13:57:49 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 13:57:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/05/18-aapi-irc 13:57:59 rrsagent, make logs public 13:58:09 rrsagent, make log world 13:58:27 Meeting: AAPI 13:58:44 Chair: Cynthia 14:04:33 +Michael_Cooper 14:07:56 +??P36 14:08:16 zakim, ??P36 is Cynthia_Shelly 14:08:16 +Cynthia_Shelly; got it 14:08:17 cyns has joined #aapi 14:17:13 Looking at DOM Level 3 Events wrt bug 7024 14:17:49 cyns has joined #aapi 14:18:02 Start with HTML 4 legacy events. 14:18:18 Load,Unload, Error apply to body, so should apply to application and document roles 14:18:33 abort only applies to object, so no aria roles 14:20:59 select event applies to inputs and textareas, happens when text is selected 14:21:18 should apply to textbox, combobox, and gridcell 14:22:35 roles that decend from input and allow typing. maybe tree? 14:23:30 not tree, as there isn't selectabel typed text in trees 14:27:53 change event applies to Listbox, menu, checkbox, combobox, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio,radio, radiogroup, slider, spinbutton. 14:28:14 submit only applies to html forms,no aria equivalent 14:28:26 cyns has joined #aapi 14:28:40 reset is the same as submit, no equiv aria 14:29:43 resize applies to all htmlelements, so aria has no effect 14:30:39 scroll is like resize 14:32:05 focus and blur apply to anything with tabindex. That is HTML, not ARIA 14:33:55 will ask David for further input on DOM level 3 in email 14:34:56 merge tables 2 and 3, and have columns for supported roles and event mappings to API events 14:43:04 -Michael_Cooper 14:43:06 -Andi_Snow-Weaver 14:43:07 WAI_PFWG(AAPI)10:00AM has ended 14:43:08 Attendees were Andi_Snow-Weaver, Michael_Cooper, Cynthia_Shelly 15:26:58 rrsagent, make minutes 15:26:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/05/18-aapi-minutes.html Andi 16:32:56 Zakim has left #aapi 16:46:06 Andi has left #aapi