12:35:30 RRSAgent has joined #swcg 12:35:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/07-swcg-irc 12:35:37 zakim, this will be swcg 12:35:37 ok, ivan; I see SW_CG()9:00AM scheduled to start in 25 minutes 12:35:44 rrsagent, set log public 12:35:57 Meeting: W3C SW Coordination Group Telco 12:36:01 Chair: Ivan 12:36:06 Scribe: Tom 12:47:51 manu_ has joined #swcg 12:47:52 raphael has joined #swcg 12:49:02 manu-work has changed the topic to: Semantic Web Coordination Group (manu-work) 12:53:23 ChrisW has joined #swcg 12:58:40 TomB has joined #swcg 12:58:49 zakim, dial ivan-voip 12:58:49 ok, ivan; the call is being made 12:58:50 SW_CG()9:00AM has now started 12:58:51 +Ivan 12:59:26 +??P10 12:59:27 -??P10 12:59:27 +??P10 12:59:30 zakim, I am ??P10 12:59:30 +manu-work; got it 12:59:45 mscottm has joined #swcg 13:00:09 ChrisW has joined #swcg 13:00:15 +Raphael 13:00:19 +??P12 13:00:28 +Tom_Baker (was ??P12) 13:00:44 +mscottm 13:01:19 scribenick: TomB 13:02:02 +ChrisW 13:03:24 +me, 13:03:49 joakim has joined #swcg 13:04:03 zakim, me, is joakim 13:04:03 +joakim; got it 13:04:04 +mhausenblas 13:04:21 zakim, who is here 13:04:21 ivan, you need to end that query with '?' 13:04:30 zakim, who is here? 13:04:30 On the phone I see Ivan, manu-work, Raphael, Tom_Baker, mscottm, ChrisW, joakim, mhausenblas 13:05:00 zakim not working. 13:05:20 I know, but I can't get on. 13:05:27 http://connectedmediaexperience.org/ 13:05:29 +Sandro 13:05:34 (now on) 13:07:11 Introductions: MichaelH, ManuS, Rafael, Tom, Scott, ChrisW, Joakim... 13:07:21 s/Rafael/Raphael 13:07:37 Joakim: senior associate at Ericsson, Sweden, works with multimedia indexing - co-chair media annotation WG 13:08:00 ...Introductions: Sandro (and of course Ivan) 13:08:11 Topic: Admin 13:08:24 -> http://www.w3.org/2010/03/10-swcg-minutes.html minutes of last meeting 13:08:54 Resolved: minutes from 2010-03-10 accepted. 13:09:03 Next meeting: 2010-04-21 13:10:20 Topic: Media Annotation WG update 13:11:19 Joakim: Have been working for 1.5 years, now close to Last Call for our ontology and API spec. 13:11:42 ... More or less successfully managed to map 20 formats and core set of ?20 attributes 13:12:17 ... Want to make sure we have not missed any. Want to specify "exact", "close", "related". 13:12:33 ... We also consider datatypes. Not trivial. 13:12:42 URL to latest editors draft? 13:12:53 ... We have mapping table. Recently query from BBC re: RDF implementation of ontology. 13:13:19 ... Many are keen on SW technologies, so Task Group in group to pursue this as parallel activity - not in charter. 13:13:31 Ontology for Media Resources 1.0: http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-mediaont-10-20100309 13:13:43 API for Media Resources 1.0: http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-mediaont-api-1.0-20100309 13:13:45 ... Working on API defined with Web ADL 13:13:54 Use Cases and Requirements document: http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-media-annot-reqs-20100121 13:14:15 ... put out current specs - have review from Opera and others. 13:14:50 q? 13:14:52 ... would like to have review process finished in order to hold Last Call in April or May 13:14:55 q+ to ask about Connected Media Experience. 13:15:27 q+ to ask about Vocabulary Mapping Framework http://cdlr.strath.ac.uk/VMF/news.htm 13:16:01 ack manu-work 13:16:01 manu-work, you wanted to ask about Connected Media Experience. 13:16:45 Manu: Does the MA prefix in section 4.1.2. map to a known URL, described by RDF document - do we expect people would be able to use this ontology directly? 13:17:04 Ivan: Use ma:creator or dc:creator? 13:17:14 q+ to ask about Connected Media Experience? 13:17:38 Joakim: Spec currently in prose, so no RDF implementation or defining a namespace. Currently not on the agenda. Will not be part of the recommendation. 13:17:52 Ivan: Doesn't tell me how to add metadata in RDF. 13:17:53 q+ 13:17:59 ack TomB 13:17:59 TomB, you wanted to ask about Vocabulary Mapping Framework http://cdlr.strath.ac.uk/VMF/news.htm 13:18:03 q+ to ask what is the greatest barrier to adoption by (which?) target community? 13:18:12 scribenick: ivan 13:18:32 Tom: Jisc undertook a vocabulary mappiung framework, how does it relate? 13:18:52 ... i am unusure about what mapping initiatives try to achieve 13:19:02 ... do you know about that? 13:19:15 joakim: I did not know about that initiative 13:19:18 ... reference? 13:19:26 TomB: already did 13:19:29 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/ 13:20:03 ... my general question is: from a sw point of view we have a landscape of vocabularies, and now we have these mapping initiatives 13:20:20 ... and the question is what the function of those mappings is supposed to be 13:20:23 Vocabulary mixing is also going to become very prevalent when RDFa 1.1 hits the web next year. 13:20:42 ... is it something that augments the use of distributed vocabularies, or does it replace them? 13:20:57 joakim: we did discuss that 13:21:11 ... some members would like to see a specification with rdf 13:21:17 ... it is still not excluded 13:21:21 Joakim: Some members want to see RDF implementation but still not excluded - would be like a slice 13:21:36 scribenick: TomB 13:22:04 ... Another common question: how does it relate to DC? At time DC was developed - there is no semantics of relationships to other attributes. 13:22:06 q? 13:22:36 ... Our attributes could be viewed as a vocabulary. We have attributes that are terms. Very easy to make ontology - the long-term purpose. 13:23:07 ... We have semantic relationships in place. But group did not want to demand a technology in the implementation - would make it less useful. 13:23:09 ack manu-work 13:23:09 manu-work, you wanted to ask about Connected Media Experience? 13:23:21 http://connectedmediaexperience.org/technicaloverview.html 13:24:13 Manu: New standard being worked on that has strong overlap with Media Fragments - express music, television, movies, on Web in standard way - using RDF as base mechanism 13:27:53 +q 13:30:11 q+ 13:31:05 ack raphael 13:32:01 Raphael: So this is basically a mapping and the working group is asking how to represent and whether it should be implemented somehow. Explicit RDF, SKOS, etc? 13:32:35 Joakim: Good summary. 13:33:57 ack mscottm 13:33:57 mscottm, you wanted to ask what is the greatest barrier to adoption by (which?) target community? 13:34:15 Joakim, Raphael: my e-mail: msporny@digitalbazaar.com - follow up with me after the telecon. 13:35:16 Scott: In meantime, re: participating in W3C, in Health Care - seen other groups being created. Question: Specific apps that will help improve uptake of your work? Barriers to uptake? 13:35:33 ack joakim 13:36:25 Joakim: Two scenarios: one implemented in browser, another as Web service (if you are a metadata aggregator) 13:37:29 ?: Do you see need for provenance for metadata? 13:37:45 Provenance shouldn't be their problem, right? 13:37:49 it's in a different layer? 13:37:53 Joakim: not mentioned in spec, but should be covered by different layer. 13:38:00 ack TomB 13:38:20 yes, that's right Tom. 13:39:43 My Slides: http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/talks/2010-04-07/ 13:39:53 Topic: Media Fragments 13:40:39 Raphael: Spoke to CG one year ago. 15 active participants. 13:41:21 ... Goal: URI-based mechanism for identifying media fragments on Web. 13:41:36 ... We spent several months on use cases. 13:41:44 ... Slides 4 and 5 are user stories. 13:42:25 ... People who want to share delimited sequences of videos and get URI to share via microblogging 13:43:08 ... Lena wants to browse audio tracks of videos - not send all tracks over wire, but select tracks for display 13:44:46 ... refer by name to particular chapters ... 13:45:26 ... Slide 7: Media Fragment URI Syn tax for Time, Space, Track, and Name 13:46:03 ... API in Javascript - browser can find out what tracks are available 13:46:40 ... Track and Name are trickier, especially Int'ln problems 13:47:03 ... Slide 8: Normally, hash is stripped out before sending to sever. 13:47:08 ... will slightly change... 13:47:29 ... we foresee smart agents that do not throw out hash, but encode into HTTP headers 13:47:43 ... in order to serve fragments requested 13:48:00 ... current browsers will just ignore - not break. 13:48:51 ... Slide 9: http request, smart user agent can make mapping 13:49:16 ... can expose response 13:49:41 .... Slide 10: what is sent back is just the bytes corresponding to the sequence 13:49:57 ... with HTML5 browser 13:50:40 ... Slide 11: user needs server help. Custom units can be used in range requests. 13:51:01 ... will extract bytes and send back with 206 partial content 13:51:26 ... mapping between time and bytes, packages sent back to users. 13:52:05 ... Slide 13: Optimization of Recipe 2. Question in seconds, answer in bytes. 13:52:42 ... win cachability with this recipe 13:53:42 ... Slide 15: optimization, different - request expressed in seconds, but serves multi-part response - not just bytes corresponding to sequence, but playable response 13:54:52 works for me 13:55:13 worked for me, highlighting raphael:-) 13:55:16 ... Slide 16: Demo. Click on Media Fragments player. Click on GO. Can just play sequence that is highlighted. 13:55:45 ... click on Silvia's experiment with HTML5 and Javascript. 13:56:08 that one does not work in safari:-( 13:56:55 ... implementations in pipeline for HTML5 13:57:13 ... normally should work with Safari, Opera, Chrome, Mozilla 13:57:20 q? 13:57:28 q+ to discuss server implementation 13:57:34 ack manu-work 13:57:34 manu-work, you wanted to discuss server implementation 13:58:10 Manu: Is this something we are expecting Apache and IIS teams to pick up and implement, or expecting modules that Apache uses? How do we expect this to be used in field? 13:58:13 q+ 13:58:47 Raphael: Currently talking with Squid (proxies) - hope to have Apache modules. Would be codec-dependent. 13:59:02 ... would aim at good coverage of major formats. 13:59:10 This would be very useful for