15:29:52 RRSAgent has joined #audio 15:29:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/10/04-audio-irc 15:30:43 Zakim has joined #audio 15:34:56 agenda+ Webkit Web Audio Spec: One node for all filters? 15:35:46 agenda+ Webkit Web Audio Spec: Replace RealTimeAnalyzer with FFTNode? 15:36:03 agenda+ Webkit Web Audio Spec: Allowing Filters/FFT on JS Arrays 15:36:30 agenda+ Status of : Did Robin Berjon follow up with WHATWG/HTMLWG? : http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-device/ 15:37:57 hi f1lt3r 15:38:10 the telecon starts in 20min, right? 15:38:24 agenda+ starting an Audio WG 15:43:16 agenda+ Status of high-resolution timers/media synchronization 15:45:06 chair: Al MacDonald 15:45:10 scribe: F1LT3R 15:47:30 joeberkovitz has joined #Audio 15:48:53 F1LT3R_tm2 has joined #audio 15:49:45 F1LT3R_ has joined #audio 15:55:57 chrislo has joined #audio 15:57:36 Is the UK bridge number working today? I'm getting "the number is not in service". 15:58:08 chris has joined #audio 15:58:13 MikeSmith, shepazu: any ideas on the UK bridge? 15:58:36 Dick has joined #audio 15:59:09 Conference code : 28346 16:00:29 Is anyone else getting a lot of noise? 16:00:34 yes 16:00:42 is it still going on? 16:00:48 just stopped 16:00:55 hmmm prehaps it was my phone 16:00:56 ok, that seems to have been me, then 16:01:17 yes there is a bit of static on the line this end 16:01:55 i hear nothing 16:03:08 did everybody get on to the call? 16:03:58 yes 16:04:04 yes 16:04:08 yes 16:04:11 yes 16:04:21 No 16:04:33 UK Bridge line is not working. 16:04:57 chrislo, we'll try and keep you up to date on irc, and i will look into the uk bridge later today 16:05:06 Thanks. 16:05:08 trackbot, start telecon 16:05:10 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:05:12 Zakim, this will be AUDIO 16:05:12 ok, trackbot, I see INC_(Audio XG)12:00PM already started 16:05:13 Meeting: Audio Incubator Group Teleconference 16:05:13 Date: 04 October 2010 16:05:25 +Shepazu 16:05:38 F1LT3R: The only update I have is that we are running a XG Audio workshop for generating use cases at the BBC on Wednesday. 16:06:57 chrislo, that's great! :) 16:07:11 Standing Wave: http://github.com/maxl0rd/standingwave3 16:07:19 F1LT3R: I'll try and make notes in the form of http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/audio/wiki/Audio_API_Use_Cases 16:07:37 chrislo, perfect 16:08:45 Zakim, move to next agendum 16:08:45 agendum 1. "Webkit Web Audio Spec: One node for all filters?" taken up [from F1LT3R] 16:10:15 rikrd: I think from the API point of view, I think filters like IIR and QUAD could be the same thing node? 16:11:52 Chris Rogers: So we could give different settings to the same node? That's possible, but one of the things that might be more difficult to implement, if you give it a 100 pole IIR filter, do you intend to change those dynamically? 16:12:38 rikrd: That's a good point. I think in most cases that would be constant. But we should discuss this on the email thread. 16:14:09 Chris Rogers: I would think for the convolver it should be unchanging, but for the biquad nodes you could change the params dynamically. Maybe there is some way we can put it into a single filter node, but we will have to consider the use cases. 16:21:10 joeberkovitz: Can you dynamically change the parameters of any node in this API? 16:22:31 Chris Rogers: I have been considering using parameter control curves that run as part of the compiled code, that are programmed in JavaScript. 16:26:07 joeberkovitz: I can tell you what we found to be useful. I think we found that the cubic spline interpolation and linear interpolation allowed us to add a good set of functionality to our application. 16:26:26 Chris Rogers: What about looping automation? 16:27:23 joeberkovitz: In our software, we allow several loop points. 16:27:43 F1LT3R_tm2 has joined #audio 16:27:43 F1LT3R has joined #audio 16:28:21 Chris Rogers: Lets talk about these things on the email list. 16:28:32 Zakim, move to next agendum 16:28:32 agendum 2. "Webkit Web Audio Spec: Replace RealTimeAnalyzer with FFTNode?" taken up [from F1LT3R] 16:32:01 Chris Rogers: It might be possible to get rid of the RealTimeAnalyzer. We could use the JavaScript processor node to do the FFT. 16:32:18 Al: What are the performance concerns with FFT in JavaScript? 16:33:20 Chris Rogers: You would definitely have problems running say, 100 FFTs in JavaScript. So perhaps we should leave the RealTimeAnalyzer in. 16:35:27 rikrd: If we are going to have a RealTimeAnalyzer we should have a basic FFTNode. 16:36:07 joeberkovitz: Do we need complex output in the frequency domain? 16:36:44 rikrd: In my work, I need it for use with things like spacial analysis. 16:37:17 Chris Rogers: We can try just doing it in JS and see if it is effecient enough, if not perhaps we can revisit this later. 16:38:31 Chris Rogers: I will do some testing and see if the graphics are as smooth as they were without processing in JavaScript. 16:38:40 Zakim, move to next agendum 16:38:40 agendum 3. "Webkit Web Audio Spec: Allowing Filters/FFT on JS Arrays" taken up [from F1LT3R] 16:39:27 rikrd: These node we have are really useful to process all kinds of signals, not just for audio. 16:39:54 Chris Rogers: What types of processing and what type of data? 16:42:16 rikrd: You use convolver nodes or fft to process data. For example: finding the energy of a cymbal. 16:45:31 Chris Rogers: I am going to have to program something like this for testing purposes and I think it will be useful in allowing you to work along the lines of your suggestions. 16:46:31 shepazu: Could you use the GPU to do some of the processing for audio? 16:47:28 Chris Rogers: The GPU tends not to be that much faster in terms of processing, and adds latency which is a major issue in audio. So I do not see much of an advantage in doing this. 16:47:53 rikrd: It is also not as parallelizable. 16:48:01 Zakim, move to next agendum 16:48:01 agendum 4. "Status of : Did Robin Berjon follow up with WHATWG/HTMLWG? : http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-device/" taken up [from F1LT3R] 16:49:04 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2010Sep/0228.html 16:51:17 shepazu: I know Robin did follow up on this, but I am not certain what the current status is right now. I do not thinkit has gone any further since our last telecon. But the expectation is that the DAP WG will be the group working on this. 16:51:29 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/ 16:51:55 http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/api-perms/ 16:53:07 http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/device/ 16:54:15 Chris Rogers: It would be nice if there was a standard for this, but we can still put this in the API for future considerations. 16:54:39 shepazu: I will do some more research on where this is, and find out if progress is still being made with . 16:56:15 Zakim, move to next agendum 16:56:15 agendum 5. "starting an Audio WG" taken up [from shepazu] 16:59:57 shepazu: The incubator group should be focused more on audio in the web, and it is more appropriate to be working on the API within the working group. I am proposing that this group should draw up a charter for a Working Group and get it launched. 17:01:41 shepazu: Is there any decent on the idea of drawing up a charter and launching a Working Group? 17:06:50 Room: *long pause* (no decent registered) 17:08:14 Resolution: this group will draw up a charter to start a new Audio Working Group. 17:08:41 -Shepazu 17:08:42 Zakim, move to next agenda 17:08:42 agendum 6. "Status of high-resolution timers/media synchronization" taken up [from F1LT3R] 17:08:53 - +1.206.819.aadd 17:10:18 Chris Rogers: we can pull in which ever high resolution timers the OS provides. What is more important is fleshing out how the API would integrate with this. 17:10:36 - +1.510.334.aacc 17:11:26 - +1.978.314.aaee 17:11:28 - +1.617.584.aaff 17:11:29 -??P2 17:11:31 INC_(Audio XG)12:00PM has ended 17:11:32 Attendees were +1.978.314.aaaa, +1.617.584.aabb, +1.510.334.aacc, +1.206.819.aadd, +1.978.314.aaee, +1.617.584.aaff, Shepazu 17:12:14 RRSAgent, stop log 17:12:14 I'm logging. I don't understand 'stop log', F1LT3R. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:12:19 RRSAgent, stop logging 17:12:19 I'm logging. I don't understand 'stop logging', F1LT3R. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:12:30 RRSAgent, stop