See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 15 July 2010
<patrickhlauke> is the bridge connection fixed, or do we have alternative yet?
<Greg> The new dial-in number for the UK is +44.203.318.0479 (London)
<scribe> scribe: Allanj
discussion of times, tenatively schedule time for Aug 2 & 3,
scribe: work out details next week
kf: all set realistic date for due dates. Kelly to send out list on Monday
discussion of form
WCAG 2.0 Test Suite
UAAG 1.0 Test Suite
Patrick - Opera, Kelly - IE,
HTML 4.01 Test Suite
Microsoft IE Test Center -
kf: if you support MSAA or IAccessible2 or any other accessibility platform architecture then to provide role, state, value, name, and description
ARIA test examples -
discussion of SC 3.1.1 -
pl: would say no browser supports this
gl: could write a user style sheet to put text in the page to indicate presence of alternative content
kf: do we think this is a level A SC.
gl: could turn on globally.
kf: in IE could turn off images, then alt is revealed.
gl: idea is for alternative content. turn off images, IE shows alt, page has 100 images, could navigate to every image to see which have long desc. or the UA could have a feature that would display some icon, or list those images with long desc.
<Greg> A use case for 3.1.1 would be a user turns off images and views a Web page with a hundred images, three of which have longdesc. The browser shows the alt text for all the images, and because of the user's preference settings also annotates those three to indicate they have longdesc available. The user can then navigate to those specific images and issue a command to open their corresponding...
<Greg> ...longdesc pages, rather than having to test every one of the hundred images in case they might have longdesc.
kf: what do we mean here. How
does IE get a yes for 3.1.1?
... have an object tag, it lets you specify internal content if
object is not displayed. if it is displayed does the UA need to
indicate that alternative content exits.
gl: reads from the implementation document.
sh: are we including extensions or plain vanilla UA
gl: yes. need to add another column, supported natively or with an extension (must name extension in notes)
<Greg> Possible values are Yes (natively), Yes (with available extensions or style sheets), Potentially (extensions or style sheets can be created to do this), or No.
gl: should say explicitly what we don't want.
<Greg> Specifically probably don't need to identify fallback content such as the content of an object tag, since 99% of the time that's just "You need to install the such-and-so player".
pl: 3.1.1 is related to 3.1.2-5
ja: lots of use cases for having a list of alternative content is important.
kf: proposes a survey for UA
... or we just fill out spreadsheet.
pl: these questions are useful. note questions...what exactly does this mean? discuss on next call
gl: before implementations, must have explicit test cases.
kf: have to decide what exactly we mean.
gl: both, together
... try review GL 3 across browsers, note questions,
misunderstandings, extensions. send to list
<Greg> Patrick pointed out another value: N/A (not applicable, e.g. voice output requirements are not applicable to a user agent that does not self-voice)
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Allanj Inferring ScribeNick: AllanJ Default Present: AllanJ, kford, Greg, +44.797.663.aaaa, patrickhlauke, sharper Present: AllanJ kford Greg +44.797.663.aaaa patrickhlauke sharper Regrets: Jeanne Kim Found Date: 15 Jul 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]