19:53:49 RRSAgent has joined #ssn 19:53:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/06/16-ssn-irc 19:53:58 rrsagent, bookmark 19:53:58 See http://www.w3.org/2010/06/16-ssn-irc#T19-53-58 19:54:10 zakim, this will be inc_ssn 19:54:10 ok, laurent_lefort_cs; I see INC_SSN()4:00PM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 19:54:20 Meeting: SSN XG 19:54:31 Chair: Laurent 19:54:56 david has joined #ssn 19:55:18 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-ssn/2010Jun/0015.html 19:55:32 INC_SSN()4:00PM has now started 19:55:39 + +1.206.662.aaaa 19:55:55 zakim, +1.206.662.aaaa is me 19:55:55 +david; got it 19:56:27 Previous: http://www.w3.org/2010/06/08-ssn-minutes.html 19:57:27 Regrets: Luis, Krzysztof 19:58:56 Arthur has joined #ssn 19:59:52 Messages from Ted Guild (W3C): The France and UK Zakim bridge numbers + and 19:59:52 +44.117.370.6152 are reported to not accept tone dialing to enter the conference codes. 19:59:52 ... We apologize for the inconvenience while the above services are unavailable. 19:59:52 ... The US Zakim bridge number +1.617.761.6200 remains fully operational. 20:00:22 ... (dated Monday 14 Juned) 20:00:30 +[IPcaller] 20:00:46 +??P3 20:00:58 zakim, [IPCaller] is me 20:00:58 +laurent_lefort_cs; got it 20:00:58 michael has joined #ssn 20:01:53 +[IPcaller] 20:02:06 -laurent_lefort_cs 20:02:11 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:02:11 +michael; got it 20:02:26 +[IPcaller] 20:03:53 krp has joined #ssn 20:04:16 krp has left #ssn 20:04:55 cory has joined #ssn 20:06:52 +ssahoo2 20:07:31 krp has joined #ssn 20:07:33 zakim, ssahoo2 is me 20:07:33 +cory; got it 20:08:58 Topic: review of previous meeting minutes and comments 20:11:00 kerry has joined #ssn 20:11:22 Sorry, having trouble getting on 20:12:37 i can scribe 20:12:45 +kerry 20:13:20 scribenick: david 20:13:29 Topic: Status of ACTION-30 Define the final place where the XG ontology will be delivered 20:13:29 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/track/actions/30 20:16:18 Laurent: Note on namespace - Requesting a location from W3C where the ontology can physically be located. See notes in aforementioned link. 20:16:26 +1 20:16:28 +1 20:16:31 +1 20:16:36 +1 20:17:56 Laurent: Using ontology for : 1) importing into tools (e.g. Protege); 2) for use in linked data 20:19:09 Keep watching progress of this action through http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/track/actions/30 20:20:49 Topic: Definition of examples for the XG deliverable 20:21:02 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/track/issues/8 20:23:16 Laurent commenting on the example slide 4 20:24:39 Laurent: discussion of slide 3 & 4 of Semantically-enabled Standard Development (ref. http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/images/7/7e/Semantically-enabled_Standard_Development-27May.pdf) regarding comparison on two sensors with differences in performances for specific conditions 20:26:44 Laurent: referring to slide 5, where more information would be beneficial for Severe Thunderstorm event and why semantic markup would be beneficial 20:26:50 +q 20:27:08 +q 20:27:12 Laurent: Is this use case beneficial? do we need others? which? 20:27:38 cory: Do we have O&M documents that have these recordings? 20:27:46 Laurent: no. 20:28:30 cory: sensor discovery is the current working example 20:28:32 ack cory 20:29:48 ack kerry 20:31:26 Kerry: is the modeling of the event out of scope? 20:32:43 Laurent: How can we balance development ontology with validation against real world use cases? 20:36:36 +q 20:37:04 discussion of modeling the event vs. formalization in the ontology (e.g. hail, rainfall - these are already imported so are not an issue) 20:38:28 Sorry, not on call: can't get past the welcome message. Thought it was my phone (new contract) but have tried others and I'm having the same issue. 20:38:47 I know this -- ring the us number!!! 20:38:58 ack laurent 20:39:11 us number: +1.617.761.6200 20:39:28 ah, I'm at home.. the US number would be... expensive... 20:39:44 talk to us on irc then? 20:39:47 +q 20:40:05 Yeah, just looking through the scrollback 20:40:57 Laurent: described a nasty weather event - hail, freezing rain (which breaks power lines) 20:41:29 +q 20:41:47 cory: has O&M data that can be used 20:43:24 michael: do we know what sensors were used in the BOM (see page 5 of the slides)? ...will we have accuracy, etc 20:44:28 michael: Is there a real world example with the data available for an event? does not necessarily need to be an extreme event. 20:44:59 laurent: this case was picked due to performance of sensor 20:45:34 ack michael 20:45:36 michael: proposes finding an example event with real data, real sensor 20:45:38 ack kerry 20:47:10 kerry: ??can't hear 20:47:19 Kerry: talking about examples related to CSIRO project: Phenonet (Agriculture Meteo) and Hydro 20:49:36 cory: re: using O&M data, have name, location, time of use (no accuracy, etc) 20:49:58 Laurent: more sensor info may be available 20:50:42 What do you need from the examples? (is it different sensor behaviour based on conditions?) 20:51:06 We need examples which uses different parts of the ontology for the 1st deliverable 20:51:40 ... and examples where we have the data and the info for the sensor (to illustrate the added value of the semantic markup) 20:52:13 Laurent: Actions to continue this? Who should talk to who? 20:53:04 Which parts of the ontology are lacking coverage? (personally I'm not using much sensor device descriptions, mostly observations, but I can ask others) 20:54:48 cory: using O&M data, and sensors used don't have info on range of measurement, accuracy, battery life, etc 20:54:49 But "overly simple" is also a valid example! 20:55:50 michael: should examples should be showing coverage of the ontology or to show how to use it? 20:55:55 Yes: to show how to use the ontology 20:56:25 Laurent: What do we need to show how to use it? 20:56:48 +q 20:57:03 michael: capability of sensor related to some external condition, relating observations to that 20:57:48 Micahel: citing the list of sub-parts of the ontology http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Semantic_Sensor_Net_Ontology 20:59:32 ack cory 20:59:49 Laurent: survivability, mobility may need additional work after the other areas are covered 21:02:05 cory: need to decide what concepts in ontology to show examples - could add to device discovery use case 21:04:05 Action: Laurent to sum up this discussion and call for contributions of examples especially on topics which are not well covered yet 21:04:05 Created ACTION-31 - Sum up this discussion and call for contributions of examples especially on topics which are not well covered yet [on Laurent Lefort - due 2010-06-23]. 21:08:09 kerry: is there a known issue with the UK bridge? (not sure if the call is winding up) 21:08:20 yes 21:08:25 and call is still going now 21:09:11 Laurent: deciding to first work separately on the ontology and markup examples and then identify the gaps 21:09:26 Topic: Semantic Markup Deliverable status 21:10:13 the draft report is a good place to do this! 21:10:19 cory: organized the draft report for the ontology deliverable - separated motivating use cases from the examples. 21:10:39 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/The_Report_in_Progress#Markup_and_Annotation 21:10:56 cory: aggregated examples and placed them in the above link 21:11:44 cory: will use the SWE standards 21:12:04 laurent: cory, do you need any assistance? 21:12:37 ...my sound just dropped out... 21:12:40 Laurent -- need to close off... 21:12:51 cory: motivation section might need additional work (e.g. motivating use cases) 21:13:13 cory: providing examples and annotating examples remain 21:13:32 laurent: focus on examples 21:13:42 Topic: AOB 21:14:02 thank you & bye from me! 21:14:04 is there anywhere to track progress on the UK bridge issue? (couldn't find anything on w3c site) 21:14:06 bye 21:14:08 bye 21:14:09 -michael 21:14:19 krp -- dont recall info on that... 21:14:19 bye 21:14:32 there was just an email 21:14:49 I can't now -- but I'll try to dig it up later today and fwd to the list 21:14:50 -cory 21:14:51 next week will be ok... it'll be an afternoon call so I'll be on campus 21:15:00 -david 21:15:08 -kerry 21:15:15 -kerry 21:15:18 -Arthur 21:15:56 yes 21:16:02 though need to get away, it's late! 21:16:48 Okay, we'll catch up the next time I'll do my best to complete what appears on the IRC. Thanks 21:17:28 ok, thanks. 21:20:19 disconnecting the lone participant, laurent_lefort_cs, in INC_SSN()4:00PM 21:20:23 INC_SSN()4:00PM has ended 21:20:25 Attendees were david, laurent_lefort_cs, michael, Arthur, cory, kerry 21:22:58 Action: Laurent to get updated information on the status of the European Zakim bridge from W3C 21:22:58 Created ACTION-32 - Get updated information on the status of the European Zakim bridge from W3C [on Laurent Lefort - due 2010-06-23]. 21:24:34 s/14 Juned/14 June/ 21:25:05 rrsagent, please draft minutes 21:25:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/16-ssn-minutes.html laurent_lefort_cs 21:29:54 rrsagent, please generate minutes 21:29:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/16-ssn-minutes.html laurent_lefort_cs 21:30:43 rrsagent, make log public 21:30:51 rrsagent, please generate minutes 21:30:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/16-ssn-minutes.html laurent_lefort_cs 23:12:08 Zakim has left #ssn