14:53:23 RRSAgent has joined #prov-xg 14:53:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/09/03-prov-xg-irc 14:53:25 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:53:25 Zakim has joined #prov-xg 14:53:27 Zakim, this will be 98765 14:53:27 ok, trackbot; I see INC_PROVXG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes 14:53:28 Meeting: Provenance Incubator Group Teleconference 14:53:28 Date: 03 September 2010 14:53:41 Zakim, this will be inc_provxg 14:53:41 ok, Luc, I see INC_PROVXG()11:00AM already started 14:54:26 +??P9 14:54:28 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-prov/2010Sep/0000.html 14:54:33 pgroth has joined #prov-xg 14:54:37 chair: Yolanda Gil 14:54:45 Scribe: Luc Moreau 14:54:51 ScribeNick: Luc 14:54:57 rrsagent, make logs public 14:55:06 zakim, who is here? 14:55:06 On the phone I see [ISI], ??P9 14:55:07 On IRC I see pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, YolandaGil, trackbot 14:56:08 + +44.238.059.aaaa 14:56:40 +44.238.059.aaaa is Luc 14:56:55 zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is Luc 14:56:55 +Luc; got it 14:57:10 zakim, who is here? 14:57:10 On the phone I see [ISI], ??P9, Luc 14:57:11 On IRC I see pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, YolandaGil, trackbot 14:57:28 zakim, ??P9 is pgroth 14:57:28 +pgroth; got it 14:58:44 smiles has joined #prov-xg 14:58:52 SamCoppens has joined #prov-xg 14:59:04 +??P1 14:59:13 zakim, ??P1 is me 14:59:16 +smiles; got it 14:59:32 + +1.619.524.aabb 15:01:29 zakim, who is here? 15:01:29 On the phone I see [ISI], pgroth, Luc, smiles, +1.619.524.aabb 15:01:31 On IRC I see SamCoppens, smiles, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, YolandaGil, trackbot 15:01:37 +Irini 15:01:39 Paolo has joined #prov-xg 15:01:49 jun has joined #prov-xg 15:01:55 +??P5 15:01:56 zakim, agenda? 15:01:57 I see nothing on the agenda 15:02:02 zakim, ??P5 is jun 15:02:02 +jun; got it 15:02:27 + +1.706.461.aacc 15:02:29 +??P12 15:02:33 DGarijo has joined #prov-xg 15:02:41 +??P13 15:02:53 zakim, ??P13 is paolo 15:02:53 +paolo; got it 15:03:02 Irini has joined #prov-xg 15:03:14 Jose_ has joined #prov-xg 15:03:19 +??P17 15:03:21 JimM has joined #prov-xg 15:03:36 + + 15:03:52 +[IPcaller] 15:04:14 jcheney has joined #prov-xg 15:04:15 -??P12 15:04:22 zakim, who is here? 15:04:22 On the phone I see [ISI], pgroth, Luc, smiles, +1.619.524.aabb, Irini, jun, +1.706.461.aacc, paolo (muted), ??P17, +, [IPcaller] 15:04:25 On IRC I see jcheney, JimM, Jose_, Irini, DGarijo, jun, Paolo, SamCoppens, smiles, pgroth, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, YolandaGil, trackbot 15:04:25 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 15:04:25 +DGarijo; got it 15:04:39 +??P12 15:05:07 1. Review what we have accomplished so far 15:05:27 2. Wish list of what we would like to do as a group 15:05:37 3. Options for the remainder of xg live 15:05:50 4. Who does what? 15:06:08 +??P25 15:06:18 zakim, ??25 is me 15:06:18 sorry, jcheney, I do not recognize a party named '??25' 15:06:25 zakim, ??P25 is me 15:06:25 +jcheney; got it 15:06:30 4. ... and what options they would prefer 15:06:34 -??P12 15:07:42 44 people in the group, and still growing! 15:08:11 Thanks to some very strong contributors! 15:08:45 +1! 15:08:56 +??P26 15:08:59 Not a good representation from industry, except a few exceptions. Need to keep this in mind. 15:09:23 We collected use cases for provenance, identified dimensions for provenance. 15:09:39 Lead to user and technical requirements. 15:10:08 Requirement document released a while back. 15:10:23 Contribution to "RDF next steps" 15:11:08 Mapping on provenance vocabularies 15:11:43 s/on/of/ 15:12:09 Indexed provenance literature on Mendeley 15:12:22 zakim, [??p26] is me 15:12:22 sorry, SamCoppens, I do not recognize a party named '[??p26]' 15:12:46 Three scenarios were elaborated, and gaps identified 15:12:54 zakim, [??P26] is me 15:12:54 sorry, SamCoppens, I do not recognize a party named '[??P26]' 15:13:09 zakim, ??P26 is me 15:13:09 +SamCoppens; got it 15:13:32 State of the art report drafted, and to be completed in coming fortnight 15:14:30 We starting to have a good shared understanding of provenance. 15:15:11 Wish list of things to be done: 15:16:07 yolanda: leave bibliography collection in a good state, and linked to state of the art report 15:16:29 +q 15:16:36 yolanda: nice diagrams for news aggregator. Could we have similar diagrams for the other scenarios? 15:17:13 yolanda: write a roadmap report, including a set of recommendations 15:17:49 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 15:17:52 yolanda: think about role of provenance in the web architecture 15:18:12 yolanda: in report, include provenance vocabulary mapping 15:18:46 - +1.619.524.aabb 15:18:56 we used powerpoint 15:19:28 +q 15:19:44 ack smiles 15:19:45 q- 15:20:28 Paolo_ has joined #prov-xg 15:20:42 jcheney: describing provenance information for static things vs dynamic things 15:20:46 q+ 15:21:00 jcheney: what is the length of the final report? 15:21:31 jcheney: if we want something to happen, a short document may be the most effective 15:21:34 q- 15:23:01 yolanda: let's try to keep it short and sweet! 15:23:34 yolanda: 3 major sections: requirements, state of the art, roadmap 15:23:39 q+ 15:24:16 paolo: have a set of slides with the report 15:24:25 +1 15:24:40 also would be nice to have it look good :-) nice pictures 15:25:03 +1 15:25:22 ack Paolo_ 15:25:22 ack 15:25:40 luc: definition of provenance? 15:26:04 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/What_Is_Provenance 15:26:22 +q 15:26:32 ack Luc 15:27:14 DGarijo: prototype example on how to do the mapping 15:27:41 yolanda: is it in the remit of this group? 15:27:42 q+ 15:28:21 ack DGarijo 15:28:21 -q 15:28:31 re implementing the mappings: could this be a recommendation for the final report, rather than something we do (it may take more than a month) 15:29:06 +1 15:29:37 agree 15:30:04 -q 15:30:28 +q 15:30:49 yolanda: get more traction from other w3c groups, especially if we recommend further activities 15:31:06 q+ 15:31:18 paul: try to get endorsement from other groups, when we have recommendations drafted 15:31:48 q+ 15:31:55 yolanda: what should come first?, outreach or recommendations? 15:32:25 q- 15:32:36 yolanda: use outreach to refine initial set of recommendations 15:32:37 ack Paolo_ 15:33:07 ack 15:35:48 ack Jose_ 15:35:53 yolanda: we will compete against other w3c undertakings, e.g. next versions of http, rdf, etc. Finite resources are w3c. Need for community support, coherence, and leadership. 15:37:41 next item: 3. Next options at this point 15:38:05 4 possibilities to be discussed 15:38:56 1. we finalize by Sep 21st. This may imply we don't complete some activities. 15:40:20 2. In principle agreement by w3c to extend the current charter by 2-3 months if we wish 15:40:52 For the wishlist record: might be interesting to consider the establishment of a provenance technology observatory bound to the group. Would need to see how this can be done. 15:41:22 3. Wrap up what we have at this point, and write a charter for a follow-on group. 15:42:14 This would be a follow-on incubator. 15:42:31 4. Recommend the creation of a working group. 15:42:49 Options 1 to 4 are not mutually exclusive. 15:44:42 Next item in agenda, what do people prefer? what can they contribute? 15:44:55 q+ 15:46:31 ack jun 15:47:27 Daniel: volunteers to do more work! preference for option 2 and decide in that time what to do next 15:47:57 irini: option 2, clean up what we have, and think about next activity 15:48:24 james: option 2, and figure out what we do next 15:50:35 james: there are more aspects related to provenance that may need to be taken into account later, e.g. provenance in rdf, though not ready for standardization yet 15:53:14 JimM: would like a future activity to standardize on a core of provenance. We should think about what this core is. 15:54:06 jose: understand how our recommendations can have an impact on w3c 15:56:40 Jun: happy with option 2 and put work into the documents 15:56:57 Luc: option 2, and prepare for option 4 during this period 15:58:21 Paolo: option 2 + also reachout. Option 4 shoud focus on a core to be realistic, need someone to lead. 15:58:51 Paolo: funding to support that follow-on activity? 15:59:16 @Paolo: in UK: maybe reach out to Web Science trust for support? http://webscience.org/home.html 16:00:08 Paolo: use the provenance workshop at ISWC to report on group activities 16:01:56 SWPM10 wokshop link: http://wiki.knoesis.org/index.php/SWPM-2010 16:01:56 Paul: doesn't mind small extension (e.g. option 2) 16:02:46 @James (and Luc and Jun...) -- yes. maybe we can brainstorm separately on funding options for this? 16:03:04 paul: if we have agreement on a data model, it would be worthwile to have a precise, focused charter for standardizing a data model (short duration, 1 year) 16:03:44 sam: would be good to agree on a core 16:05:43 @Paolo(and James and Luc): it sounds a good idea 16:05:50 Simon: support for option 2 + need for a working group to standardize 16:06:40 Satya: option 2, use extension time to think about WG charter. Volunteers time to new activities 16:07:37 Yolanda: seems there is support for option 2, and do a proper job at putting forward recommendations 16:07:55 november 16:08:02 Action yolanda extend lifetime of incubator 16:08:02 Could not create new action (unparseable data in server response: No child element named 'id') - please contact sysreq with the details of what happened. 16:08:37 End of november: december too hectic month 16:09:11 I must go in a few minutes, can someone finish minutes, and close down robot? 16:09:13 +q 16:10:09 +1 for december, I have to leave now 16:10:25 I am leaving now, sorry. 16:10:28 +1 for james 16:10:39 - +1.706.461.aacc 16:10:40 -Luc 16:11:27 +q 16:12:22 -q 16:12:59 q- 16:15:21 -pgroth 16:15:23 -Irini 16:15:24 -[ISI] 16:15:25 -paolo 16:15:26 -??P17 16:15:26 -jcheney 16:15:27 -jun 16:15:27 -DGarijo 16:15:28 -smiles 16:15:30 - + 16:16:05 -SamCoppens 16:16:06 INC_PROVXG()11:00AM has ended 16:16:08 Attendees were [ISI], Luc, pgroth, smiles, +1.619.524.aabb, Irini, jun, +1.706.461.aacc, paolo, +, DGarijo, jcheney, SamCoppens 16:19:17 rrsagent, set log public 16:19:23 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:19:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/09/03-prov-xg-minutes.html YolandaGil 16:20:00 We agreed that we should extend the group's life until mid-December 16:20:19 We should start thinking about what recommendations to make, let's discuss that at next week's telecon 16:20:46 trackbot, end telcon 16:20:46 Zakim, list attendees 16:20:46 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 16:20:47 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:20:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/09/03-prov-xg-minutes.html trackbot 16:20:48 RRSAgent, bye 16:20:48 I see no action items