15:03:28 RRSAgent has joined #swxg 15:03:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc 15:03:30 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:03:30 Zakim has joined #swxg 15:03:32 Zakim, this will be 7994 15:03:32 ok, trackbot; I see INC_SWXG()11:00AM scheduled to start 3 minutes ago 15:03:33 Meeting: Social Web Incubator Group Teleconference 15:03:33 Date: 11 August 2010 15:03:34 mib_t9jm0i has joined #swxg 15:03:58 Zakim, who's here? 15:03:58 INC_SWXG()11:00AM has not yet started, MacTed 15:04:00 On IRC I see mib_t9jm0i, Zakim, RRSAgent, mischat, caribou, FabGandon, melvster, MacTed, tlr, tinkster, karl, trackbot 15:04:03 Zakim, this is 7994 15:04:03 ok, MacTed; that matches INC_SWXG()11:00AM 15:04:07 Zakim, who's here? 15:04:07 On the phone I see DKA, OpenLink_Software, Garlik 15:04:13 On IRC I see mib_t9jm0i, Zakim, RRSAgent, mischat, caribou, FabGandon, melvster, MacTed, tlr, tinkster, karl, trackbot 15:04:17 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 15:04:21 +MacTed; got it 15:04:32 Zakim, Garlik is temporarily me 15:04:33 +mischat; got it 15:04:54 the power of the bots is ours! 15:05:06 Zakim, mute me 15:05:06 MacTed should now be muted 15:05:09 did people from (1 - UK) have problems trying to getting into the call ? 15:05:18 Zakim, mute me 15:05:18 mischat should now be muted 15:06:03 DKA has joined #swxg 15:06:20 Hi everyone aamonnz stands for Alexandre Monnin. I've got a problem accessing the conference on the phone - with the conf code) but chatting is all right. 15:06:23 uk i cant get past the conf code ... will try US 15:06:35 melvster: i talked to "admin assistance" and it worked 15:07:20 +bblfish 15:07:25 hhalpin has joined #swxg 15:07:50 +??P18 15:07:58 zakim, ??P18 is me 15:07:58 +melvster; got it 15:08:04 Someone deactivated my wireless repeater. Now I'm back in business. 15:09:17 hhalpin we need you! 15:10:06 bblfish1 has joined #swxg 15:10:25 +[IPcaller] 15:10:26 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-socialweb/2010Aug/0017.html 15:10:34 Agenda for today. 15:10:43 http://www.w3.org/mid/AANLkTi=0Cx=V8eOLMhgzdVbufK4CP4XQaN7_YZjJyQ6Q@mail.gmail.com 15:10:45 we can hear you very faintly 15:11:17 that's better 15:11:30 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:11:30 On the phone I see DKA, MacTed (muted), mischat (muted), bblfish, melvster, [IPcaller] 15:11:40 Zakim, [IPcaller] is hhalpin 15:11:40 +hhalpin; got it 15:11:48 zakim, mute me 15:11:48 DKA should now be muted 15:11:51 chair: hhalpin 15:11:54 you're still very low volume 15:11:57 fabien was having problems with the bridge 15:12:02 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:12:02 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose hhalpin 15:12:05 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:12:06 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose hhalpin 15:12:09 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:12:09 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose hhalpin 15:12:13 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:12:13 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose hhalpin 15:12:14 zakim, unmute me 15:12:14 DKA should no longer be muted 15:12:21 scribe: DKA 15:12:24 Scribe: Dan 15:12:25 ScribeNick: DKA 15:12:34 topic: Final Report 15:12:52 s/updated/update/ 15:13:02 the UK number works, but you need to talk to the operator 15:13:43 Last week's minutes: http://www.w3.org/2010/08/04-swxg-minutes.html 15:13:47 including actions... 15:13:53 ?q re: Final Report 15:14:06 +[Sophia] 15:14:27 Zakim, [Sophia] is me 15:14:27 +FabGandon; got it 15:14:35 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/FinalReport#Appendix:_A:_Social_Web_Use_Cases 15:14:44 + + 15:15:05 got it too 15:15:12 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/RequirementsAndUseCases-WorkArea 15:16:46 Zakim, + is mib_t9jm0i 15:16:46 +mib_t9jm0i; got it 15:18:35 +Carine 15:18:40 ACTION: [DONE] Appelquist to integrate the use cases into an appendix. 15:18:40 Sorry, couldn't find user - [DONE] 15:19:08 -Carine 15:19:19 +Carine 15:19:27 ACTION: DKA to shorten too long use-cases and see if he can reference in SWAT test cases. 15:19:27 Created ACTION-154 - Shorten too long use-cases and see if he can reference in SWAT test cases. [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2010-08-18]. 15:19:33 hhalpin: i have one 15:19:54 here's mine 15:19:55 -Carine 15:19:58 http://openetherpad.org/GMVcbGExv3 15:20:04 DKA: ^^ 15:20:05 GNU social has been one of the success stories of 2010. Following on from the GNU FM project, most famously powering Libre.fm, there was felt a need to separate out the social features into a self contained unit, codenamed GNU social. The project picked up pace when it received an endorsement from Richard Stallman, of the Free Software Foundation, and become an official piece of GNU software. 15:20:10 Diverse discussion formed a part of an extensive design phase including input from Free Software exponents, well known industry figures and linked data experts such as Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Brickley. 15:20:11 hhalpin: ^^ 15:20:16 The core project was given a lift when a contributor to status.net (powering identi.ca and others) announced they would donate their code to the project and the FSF. The first concrete implementation of GNU social 0.1 (codename Ritter) is up and running based on the status.net codebase, and features distributed users, groups and microblogs. 15:20:21 Satellite projects spawned from the discussions include, the Diaspora project, a P2P Gnu social Protocol, planned integration with the Elgg platform (with working prototype at lorea.cc). This momentum looks set to continue into 2011 as more developers come on board, and more features are added. 15:20:25 ends. 15:20:36 onesocialweb 15:20:46 elgg 15:20:50 xmpp vs http problem i guess 15:20:53 higgins ? 15:20:55 + +1.617.324.aabb 15:21:00 Ostatus 15:21:08 no 15:21:08 yup hhalpin 15:21:13 there are a few on the foaf list 15:21:20 s/yup hhalpin/no hhalpin/ 15:21:26 Zakim, unmute me 15:21:26 MacTed should no longer be muted 15:21:32 there is also Clerezza that is webid enabled 15:21:50 opengraphprotocol has lots of interop 15:22:40 ACTION: [CLOSE] melvin to write a blurb for the report on gnu social 15:22:40 Sorry, couldn't find user - [CLOSE] 15:22:49 ACTION [DONE]: melvin to write a blurb for the report on gnu social 15:22:49 Sorry, couldn't find user - [DONE] 15:22:57 ACTION: [DONE] melvin to write a blurb for the report on gnu social 15:22:57 Sorry, couldn't find user - [DONE] 15:23:05 henry: on the webid mailing list, we have a number of implementations of webid that we need to get some interop going on... 15:23:13 yes bblfish1 15:23:36 rreck has joined #SWXG 15:23:39 harry: we need someone who's familiar with the code bases to write up the current state of play - so we can talk about 3-5 of them in the report. 15:23:45 I am working on Clerezza 15:24:21 harry: we're looking at the full range of social web use cases; licencing; is there a developer community; etc... 15:24:47 +1 ODS 15:25:10 MacTed: should also include Open Link Data Services... 15:25:11 ACTION: MacTed to write up a paragraph on OpenLink Dataspaces for final report 15:25:11 Sorry, couldn't find user - MacTed 15:25:23 tthibodeau 15:25:28 ACTION: tthibodeau to write up a paragraph on OpenLink Dataspaces for final report 15:25:29 Created ACTION-155 - Write up a paragraph on OpenLink Dataspaces for final report [on Ted Thibodeau - due 2010-08-18]. 15:25:49 google buzz? im not sure 15:25:53 ACTION: DKA for diaspora to talk about being included in final report. 15:25:53 Created ACTION-156 - For diaspora to talk about being included in final report. [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2010-08-18]. 15:26:04 DKA - not sure what you mean by "Open Link Data Services" 15:26:10 ACTION: hhalpin to ping Chris Messina over Google Buzz to talk about being included in final report. 15:26:10 Created ACTION-157 - Ping Chris Messina over Google Buzz to talk about being included in final report. [on Harry Halpin - due 2010-08-18]. 15:26:32 Zakim, unmute me 15:26:32 mischat should no longer be muted 15:26:57 I need to do the webid piece. It is taking a lot of my time 15:26:57 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/InvitedGuestSummaries 15:27:16 Mischat: on the invited guest summaries - there are lots of things missing, not documented. 15:27:21 note that I only really did a high-level overview, haven't moved into technologies. 15:27:36 ... some of the key things: we don't talk about XRDS, the widgets, provenance... 15:27:45 ... these should be mentioned in the final report. 15:27:57 harry: we do need sections on each of these technologies. 15:27:58 I agree completely! 15:28:11 s/Open Link Data Services/OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS)/ 15:28:17 (figured it out!) 15:28:21 +1 mischa 15:28:28 Mischat: I've gone through the emails and minutes and I've got a list and I will paste into the final report. 15:29:05 ACTION: mischa to put stubs in for technologies discussed into final report... 15:29:05 Created ACTION-158 - Put stubs in for technologies discussed into final report... [on Mischa Tuffield - due 2010-08-18]. 15:29:09 that happened 15:29:17 mischat: dick hardt on OpenID - did that happen? 15:29:25 harry: yes - should be in the minutes. 15:29:43 mischat: business metrics and practices... 15:29:50 ... what should we be talking about here? 15:30:19 Zakim, mute me 15:30:19 mischat should now be muted 15:30:21 DKA: I think Christine was going to produce something here - we should wait until we have her on the call. 15:30:39 webid http://bblfish.net/tmp/2010/08/09/index-respec.html 15:30:57 ACTION: Henry to do a para on foaf+ssl and webid 15:30:57 Created ACTION-159 - Do a para on foaf+ssl and webid [on Henry Story - due 2010-08-18]. 15:31:12 hhalpin: 15:31:13 we are today 15:31:16 :) 15:31:33 topic: tagging standards Fabien Gandon (INRIA) and possibly Alexandre Monnin (Sorbonne) 15:31:41 henry: in our use cases we have discussion of tagging and we haven't had much discussion of tagging. 15:32:00 TagCommons 15:32:06 ... would like to give the floor to fabian and Alexandre to present their work and take questions... 15:32:09 http://tagcommons.org/ 15:32:35 MOAT ontology too ? 15:33:13 http://www.holygoat.co.uk/projects/tags/ 15:33:19 Alexandre: We've been working on an extensive TAG ontology - at least now 10 ontologies... Many projects but nothing from w3c... 15:33:45 ... on w3c there is a small intro to tagging contrasting it to RDF ... 15:33:47 Common Tag: http://www.commontag.org/Specification 15:33:59 harry: we should talk voice 15:34:02 ... we have tried to create semantic tagging to address this gap ... 15:34:10 zakim, who is making noise ? 15:34:21 mischat, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: MacTed (51%), mib_t9jm0i (26%), FabGandon (74%) 15:35:14 Fabien: In addition to wanting to introduce the predicate, we wanted to take advantage of an extension to RDF: named graphs: to record the tag and to record the ACT of tagging, who did the tagging, when, [in what context]. So there are two levels : what is the tag itself and can we capture the context of the tagging? 15:35:24 FabGandon has joined #swxg 15:35:43 harry: can you give a quick example? 15:35:57 Zakim, mute me 15:35:57 MacTed should now be muted 15:36:30 +1 working code 15:37:12 http://www.slideshare.net/fabien_gandon/nice-tag-ontology-modeling-tags-as-rdf-named-graphs 15:37:17 harry: its up to you friend 15:37:35 got it 15:37:51 Alexandre: [presents slides - starting at slide 12] 15:38:08 s/Alexandre/Fabien/ 15:38:20 NiceTag: http://ns.inria.fr/nicetag/2009/09/25/voc.html 15:38:26 +rreck 15:38:31 zakim, mute me 15:38:31 rreck should now be muted 15:40:11 NiceTag: document http://spin.nicta.org.au/SNI2009/SNI2009/Program_files/nicetag-full.pdf 15:40:25 ?q 15:40:28 +q 15:40:41 DKA: Is there an example of where this is being used in a social context? 15:42:07 Fabien: in EasySeal [?] we try to match tags used with taxomonies already used in the enterprise. 15:42:24 bblfish has joined #swxg 15:42:28 Alexandre: I'm using NiceTAG to help annotate videos, media fragments, in a social and collaborative context. 15:42:45 harry: could you compare nicetag to commontag? 15:43:22 Alexandre: we had the opportunity to learn from commontag... 15:43:53 s/EasySeal/ISCIL http://isicil.inria.fr 15:44:25 ... in nicetag we've taken into account the commontag model ... we are "aligned" with commontag. You can add a URI to a label to disambiguate it. 15:44:57 harry: So nicetag is built on top of RDF - bound tightly to RDF. What's your feeling on APIs? 15:45:21 Zakim, who is making noise ? 15:45:32 mischat, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: mib_t9jm0i (9%), FabGandon (82%) 15:46:30 Fabien: in the easyseal model, it doesn't introduce new ontological primitives. We re-use the primitives out there. We can mix these models and take the best depending on what we are interacting with. 15:47:18 ?q 15:47:25 q+ 15:47:30 ack mischat 15:47:31 ack mis 15:47:49 s/easyseal/isicil 15:48:10 mischat: what would be nice is if you could join up the same tag used on different sites. do you have a view on that? 15:48:54 mischat: e.g. tagging a flickr photo with "london" and tagging a facebook photo with "london"... 15:49:54 Alexandre: depending on the social software producing the tag, some will just produce the label, some will produce a label and a disambiguation triple. The tag in this case has a more complex structure. 15:50:16 ... if one of them is using a more complex tag then you will have to have a mapping declared. 15:50:46 mappings where the label is not the same but the thing is the same seems like a bigger issue burma=myanmar 15:50:48 ... we're not trying to solve all the mapping problems ... but if you have all these models we can make them co-exist. 15:51:44 mischat: SKOS allows you to represent taxonomies - how does tag cloud relate? 15:51:46 cperey has joined #swxg 15:52:00 +cperey 15:52:35 q- 15:52:42 -q 15:53:48 zakim, mute me 15:53:48 mischat should now be muted 15:53:56 ok 15:57:46 q+ 16:02:53 -DKA 16:03:36 wow 16:03:55 yes, so that is an issue that I talked about here: http://blogs.sun.com/bblfish/entry/it_s_all_about_context 16:04:14 it's called lifting 16:04:33 and so my issue is that ontologies are not at the level of lifting :-) 16:05:39 thanks for the presentation 16:05:42 hehe ok hhalpin 16:06:00 ontologies are ways to break up the world, to help merging info — ie: bringing it into one context. 16:06:53 -MacTed 16:06:54 Meeting adjourned 16:06:55 -bblfish 16:06:58 ok thanks all 16:06:59 -caribou 16:07:02 ok bye bye all 16:07:02 -melvster 16:07:04 FabGandon has left #swxg 16:07:06 -mischat 16:07:07 thank you 16:07:11 -cperey 16:07:13 -FabGandon 16:07:15 ACTION: Alexandre to write up paragraph on tagging and send to hhalpin 16:07:15 -mib_t9jm0i 16:07:16 Created ACTION-160 - Write up paragraph on tagging and send to hhalpin [on Alexandre Passant - due 2010-08-18]. 16:07:25 trackbot, end meeting 16:07:25 Zakim, list attendees 16:07:25 As of this point the attendees have been DKA, MacTed, mischat, bblfish, melvster, hhalpin, FabGandon, mib_t9jm0i, Carine, +1.617.324.aabb, caribou, rreck, cperey 16:07:26 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:07:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-minutes.html trackbot 16:07:27 RRSAgent, bye 16:07:27 I see 11 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-actions.rdf : 16:07:27 ACTION: [DONE] Appelquist to integrate the use cases into an appendix. [1] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-18-40 16:07:27 ACTION: DKA to shorten too long use-cases and see if he can reference in SWAT test cases. [2] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-19-27 16:07:27 ACTION: [CLOSE] melvin to write a blurb for the report on gnu social [3] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-22-40 16:07:27 ACTION: [DONE] melvin to write a blurb for the report on gnu social [4] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-22-57 16:07:27 ACTION: MacTed to write up a paragraph on OpenLink Dataspaces for final report [5] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-25-11 16:07:27 ACTION: tthibodeau to write up a paragraph on OpenLink Dataspaces for final report [6] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-25-28 16:07:27 ACTION: DKA for diaspora to talk about being included in final report. [7] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-25-53 16:07:27 ACTION: hhalpin to ping Chris Messina over Google Buzz to talk about being included in final report. [8] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-26-10 16:07:27 ACTION: mischa to put stubs in for technologies discussed into final report... [9] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-29-05 16:07:27 ACTION: Henry to do a para on foaf+ssl and webid [10] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T15-30-57 16:07:27 ACTION: Alexandre to write up paragraph on tagging and send to hhalpin [11] 16:07:27 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-swxg-irc#T16-07-15 16:07:31 -rreck 16:08:04 hhalpin: the action for "alexandre" got assigned to apassant