20:00:24 RRSAgent has joined #svg 20:00:24 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/12/02-svg-irc 20:00:26 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:00:26 Zakim has joined #svg 20:00:28 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 20:00:29 ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)3:00PM scheduled to start now 20:00:29 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 20:00:29 Date: 02 December 2010 20:00:42 http://www.nasa.gov/topics/universe/features/astrobiology_toxic_chemical.html 20:00:45 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)3:00PM has now started 20:00:52 +[Microsoft] 20:00:58 +??P3 20:01:00 Zakim, ??P3 is me 20:01:00 +heycam; got it 20:01:25 tbah has joined #svg 20:01:50 +[IPcaller] 20:02:00 Zakim, [IP is me 20:02:00 +ed; got it 20:02:02 pdengler has joined #svg 20:02:18 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2010OctDec/0186.html 20:02:21 Chair: Cameron 20:02:26 anthony has joined #svg 20:03:16 +??P5 20:03:51 Zakim, ??P5 is me 20:03:51 +anthony; got it 20:04:08 adrianba has joined #svg 20:04:25 +tav 20:04:48 Present+ adrianba 20:06:48 scribeNick: pdengler 20:07:33 heycam:Topic: SVG 1.2 2nd Edition 20:07:49 heycam: requires last call comments by 12/15 20:08:11 heycam: 12/15 is the deadline for asking for publication 20:08:12 s/1.2/1.1/ 20:09:11 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Full_11#Remaining_work_for_SVG1.1F2 20:10:04 heycam: Need to resolve above linked issue and the test suite 20:10:24 heycam: We could prioritize some of these issues (e.g. improve pass critiera) 20:11:09 heycam: I've been updating tests and could give a concerted effort to finalize that in the next week; that should make us OK from the test suite perspective 20:11:39 pdengler: After the test suite, we need to run test suites and fiinalize open issues? 20:11:54 adrianba: Are you intending to move to CR or Proposed Rec? 20:12:04 adrianba: You need implementation reports for Proposed Rect 20:12:33 ed: Our plan was to do proposed rect and have test results 20:12:41 heycam: How long would it take for folks to run tests? 20:13:02 ed: It's not much to run through; it's only if we discover we don't have enough passing we're in trouble 20:13:06 +Shepazu 20:13:14 -anthony 20:13:20 heycam: We could drop tests that no one passes. 20:13:21 s/proposed rect/proposed REC/ 20:13:44 pdengler: I'd like to consider dropping specific tests on a case by case basis 20:13:45 +[IPcaller] 20:13:53 Zakim, [IP is me 20:13:53 +anthony; got it 20:14:18 pdengler: But in the interest in time, and the quality of our tests, I support the general thinking 20:14:30 heycam: It's important to get this done and not have it our charter 20:14:37 shepazu: It's bogging us down 20:14:42 s/heycam:Topic:/TOPIC:/ 20:15:38 ChrisL has joined #svg 20:16:49 +ChrisL 20:17:02 heycam: We should consider simplifying the tests that we need to review 20:17:21 ed: There are issues with particular fonts that need to be installed. It only works with SVG fonts. 20:18:12 tbah: Does work on Linux on Batik 20:18:34 heycam: Have you been updating SVG Fonts? 20:18:58 ed: Yeah, SVG Fonts as fallbacks. But there are instances where the test requires downloading of Fonts 20:19:15 ChrisL: One of the problem is that you have the right to download them, but not convert them 20:19:27 heycam: In the webpage we could provide a patch file PNG replacement 20:19:29 s/issues with particular fonts that need to be installed./some tests that require particular fonts to be installed, but batik on osx doesn't read those fonts for some reason./ 20:19:45 ChrisL: The problem with that is that you have to regenerate the image each time 20:21:57 s/Yeah, SVG Fonts as fallbacks./No, i've just been removing explicit use of Arial systemfonts, then it falls back to "SVGFreeSans, sans-serif"/ 20:22:04 pdengler: So let's run them on Linux 20:22:22 ed: Pretty sure I generated reference images on both 20:22:27 heycam: Do you have a list of these tests? 20:22:54 heycam: If you can come up with a list of them... 20:23:19 ed: Probably get to them today 20:23:30 heycam: Then I will run that list on Linux/Batik and see the result 20:23:56 heycam: Target early next week to be done and will email to let folks know it is ready to run 20:24:30 pdengler: How many implementations do we have available to run? 20:27:07 ChrisL: As long as independent verifications can be run by, for example, W3C, that should work 20:29:35 pdengler: If the tests are ready by the 8th, we can run them quite quickly after that (within a day or two) 20:29:44 heycam: Eric and I will target these by the 8th then 20:29:55 ChrisL: I can help with this as well as I have cleared up all of my actions 20:30:19 heycam: It turns of putting together the implementation report, do we have document filled in? 20:30:33 anthony: THe implementation report is ready, unless we included new tests 20:30:56 heycam: In that case on Wednesday if it is finalized I'll ask you to regnereate the template 20:32:59 ChrisL: We should run any implementations we can find 20:33:11 Topic: Remaining Issues 20:34:05 I got around to all but one of my actions, now closed 20:34:12 pdengler: Can we put an end date on these 20:34:30 heycam: Let's get all actions done by end of next week (by next telecon) 20:35:04 issue-2346? 20:35:04 ISSUE-2346 -- Last Call Comment: previous discussion about filterRes -- raised 20:35:04 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2346 20:35:32 http://www.w3.org/mid/op.vmxjwavjgeuyw5@localhost 20:36:37 ed: I had some progress on 2346 (ablove). I will make the edit to the spec 20:36:44 ChrisL: Sounds reasonable 20:37:17 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2010Dec/0001.html 20:37:23 Topic: feConvolveMatrix bias property 20:37:43 zakim, mute me 20:37:43 ChrisL should now be muted 20:37:53 anthony: I sent some details on results and proposed formulas for feConvolveMatrix 20:38:16 ed: I'd like to see transparent image as well. It's not so interesting when its only opaque images 20:38:30 anthony: So you would like a PNG with a gradient, masks or transparency? 20:39:05 anthony: What I did find is that all of the implementaitons vary. I liked the output from Firefox 20:39:23 anthony: But I made the note that we should settle on something 20:41:08 ed: The proposal is OK with me as long as there are tests for the transparent images as well? 20:41:25 anthony: I will create a test similar to the one sent to the list which includes the transparent image 20:41:41 s/as well?/as well/ 20:42:57 action: anthony to update the feConvolveMatrix test to include transparent image and upate the spec to clarify the algorithm 20:42:57 Created ACTION-2916 - Update the feConvolveMatrix test to include transparent image and upate the spec to clarify the algorithm [on Anthony Grasso - due 2010-12-09]. 20:43:23 heycam: Tav, do you have everything you need to get your actions to get done 20:43:39 -anthony 20:43:49 zakim, unmute me 20:43:49 ChrisL should no longer be muted 20:43:51 anthony: I will be working on my action items and have them done by next week 20:44:13 shepazu: Chris, do you mind working with Tav to get CVS access set up ? 20:44:25 heycam: If for some reason that doesn't come through in time, we can send patches through email 20:44:57 Tav, your cvs access has been asked for. Pat, Sandy's as well 20:45:05 ACTION-2843? 20:45:05 ACTION-2843 -- Cyril Concolato to propose new wording for the spec for ISSUE-2368 -- due 2010-09-13 -- OPEN 20:45:05 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/actions/2843 20:46:15 ISSUE-2384? 20:46:15 ISSUE-2384 -- Order of rx / ry computation for rounded rects -- raised 20:46:15 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2384 20:55:56 ChrisL: We will get the WOFF fall back fixed by test suite complete 20:56:20 heycam: There was a test that relied on text metrics that I thought would benefit from an SVG FOnt with a WOFF font 20:57:21 action: pdengler to Review Issue 2384 and decide if the change to the test and the text is reasonable 20:57:21 Created ACTION-2917 - Review Issue 2384 and decide if the change to the test and the text is reasonable [on Patrick Dengler - due 2010-12-09]. 20:58:52 topic : Test suites with red fringing through on tests with same sized shapes 20:59:15 heycam: I would like to add a stroke so it doesn't appear that they fail (with the red pushing through). Is that OK with Patrick (and others) 20:59:18 pdengler: Yes 20:59:48 ACTION-2834? 20:59:48 ACTION-2834 -- Doug Schepers to clarify section 16.5 Processing order for user interface events relating to problems in ISSUE-2364 -- due 2010-09-10 -- OPEN 20:59:48 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/actions/2834 21:01:35 action: heycam to respond to Cyril on action 2843 21:01:36 Created ACTION-2918 - Respond to Cyril on action 2843 [on Cameron McCormack - due 2010-12-09]. 21:03:17 Topic: getComputedText Length 21:05:06 pdengler: I am happy with the response that textLength should be taken into account 21:05:15 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/test/svg/paths-dom-01-f.svg 21:05:17 ed: There is a test also on pathLength 21:09:08 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/test/svg/text-dom-01-f.svg 21:12:14 pdengler has joined #svg 21:14:15 Filler Text 21:15:00 document.getElementById("test").getComputedTextLength(); 21:15:54 -heycam 21:16:03 ed: My expectation is that getComputedTextLength which would what it thinks that the text length is, but not take into account what the textLength value at all 21:16:14 ed: But when it renders, it renders into 100 21:16:30 ok right, that makes sense 21:16:54 so then you do get differences in results due to fonts etc. 21:18:12 adrianba: What's the use case if it is not to return the size of the actual element 21:18:20 ed: It can differ from what the author expect or what it should be 21:18:48 you could have a test where you give an outrageous value for textLength, and then test that getComputedTextLength returns a different value from .textLength 21:18:48 or you could add svg/woff fonts 21:18:53 adrianba: My use case is that I can use getComputedTextLength to get the computed text length 21:19:21 adrianba: Then I can walk up to any other element and so something else to it konwing its size 21:19:45 adrianba: Regardless of the format or attribute on the element 21:20:06 ChrisL: If I was doing that, I would do the other way around, I would read the value of the attribute instead 21:20:48 adrianba: Either way seems right, I just don't know the use case where I asked for getComputedTextLength and get something other than what is drawn 21:21:16 ed: Using textLength is not that useful since it stretches the text which is behaved differently in all implementation 21:21:18 +??P3 21:24:44 pdengler: Ok, we will keep it as is and address it in the next version of the specification. 21:25:05 shepazu: I raised an issue in SVG 2.0 that includes a font metrics API that is more comprehensive than textLength 21:25:22 shepazu: Should probably discussed in FX task foce 21:26:48 topic: Filter spec clarification 21:26:49 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/actions/2815 21:30:17 ACTION-2911? 21:30:17 ACTION-2911 -- Tavmjong Bah to finish the response to Dr Olaf regarding ISSUE-2338 and fix the issues highlighted by Dr Olaf -- due 2010-11-25 -- OPEN 21:30:17 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/actions/2911 21:31:07 tbah: I think the clarification is simpler and i have an action for that 21:31:41 tbah: I'll propose a rewritten section 21:32:41 Topic: MIME Type Wording Update 21:33:09 ChrisL: This is all dealt with now and is a non-issue as the WG will recongize the svg/svgz 21:33:47 rrsagent, make minutes 21:33:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/12/02-svg-minutes.html adrianba 21:34:23 -[Microsoft] 21:34:25 -ChrisL 21:34:26 -??P3 21:34:27 -tav 21:34:29 -ed 21:34:40 -Shepazu 21:34:41 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)3:00PM has ended 21:34:43 Attendees were [Microsoft], heycam, [IPcaller], ed, anthony, tav, Shepazu, ChrisL 21:34:45 rrsagent, make minutes 21:34:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/12/02-svg-minutes.html adrianba 22:01:13 action-2843? 22:01:13 ACTION-2843 -- Cyril Concolato to propose new wording for the spec for ISSUE-2368 -- due 2010-09-13 -- OPEN 22:01:13 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/actions/2843 22:11:38 ok, i've run through the entire testsuite once now 22:11:49 all the issues I found are on the wiki 22:11:59 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Full_11#Testsuite_issues 22:31:12 good job 22:44:46 homata has joined #svg 23:09:58 Zakim has left #svg