?person foaf:familyName ?fam }

Then: migration becomes possible

(Yes, you could also do this with owl:equivalentProperty.)

Use Case: Scalable Data Integration 1

FOAF has both firstName + lastName and (combined) name. Many data sources do not provide both. (Vocabulary Mapping)

        if { ?person foaf:firstName ?first;
                     foaf:lastName ?last }
           { ?person foaf:name func:string-join(?first " " ?last) }

	# Works for Hillary Rodham Clinton, not Sarah Jessica Parker
        if { ?person foaf:name ?name } and pred:contains(?name, " ")
           { ?x foaf:firstName func:string-before(?name, " ");
                foaf:lastName func:string-after(?name, " ")

Allows new vocabs to be deployed

Use Case: Scalable Data Integration 2

Facebook's Open Graph Protocol uses a simple-to-use (page-style) RDF vocabulary:

og:type - The type of your object, e.g., "movie". Depending on the type you specify, other properties may also be required.

That is:

   <> og:type "movie".

Is an IMDB web page a movie??

Convert to standard RDF modeling:

   if   { ?page og:type "movie";
                foaf:primaryTopic ?resource }
   then { ?resource rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Film }

These rules should be reachable Linked Data.

Motivation Summary

RIF for Linked Data Allows:

Web-Scale Data Integration

What Now?

RIF is stable, widely reviewed

Many implementation (not many products yet)

Use for Linked Data is experimental, but critical.

Test Suite:

The Future: