15:03:26 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 15:03:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/12/09-aapi-irc 15:03:38 rrsagent, off 15:08:43 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2010Dec/0001.html 15:09:30 topic: bug 6883 15:09:40 CS: no progress but plan to work on it tomorrow 15:10:22 topic: open ARIA 2.0 issue on control patterns 15:10:36 action: Andi to open bug to track and drop from high priority actions list 15:12:26 -[Microsoft] 15:12:40 +[Microsoft] 15:12:43 -Andi_Snow-Weaver 15:12:45 +Andi_Snow-Weaver 15:13:29 topic: bug 7634 15:13:38 Closed as WONTFIX at Monday's ARIA TF call 15:13:49 topic: bug 10288 15:13:57 Closed on Monday's ARIA TF call 15:14:34 topic: bug 8319 15:14:47 CS: done the HTML 5 piece, still need to sync with ARIA 15:15:26 topic: bug 9656 15:15:37 CS: fairly certain just use it in the name computation 15:15:54 CS: will confirm for next week 15:16:30 topic: action 503 15:16:46 Closed per discussion at ARIA TF on Monday 15:17:46 topic: action 666 15:17:52 CS: no progress on this one 15:25:30 topic: tracker Actions 15:25:34 issue 59 15:26:07 Close issue 59 15:29:17 issue 88 15:29:31 assign to David - open a bug for him 15:30:08 action 248 15:30:12 reassign to ARIA 2.0 15:30:57 action 493 15:30:59 open bug 15:31:13 rest of actions - open bug if applicable 15:39:31 topic: e-mail questions 15:39:46 Section 3: Keyboard navigation questions 15:39:58 Cynthia agrees with resolution of all of these 15:40:24 Section 4 questions 15:41:02 Conflicts between 4.3 and 4.4 wrt passing WAI-ARIA data 15:41:08 Need David for this discussion 15:41:15 Put this on the agenda for our next meeting 15:44:06 Relations question about whether or not aria-labelledby always wins for HTML