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W3C Semantic Web Standards

... and standards to be.

Eric Prud'hommeaux, Sanitation Engineer.
Last modified: $Date: 2010/05/05 20:49:58 $
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, with attribution to W3C.

Valid XHTML + RDFa


semweb vision from 10k feet

Extensibility Example: Blood Pressure

@prefix edns: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/ExtendedDnS.owl#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix galen: <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#> .
@prefix snomed: <http://termhost.example/SNOMED/> .

<encounter7> edns:patient <patient3> ;
             edns:screeningBP <s20090714c> .
<patient3>   r:type galen:Patient ;
             foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
             foaf:firstName "Henry" .
<s20090714c> dc:date "2009-07-14T18:23"^^xsd:dateTime ;
             edns:systolic "132"^^edns:mmHg ;
             edns:diastolic "86"^^edns:mmHg .

Extensibility Example: Blood Pressure

@prefix edns: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/ExtendedDnS.owl#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix galen: <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#> .
@prefix snomed: <http://termhost.example/SNOMED/> .

<encounter7> edns:patient <patient3> ;
             edns:screeningBP <s20090714c> .
<patient3>   r:type galen:Patient ;
             foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
             foaf:firstName "Henry" .
<s20090714c> dc:date "2009-07-14T18:23"^^xsd:dateTime ;
             edns:systolic "132"^^edns:mmHg ;
             edns:diastolic "86"^^edns:mmHg ;
             edns:posture snomed:_163035008 . # SNOMED:sitting

semweb vision from 10k feet

semweb techs involved (layer cake)

semweb techs involved (layer cake)

Modeling Languages

Inferring types

Inferring types

OWL - inferring lots of stuff

Introduction to OWL

(skip to new OWL)

OWL consistency rules

OWL type inference

OWL identity inference

OWL expression

OWL restrictions

OWL restrictions

OWL restrictions

OWL 1.1 Language Profiles

ELpopular restrictive subsetSNOMED-CT, NCI Thesaurus
QLSQLEntity-relationship, UML
RL@@production@@ rules




standards work

Mashups become queries.

SERVICE <http://uu3.org:8888/7tm_receptors>
    ?iuphar  iface:family      ?family .
    ?iuphar  iface:code	       ?code .
    ?iuphar  iface:iupharName  ?iupharNm .
    ?human   iface:iuphar      ?iuphar .
    ?human   iface:geneName    "GABBR1" .
    ?human   iface:entrezGene  ?humanEntrez .
SERVICE <http://dbpedia.org/sparql?default-graph-uri=http%3A%2F%2Fdbpedia.org&should-sponge=&>

     _:gene  dbp:entrezgene    ?humanEntrez ;
             rdfs:label        ?label ;
    FILTER (lang(?label) = "en")
GRAPH <http://hcls.deri.org/atag/data/gabab_example.html>
     ?topic  rdfs:label        ?label .
     ?post   sioc:topic        ?topic

Blood Pressure Data

@prefix edns: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/ExtendedDnS.owl#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix galen: <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#> .
@prefix snomed: <http://termhost.example/SNOMED/> .

<encounter7> edns:patient <patient3> ;
             edns:screeningBP <s20090714c> .
<patient3>   r:type galen:Patient ;
             foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
             foaf:firstName "Henry" .
<s20090714c> dc:date "2009-07-14T18:23"^^xsd:dateTime ;
             edns:systolic "132"^^edns:mmHg ;
             edns:diastolic "86"^^edns:mmHg ;
             edns:posture snomed:_163035008 . # SNOMED:sitting

Emergency Room Blood Pressure Query

PREFIX edns: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/ExtendedDnS.owl#>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX galen: <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#>
PREFIX snomed: <http://termhost.example/SNOMED/>

SELECT ?date ?systolic ?diastolic WHERE {

?encounter edns:patient     ?patient ;
           edns:screeningBP ?screenBP .
?patient   foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
           foaf:firstName   "Henry" .
?screenBP  dc:date          ?date ;
           edns:systolic    ?systolic ;
           edns:diastolic   ?diastolic ;

Clinical Study Blood Pressure Query

PREFIX edns: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/ExtendedDnS.owl#>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX galen: <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#>
PREFIX snomed: <http://termhost.example/SNOMED/>

SELECT ?date ?systolic ?diastolic WHERE {

?encounter edns:patient     ?patient ;
           edns:screeningBP ?screenBP .
?patient   foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
           foaf:firstName   "Henry" .
?screenBP  dc:date          ?date ;
           edns:systolic    ?systolic ;
           edns:diastolic   ?diastolic ;
           edns:posture ?posture . 
FILTER (?posture = snomed:_163035008 || ?posture = snomed:_163035009)

Clinical Study Blood Pressure Query

PREFIX edns: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/ExtendedDnS.owl#>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX galen: <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#>
PREFIX snomed: <http://termhost.example/SNOMED/>

SELECT ?date ?systolic ?diastolic ?posture WHERE {

?encounter edns:patient     ?patient ;
           edns:screeningBP ?screenBP .
?patient   foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
           foaf:firstName   "Henry" .
?screenBP  dc:date          ?date ;
           edns:systolic    ?systolic ;
           edns:diastolic   ?diastolic .
    ?screenBP  edns:posture ?posture .

LeeF's tutorial

LeeF's SPARQL tutorial on Semantic Universe

Query #2: Multiple triple patterns: property retrieval

Find me all the people in Tim Berners-Lee's FOAF file that have names and email addresses. Return each person's URI, name, and email address.
PREFIX foaf:  <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
    ?person foaf:name ?name .
    ?person foaf:mbox ?email .
  • We can use multiple triple patterns to retrieve multiple properties about a particular resource
  • Shortcut: SELECT * selects all variables mentioned in the query
  • Dataset: http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card

Try it with HP's ARQ, OpenLink's Virtuoso, or Redland's Rasqal. (Expected results.)

SPARQL Graph Patterns

SELECT ?patient ?dob
              ?patient     sdtm:sex     ?sex;      sdtm:dob     ?dob;   …
              ?substAdmin  sdtm:subject ?patient;  sdtm:medName ?takes  …
 NOT EXISTS { ?contraAdmin sdtm:subject ?patient;  sdtm:medName ?contra … }

SPARQL Aggregates

SELECT ?patient ?dob SUM(?substAdmin) AS ?total
              ?patient     sdtm:sex     ?sex;      sdtm:dob     ?dob;   …
              ?substAdmin  sdtm:subject ?patient;  sdtm:medName "Illudium Phosdex"  …
} GROUP BY ?patient

SPARQL Subqueries

SELECT ?patient ?dob
              ?patient     sdtm:sex     ?sex;      sdtm:dob     ?dob;   …
              ?substAdmin  sdtm:subject ?patient;  sdtm:medName ?takes  …
  SELECT ?patient
              ?contraAdmin sdtm:subject ?patient;  sdtm:medName ?contra …
  } ORDER BY ?contra LIMIT 1

SPARQL Project Expressions

SELECT ?patient ?dob ?contraURL
              ?patient     sdtm:sex     ?sex;      sdtm:dob     ?dob;   …
              ?substAdmin  sdtm:subject ?patient;  sdtm:medName ?takes  …
  SELECT ?patient fn:concat('http://dbpedia.org/', ?contra) AS ?contraURL
              ?contraAdmin sdtm:subject ?patient;  sdtm:medName ?contra …
  } ORDER BY ?contra LIMIT 1

SPARQL Property Paths

SELECT ?patient ?dob
              ?patient     sdtm:sex     ?sex;      sdtm:dob     ?dob;   …
              ?substAdmin  sdtm:subject ?patient;  sdtm:ingredient* [ spl:classCode ?code ] .

SPARQL Query Federation

SELECT ?patient ?dob
              ?patient     sdtm:sex     ?sex;      sdtm:dob     ?dob;   .
              ?substAdmin  sdtm:subject ?patient;  sdtm:medName ?takes  .
    SERVICE <http://drugsЯus.com/> {
	      ?takes       stdm:ingredent [ spl:classCode 6809 ] .


Other New SPARQL Features



    GRAPH <http://drugsЯus.com/mmkay> {
              ?substAdmin  sdtm:medName "Illudium Phosdex" .
              ?patient     sdtm:sex     ?sex;      sdtm:dob     ?dob;   .
              ?substAdmin  sdtm:subject ?patient .
    SERVICE <http://drugsЯus.com/mmkay> {
	      ?takes       stdm:ingredent [ spl:classCode 6809 ] .

Service Description

<http://drugsЯus.com/> a sd:Service ;
		       sd:language foo:Sparql10_plus_federation ;
		       sd:entailment foo:RDFS ;
		       sd:function fn:concat .

D2R Service Description

<> a d2r:Server;
    rdfs:label "D2R Server";
    d2r:baseURI <http://localhost:2020/>;
    d2r:port 2020;
    d2r:documentMetadata [
        rdfs:comment "This comment is custom document metadata.";
	d2r:vocabularyIncludeInstances true;    

Graph Management Protocol

                      DROP SILENT GRAPH <request_uri>
PUT <request_uri>  =  CREATE SILENT GRAPH <request_uri>
  … RDF payload …     INSERT DATA { GRAPH <request_uri> { … RDF payload … } }

SPARQL Entailment Regimes

Two models:

Paul rdf:type Worker .        
Paul :hasFriend Andrea .      
Andrea rdf:type Employee .    
Andrea :hasFriend Caroline .  
Caroline rdf:type Manager .
Paul rdf:type Worker .	 
Paul :hasFriend Simon .	 
Simon rdf:type Employee .
Simon :hasFriend Andrea .
Andrea rdf:type Manager .


  Paul :hasFriend _:Y .
  _:Y rdf:type Employee .
  _:Y hasFriend _:Z .
  _:Z rdf:type Manager .



Rules Interchange Format (RIF)

RIF: XML Syntax for Rules

<!DOCTYPE Document [
  <!ENTITY ppl  "http://example.com/people#">
  <!ENTITY cpt  "http://example.com/concepts#">
  <!ENTITY dc   "http://purl.org/dc/terms/">
  <!ENTITY rif  "http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#">
  <!ENTITY func "http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-function#">
  <!ENTITY pred "http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#">
  <!ENTITY xs   "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#">

      <Const type="&rif;iri">http://sample.org</Const>
          <Const type="&rif;local">pd</Const>
        <slot ordered="yes">
          <Const type="&rif;iri">&dc;publisher</Const>
          <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/</Const>
        <slot ordered="yes">
          <Const type="&rif;iri">&dc;date</Const>
          <Const type="&xs;date">2008-04-04</Const>
                   <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;perishable</Const></op>
                   <args ordered="yes"><Var>item</Var></args>
                   <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;delivered</Const></op>
                   <args ordered="yes">
                     <Const type="&rif;iri">&ppl;John</Const>
                   <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;scheduled</Const></op>
                   <args ordered="yes">
                           <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&func;subtract-dateTimes</Const></op>
                           <args ordered="yes">
                           <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&func;days-from-duration</Const></op>
                           <args ordered="yes">
                       <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&pred;numeric-greater-than</Const></op>
                       <args ordered="yes">
                         <Const type="&xs;integer">10</Const>
               <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;reject</Const></op>
               <args ordered="yes">
                 <Const type="&rif;iri">&ppl;John</Const>
               <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;unsolicited</Const></op>
               <args ordered="yes"><Var>item</Var></args>
               <op><Const type="&rif;iri">&cpt;reject</Const></op>
               <args ordered="yes">
                 <Const type="&rif;iri">&ppl;Fred</Const>

BLD Presentation Syntax

  Prefix(ppl  <http://example.com/people#>)
  Prefix(cpt  <http://example.com/concepts#>)
  Prefix(dc   <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>)
  Prefix(rif  <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#>)
  Prefix(func <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-function#>)
  Prefix(pred <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#>)
  Prefix(xs   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>)
  (* "http://sample.org"^^rif:iri _:pd[dc:publisher -> "http://www.w3.org/"^^rif:iri
                                      dc:date -> "2008-04-04"^^xs:date] *)
    Forall ?item ?deliverydate ?scheduledate ?diffduration ?diffdays (
        cpt:reject(ppl:John ?item) :-
                cpt:delivered(?item ?deliverydate ppl:John)
                cpt:scheduled(?item ?scheduledate)
                ?diffduration = External(func:subtract-dateTimes(?deliverydate ?scheduledate))
                ?diffdays = External(func:days-from-duration(?diffduration))
                External(pred:numeric-greater-than(?diffdays 10)))
    Forall ?item (
        cpt:reject(ppl:Fred ?item) :- cpt:unsolicited(?item)

Other Presentation Syntaxes

Nothing standard... room for experimentation

Prefix ppl <http://example.com/people#>
Prefix cpt  <http://example.com/concepts#>
Prefix dc   <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
Prefix rif  <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#>
Prefix func <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-function#>
Prefix pred <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#>
Prefix xs   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
(* lt;http://sample.org> { _:pd dc:publisher lt;http://www.w3.org/>;
                                dc:date "2008-04-04"^^xs:date] } *)
if cpt:perishable(?item) and
   cpt:delivered(?item ?deliverydate ppl:John) and
   cpt:scheduled(?item ?scheduledate) and
   func:days-from-duration(?deliverydate - ?scheduledate) > 10
then cpt:reject(ppl:John ?item).

if   cpt:unsolicited(?item)
then cpt:reject(ppl:Fred ?item).

Slippery slope to "real" rule languages.

A Family of Dialects


Not all engines can implement every feature

Some features (retract and negation) are incompatible

Forward chaining, Backward chaining


Core: common subset

BLD: (basic logic dialect) common subset of Prolog-style languages

PRD: (production rule dialect) common subset of Production Rule languages

Use Case: Vocabulary Mapping

        if { ?x foaf:firstName ?first;
                foaf:surname ?last }
           { ?x foaf:family_name ?last;
                foaf:givenname ?first;
                foaf:name func:string-join(?first " " ?last)

        if { ?x foaf:name ?name } and
           pred:contains(?name, " ")
           { ?x foaf:firstName func:string-before(?name, " ");
                foaf:surname func:string-after(?name, " ")

Use Case: ad hoc Reasoning

        if { ?p rdfs:range ?c.   
             ?x ?p ?y }
           { ?y rdf:type ?c }

See OWL 2 RL in RIF

RDF Channeling Existing Data

XML data

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ClinicalDocument transformation="hl7-rim-to-pomr.xslt">
	<administrativeGenderCode code="M"/>
	<birthTime value="19320924"/>
	<code displayName="Cuff blood pressure"/>
	<effectiveTime value="200004071430"/>
	<targetSiteCode displayName="Left arm"/>
	<entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
	    <effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	    <value value="132" unit="mm[Hg]"/>
	<code displayName="Cuff blood pressure"/>
	<effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	<targetSiteCode displayName="Left arm"/>
	<entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
	    <code displayName="Systolic BP"/>
	    <effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	    <value value="135" unit="mm[Hg]"/>
	<entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
	    <code displayName="Diastolic BP"/>
	    <effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	    <value value="88" unit="mm[Hg]"/>

Mapped to RDF

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

Relational data …

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in a relational database]

… as a graph.

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

Using Existing Data(bases)

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

Using Existing Data(bases)

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

Using Existing Data(bases)

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

Using Existing Data(bases)

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

Using Existing Data(bases)

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

Using Existing Data(bases)

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

Relational Mappings


   d2r:sql="SELECT Tab_K_Kunde.KundenNr, Tab_K_Kunde.FullName,
        Tab_K_Kunde.Anrede, Tab_K_Kunde_Kreditkarte.CCNo
        FROM Tab_K_Kunde_Kreditkarte INNER JOIN Tab_K_Kunde ON
        Tab_K_Kunde_Kreditkarte.KundenNr = Tab_K_Kunde.KundenNr;"

Re-uses OWL constructs:

<d2r:ObjectPropertyBridge d2r:property="rdf:type"

Configuration consumable as RDF (SPARQL-able).

Relational Views (DDL)

create iri class prd:product_iri using
  function OPLWEB.DBA.PRODUCT_URI (in id varchar)
    returns varchar,
  function OPLWEB.DBA.PRODUCT_URI_INVERSE (in id_iri varchar)
    returns varchar .

Uses hardened algorithms from SQL land.

RDF Views

   PREFIX :mydb <http://cityhospital.example/dbs>
CONSTRUCT { ?o a               study:SubjectObservation .
            ?o study:subject   ?p .
            ?o study:clinician ?d .
            ?d :foaf:name ?dName }

    WHERE { ?o mydb:patient ?p .
            ?o mydb:doctor  ?d .
            ?d mydb:name    ?dName }

Intuitive (testable) semantics.

rows in the consumer reports triple store table

Graph Indexes.

Named graph proliferation demands different indexes.

SELECT ?g1 ?label ?g2 ?topic WHERE

     _:gene  dbp:entrezgene    ?humanEntrez ;
             rdfs:label        ?label ;
    FILTER (lang(?label) = "en")
     ?topic  rdfs:label        ?label .
     ?post   sioc:topic        ?topic

Query #2: Expected Results

<http://www.w3.org/People/karl/karl-foaf.xrdf#me> "Karl Dubost" <mailto:karl@w3.org>
<http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#amy> "Amy van der Hiel" <mailto:amy@w3.org>
<http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#edd> "Edd Dumbill" <mailto:edd@xmlhack.com>
<http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#dj> "Dean Jackson" <mailto:dean@w3.org>
<http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#edd> "Edd Dumbill" <mailto:edd@usefulinc.com>
<http://www.aaronsw.com/about.xrdf#aaronsw> "Aaron Swartz" <mailto:me@aaronsw.com>
<http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#i> "Timothy Berners-Lee" <mailto:timbl@w3.org>
<http://www.w3.org/People/EM/contact#me> "Eric Miller" <mailto:em@w3.org>
<http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#edd> "Edd Dumbill" <mailto:edd@xml.com>
<http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#dj> "Dean Jackson" <mailto:dino@grorg.org>
<http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#libby> "Libby Miller" <mailto:libby.miller@bristol.ac.uk>
<http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/#me> "Dan Connolly" <mailto:connolly@w3.org>