16:17:29 RRSAgent has joined #rdb2rdf 16:17:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/06/20-rdb2rdf-irc 16:17:43 zakim, this is rdb2rdf 16:17:53 sorry, Ashok, I do not see a conference named 'rdb2rdf' in progress or scheduled at this time 16:19:19 sdas2 has joined #rdb2rdf 16:40:59 present: Juan_Sequeda, Dan_Miranker, Souri_Das, Ashok_Malhotra, Richard_Cyganiak 16:43:11 zakim, code? 16:43:11 sorry, Ashok, I don't know what conference this is 16:51:03 Zakim, space for 10 for 8 hours? 16:51:03 I don't understand your question, ericP. 16:51:20 Zakim, space for 10 for 720 minutes? 16:51:22 ok, ericP; conference Team_(rdb2rdf)16:51Z scheduled with code 26631 (CONF1) for 720 minutes until 0451Z 16:56:01 apologies, i sent my regrets to public-rdb2rdf-wg@gmail.com ! 16:56:29 i have no idea how my mua elected to default to that domain 17:09:03 Admin Minutes Telephone Telcon on Tuesday? SemTech Panel What is an Ontology? SQL-based approach RDF-based approach Direct mapping Reverse mapping? How to make standard a success 17:09:18 AGENDA: 17:09:31 Admin Minutes Telephone Telcon on Tuesday? 17:09:43 SemTech Panel 17:09:54 What is an Ontology? 17:10:05 SQL-based approach 17:10:17 RDF-based approach 17:10:31 Direct mapping 17:10:50 ... reverse mapping? 17:11:06 .. schema question 17:11:18 How to make standard a success? 17:11:41 Topic: SemTech Panel 17:11:54 What is the usecase for RDB2RDF? 17:12:04 What are practical experiences? 17:12:12 What are potential different approaches? 17:12:16 Why a standard? 17:12:21 How long is this going to take? 17:13:05 The above are questiine we discussed on the last telcon 17:13:53 Why should I go for it? What are the benefits? Is if feasible? How much effort will it involve on the user side? 17:17:12 Souri: What is it that you cannot do with SQL that you can do with SPARQL? 17:17:38 ... integration on data is important ... RDF has no stricture 17:17:50 ... inference becomes possible 17:18:44 ... can create domain ontology with domain knowledge 17:20:48 Ashok: Even a few rules, a liitle inference makes the data very useful 17:21:30 Richard: I can add a view that makes the inference pssible 17:21:51 Dan: What is the source of the semantics? 17:26:31 Juan: Can be a means to an end ... just dreate the RDF 17:28:00 Richard: Three reasons 17:28:10 ... Data integration 17:28:19 ... Inferencing 17:28:46 ... Making data avaialible on the web' 17:31:04 Richard: I can speak about practical experiences with D2RQ 17:32:09 Juan: Triplify has some experience ... e.g. RDF view on OpenStreet map 17:32:16 s/stricture/structure/ 17:34:22 Souri: Maybe Orri can mention about HCLS 17:35:11 Ashok: Potentially different approaches ... 17:35:28 ... SQL approach, D2RQ, ... 17:35:45 ... Virtusose RDF views 17:36:41 Souri: People will want to ask about limitations, performance 17:36:46 Ashok: My a standard? 17:36:56 s/My/Why/ 17:38:15 Ashok: Why do we need a standard? 17:39:05 Souri: Data can be fragmented ... 17:39:49 ... people will use different databases 17:40:38 ... Richard: D2RQ works with diferent databases 17:40:49 s/...// 17:41:14 Richard: Need support tools 17:43:15 ... people will write tools around the standard 17:43:46 ... ... standard creas a ecosystem 17:43:54 s/creas/creates/ 17:44:46 Ashok: How long will it take --- I think between 18 months and 2 years 17:46:06 Souri: How much effort on user's side? 17:46:28 Ashok: There will be tools to help the user 17:47:20 Souri: They will have to buy tools and set them up etc. 17:49:22 Richard: How does this make integration easier than just integrating the data 17:50:34 Souri: database integration is a very hard problem 17:52:05 ... we give you a useful approach which helps 17:52:33 Dan: Datbase integration helps you set the ground for inference 17:52:45 s/Datbase/Database/ 17:54:02 ... need metadata 17:55:22 BREAK for 10 minutes 17:59:54 juansequeda_ has joined #RDB2RDF 18:16:15 Topic: What is an Ontology? 18:16:44 Slides: http://juansequeda.com/rdb2rdf/Ontologies.pdf 18:17:43 Richard: No ontology case and putative ontology cases are very similar just that there is more information about the URIs that name the classes and properties 18:21:32 Souri: User needs ontology to help write the query 18:22:04 Richard shows demo that shows bits of the RDF graph and help writes the query 18:23:10 Dan: RDF people are comfortable about not being explicit about the metadata 18:25:13 Juan: We already have a glossary, but we all need to be conceptually on the same page. 18:25:31 ... we need to explicit about terms and agree 18:25:42 Ricard: Be explicit about design space 18:26:01 s/Ricard/Richard/ 18:26:41 Topic: SQL-based approach 18:27:13 Souri: I will send out the foils to the list 18:32:01 ... somewhat modified version of out presentation 18:42:05 Dan: Referential constraints capture domain semnatics 18:42:16 s/semnatics/semantics/ 18:42:45 Richard: Ontology brings in its own constraints 18:53:11 Zakim has left #rdb2rdf 18:54:43 Zakim has joined #rdb2rdf 19:03:04 Souri: we need to speficy Class(Classname, SQLdefString) 19:03:27 Richard: Can I have 2 statements with same classname 19:03:36 ... yes, then we will need a usinion 19:03:49 s/usinion/union/ 19:04:08 Ricard: Could I have no class? 19:04:28 s/Ricard/Richard/ 19:05:05 Richard: You have an OWL had on ... I have RDF hat 19:05:22 ... in RDF I can have a node without a type 19:31:35 Meeting: RDB2RDF f2f 19:31:45 Chair: Ashok Malhotra 19:33:02 rrsagent, make logs public 19:33:14 rrsagent, make minutes 19:33:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/20-rdb2rdf-minutes.html Ashok 19:34:43 rrsagent, pointer 19:34:43 See http://www.w3.org/2010/06/20-rdb2rdf-irc#T19-34-43 19:52:05 regrets: EricP 19:55:33 Souri: Thre types of statements in the mapping language: Class, Property, Constraint 20:00:20 Souri: Discussed subtypes 20:01:27 s/Discussed/Discusses/ 21:35:30 RESUMING after lunch 21:36:49 nunolopes has joined #RDB2RDF 21:38:56 ACTION: to rcygania2 document issues on the SQL-based approach 21:38:56 Sorry, couldn't find user - to 21:40:27 ACTION Document issues on the SQL-based approach on rcygania2 due July 10 21:40:27 Sorry, couldn't find user - Document 21:41:57 ACTION: rcygania2 to document issues on the SQL-based approach due July 8 21:41:58 Created ACTION-66 - Document issues on the SQL-based approach due July 8 [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2010-06-27]. 21:44:17 ACTION: sdas2 to write first draft of SQL-based approach due July 22 21:44:18 Created ACTION-67 - Write first draft of SQL-based approach due July 22 [on Souripriya Das - due 2010-06-27]. 21:45:48 ACTION: jsequeda to write note on Ways to Leverage Ontologies due July 8 21:45:48 Created ACTION-68 - Write note on Ways to Leverage Ontologies due July 8 [on Juan Sequeda - due 2010-06-27]. 21:46:24 Topic: RDF-based approach 21:47:39 cygri: I will show examples from code that Eric wrote 21:48:23 ... this is from a scalar file that Eric sent around 21:48:55 ... uses SPARQL construct quireies from a direct mapping to a domain ontology 21:50:11 ... each prefix corersponds to a table 21:54:21 ... maps a column to a triple value 21:59:37 Souri: The SPARQL query is written against the direct mapping subgraph 22:01:09 ... two steps 22:02:59 ... storing this definition and using it to translate the SPARQL query 22:03:58 cygri: Uses SPARQL 1.o so cannot do value translation 22:05:31 Zakim has left #rdb2rdf 22:08:55 cygri: I don't accept that SQL translate is hard to do 22:13:45 Dan: This is for folks who are fluent in SPARQL rathar than SQL 22:14:45 Cygri: 2 downsides, one is the 2 levels of translation. The other is that we need SPARQL 1.1 expressivity 22:15:01 ... advantage is that what you get out is very explicit 22:25:55 cygri:m Perhaps look at an example from SQL-based approach and see how it looks in SQL approach 22:26:18 s/cygri:m/cygri/ 22:26:58 Souri: Perhaps annotate SQL with what the SPARQL looks like 22:35:47 Ashok: The primary key and foriegn key constructs are not expressed 22:38:10 ... can you translate the sql-based example to the rdf-based example automatically 22:39:58 cygri: Should be possible if SQL part is a simple table ... if it is more complex it is not clear 22:47:01 Ashok: To net it out, the RDF-based approach is easier for the RDF/SPARQL expert but ... 22:47:04 1. requires SPARQL 1.1 for expressivity 22:47:18 2. needs two lecels of translation 22:47:45 s/lecels/levels/ 22:48:29 ... question about generating the RDF graph from the SQL-based approach 22:55:53 MacTed has joined #RDB2RDF 22:57:45 Topic: Direct Mapping 22:57:58 Work with Marcelo 22:59:02 http://juansequeda.com/rdb2rdf/DirectMapping.pdf 23:04:40 cygri has joined #rdb2rdf 23:35:40 Datalog rules to map from SQL schema to ontology and RDF 23:36:01 some database rules sucg as check constraints cannot be expressed 23:36:38 Cygri: Need much less than this for the default mapping in RDF-based approach 23:51:37 - Base table vs. view 23:51:37 Cygri: What can be customized: 23:51:44 - Class name 23:51:51 - Property name 23:52:40 - URI or literal or blank node 23:52:40 - datatype 23:52:40 - langauge tag 23:54:24 c/langauge/language/ 23:59:09 Topic: Reverse default mapping