14:59:44 RRSAgent has joined #swxg 14:59:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/06/23-swxg-irc 14:59:46 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:59:46 Zakim has joined #swxg 14:59:48 Zakim, this will be 7994 14:59:48 ok, trackbot; I see INC_SWXG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 14:59:49 Meeting: Social Web Incubator Group Teleconference 14:59:49 Date: 23 June 2010 15:00:15 hello all 15:00:30 tpa has joined #swxg 15:00:31 zakim, who is here? 15:00:31 INC_SWXG()11:00AM has not yet started, DKA 15:00:33 On IRC I see tpa, Zakim, RRSAgent, hhalpin, DKA, cperey, tlr, melvster1, MacTed, tinkster1, trackbot, karl, tinkster 15:00:40 Zakim, this is 7994 15:00:40 ok, MacTed; that matches INC_SWXG()11:00AM 15:00:46 Zakim, who's here? 15:00:46 On the phone I see DKA, +1.781.273.aaaa 15:00:48 On IRC I see tpa, Zakim, RRSAgent, hhalpin, DKA, cperey, tlr, melvster1, MacTed, tinkster1, trackbot, karl, tinkster 15:01:03 Zakim, aaaa is OpenLink_Software 15:01:03 +OpenLink_Software; got it 15:01:03 zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 15:01:04 +MacTed; got it 15:01:06 Zakim, mute me 15:01:06 MacTed should now be muted 15:01:53 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/weekly-agenda.html 15:01:57 petef has joined #SWXG 15:02:00 +[IPcaller] 15:02:07 Zakim, [IPcaller] is hhalpin 15:02:07 +hhalpin; got it 15:02:15 Zakim, who's here? 15:02:16 On the phone I see DKA, MacTed (muted), hhalpin 15:02:18 On IRC I see petef, tpa, Zakim, RRSAgent, hhalpin, DKA, cperey, tlr, melvster1, MacTed, tinkster1, trackbot, karl, tinkster 15:02:19 + +1.617.879.aabb 15:02:31 + +1.617.848.aacc 15:02:38 chair: hhalpin 15:02:50 Zakim, pick a scribe? 15:02:50 I don't understand your question, hhalpin. 15:02:53 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:02:53 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose +1.617.879.aabb 15:02:55 paul has joined #swxg 15:02:58 zakim, aacc is me 15:02:58 +cperey; got it 15:03:16 zakim, what is the code? 15:03:16 the conference code is 7994 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), DKA 15:03:30 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:03:30 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose +1.617.879.aabb 15:03:37 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:03:37 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose MacTed (muted) 15:03:49 I'm not getting the 7994 conference code recognised dialling in to the UK no. 15:03:51 zakim, unmute me 15:03:51 MacTed should no longer be muted 15:03:53 Any ideas? 15:04:47 Chair: Harry 15:04:54 topic: Convene SWXG WG meeting of 2010-06-16T15:00-17:00GMT 15:04:59 scribenick: MacTed 15:05:05 scribe: MacTed 15:05:08 +??P24 15:05:13 PROPOSED: to approve minutes from June 16th meeting. 15:05:14 Zakim, ??P24 is me 15:05:14 +tpa; got it 15:05:17 Zakim, mute me 15:05:17 tpa should now be muted 15:05:18 +1 15:05:40 RESOVLED: approved minutes from June 16th meeting 15:06:04 s/RESOVLED/RESOLVED/ 15:06:09 PROPOSED: Meet again June 30th - topic: final report 15:06:12 +1 15:06:14 +1 15:06:30 RESOLVED: meeting again June 30th 15:06:34 topic: final report update 15:06:37 Also - sorry but I will have to leave the call today at 16:45 UK time - unavoidable I'm afraid. 15:06:39 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:06:39 On the phone I see DKA, MacTed, hhalpin, +1.617.879.aabb, cperey, tpa (muted) 15:06:45 and paul 15:07:07 ACTION: DKA to write introduction. 15:07:07 Created ACTION-144 - Write introduction. [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2010-06-30]. 15:07:15 Zakim, paul is aabb 15:07:15 sorry, hhalpin, I do not recognize a party named 'paul' 15:07:22 Zakim, aabb is paul 15:07:22 +paul; got it 15:07:36 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/FinalReportElementsDiscussion 15:07:45 agreed! good goal! 15:07:56 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/Intro-fodder 15:08:06 ACTION [CONTINUES]: DKA to write introduction 15:08:06 Sorry, couldn't find user - [CONTINUES] 15:08:07 Could somebody remind me what the US no. is for the conf call? 15:08:17 [CONTINUES] ACTION: DKA to write introduction 15:08:19 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/Business-considerations-section-draft 15:08:25 zakim, what is the code? 15:08:25 the conference code is 7994 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), DKA 15:08:33 Ta 15:08:42 [CONTINUES] ACTION: PeterF to make picture of landscape. 15:08:52 Peter - do you have experience making sort of graphics? 15:08:56 struggling to enter the pass code 15:09:44 +[IPcaller] 15:09:45 [CONTINUES] ACTION: tpa to work on a summary extract of the Social Web current use-cases for part 3 on wiki pages 15:09:55 zakim, [IPcaller} is me 15:09:55 sorry, petef, I do not recognize a party named '[IPcaller}' 15:10:04 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 15:10:04 +petef; got it 15:10:06 :-) 15:10:19 +[IPcaller] 15:10:25 Zakim, unmute me 15:10:25 tpa should no longer be muted 15:10:36 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 15:10:36 +melvster1; got it 15:10:55 hhalpin I'm certainly no graphic designer, but 'sort of graphics' maybe. 15:11:15 wonders if we can recruit Fabien Gandon for some graphics, he did a great job with some earlier W3C work 15:11:20 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/RequirementsAndUseCases-WorkArea 15:11:42 tpa: editing use cases as linked; keeping the bulk of what's there 15:12:00 Zakim, mute me 15:12:00 tpa should now be muted 15:12:01 hi sorry mic isnt working 15:12:06 can type here ... 15:12:11 hhalpin I certainly wouldn't take offence if Fabien was able to help 15:12:16 OWF sent out a query about licences and projects ... 15:12:20 [CONTINUES] ACTION: hhalpin and melvster to write State of the Social Web in 2010 15:12:22 Zakim, mute me 15:12:22 MacTed should now be muted 15:12:38 work on etherpad in progress ... http://openetherpad.org/Ea4YsoZGeU 15:13:58 adding link to etherpad to wiki 15:15:18 ???: backchannel conversation about melding some W3C and OpenWeb Foundation work 15:15:25 melvster - if you can, add link to etherpad to http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/FinalReportElementsDiscussion 15:15:32 s/???/DKA 15:15:32 + +1.510.931.aadd 15:16:33 bblfish has joined #swxg 15:17:42 hi 15:19:34 They are separable 15:19:41 yes, different groups 15:20:03 woo hoo!! 15:21:00 hhalpin - yeah, this is what I meant... I'm really not good at extracting salience (and dictation is worse) 15:21:10 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:21:10 On the phone I see DKA, MacTed (muted), hhalpin, paul, cperey, tpa (muted), petef, melvster1, +1.510.931.aadd 15:21:42 scribenick: hhalpin 15:21:54 bblfish: FOAF+SSL is a misnomer 15:22:00 ... FOAF is just one nice ontology 15:22:53 ... we have shown it can tie itself to OpenID and different ID systems 15:23:02 what about browser support for certificates? 15:23:18 bblfish: Apple your not allowed to tell 15:23:23 iOS4 is fully released now; we can report whether something works or not 15:23:26 ... not sure re mobile phones 15:23:44 ... bug report on chrome and bug report on firefox to fix certificate management 15:24:11 ... they should be able to change certificate and connection 15:24:46 paul: lot of work to do to make user experience on login 15:25:01 ... even if you stay in domain of browsers 15:25:14 ... people don't want certificate management, password selection, infocard selection at once 15:25:23 ... each of these technologies have different user experience 15:25:31 ... when I look at this way 15:25:41 ... one wants a standard multi-protocol website discovery document 15:26:07 ... with a significant work in Kantara 15:26:08 This discussion, to me, reinforces the idea that we need to recommend 2 separate efforts / WGs: (1) Social Web Data Model and (2) Social Web Identity 15:26:27 ... enhancing discovery so a human with a browser can have a significant user experience 15:27:02 ... in kantara group, we have focussed on this user-experience 15:27:26 bblfish: I think we are agreeing 15:27:30 paul: absolute agreement 15:27:50 ... I believe there will be multi-protocol identification 15:28:05 bblfish: there is a bug in SSL protocol, not sure when your certificate is being sent 15:28:07 mischat has joined #swxg 15:28:10 ... a real bug that needs to be fixed 15:28:18 ... that can be tied into user experience 15:30:56 DKA: lets go further than co-ordination group 15:31:08 ... there isn't a mechanism for OWF 15:31:14 ... other than a license 15:31:18 the bug report for chromium http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=29784 15:31:49 ... hammer out a liason agreement with OWF to participate in joint effort with a chartered W3C WG 15:32:00 ... like WHATWG with HTML5. 15:32:35 ... and that group would look at overall integration 15:32:55 ... a real valuable service 15:33:27 http://www.w3.org/QA/2010/06/best_place_new_standards.html 15:33:49 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vision-newstd/ 15:34:50 More things like HTML5 more open work, taking work that's already widely implemented - stuff like ActivityStreams and then basically fast-tracking or endorsing 15:35:58 upper-end of the standardization stack, there's also a lot with talk of ISO 15:37:24 chairs.. understanding what the SWXG will recommend to W3C and getting agreement on that is important, however, the politics are not as important (to me at least). I'd like to have this meeting come back to the process of preparing the final report of the SWXG 15:38:02 paul: big players are looking at the IP policies and are concerned 15:38:04 David Rudin (OWF) offered to help 15:38:31 so what would be needed for WebId standaradisation is: 15:38:31 Stage 1: core spec of WebID (foaf+ssl) 15:38:31 - review of ontology 15:38:31  - security/IETF review in detail with TLS people, and recommendation to IETF TLS group perhaps. 15:38:31 Stage 2: additional protocols tie in: 15:38:32 - tie ins with OpenId, o(x)auth, liberty etc. 15:38:34  - other issues 15:38:36 I think Stage 1, can be done as a sole project 15:38:47 gap analysis [GREAT!] politics... 15:38:49 ACTION: DKA to draft bullet points straw-man for gap analysis 15:38:49 Created ACTION-145 - Draft bullet points straw-man for gap analysis [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2010-06-30]. 15:39:20 the gap analysis is obviously quite important and a bit under-developed, but as soon as DKA is done we'll move on the rest of the final report 15:40:27 paul who? sorry 15:40:36 ah yes 15:40:37 ok 15:40:46 paul: next week in Ukraine, will work online 15:41:18 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/Business-considerations-section-draft 15:41:25 cperey: here it is 15:41:29 ... I welcome feedback 15:41:40 ... you can also get me a PDF 15:41:53 ... big economic incentive with the status quo 15:42:02 ... a case will have to be made 15:42:12 ... that new standards have to take into economic environment 15:42:16 ... we need better incentives 15:42:44 ... next step is micropayments 15:42:55 ... if we don't have a proper new business model 15:43:14 payswarm / openmarketplace is quite active 15:43:19 -DKA 15:43:39 ... then they will pay attention to new work 15:43:45 ... they don't have a preference to technology use 15:43:49 ... not my role for technology use 15:44:06 ... a standard approach for micropayments that covers web and mobile user is inevitable 15:44:19 -petef 15:44:20 ... but we can go beyond proprietary solutions, payswarm is an open source strategy 15:44:20 I have to leave too, apologies. Hhalpin I'll catch up with you tomorrow or Friday. 15:44:26 micropayments are really important indeed 15:45:42 ... the existence of a micropayment system 15:45:52 ReputationDefender comes to mind 15:46:19 cperey: so abstracting identity management from networks, transportable across networks. 15:47:22 paul: in identity space the micropayments are not discussed too much 15:47:34 ... business is mostly around trust/privacy frameworks for personal data 15:47:38 +1 trust frameworks 15:47:41 ... WEF is starting a whole program here 15:47:48 ... personal data ecosystems 15:47:49 but someone will need to pay for the personal data ecosystem 15:47:59 and probably that will be the user 15:48:06 ... conversations with Berkman Center, Sandy Pentland's "New Deal for Data" 15:48:19 ... need to established to handle business/privacy aspects in dealing with data 15:48:37 ... most of conversations have been around trust/policy frameworks 15:48:48 I think those frameworks will go only slowly if there are no economic incentives 15:48:53 I would like to make sure that the Framework contributions is included in final report or pointed to from the final report http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/SocialWebFrameworks2 15:48:56 ... auditing, clients 15:49:03 perhaps problem is that people are finding the need to sell data and flout pricacy requirements because there is no other ways to get money? 15:49:55 agreed bblfish 15:50:18 Status quo preservation is a business imperative 15:50:24 +1 15:50:44 ( it would be fun to do some brain storming on how to do micropayments with WebID ). 15:50:51 sorry to miss that last meeting 15:51:28 it's also mired in legal problems 15:51:43 very, very tied up with national economic entities 15:51:47 very old 15:51:51 w3c work on micropayments 15:51:52 http://www.w3.org/ECommerce/Micropayments/ 15:52:11 would SSL be enough? 15:52:16 that's what I've heard as well. But there can be security/authorization service providers 15:52:27 paul: general feeling is that the level of assurance is too low with OpenID 15:52:37 http://www.w3.org/ECommerce/Micropayments/ 15:52:58 that's why guaranteed identity service providers/management layer is crucial 15:53:00 paul: the problem is assuring you think your dealing with who you are dealing with, who's been phished 15:53:07 not sure bblfish 15:53:07 yes, but you don't know that either with credit cards? 15:53:12 :) 15:53:18 and is it really important for micropayments? 15:53:53 paul: usa govt requires openID for zero-level, infocards for higher-levels 15:54:20 yes 15:54:28 but mic isnt working ... 15:54:36 +1 15:54:48 but my section is only 2 pages! 15:54:49 sure 15:54:57 credit cards work because there's a parallel network (3d secure, etc.) with a business rules, (effectively a trust framework) behind it 15:55:04 yes, I would like that. I think that Tim has a good draft 15:55:24 sure. Or to make sure that we are on track for first draft of other sections 15:55:41 FIRST draft by next week 15:56:00 seems ok :) 15:56:22 tpa - anyone interesting in giving a good review? 15:56:30 +1 15:56:32 ACTION: paul to review cperey's first draft of business section 15:56:32 Created ACTION-146 - Review cperey's first draft of business section [on Paul Trevithick - due 2010-06-30]. 15:57:11 Yep! 15:57:17 good to hear! 15:57:21 apologies that I won't be on next weeks call 15:57:22 trackbot, end meeting 15:57:22 Zakim, list attendees 15:57:22 As of this point the attendees have been DKA, +1.781.273.aaaa, MacTed, hhalpin, +1.617.879.aabb, +1.617.848.aacc, cperey, tpa, paul, petef, melvster1, +1.510.931.aadd 15:57:23 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:57:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/23-swxg-minutes.html trackbot 15:57:24 RRSAgent, bye 15:57:24 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2010/06/23-swxg-actions.rdf : 15:57:24 ACTION: DKA to write introduction. [1] 15:57:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/06/23-swxg-irc#T15-07-07 15:57:24 ACTION: DKA to draft bullet points straw-man for gap analysis [2] 15:57:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/06/23-swxg-irc#T15-38-49 15:57:24 ACTION: paul to review cperey's first draft of business section [3] 15:57:24 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/06/23-swxg-irc#T15-56-32 15:57:30 paul, can you contact me? 15:57:32 thanks harry! 15:57:34 bye 15:57:36 thanks! 15:57:37 -paul 15:57:38 -melvster1