16:00:57 RRSAgent has joined #rdb2rdf 16:00:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-rdb2rdf-irc 16:00:59 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:00:59 Zakim has joined #rdb2rdf 16:01:00 soeren has joined #RDB2RDF 16:01:01 Zakim, this will be 7322733 16:01:01 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start now 16:01:02 Meeting: RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference 16:01:02 Date: 27 April 2010 16:01:08 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2010Apr/0067.html 16:01:08 souri has joined #rdb2rdf 16:01:09 Zakim, who's here? 16:01:09 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has not yet started, MacTed 16:01:11 On IRC I see souri, soeren, Zakim, RRSAgent, Seema, Ashok, juansequeda, Marcelo, whalb, hhalpin, MacTed, nunolopes, mhausenblas, iv_an_ru, trackbot, ericP 16:01:15 Zakim, this is 7322733 16:01:15 ok, MacTed; that matches SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM 16:01:17 Chair: Ahmed 16:01:18 Zakim, who's here? 16:01:18 On the phone I see ??P3, Souri, OpenLink_Software, whalb 16:01:20 On IRC I see souri, soeren, Zakim, RRSAgent, Seema, Ashok, juansequeda, Marcelo, whalb, hhalpin, MacTed, nunolopes, mhausenblas, iv_an_ru, trackbot, ericP 16:01:28 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 16:01:28 +MacTed; got it 16:01:37 +Seema 16:01:59 +mhausenblas 16:02:00 +Ashok_Malhotra 16:02:14 Zakim, nunolopes is with mhausenblas 16:02:14 +nunolopes; got it 16:02:16 +soeren 16:02:20 + +1.562.249.aaaa 16:02:59 scribenick: Marcelo 16:03:09 dialing in 1 min 16:03:20 lma2 has joined #RDB2RDF 16:03:26 juansequeda++ 16:03:35 cygri has joined #rdb2rdf 16:03:55 Topic: Admin 16:04:06 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:04:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 16:04:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:04:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-rdb2rdf-minutes.html Marcelo 16:04:24 +[IPcaller] 16:04:30 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:05:12 Zakim, [IPcaller] is juansequeda 16:05:12 +juansequeda; got it 16:05:14 + +1.512.471.aabb 16:05:23 cygri is with juansequeda 16:05:31 zakim, cygri is with juansequeda 16:05:31 +cygri; got it 16:07:09 Ahmed has joined #RDB2RDF 16:07:17 +??P28 16:07:17 PROPOSAL: accept minutes from http://www.w3.org/2010/04/20-rdb2rdf-minutes.html 16:07:22 Seema has joined #rdb2rdf 16:07:35 +1 16:08:13 RESOLUTION: accept minutes from http://www.w3.org/2010/04/20-rdb2rdf-minutes.html 16:08:52 Main topic for today: Use cases document 16:09:10 Topic: Discussion about the use case document 16:09:28 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/use-cases/ 16:10:04 Main changes from the previous version of the document: 16:10:11 requirements have been updated 16:10:28 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:10:28 On the phone I see ??P3, Souri, MacTed, whalb, Seema, mhausenblas, Ashok_Malhotra, soeren, +1.562.249.aaaa, juansequeda, +1.512.471.aabb, ??P28 16:10:30 juansequeda has juansequeda, cygri 16:10:32 mhausenblas has mhausenblas, nunolopes 16:10:35 goal for today: agree on the docuement 16:10:36 +q 16:10:42 ack soeren 16:14:04 Mapping and Transforming are two different goals. RDB2RDF charter does not include "Transforming". 16:14:07 - +1.562.249.aaaa 16:14:13 Marcelo? 16:14:33 Sorry, I lost the phone connection 16:14:42 oh 16:14:46 Transforming should be done as a separate task, not under RDB2RDF. 16:14:56 scribenick: nunolopes 16:15:25 + +1.562.249.aacc 16:15:38 I am back ... 16:15:51 yes 16:16:05 scribenick: Marcelo 16:16:19 q+ 16:16:25 Mapping from RDB schema to a (generated) RDF schema is what we have to handle. Mapping the generated RDF schema to another (existing) ontology is an ontology-mapping problem (e.g., PROMPT). 16:16:46 - +1.562.249.aacc 16:17:01 ack cygri 16:17:12 scribenick: nunolopes 16:17:14 sorry, I lost the connection again, I don't know what is going on :-( 16:17:29 q+ 16:17:49 cygri: the interesting cases are maping the RDB to RDF 16:18:09 … about the putative ontology, i'm not sure what the job of this group would be 16:18:24 Michael: noting that we lost some of the earlier statements due to scribe difficulties 16:18:42 Michael: I encourage people (soeren, etc.) to repeat their statements on IRC 16:18:46 … if we do a mechanical transformation from one format to the other what is the job of this group? 16:19:51 … is there any need for this group to address the issue/usecase of the putative ontology? 16:20:01 step-1) RDB -> (generated) ontology, and step-2) (generated) ontology to a second ontology 16:20:14 MacTed: the desired end result is not to map to a putative ontology 16:20:44 step-2 is a different problem that people have already attempted (e.g., PROMPT) and should be considered as a separate task 16:21:45 -soeren 16:22:15 Ahmed: I question the value of mapping the RDB schema to an ontology 16:22:17 +soeren 16:22:17 mas has joined #rdb2rdf 16:22:26 if we want to include step-2 (i.e., ontology-to-ontology mapping) in our roadmap then we need to include that in the RDB2RDF charter 16:23:27 q? 16:23:30 + +1.562.249.aadd 16:24:02 Marcelo has joined #rdb2rdf 16:24:02 people, please respect the queue 16:24:23 MacTed: I feel that the mapping should be general 16:24:35 ack souri 16:24:55 souri: I agree with MacTed 16:25:13 … One problem is translating a view of the RDBMS to an ontology 16:25:34 … and another step is to translate the ontology to another ontology 16:25:54 … this is a lot of work and non trivial, and probably not in the charter 16:25:56 ack souri 16:26:06 q+ 16:26:31 q+ 16:26:49 q+ 16:27:08 Ahmed: I don't see a group to translate the schema to a "local ontology" 16:27:21 q- MacTed 16:29:05 ack cygri 16:29:08 - +1.562.249.aadd 16:29:41 cygri: if I understand, you want a separation where first is an automatic transformation from RDB to RDF 16:29:58 + +1.562.249.aaee 16:30:06 … and the second step (from a ontology to another) is outside the scope of the group? 16:30:08 q+ 16:30:15 … this is a valid approach 16:30:34 … but we have number of mapping languages that do these things in one step 16:30:48 … and the advantage is that you can specify the mapping as SQL queries 16:31:08 … which would not be doable in the separated approach 16:31:18 q? 16:31:32 having a combined mapping language, allows to use the expressivity of SQL 16:31:41 q+ to remind people on the goal: get out the UC document. today. 16:31:48 s/having/... having/ 16:32:00 step-1 includes writing SQL queries to influence the RDF schema that will be generated 16:32:05 ack souri 16:32:39 souri: the 1st step (schema to general ontology) you want to use SQL 16:32:59 … the mapping is influenced by the SQL you are writting 16:33:03 +1 16:33:40 q? 16:34:10 … those queries are then used to create the RDF schema 16:34:33 cygri: we should map databased to a given RDF schema 16:34:48 MacTed: which is ontology to ontology mapping 16:34:55 cygri: I don't think so 16:35:37 souri: what you mean by ontology, is that it consists of the database tables and for that I write a view 16:35:56 … the view is then translated automatically to the ontology 16:36:25 … we shouldn't care about the specific tables but more on the actual view 16:36:31 Dan has joined #RDB2RDF 16:36:43 … the mapping relies on looking at tables from the DB 16:36:57 … this should be our goal 16:37:29 Ahmed: if it is impossible to map to a domain ontology, your DB is not intersection with your application 16:37:41 … otherwise we cannot have any mapping 16:37:42 ack juansequeda 16:37:44 q? 16:38:27 Dan: ontology mapping is an open issue: what happens when we create software to do it automatically 16:38:42 …. it's not an open issue if you provide the mapping 16:38:55 ontology-to-ontology mapping is a schema-mapping problem which is nontrivial 16:39:16 … the charter of the group is to create a mapping language, a syntax that says what is a mapping 16:39:39 … object X in a database goes to Y in the ontology 16:40:21 q? 16:40:48 … by reading the charter I don't think that there is a lot of dispute 16:41:06 mhausenblas: I'm a bit lost. we planned for today to review the use case document 16:41:20 … we're falling back to the question of what we should do 16:41:27 q+ 16:41:28 +Ahmed 16:41:43 Q+ 16:41:48 … we either postpone the question or make available what is currently online 16:41:50 ack me 16:41:50 mhausenblas, you wanted to remind people on the goal: get out the UC document. today. 16:41:52 q? 16:42:04 ack Dan 16:42:15 ack Ahmed 16:42:37 This is how I see it: A human sees the target ontology, the human sees the DB schema, and the human then figures out in his/her head what the SQL queries (if we use SQL-based approach) should be and writes those queries in SQL. The mapping specification includes the list of SQL queries and the desired RDF class names and properties. 16:42:39 q+ 16:42:47 Ahmed: I would not provide a document while people are still discussing what the group should do 16:42:50 q? 16:43:06 … I don't see the mapping as mapping to a local ontology but for a domain ontology 16:43:25 q+ 16:43:29 ack MacTed 16:43:48 strawman poll on the following topics: 16:43:48 q+ 16:43:55 MacTed: does RDF require a domain ontology ? 16:44:15 … or does the use of a putative ontology deliver RDF? 16:44:40 I'd like to have a comment first to explain the context around the question that will be put up for straw-poll 16:44:54 q? 16:45:22 … we should opt for the generic solution 16:45:53 q+ to ask what if somebody wants to map to FOAF or SIOC or GoodRelations... etc 16:46:14 ack souri 16:46:55 souri: we are figuring out if we are using SQL what will map to the RDF 16:46:58 hhalpin has joined #rdb2rdf 16:47:02 mhausenblas: MacTed's position: It is sufficient for this group to specify a mapping from database to a putative ontology. The result from this is RDF, and that satisfies the goal of this group. Going from this simplest possible RDF to a domain ontology is out of scope. 16:47:07 q+ 16:47:20 q+ 16:47:28 …. we are using the mapping we define by using SQL 16:47:45 q? 16:47:50 ack Dan 16:48:15 Dan: to clarify local ontology vs domain ontology 16:48:23 Note that the charter is a bit vague about "The mapping language MUST define the mapping of relational data and relational schemas to RDF and OWL." 16:48:30 whether a domain or putative ontology is used. 16:48:36 … as souri said there is a mapping to "a" ontology 16:48:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:48:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 16:48:39 q? 16:48:42 I am not sure if domain or putative ontology are the words the database community uses. 16:48:46 -soeren 16:48:50 ack juansequeda 16:48:50 juansequeda, you wanted to ask what if somebody wants to map to FOAF or SIOC or GoodRelations... etc 16:48:52 … either an existing ontology or something just made up 16:49:29 juansequeda: if we're not mapping to a domain ontology, what do you do yo people who expect your data to be mapped to a specific ontology 16:49:36 MacTed: that's the next step 16:49:39 q- 16:49:43 However, I would say transformation from a straightforward mapping is *within* scope, and whether this is to be done with SQL views, SPARQL, or some other way is to be decided on some level as an option in R2ML.. 16:49:52 q+ 16:49:58 … use backward-chaining, not forcing the triples to be materialised 16:50:09 mhausenblas: My position: For this group to produce anything useful, it has to provide an answer to the problem of getting from database data to FOAF, GoodRelations etc 16:50:20 … there are cases where the SQL query directly maps to an ontology 16:50:26 q? 16:50:31 … but that is a limited subset of the use cases 16:50:41 ack hhalpin 16:51:10 q? 16:51:17 hhalpin: this is a usecase and requirement document 16:51:19 q+ 16:51:30 … we should no specifiy what we will be using 16:51:46 … the language should allow straightforward mapping 16:51:51 please no more people on the queue now. Ahmed is last, then we do the poll 16:51:55 q? 16:51:56 …. or allow to map more 16:52:26 … we can delay if we don't reach consencus 16:52:33 ack cygri 16:52:41 q- 16:52:53 q? 16:53:05 And remember that we're not doing the technical work in the use-case and requirement document :) 16:53:08 cygri: regarding souri's comments, I agree with the general workflow 16:53:18 … it's a matter of how to do it 16:53:20 We have to specify it re use-cases and expressivity, no more. 16:53:32 The question to me seems to be over expressivity, i.e. should we have *any*. 16:53:55 … at this point we should not say anything that assumes it should be done by creating views or some other way 16:53:56 ===> (try to fit it to your target ontology by writing SQL queries, mapping of SQL queries to classes, query-result-cols to RDF properties) ===> virtual RDF data based on target on target ontology 16:54:04 I would not concur with MacTed, i.e. we should allow (a perhaps optional) expressivity beyond a simple direct mapping. 16:54:26 … we should focus on what we say in the requirements document 16:54:38 we should not build any technical solution into the use-case document. 16:54:49 The two options for the strawman poll read: 16:54:56 souri: the mapping should be figured by the human 16:55:02 1. It is sufficient for this group to specify a mapping from database to a putative ontology. The result from this is RDF, and that satisfies the goal of this group. Going from this simplest possible RDF to a domain ontology is out of scope. 16:55:28 … the question is what I have to do on top of the database schema to make it look like the target ontology 16:55:31 2. For this group to produce anything useful, it has to provide an answer to the problem of getting from database data to FOAF, GoodRelations etc, we need to do both steps 16:55:35 q? 16:55:42 … we prefer the SQL approach because we are oracle 16:56:10 … but if you don't want to use it it's fine 16:56:26 ack Ahmed 16:56:42 I agree, Souri's approach is not out of scope. 16:56:51 In fact, I am arguing that it is in scope. 16:57:02 But we don't want to specify it on the technical level, just the expressivity level. 16:57:31 why don't we postpone the voting on it instead of rushing to it 16:58:16 Topic: straw poll 16:58:29 happy to put it into a WBS poll 16:58:34 however, I will not get to it till this evening. 16:58:39 I am at WWW2010. 16:59:06 <-- 1 16:59:08 the choices have to be understood well 16:59:22 2 16:59:24 2 16:59:25 2 16:59:28 2 16:59:30 2 16:59:34 2 16:59:37 could you please put the choices here first 16:59:43 1. Just putative 16:59:44 2 16:59:51 I don't remember the choices yet 16:59:52 2. Putative and domain ontology 16:59:54 2 16:59:56 That was the options! 16:59:59 2 17:00:09 Perhaps a poll is not necessary. 17:00:29 2 17:00:46 0 -- the choices are not clear to me 17:01:07 Let's chat over e-mail with MacTed to see how we can phase the distinction to make sure that it addresses your concerns, i.e. we should not *force* people to match to a domain ontology (i.e. to transforms besides direct mapping in *some* language) 17:01:12 -??P28 17:01:13 -Ashok_Malhotra 17:01:19 -Souri 17:01:20 - +1.512.471.aabb 17:01:20 -whalb 17:01:21 -mhausenblas 17:01:21 - +1.562.249.aaee 17:01:23 -juansequeda 17:01:23 -Seema 17:01:28 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:01:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 17:01:38 -MacTed 17:01:44 Zakim, list attendees 17:01:44 As of this point the attendees have been Souri, whalb, MacTed, Seema, mhausenblas, Ashok_Malhotra, nunolopes, soeren, +1.562.249.aaaa, juansequeda, +1.512.471.aabb, cygri, 17:01:48 ... +1.562.249.aacc, +1.562.249.aadd, +1.562.249.aaee 17:01:54 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:01:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 17:04:43 Zakim, bye 17:04:43 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Souri, whalb, MacTed, Seema, mhausenblas, Ashok_Malhotra, nunolopes, soeren, +1.562.249.aaaa, juansequeda, +1.512.471.aabb, cygri, 17:04:43 Zakim has left #rdb2rdf 17:04:47 ... +1.562.249.aacc, +1.562.249.aadd, +1.562.249.aaee 17:04:50 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:04:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-rdb2rdf-minutes.html mhausenblas 17:05:31 RRSAgent bye 17:05:36 RRSAgent, bye 17:05:36 I see no action items