14:57:05 RRSAgent has joined #i18nits 14:57:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-i18nits-irc 14:57:26 rrsagent make logs public 14:57:58 rrsagent, make logs public 14:58:15 zakim, this will be I18N_ITS 14:58:15 ok, YvesS; I see I18N_ITS IG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 14:58:55 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2010Apr/0001.html 14:59:04 Scribe: YvesS 14:59:18 Regrets: Felix 15:00:20 I18N_ITS IG()11:00AM has now started 15:00:28 + +1.303.945.aaaa 15:00:55 zakim, +1.303 is YvesS 15:00:55 +YvesS; got it 15:02:43 Meeting: ITS Interest group 15:02:57 chriLi has joined #i18nits 15:03:02 ScribeNick: YvesS 15:03:38 Hi Yves, I seem to have trouble dialing in ... 15:03:50 I did too. I re-tried. 15:03:57 and it worked after a while 15:04:04 In addition, the Web IRC client looks quite different than in the past 15:04:29 aha... I use ChatZilla, so I wouldn't know. 15:04:48 I try one more time to dial-in. Please go ahead an get already started. 15:05:07 WEll you are the only one so far, so I can wait :) 15:05:29 You have your Webinar in about one hour, correct? 15:05:38 Just let me know if/when you give up. 15:05:58 no: at noon (I think) so 3h 15:06:15 Usually, I don't give up. Now I do :-) 15:06:45 Well: Do you have anything you want to record? or discuss through IRC? 15:07:03 Nothing that I want to get recorded. 15:07:38 OK. We can chat privately if you want. 15:07:51 I could only mention that - after the Tekom presentation last year - Felix and myself have been asked to write an article (in German) for the tekom magazine 15:08:05 Very good. 15:08:18 We submitted a draft, publication date should be around June 15:08:42 Very good. 15:09:02 Too bad I won't be able to read it... 15:09:07 So, should we "cancel" the meeting if noone else is around? 15:09:15 I guess. 15:09:23 Felix sent his regrets. 15:09:32 OK. Will your Webinar be recorded? 15:09:43 Yes it will. 15:10:04 OK, so we can close the meeting then. 15:10:09 Cool. Then Tina's food may get preference :-) 15:10:11 Thanks for checking in. 15:10:29 I see :) I'm with you on that. 15:10:30 Your welcome. I'll be in touch by mail. 15:10:35 ok. Bye 15:10:50 bye 15:11:01 rrsagent, generate the minutes 15:11:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/27-i18nits-minutes.html YvesS 15:11:13 zkim, bye 15:11:16 zakim, bye 15:11:16 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.303.945.aaaa, YvesS 15:11:16 Zakim has left #i18nits 15:11:25 rrsagent, bye 15:11:25 I see no action items