15:47:21 RRSAgent has joined #rdb2rdf 15:47:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/10/19-rdb2rdf-irc 15:47:23 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:47:23 Zakim has joined #rdb2rdf 15:47:25 Zakim, this will be 7322733 15:47:25 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 13 minutes 15:47:26 Meeting: RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference 15:47:26 Date: 19 October 2010 15:47:31 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2010Oct/0048.html 15:47:37 Chair: Michael 15:56:18 scribenick: hhalpin 15:57:16 PatH has joined #RDB2RDF 15:57:34 Zakim, please dial ericP 15:57:34 I am sorry, ericP; I do not know a number for ericP 15:57:36 boris has joined #rdb2rdf 15:57:39 Zakim, please dial ericP-office 15:57:39 ok, ericP; the call is being made 15:57:40 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has now started 15:57:41 +EricP 15:58:05 +mhausenblas 15:58:06 -mhausenblas 15:58:06 +mhausenblas 15:58:21 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:58:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 15:58:29 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:59:18 + +1.512.232.aaaa 15:59:27 zakim, aa is me 15:59:27 sorry, juansequeda, I do not recognize a party named 'aa' 15:59:31 cygri has joined #rdb2rdf 15:59:33 Zakim, aaaa is juansequeda 15:59:33 +juansequeda; got it 15:59:38 +PatH 15:59:39 Zakim, cygri is with me 15:59:39 +cygri; got it 15:59:40 +Alexandre 15:59:51 Zakim, who'd here? 15:59:51 I don't understand your question, mhausenblas. 15:59:55 Zakim, who's here? 15:59:55 On the phone I see EricP, mhausenblas, juansequeda, PatH, Alexandre 15:59:56 mhausenblas has mhausenblas, cygri 15:59:57 On IRC I see cygri, boris, PatH, Zakim, RRSAgent, mhausenblas, juansequeda, hhalpin, MacTed, betehess, iv_an_ru, trackbot, ericP 16:00:32 +??P12 16:00:34 nunolopes has joined #RDB2RDF 16:00:40 Zakim, ??P12 is hhalpin 16:00:40 +hhalpin; got it 16:00:49 Zakim, mute me 16:00:49 hhalpin should now be muted 16:01:13 I'm having problems with the passcode 16:01:23 Zakim, what's the code? 16:01:23 the conference code is 7322733 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), hhalpin 16:01:24 dialing from skype? 16:01:35 Make sure you are typing it in correctly, but it does work via Skype. 16:01:36 +Kingsley_Idehen 16:01:43 (at least on linux skype debian) 16:01:46 Zakim, Kingsley_Idehen is OpenLink_Software 16:01:46 +OpenLink_Software; got it 16:01:51 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 16:01:51 +MacTed; got it 16:01:54 Zakim, mute me 16:01:54 MacTed should now be muted 16:02:05 Zakim, mute me 16:02:05 juansequeda should now be muted 16:02:28 Seema has joined #rdb2rdf 16:02:50 Zakim, mute Alexandre 16:02:50 Alexandre should now be muted 16:02:57 +nunolopes 16:03:56 Zakim, mute me 16:03:56 nunolopes should now be muted 16:04:02 Souri has joined #rdb2rdf 16:04:06 topic: Admin 16:04:18 PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting, see http://www.w3.org/2010/10/12-rdb2rdf-minutes.html 16:04:31 +Souri 16:04:48 +1 16:04:55 RESOLVED: Accepted the minutes of last meeting, see http://www.w3.org/2010/10/12-rdb2rdf-minutes.html 16:05:00 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/open 16:05:18 dialing in right now 16:05:27 ACTION-63? 16:05:27 ACTION-63 -- Michael Hausenblas to incorporate Orri's input re datatypes into UCR doc -- due 2010-10-22 -- OPEN 16:05:27 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/63 16:05:36 ACTION-69? 16:05:36 ACTION-69 -- Daniel Daniel Miranker to work on UC&R on OLAP application -- due 2010-10-22 -- OPEN 16:05:36 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/69 16:05:45 Zakim, unmute me 16:05:45 juansequeda should no longer be muted 16:05:49 Souri has joined #rdb2rdf 16:05:50 +Seema 16:05:53 soeren has joined #RDB2RDF 16:06:00 Zakim, unmute me 16:06:00 hhalpin should no longer be muted 16:06:26 Zakim, mute me 16:06:26 juansequeda should now be muted 16:06:31 Dan should have is Invited Expert Status, I forwarded his e-mail to Team IE process. 16:06:38 Zakim, mute me 16:06:38 hhalpin should now be muted 16:06:49 mhausenblas: will go after those two use-cases 16:06:52 topic: R2ML mapping 16:06:55 +[IPcaller] 16:06:55 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/r2rml/ 16:07:10 latest version is at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/r2rml/Overview.html 16:07:12 Zakim, IPcaller is soeren 16:07:12 +soeren; got it 16:07:18 Zakim, who's here? 16:07:18 On the phone I see EricP, mhausenblas, juansequeda (muted), PatH, Alexandre (muted), hhalpin (muted), MacTed (muted), nunolopes (muted), Souri, Seema, soeren 16:07:21 mhausenblas has mhausenblas, cygri 16:07:22 On IRC I see soeren, Souri, Seema, nunolopes, cygri, boris, PatH, Zakim, RRSAgent, mhausenblas, juansequeda, hhalpin, MacTed, betehess, iv_an_ru, trackbot, ericP 16:07:41 mhausenblas: update? 16:07:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 16:07:47 cygri: I did quite a bit of work on section 1 16:07:59 ... the announcement was sent out over e-mail. 16:08:26 ... tried to explain how the entire thing works, then goes into detail about how Turtle is being used. 16:08:45 latest version od the document should be 1.17 16:08:49 ... and looking at the overall execution environment 16:09:02 Souri: I worked more on the examples that we have 16:09:14 ... tried to make it clearer in terms of properties 16:09:23 ... using in-line examples, from full example in appendix 16:09:31 ... so they make sense as people are reading 16:09:52 Seema: we reworded things 16:10:24 mhausenblas: it seems to address all the issues 16:11:52 cygri: what is critical obstacle for putting this out to the public? 16:12:04 mhausenblas: I'm happy to propose to put this out as first public working draft 16:12:12 Marcelo has joined #rdb2rdf 16:12:37 ... you would need concrete suggestion to text change if you disagree 16:12:45 PatH: the version I'm looking for it 16:12:49 +Marcelo 16:12:57 Zakim, unmute me 16:12:57 hhalpin should no longer be muted 16:13:11 Sorry I am late again (I am teaching until 16:00 UTC) 16:13:50 hhalpin: that is why can put the issues up 16:13:58 soeren: PatH's points in previous e-mail 16:15:15 hhalpin: the two points was the confusion over 2 uses of turtle 16:15:56 PatH: this document is the mapping, doesn't tell you. 16:16:38 Zakim, unmute me 16:16:38 MacTed should no longer be muted 16:17:11 we have put some comments regarding the mapping in: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/r2rml/#R2rmlOverview 16:18:02 Zakim, unmute me 16:18:02 juansequeda should no longer be muted 16:18:25 PatH: the Turtle defines a class of mapping, needs to tell you more about the kinds of mapping 16:18:52 ericP: would it possible for an examples in the Turtle language and generated RDF help? 16:19:16 ... would that put the reader on the mapping 16:19:24 @@ Proposed text from the call: “A row in a relational table has and a number of pairs. Such a row may be translated to RDF as follows: subject := MAP() and := , for each pair. An RDF triple is generated by combining the above as follows: .” 16:19:29 MacTed: The R2ML doc is in context of some other documentation 16:19:34 +q 16:19:45 ... in primary, the use-case document 16:19:57 ack soeren 16:20:16 soeren: how does this relate to the semantics of the mapping 16:20:29 q+ 16:20:34 ... ideally we could define the mapping between SPARQL and SQL relational algebra 16:20:51 ... I drafted this small test document 16:21:00 ... where I have a very simple definition of this mapping 16:21:02 q+ to ask if someone can define what is "semantics" here? where are not defining an algebra, only a mapping 16:21:09 q+ 16:21:15 ... but it may be difficult to align with the current mapping 16:21:16 q? 16:21:37 ack hhalpin 16:21:39 PatH: Explain to the reader what is being talked about in this document 16:22:36 +q 16:23:42 +1 to hhalpin 16:23:51 q+ to talk about setting context within the doc... each must refer to the others that are key/important to its understanding 16:23:52 +1 as well 16:23:57 Zakim, unmute Alexandre 16:23:57 Alexandre should no longer be muted 16:24:04 ack betehess 16:24:04 betehess, you wanted to ask if someone can define what is "semantics" here? where are not defining an algebra, only a mapping 16:24:32 hhalpin: the R2RML document is for database admin who are going to write the mapping language. 16:24:39 q? 16:24:42 hhalpin: let's not define too much in a single document 16:24:46 q+ 16:24:53 BetHess: there is no semantics as function from input to output 16:25:11 Marcelo: we are trying to define the syntax and semantics of the mapping 16:25:17 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/Semantics_of_R2RML 16:25:41 q? 16:25:46 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/Database-Instance-Only_and_Database-Instances-and-Schema_Mapping 16:26:12 BetHess: I don't see the goal, another document about semantics, another document about syntax 16:26:16 q? 16:26:20 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/directGraph/ 16:26:23 BetHess: I see no relation with current document 16:26:24 Marcelo: This is what we are trying to do 16:27:00 ... so we have several proposals 16:27:04 ... the right way to define semantics of mapping 16:27:21 BetHess: I see a semantics from Datalog 16:27:40 Marcelo: This is a proposal, but we haven't made a formal decision 16:27:47 q? 16:27:48 ... but it's just one alternative 16:27:52 q+ 16:28:19 Marcelo: Datalog gives us a precise semantics, and EricP... 16:28:28 Juan: Datalog is equivlaent to SPARQL, SQL, and RIF, so it's fine 16:28:51 BetHess: Only if you accept your output is URI or a blank node 16:30:44 +q 16:30:56 just for quick reference, let me put the preliminary proposed text (from Sec 2) for informally explaining the input and output for the mapping 16:31:10 ack Souri 16:31:31 @@ Proposed text from the call: “A row in a relational table has and a number of pairs. Such a row may be translated to RDF as follows: subject := MAP() and := , for each pair. An RDF triple is generated by combining the above as follows: .” 16:31:51 Souri: we proposed how to do this informally, and then we are describing with a row how to get a bunch of triples out of it. 16:31:51 Michael: I totally agree with hhalpin summary. let's define input/output on the syntax and then focus on finding the 'fitting' model/semantics 16:31:57 please, can you show me how people define mappings from one model to another one? no mention of semantics is required in the answer 16:32:12 q? 16:32:28 ack soeren 16:33:29 hhalpin, give me an example 16:33:55 q? 16:34:06 [ hhalpin: you create a model that can be proven to express everything in the two models you want to map, and then you use that first model to express the mapping language ] 16:34:06 soeren: I think we should have the R2ML be purely for implementers of the mapping languge 16:34:12 ack MacTed 16:34:12 MacTed, you wanted to talk about setting context within the doc... each must refer to the others that are key/important to its understanding 16:34:16 ... and that database admins will not read the R2ML language 16:34:49 MacTed: We can describe what you can say with this kind of langugae without actually saying it 16:35:06 betehess: Consider the schema: student(s_id, name) 16:35:06 ... this R2ML definition language, absolutely and unequivocally relies of comprehension and context of other documents 16:35:14 ... we have to either restate those documents 16:35:18 and consider instance student(1, Bob) 16:35:20 ... we have to point to the other documents. 16:35:23 q? 16:35:30 This is the mapping: Triple(s, p, y) ← student(x, y), generateTupleURI("student", x, s), generateAttributeURI("student", "name", p) 16:35:39 +1 to whoever is speaking right now. 16:35:42 This is the output: Triple(http://www.example.com/DB/student/1#, http://www.example.com/DB/student/name#, "Bob") 16:35:43 ... r2rl follows after the default mapping in a conceptual way 16:35:54 tnx 16:36:03 juansequeda, I want an example in real life, where people defined a mapping between 2 different models (HINT: it's call "compilation") 16:36:11 +1 PatH 16:36:44 betehess, I just gave you an example of mapping from relations to triples 16:36:48 hhalpin: so to clarify to BetHess, if you can show datamodel A can be expressed in datamodel C, and so can datamodel B, then you use datamodel C. Maybe Google "Abstraction Theorem" 16:37:15 MacTed: it's a related specification 16:37:19 q? 16:37:26 ... we need to make sure it says it relies on the mapping document 16:37:37 ericP: people should read the previous document first. 16:37:45 juansequeda, a triple is not a relation, here it is http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-concepts-20040210/#section-Graph-syntax 16:38:13 q? 16:38:13 betehess, I'm not saying that a triple is a relation. I just show you a way to map a relation to a triple 16:38:29 ack hhalpin 16:38:49 q+ to propose a way to use examples to move this document forwards 16:39:12 q+ to propose next steps 16:40:44 hhalpin, I don't follow you re: datamodels A B C. Please give me an example in real life. No semantics, just "how?" 16:41:07 ack cygri 16:41:57 ack Marcelo 16:42:54 hhalpin: We should test for consensus next week 16:43:05 ack ericP 16:43:05 ericP, you wanted to propose a way to use examples to move this document forwards 16:43:13 ... but eveyrone should read the document next week. 16:43:21 ... and send arguments to the list-serv. 16:43:54 [[ 16:43:55 The RDB2RDF WG is producing a mapping from relational databases to RDF graphs. 16:43:55 The mapping parameteters are controlled by another RDF graph. 16:43:56 This document describes that graph and begins to elucidate the mapping with inline examples; it does not yet define the mapping. 16:43:57 ... and then we can see what parts of direct mapping can be put into R2ML document re normative dependencies 16:43:59 ]] 16:44:02 +1 to ericP. Add more examples to R2RML document to get this out 16:44:12 Marcelo: What we are hoping is that Datalog can express it as rules 16:44:29 ack me 16:44:29 mhausenblas, you wanted to propose next steps 16:44:32 ericP: If we kept it example driven and added in the above text 16:44:34 +1 ericP 16:44:37 I would recommend to put the appendix example in the beginning as a running example 16:44:44 +1 Eric 16:45:01 q+ 16:45:27 mhausenblas: people can propose complete textual changes 16:46:09 ... but we need to make sure these very direct and valid questions can be put forward by Friday 16:46:20 ... so this would allow the editors to know if they hvae addressed the documents 16:46:43 ... then we review to see if they have all been addressed by next week. 16:46:44 ack juansequeda 16:46:52 juan: I really back up by what Eric just said 16:47:46 juan: and then we can have concrete input-output examples 16:48:02 ... moving appendix to right after Section 1. 16:48:26 q+ to say that *all* of those examples might be a bunch to front-load; propose sprinkling them in 16:48:30 q+ 16:48:35 +1 running example 16:48:40 q? 16:48:48 +1 running example, but maybe "build" it up over time. 16:48:58 ack ericP 16:48:58 ericP, you wanted to say that *all* of those examples might be a bunch to front-load; propose sprinkling them in 16:49:00 ... example up front makes much more sense 16:49:25 ericP: too much to read up front 16:49:47 q+ 16:49:53 Proposal: move the example in Appendix A to the beginning of the document so it can be treated as a running example 16:49:58 Souri: I have a question 16:49:59 as I understand it ... *basic* statement of example -- "I have this RDB table, which I want to map to this RDF ontology" -- at the beginning 16:50:01 ack Souri 16:50:07 ... we have inline in the latest example 16:50:27 then as each bit comes along in the spec, the relevant bite of what is now in App A goes there 16:50:45 App A *could* (and perhaps *should*) be kept intact where it is as a summation 16:51:05 +1 MacTed 16:51:07 +1 MacTed 16:51:35 q+ 16:51:44 mhausenblas: Can you revise Juan's proposal? 16:51:51 ... Ted? 16:51:51 q? 16:52:06 ack hhalpin 16:52:10 ack Seema 16:52:23 Seema: a first question for Juan or just the specification of the table 16:52:30 Proposal: copy *basic* statement of example from Appendix A to beginning of document; then inline relevant bite from App A with the document segment it applies to; then present complete example as Appendix A 16:52:51 ... i.e. put the tables and triples together at the beginning then each section building the mapping little by little 16:54:03 mhausenblas: are these instructions sufficient? 16:54:28 Souri: Your saying that the input to the mapping should be explained in the beginning and put right up front 16:54:45 ... then we build up each of them 16:54:52 Zakim, mute me 16:55:01 MacTed should now be muted 16:55:26 ... and at the end we give the whole specification for the example, 16:55:30 Michael: copy *basic* statement of example from Appendix A to beginning of document; then inline relevant bite from App A with the document segment it applies to; then present complete example as Appendix A and publish this as FPWD 16:55:36 ... so we put input first, and then we show how it maps from the example 16:55:43 ... and then at the end, we show the complete mapping specification. 16:55:45 PROPOSAL: copy *basic* statement of example from Appendix A to beginning of document; then inline relevant bite from App A with the document segment it applies to; then present complete example as Appendix A and publish this as FPWD 16:55:48 ... is that the proposal? 16:55:56 juan: yes, input should be first 16:56:00 Souri: sounds fine to me! 16:56:48 +1 proposal 16:57:05 mhausenblas: any objections to proposal? 16:57:06 +1 16:57:06 +1 16:57:12 +1 16:57:17 +1 16:57:29 RESOLVED: copy *basic* statement of example from Appendix A to beginning of document; then inline relevant bite from Appendix A with the document segment it applies to; then present complete example as Appendix A and publish this as FPWD 16:57:46 ACTION: Hausenblas to take care of pubrule check and init publication with W3C team contacts 16:57:46 Created ACTION-75 - Take care of pubrule check and init publication with W3C team contacts [on Michael Hausenblas - due 2010-10-26]. 16:58:46 ACTION: hhalpin to help with publication process 16:58:46 Created ACTION-76 - Help with publication process [on Harry Halpin - due 2010-10-26]. 16:58:54 hhalpin: we are OK with publishing, right? 16:58:59 Michael: 16:59:01 mhausenblas: yes, assuming that proposal is implemented 16:59:25 juan: any updates on semantics telecons? 16:59:33 ericP: Thursday 2 PM? 17:00:02 ... 2PM EST 17:00:39 -Souri 17:01:07 ericP: shortname? 17:01:12 R2ML? 17:01:30 http://www.w3.org/TR/rdb2rdf-ucr/ 17:01:36 http://www.w3.org/TR/rdb2rdf-r2rml/ 17:01:44 hhalpin: or just www.w3.org/TR/r2rml? 17:01:56 short is better IMHO 17:02:06 +1 hhalpin 17:02:20 short is better ... except that it removes the context of rdb2rdf docs 17:02:26 mhausenblas: 2 of Nov no telecon. 17:02:44 +1 to rdb2rdf-r2rml 17:03:02 [adjourned] 17:03:17 trackbot, end meeting 17:03:17 Zakim, list attendees 17:03:17 As of this point the attendees have been EricP, mhausenblas, +1.512.232.aaaa, juansequeda, PatH, cygri, Alexandre, hhalpin, MacTed, nunolopes, Souri, Seema, soeren, Marcelo 17:03:18 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:03:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/19-rdb2rdf-minutes.html trackbot 17:03:19 RRSAgent, bye 17:03:19 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2010/10/19-rdb2rdf-actions.rdf : 17:03:19 ACTION: Hausenblas to take care of pubrule check and init publication with W3C team contacts [1] 17:03:19 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/10/19-rdb2rdf-irc#T16-57-46 17:03:19 ACTION: hhalpin to help with publication process [2] 17:03:19 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/10/19-rdb2rdf-irc#T16-58-46