20 Jun 2010

See also: IRC log


Juan_Sequeda, Dan_Miranker, Souri_Das, Ashok_Malhotra, Richard_Cyganiak
Ashok Malhotra


<ericP> apologies, i sent my regrets to public-rdb2rdf-wg@gmail.com !

<ericP> i have no idea how my mua elected to default to that domain

Admin Minutes Telephone Telcon on Tuesday? SemTech Panel What is an Ontology? SQL-based approach RDF-based approach Direct mapping Reverse mapping? How to make standard a success

<scribe> AGENDA:

Admin Minutes Telephone Telcon on Tuesday?

SemTech Panel

What is an Ontology?

SQL-based approach

RDF-based approach

Direct mapping

scribe: reverse mapping?
... schema question

How to make standard a success?

SemTech Panel

<juansequeda> What is the usecase for RDB2RDF?

<juansequeda> What are practical experiences?

<juansequeda> What are potential different approaches?

<juansequeda> Why a standard?

<juansequeda> How long is this going to take?

The above are questiine we discussed on the last telcon

<sdas2> Why should I go for it? What are the benefits? Is if feasible? How much effort will it involve on the user side?

Souri: What is it that you cannot do with SQL that you can do with SPARQL?
... integration on data is important ... RDF has no structure
... inference becomes possible
... can create domain ontology with domain knowledge

Ashok: Even a few rules, a liitle inference makes the data very useful

Richard: I can add a view that makes the inference pssible

Dan: What is the source of the semantics?

Juan: Can be a means to an end ... just dreate the RDF

Richard: Three reasons
... Data integration
... Inferencing
... Making data avaialible on the web'
... I can speak about practical experiences with D2RQ

Juan: Triplify has some experience ... e.g. RDF view on OpenStreet map

Souri: Maybe Orri can mention about HCLS

Ashok: Potentially different approaches ...
... SQL approach, D2RQ, ...
... Virtusose RDF views

Souri: People will want to ask about limitations, performance

Ashok: Why a standard?
... Why do we need a standard?

Souri: Data can be fragmented ...
... people will use different databases

Richard: D2RQ works with diferent databases
... Need support tools
... people will write tools around the standard
... ... standard creates a ecosystem

Ashok: How long will it take --- I think between 18 months and 2 years

Souri: How much effort on user's side?

Ashok: There will be tools to help the user

Souri: They will have to buy tools and set them up etc.

Richard: How does this make integration easier than just integrating the data

Souri: database integration is a very hard problem
... we give you a useful approach which helps

Dan: Database integration helps you set the ground for inference
... need metadata

BREAK for 10 minutes

What is an Ontology?

<juansequeda> Slides: http://juansequeda.com/rdb2rdf/Ontologies.pdf

Richard: No ontology case and putative ontology cases are very similar just that there is more information about the URIs that name the classes and properties

Souri: User needs ontology to help write the query

Richard shows demo that shows bits of the RDF graph and help writes the query

Dan: RDF people are comfortable about not being explicit about the metadata

Juan: We already have a glossary, but we all need to be conceptually on the same page.
... we need to explicit about terms and agree

Richard: Be explicit about design space

SQL-based approach

Souri: I will send out the foils to the list
... somewhat modified version of out presentation

Dan: Referential constraints capture domain semantics

Richard: Ontology brings in its own constraints

Souri: we need to speficy Class(Classname, SQLdefString)

Richard: Can I have 2 statements with same classname
... yes, then we will need a union
... Could I have no class?
... You have an OWL had on ... I have RDF hat
... in RDF I can have a node without a type

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/06/20 19:33:20 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/stricture/structure/
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No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: Ashok
Inferring Scribes: Ashok
Present: Juan_Sequeda Dan_Miranker Souri_Das Ashok_Malhotra Richard_Cyganiak
Got date from IRC log name: 20 Jun 2010
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2010/06/20-rdb2rdf-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]